
One recent prediction is that within the next 50 years, it ______ possible to link the human brain directly with a computer.

A.is                   B.will be                   C.would be                 D.was


There was one thought that air pollution affected only the area immediately around large cities with factories and heavy automobile traffic. At present, we realize that although these are the areas with the worst air pollution, the problem is literally worldwide. On several occasions over the past decade, a heavy cloud of air pollution has covered the east of the United States and brought health warnings in rural areas away from any major concentration of manufacturing and automobile traffic. In fact, the very climate of the entire earth may be infected by air pollution. Some scientists consider that the increasing concentration of carbon dioxide in the air resulting from the burning of fossil fuels (coal and oil) is creating a “greenhouse effect”— conserving heat reflected from the earth and raising the world’s average temperature. If this view is correct and the world’s temperature is raised only a few degrees, much of the polar ice cap will melt and cities such as New York, Boston, Miami, and New Orleans will be in water.

Another view, less widely held, is that increasing particular matter in the atmosphere is blocking sunlight and lowering the earth’s temperature — a result that would be equally disastrous. A drop of just a few degrees could create something close to a new ice age, and would make agriculture difficult or impossible in many of our top farming areas. Today we do not know for sure that either of these conditions will happen (though one recent government report drafted by experts in the field concluded that the greenhouse effect is very possible). Perhaps, if we are lucky enough, the two tendencies will offset each other and the world’s temperature will stay about the same as it is now. Driven by economic profits, people neglect the damage on our environment caused by the “advanced civilization”. Maybe the air pollution is the price the human beings have to pay for their development. But is it really worthwhile?

As pointed out at the beginning of the passage, people used to think that air pollution _______.

A. cause widespread damage in the countryside

B. affected the entire eastern half of the United States

C. had damaged effect on health

D. existed merely in urban and industries areas

As to the greenhouse effect, the author __________.

A. share the same view with the scientist.

B. is uncertain of its occurrence

C. rejects it as being ungrounded

D. thinks that it will destroy the world soon

The word “offset” in the second paragraph could be replaced by _________.

A. slip into   B. make up for   C. set up    D. catch up with

It can be concluded that ____________.

A. raising the world’s temperature only a few degrees would not do much harm to life on earth

B. lowering the world’s temperature merely a few degrees would lead major farming areas to disaster 

C. almost no temperature variations have occurred over the past decade

D. the world’s temperature will remain constant in the years to come

This passage is primarily about __________.

A. the greenhouse effect             B. the burning of fossil fuels

C. the potential effect of air pollution   D. the likelihood of a new ice age

Elderly adults who regularly drink green tea may stay more agile (敏捷的) and independent than their peers over time, according to a Japanese study that covered thousands of people.
Green tea contains antioxidant chemicals (抗氧化物) that may help stop the cell damage that can lead to disease. Researchers have been studying green tea’s effect on everything from cholesterol (胆固醇) to the risk of certain cancers, with mixed results so far.
They found those who drank the most green tea were the least likely to develop “functional disability”, or problems with daily activities or basic needs, such as dressing or bathing.
Specifically, almost 13 percent of adults who drank less than a cup of green tea per day became functionally disabled, compared with just over 7 percent of people who drank at least five cups a day.
The study did not prove that green tea alone kept people agile as they grew older. Green-tea lovers generally had healthier diets, including more fish, vegetables and fruit, as well as more education, lower smoking rates, fewer heart attacks and strokes, and greater mental sharpness. They also tended to be more socially active and have more friends and family to rely on. But even with those factors accounted for, green tea itself was tied to a lower disability risk, the researchers said.
People who drank at least five cups a day were one-third less likely to develop disabilities than those who had less than a cup per day. Those people who averaged three or four cups a day had a 25 percent lower risk.
Although it’s not clear how green tea might offer a buffer (缓冲) against disability, Tomata’s team did note that one recent study found green tea extracts (提取物) seem to increase leg muscle strength in older women.
While green tea and its extracts are considered safe in small amounts, they do contain caffeine and small amounts of vitamin K, which means it could affect drugs that prevent blood clotting (凝固).
【小题1】What can be learned from the passage?

A.Antioxidant chemicals can lead to disease.
B.Those who often drank green tea can’t develop “functional disability”.
C.“Functional disability” is related to problems with daily activities or basic needs.
D.People who drank at least five cups a day are not likely to become functionally disabled.
【小题2】What does the fifth paragraph mainly tell us?
A.How the study was proved.B.Why green tea-lovers can keep agile.
C.What healthier diets include.D.How to lower disability risk.
【小题3】What have the Researchers discovered?
A.Those who drank green tea can't develop “functional disability”.
B.Green tea alone kept people agile as they grew older.
C.How green tea might offer a buffer against disability.
D.Green tea extracts (提取物) seem to increase leg muscle strength in older women.

