No bread eaten by man is as good as ________ got by his own labor.
A. one B. that C. it D. those
阅读下列应用文及相关信息,并按照要求匹配信息。把答案填涂在答题卡上相应的题号的答案标号上,如答案是E把AB同时一起涂黑,如答案是F把 CD同时一起涂黑。
A. Chinook’s at Salmon Bay (Ballard/Crown Hill)
This casual seafood restaurant — practically a city institution — is always dependably family-friendly, and its food is always satisfying. It’s a great place to take visiting friends and families too.
B. Matt’s in the Market (Downtown)
The most romantic feature about this cozy closet of a restaurant in the Pike Place Market is its size. It might also make it tough to get into without a wait.
C. St. Clouds (Madison Park/ Madrona / Leschi)
Youngsters get special attention from kind staff, and sweet-treatment extends to the kids’ weekend brunch menu and their dinner options.
D. RockSport Bar & Grill (West Seattle)
Everything about RockSport is big: the seating area, the menu, and last but not least, the wall-sized projection TV screen.
E. Canlis Restaurant (Queen Anne/Seattle Center)
Canlis is the place to go when you want to plan a really, truly special experience (marriage proposals, big anniversaries, etc.). The food, service and setting are all spectacular.
F. Red-hot bakeries
No matter where you go in this wide, wide world, one thing holds true: People absolutely love fresh-baked bread. Our little corner of the planet boasts more than a few bakeries that make breads and delectable pastries worth falling for.
1.The Carpenters often take their kids out to have dinner in a restaurant on weekends. They haven’t visited a lot of restaurants. But sometimes they are rejected because of the children. The weekend is coming again. Whatever restaurant they visit, it is essential that it should welcome kids, especially their five-year-old daughter. And their elder daughter doesn’t like fish or lobster.
2.Fanny just got to know that Anna, her former classmate, and she worked in the same office block. They haven’t seen each other since graduation. They plan to meet each other at lunch hour. But they have only one hour for lunch. As both of them like cakes and bread, a bakeshop might be a good choice.
3.Leo and his wife have been married for five years. They hope to have a celebration in a fine restaurant. These days a restaurant like this is always packed with lovers. They wouldn’t like to wait for a table.
4.After going shopping with her boyfriend in downtown for the whole afternoon, Charlene is looking for a comfortable place to sit down and just enjoy being together.
5.Gary and his football team are going to have a get-together. They want to find a place where they can drink beers while enjoying some sports program.