

Global warming is the process of earth’s atmosphere heating up. Over the last 100 years, the average temperature of earth’s atmosphere has gone up 1 Fahrenheit. The weather has not changed exactly the same way in every area of the planet. But scientists think that the rise in average temperature is already affecting the earth’s climate.

Many scientists now believe that global warming is caused by cutting down trees, producing more trash, and polluting the environment are some of the reasons that the temperature has gone up. Many scientists believe that the biggest causes of global warming are new human technologies that release greenhouse gases into the atmosphere.

The greenhouse effect is not new. Certain gases in the atmosphere, like carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide and methane, prevent heat energy from escaping back into space. In the past, the climate didn’t change much because nature produced just the right amount of greenhouse gases to deal with it.

Today, most scientists are pretty sure that the rising temperature can’t be blamed on nature. Ever since the industrial revolution in the 1700s, humans have relied on machines for daily life. And many of those machines give off a lot of greenhouse gases. An increase in the release of greenhouse gases from human activities is throwing nature off balance.

The climate is a very complicated thing, but many scientists agree that the rising atmospheric temperature has already damaged the environment. Sheets of ice, called glaciers, are melting in Antarctica and other parts of the globe. As glaciers break off and melt into the oceans, they are adding warm water to the oceans and causing the sea level to rise.

Over the past last 100years, the sea level has risen 6-8 inches around the world. That means land along the coasts is beginning to disappear under water. Bigger and warmer oceans are also adding to other weather problems caused by pollution in the atmosphere. Some places have received more rain, others have had bigger storms and a few areas in the world have experienced unusual droughts.

68. What is mainly talked about in this passage?

A. The melting of glaciers.                B. Global warming.

C. The world’s weather.                  D. The earth’s temperature.

69. What causes global warming according to scientists?

A. Human activities.                     B. The nature itself.

C. The earth’s atmosphere.                D. New discoveries

70. How can greenhouse gases make the globe warm?

A. They keep heat in the atmosphere   

B. They let the heat go out into space.

C. They release heat into the air.       

D. They can make the other gases warm.

71. From the passage we can see that global warming will bring about _________.

A. the pollution in the atmosphere            B. natural disasters

C. population pollution                     D. the rise of glaciers



68---71   BA AB  




Not long ago the movie 2012 came into screen. The people were threatened by those scenes of destroying flood, severe earthquake, terrifying hurricane and constructions representing human civilization being destroyed and even swallowed by disaster. Luckily, they are just the director’s imagination, but the present situation is not heading a positive direction, either.
Take my own experience in Alaska as an example. Once I took a trip to the glacier. Along the way there stood signposts marking the snow lines of different years. They started from the foot of the mountain, but it was at the top when I finally saw melting glaciers(融化的冰川). My heart ached seeing the beautiful blue ice melting at every second.
Sad but true, they are the effects of global warming and the result of our human impact. Furthermore, each year the rising sea level will kill 56 million people, and that's about the population of the en tire Italy. According to studies, if the temperature keeps on rising like this, by the year 2050, some islands and coastal cities including New York, Shanghai, Tokyo and Sydney will be drowned in water.
Our fortune is in our own hands. It depends on us to shape our future, to reduce future human impact and find ways to form a peaceful relationship with our environment. Therefore, it's time for actions to be taken right now. Contribute a little to energy saving by using more efficient light bulbs and less hot water. Let recycle become our habit by thinking twice before throwing something away. Let us take public transportation as our first choice when going to a certain place. It might cost more time for now, but it' s to the benefit of a permanent future. Take care of every tree and grass around us by watering them or simply just avoid destroying them.
In a word, small drops of water make a big ocean. The earth does not belong to us. On the contrary, we belong to the earth. Please bear in mind that the earth is our home. It is our responsibility to build a brighter and better future of our planet and prevent what happened in the movie 2012 from becoming reality.                
【小题1】Why does the author talk about the movie 2012 in the passage ?     

A.To give example.B.To lead into the topic.
C.To make prediction.D.To provide the evidence.
【小题2】How did the author feel when he took a trip to the glacier?
【小题3】It can be inferred from the third paragraph that          .
A.56 million people in Italy have been killed owing to the rising sea level
B.Some islands and coastal cities will be drowned in water by the year of 2050
C.Human being w订l be in danger if we don't take actions to prevent the global warming
D.It is certain that what happened in the movie 2012 will come into reality
【小题4】According to the passage, you are advised to             .
A.drive our own private cars instead of taking buses to some place
B.recycle everything that is used
C.go to see the movie 2012 at once
D.work together to take good care of our planet
【小题5】What does the author mean by saying "small drops of water make a big ocean"?
A.Think twice before taking action,
B.It's our duty to protect the ocean.
C.Everyone together can make a difference.
D.It's important to save every drop of water.