Life gets noisier every day and very few people can be free from noise of some sort or another. It doesn't matter where you live--in the middle of a modern city, or a faraway village--the chances are that you' ll be disturbed by jet planes, radios, oil - powered engines, etc. We seem to be getting used to noise, too. Some people feel quite lonely without background music while they' re working.
Scientific tests have shown that total silence can be a very frightening experience for a human being. However, some people enjoy listening to pop music which is very loud, and this can do harm to their eardrums(耳鼓). The noise level in some discos is far above the usual safety level for heavy industrial areas.
One recent report about noise and concentration(专心) suggested that although a lot of people say that any noise disturbs their concentration, what really influences their ability to concentrate is a change in the level of noise. It goes on to say that a background noise which doesn't change too much(music, for example) may even help people to concentrate.
【小题1】According to this passage, the noise pollution         .

A.has become the worst in the countrysideB.has become better in big cities
C.has spread from cities to villagesD.has been controlled in modern cities
【小题2】Some people have their hearing harmed        .
A.while listening to pop musicB.in complete silence
C.when speaking loudlyD.while watching TV
【小题3】Scientists have discovered that what prevents people from concentrating on something is        .
A.all kinds of noiseB.changes in the level of noise
C.background noiseD.popular music

If you have to miss one meal a day, which meal will cause you fewest health problems if you don’t eat it? If they have to make a decision of this type, most people (especially very busy people) will choose to skip (not to eat) breakfast.

However, many experts in the field of health consider breakfast (the meal which “breaks” your “fast---- a period of time without eating anything ” which started the night before) to be the most important meal of the day. If we eat a good breakfast, they say, we will have the energy and nutrients we need to begin our working day with vigor and hopefully with good humour. But many people skip breakfast or replace it with snacks or a cup of coffee for a well-balanced meal. What happens if we ignore the importance of breakfast?

One recent study conducted in the United States tested a large number of people. Participants included both males and females who ranged in age from 12—83. During the experiment, these people were given a variety of breakfasts, and sometimes, they had to skip breakfast completely. Special tests, including blood tests and endurance tests, were set up to analyze how well the participants’ bodies functioned when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.

The result showed that if a person eats an adequate (充足的) breakfast, he or she will work more efficiently and more productively than if he or she skips breakfasts or eats a very poor breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person’s work involves mental activity. The study showed that if schoolchildren eat fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate on their lessons for a longer period of time than if their breakfast diet is inadequate .

The study also showed that, contrary to what many people believe, if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry if they skip breakfast that they eat too much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing. So remember, if you are on a diet, skipping breakfast will not help you. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.

1.According to the passage, we can safely say _____.

A.if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight at all

B.if you skip breakfast, you won’t eat much for lunch either.

C.skipping breakfast won’t do a bit of harm

D.skipping breakfast will help one lose weight

2.In the word “breakfast”, “fast” probably means _____.

A.“moving quickly”

B.“going without food ”

C.“unlikely to go fast”

D.“fast food ”

3.Special tests were organized to analyze how participants’ bodies functioned when ______.

A.they had skipped breakfasts

B.they had had breakfasts

C.they had eaten special breakfasts

D.they had had all three meals


If you have to miss one meal a day, which meal will cause you fewest health problems if you don’t eat it? If they have to make a decision of this type, most people (especially very busy people) will choose to skip (not to eat) breakfast.

    However, many experts in the field of health consider breakfast (the meal which “breaks” your “fast---- a period of time without eating anything ” which started the night before) to be the most important meal of the day. If we eat a good breakfast, they say, we will have the energy and nutrients we need to begin our working day with vigor and hopefully with good humour. But many people skip breakfast or replace it with snacks or a cup of coffee for a well-balanced meal. What happens if we ignore the importance of breakfast?

   One recent study conducted in the United States tested a large number of people. Participants included both males and females who ranged in age from 12—83. During the experiment, these people were given a variety of breakfasts, and sometimes, they had to skip breakfast completely. Special tests, including blood tests and endurance tests, were set up to analyze how well the participants’ bodies functioned when they had eaten a certain kind of breakfast.

    The result showed that if a person eats an adequate (充足的) breakfast, he or she will work more efficiently and more productively than if he or she skips breakfasts or eats a very poor breakfast. This fact appears to be especially true if a person’s work involves mental activity. The study showed that if schoolchildren eat fruit, eggs, bread and milk before going to school, they will learn more quickly and will be able to concentrate on their lessons for a longer period of time than if their breakfast diet is inadequate .

The study also showed that, contrary to what many people believe, if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight. This is because people become so hungry if they skip breakfast that they eat too much for lunch and end up gaining weight instead of losing. So remember, if you are on a diet, skipping breakfast will not help you. You will probably lose more weight if you reduce your other meals.


According to the passage, we can safely say _____.

A. if you skip breakfast, you will not lose weight at all

    B. if you skip breakfast, you won’t eat much for lunch either.

    C. skipping breakfast won’t do a bit of harm

    D. skipping breakfast will help one lose weight


In the word “breakfast”, “fast” probably means _____.

A. “moving quickly”               B. “going without food ”

C. “unlikely to go fast”          D. “fast food ”


 Special tests were organized to analyze how participants’ bodies functioned when ______.

A. they had skipped breakfasts      B. they had had breakfasts

C. they had eaten special breakfasts D. they had had all three meals


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