
I am __________ being treated as a child since I have been over 18.
 A. tried with      B. sick of 
C. tired of      D. both B and C



be sick of sth. = be tired of“对……感到厌烦”;be tired with“因……而感到疲劳”。





 “Help! Help! Help!” a resident screamed over the phone, “I am being eaten alive by mosquitoes!”

Recent rainfalls have produced an early hit of blood-seeking mosquitoes.Once flooded, eggs laid during the drought along water banks hatch(孵化)quickly, flying off to seek hosts such as people, birds, and other animals.

The flood mosquitoes are big and aggressive.They chase you down, drill into your skin and take your blood, causing pain and itchiness.“I have lost a pint of blood to those suckers,” a Spring Hill resident claimed.“Mosquitoes are killing my kids,” a Ridge Manor woman shouted.

Residents are urged to protect themselves when going out, especially during the hours of dusk and dawn.Long-sleeve shirts, long pants, socks and hats will help keep mosquitoes at bay.

Mosquito Control has already received hundreds of service requests this month.When calling in, residents need to provide their name, address, phone number and nature of the problem.Technicians will respond by investigating the problem and making proper treatment and notification to resident.

Mosquitoes grow in almost any kind or amount of water.Controlling mosquito larvae(幼虫) is vital to mosquito control.Confined in their water habitat, larvae are treated and eliminated before they mature and “take to wing.” Field technicians check their areas searching for mosquitoes breeding in lakes, ponds, drainage ditches and they treat the water with a host of larvicides(杀幼虫剂).

It is important to understand that mosquito control is much more than sending a spray truck (airplane or helicopter in other counties) to kill adult mosquitoes.Night-time spraying is actually the last defense after all the above procedures have been done, but there are still mosquitoes present in the area.

56.The author writes the first paragraph in order to _________.

       A.make the public take action at once

       B.attract readers to read the following contents

       C.show that the people bothered by mosquitoes are helpless

       D.criticize the government has done nothing

57.When do the eggs hatch according to the passage?

       A.When the flood hits.     B.During the drought.

       C.After the flood leaves.  D.When spring comes.

58.When are mosquitoes most dangerous?

       A.At dawn and dusk.       B.At noon.

       C.In the late morning.      D.At midnight.

59.When calling Mosquito Control, people should provide the following EXCEPT _________.

       A.their name and address    B.phone number

       C.nature of the problem      D.marriage and possessions

The worst thing is the headlines. I use the underground almost every day and watch the people travel, their heads  1  in the{r newspapers. The headlines today  2  suicide (自杀) bombers and of horrific attacks that they say  3  by members of our community.

Something on the journey is  4 . I am not  5  anything that would indicate I am a Muslim. I normally do not  6  it is Friday and I am on my way to prayers. 7  I sense an uneasiness in the carriage. People are  8 . No one is speaking and it must be said that no one is being  9  unfriendly towards me. But I think the  10 I get are different. I am being checked out, sized up. It is all a bit uncomfortable.

People are looking around for things and people  11  look suspicious (可疑的). I am doing it a bit 12  and in the coming days, as more claims are made about the people who did this and their aims, that feeling is likely to get  13 . As you look around the  14 , it is difficult to know what people are thinking. Some are  15  thinking “those Muslims come here and look what they do" but they 16  understand we condemn (谴责) this like everyone else.

Whoever did this didn't  17  about who was killed or whether they were Christian or Muslim. They just had no respect 18  human life at all. We all travel around London and we use public transport. We have as much fear as anyone else about  19  in something. But in the coming days, everyone is going to have to work together and keep calm. We will look out for each other and that's how we. will  20  this difficulty.

1. A. buried     B. hung         C. hidden        D. sunk

2. A. tell about      B. talk over      C. think out      D. Speak of

3. A. to carry on      B. were carried out   C. to carry out    D. were carried on

4. A. different    B. difficult     C. easy         D. interesting

5. A. putting on    B. dressing       C. wearing    D. having on

6. A. unless      B. until         C. before        D. after

7. A. However      B. Thus         C. But         D. And

8. A. calm    B. noisy        C. quiet         D. cheerful

9. A. in a way      B. in one way      C. in no way       D. in any way

10. A. looks       B. opinions       C. ideas         D. experiences

11. A. which      B. that      C. who         D. whom

12. A. itself     B. himself        C. myself        D. oneself

13. A. better      B. worse     C. more         D. less

14. A. carriage     B. bus         C. train         D. taxi

15. A. surely      B. certainly       C. probably       D. hopefully

16. A. have to   B. might        C. are able to     D. may

17. A. ask        B. hear         C. know         D. care

18. A. with      B. of       C. for          D. to

19. A. keeping up    B. being caught up   C. catching up    D. being kept up with

20. A. get away    B. get off       C. get out       D. get through

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