United States President George W. Bush is expected to issue a directive in the next few weeks. It will give the US Air Force a green light for the development of space weapons, US media reported last week.
This would potentially start a new global arms race, some experts have warned.
To keep that from happening, last Wednesday the White House explained that it was not considering putting weapons in space. It said it was making a shift in US space policy to allow for protection of satellites.
But some defense analysts and arms control advocates argue that the policy will pave the way for the US to put both defensive and offensive  weapons in space.
“No one should be fooled,” said Theresa Hitchens, an American weapons expert.
The US is now restricted by a 1996 directive  signed by President Bill Clinton. Plans for space weapons were vetoed by the Clinton cabinet. The directive emphasized the peaceful use of space , in agreement with almost unanimous global opinion.
The US military has placed importance on space and has sent up numberous satellites for troop communications and to provide intelligence and data to guide bombs to their targets.
The US Air Force wants to develop space- based weapons that could strike targets anywhere in the world within 90 minutes of receiving the order to open fire.
These new weapons under development cover a wide range. They include hunter- killer satellites and orbiting weapons. And they use lasers, radio waves, or even dense metal tubes, known as “ Rods from God”, dropped from space to do the damage.
There are many barriers to the setting up of this kind of program, experts say.
First is the coast. It is estimated that the budget may be US $220 billion to US $ 1 trillion .
The technical difficulties of developing reliable space weapons are also a problem.
And, the program will draw strong criticism from around the world. Experts worry about starting a space arms race.
【小题1】Which of the following might be the best title for the passage?

A.US Military Plans
B.The Global Arms Race
C.A Comparison between Two Presidents
D.President George W. Bush and the World Peace
【小题2】According to this passage, which of the following is NOT true?
A.President George W. Bush supports space weapon development.
B.The space weapon program will threaten world peace
C.Clinton government was poorer than Bush government.
D.The US space weapon project is very expensive.
【小题3】After reading this passage, it can be inferred that “___________ “.
A.George W. Bush’s directive to be issued will be against global opinions
B.The White House is right in explaining that US new space policy aims to protect satellites
C.US government has little difficulty in developing new space weapons
D.President George W. Bush and Bill Clinton share a lot in common
【小题4】The author’s attitude towards the coming space weapon development is _______.

Health and climate scientists have mapped how climate change affects different parts of the world in different ways. The scientists point to the fact that changes in the past thirty years may, have been affecting human health. Possible effects include more deaths from extreme(极度的) heat or cold, more storms and more crop failures in dry periods.

The health and climate scientists recently estimated(估计) that climate changes caused by human activity lead to more than one hundred and fifty thousand deaths each year. Cases of sickness are estimated at five million. And the W.H.O. says the numbers could rise quickly by the year of 2003.

Jonathan Patz of an environmental institute led the study. Professor Patz points out that climate scientists connected global warming with the heat that killed thousands in Europe in August, 2003. But he says poor countries least responsible(对……负责) for the warming are most in danger from the health effects of higher temperatures.

Professor Patz says areas in greatest danger include southern and eastern Africa and coastlines along the Pacific and Indian oceans. Also, large cities experience what scientists call a "heat island"effect that can make conditions worse.

Representatives(代表) from about two hundred countries hold a meeting in Canada, to discuss climate change. The ten-day meeting ends on December 9th. It is the first such United Nations meeting since the Kyoto Protocol(京都议定书) took effect earlier this year. The agreement aims to reduce the amount of carbon dioxide(二氧化碳) and other heat-trapping(吸热的) gases sent off into the air.

1.Who is Jonathan Patz?

A.A scientist responsible for the climate change.

B.A scientist in charge of the study of the climate change.

C.A professor interested in the climate change.

D.A professor who is a representative from an African country.

2.Which of the following statements is TRUE according to the passage?

A.Climate changes affect different parts of the world in the same way.

B.The ten-day meeting is the first United Nations meeting on climate change.

C.The Kyoto Protocol aims to make smaller the amount of heat-trapping gases into the air.

D.Poor countries are responsible for the global warming.

3.Possible effects from the climate changes include the following EXCEPT ______.

A.crop failures


C.more deaths from overheat

D.air pollution

4.According to the health and climate scientists, climate changes have been caused by ______.

A.dry weather

B.cold weather

C.human activities


5.We can infer from the passage that ______.

A.climate changes are having a bad effect on human’s health

B.Professor Patz leads the study of climate changes

C.a "heat island"effect large cities experience makes the matter worse

D.rich countries are most responsible for climate changes



Texas——US President George W.Bush and Russian President Vladimir Putin failed to bridge their differences over a key arms control treaty last week, but that didn’t stop them from backslapping(喧闹的狂欢) as they ended a summit.

The two leaders also offered differing interpretations of the fate of nuclear warheads to be removed from missiles under arms reductions they each announced last week.Bush said he intended to destroy the warheads, but Putin said their fate should be negotiated.

The two men untied on the need for Northern Alliance forces——to allow for a broad based government that respects all parties there.

Bush and Putin had spent the night at Bush’s ranch.Despite the rain, the rural environment and friendly company appeared to have worked its magic.They slapped on the back and joked, at one point teasing each other about whether it is better to visit Texas in the heat of August or Siberia in winter.

Analysts say the dramatic warming in US-Russian relation could herald(预示) an era of pragmatism(务实的想法或做法) in global affairs as the two old rivals finally end decades of hostility and become friends.

“Washington and Moscow are no longer playing the ‘big game’ against each other, but with each other,” said Karl Heniz Kamp, an analyst at the Konrad Adenanaer Foundation,a German think tank.

72.It can be concluded that President Bush and President Putin__________.

A.didn’t agree on key arms control treaty

B.offered different explanations of the future of nuclear warheads under arms reductions

C.neither A or B

D.both A and B

73.The reason why the two men joined together is that.

A.they were needed by the Northern Alliance forces

B.they had taken the advice given by Karl Heniz Kamp, an analyst of German think tank.

C.they had already been partners

D.they had no different opinions on everything

74 The warming of US-Russian relations indicates that_______.

A.the two persons end hostility and become friends

B.US can benefit a lot from global affairs

C.there will be an end to all the armies of the world

D.it is a turning point to words being practical in global affairs

75.What the two men teased about shows that___________.

A.they appeared friendly but in fact they didn’t

B.they just made fun of each other

C.they are friendly and humorous

D.they invited each other to their countries in the bad weather




Coal mines claim (使失踪) more lives

A COAL mine blast (爆炸) in Jixi, Helongjiang, left more than 100 miners dead on Thursday .Ten mines in Jixi were ordered to stop production. The government has tried to shut down thousands of small, illegal (非法的)  mines in the country that do not meet safety standards(标准).


Bombers continues to kill

PALESTINIANS killed 32 Israelis in three major attacks between Tuesday and Thursday. There were two suicide bombing (自杀性爆炸) and a militant (武装的) attack on Jewish settlement. They led to one of the highest Israeli death tolls ( 死亡人数)  in such a short period over the last two years.


Young people stand tall

The average height of Chinese young people has risen by 6 centimeters compared to that of 20 years ago. This year far exceeds (超过)  the word’s average growth speed. A survey on health conducted by a panel(调研组) of Chinese students found the results. According to the world average level, youths get taller by 1 cm every 10 years.


Talking about world issue (援助) w

The Group of Eight (G8)—the US, Japan , Germany, Britain, France, Italy , Canada and Russia ---- will hold a summit(峰会)on June26 and 27 in Kananaskis, Canada. The G8 are the richest and most powerful countries in the world. G8 leaders and some African presidents will discuss strengthening global economic growth and helping Africa. Kofi Annan, United Nations Secretary General, will also attend.

60. Thousands of mines have been shut because ______.

A. they have blast                     B. they produced less coal  

C. they are very small and illegal         D. they don’t meet the safety standards

61. In the last 20 years, the average growth speed of Chinese youths exceeds the world’s average level by _______.

A.1 cm                       B.4 cm                   C. 5 cm          D. 6 cm

62. What’s the purpose of the Summit ? 

A. to strengthen the global economic growth and helping some poor African countries.

B. To make these eight countries much more powerful.

C. To help some African president to strengthen their economic growth.

D. Kofi Annan will have an important speech on world issues.


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