
       Seated me at my desk,I began to write a letter thank Gao Hui for all her help last week. Last Monday evening,my mother fall ill suddenly. Since my father was in another city on the business,I got very anxious. Have no idea what to do,I phoned my best friend Gao Hui for help. She and her mother,which is a doctor,came to help US immediately. It was under their help that my mother made a quickly recovery. Gao Hui is always ready to help me when I am in troubles. She had helped me overcome a lot of difficulties.

31. Seated me ... me —? myself   

32. . .. a letter thank ... thank前加 to   

33. . .. my mother fall... fall —? fell  

 34. . .. on the business ... 去掉 the   

35. Have no idea ... Have —? Having   

36. . .. which is a doctor ... which —? who   

37. . .. under their help ... under —? with   

38. . .. a quickly recovery. quickly—? quick   

39. …in troubles. troubles —? trouble   

40. She had helped ... had —? has


            A  ★★★★☆

    Every year 10 to 15 percent of babies bom in the ?.S. end up in the neonatal intensive care unit(新生儿重症监护病房) (NICU) of a hospital because of heart problems or other issues. And for the parents of those children,NIC? nurses are their rock.

    “Care in the NIC? is intensive,” one nurse,Renee Hendrix,says in the video Tiny Miracles put out by Kleenex in recognition of annual Neonatal Nurses Day. “Our babies are in great danger,” she continues. “I treat them like I would want somebody to treat my baby when I’m not there. That’s the most important thing.”

     But to her,gratitude is the most important thing in this video,which shows the nurse,who works at WellStar Kennestone Hospital,became very happy because of the thank-you messages from 17 families of her former patients.. The video producers surprise Hendrix by opening a door to show each of those grateful families gathered together to thank her in person,along with the babies she saved. “Are you kidding me?” in the video Hendrix screams. “All my favorit? people are in one room!” Aft?r hugging her former patients,she says in the video,UI love taking care of these babies. I don’ t do what I do for any kind of thank you but it's a wonderful feeling to be appreciated."

     This campaign(活动) of thanks is continuing in social media as well,with other NIC? families cheering on the nurses who made a difference in their lives. It’s all part of the job,though,according to Hendrix. She says being a NIC? nurse makes her gain more than what she devotes. “Working with babies that you thought would never even make it out of here and knowing that you had a part in helping them survive is a wonderful feeling,” she says.

1. What is the purpose of the video Tiny Miracles?

   A. To show how nurses treat babies.

   B. To celebrate Neonatal Nurses Day.

   G. To show how the sick babies are doing now.

   D. To advertise the neonatal intensive care unit.

2. Why did Hendrix scream?

   A. Someone played jokes on her.

   B. She was surprised to see the video producers,

   C. She saw her former patients and their families.

   D. A nurse,s opening the door suddenly frightened her.

3. What does Hendrix think of her job?

   A. It is difficult.   B. It is tiresome,

   C. It is interesting.   D. It is rewarding.

4. What would be the best title for the text?

   A. The dream of a NIC? nurse

   B. Showing gratitude when necessary

   C. Many babies bom in the ?.S. end up in NIC?   

D. A NICU nurse gets thanks from the kids she's saved 

    A ★★★☆☆

    When you learn that Jim Abbott played in the Olympics,and pitched (投.) a no-hitter,it might come as a surprise to hear that Abbott W?s bom without a fully formed right hand.

    Abbott never complained about his disability,instead,he took it as a challenge. Perhaps life wasn’t easy or fair,but he decided to make the best of it. As long as he could play sports,he figured,everything would be all right. He worked at becoming a highly competitive athlete. That wasn’t easy. He was cut from the freshman basketball team,and after he made the freshman baseball team,he went an entire season without ? hit. Despite these setbacks,he never gave up.

    By the time Abbott went to college,he could throw a baseball almost 90 miles per hour. His team,the Michigan Wolverines,won two league champion-ships (联赛冠军) while he was pitching for it. In 1988,the California Angels signed Abbott to a major-league baseball (合同) ,but before he joined his team,he went to the Olympic Games in Seoul,South Korea. Abbott played on the United States’ gold-medal winning baseball team there.

    After four seasons with the California Angels,Abbott was traded to the New York Yankees. He was upset that he wasn’t playing well,but he wasn’t about to give up. Instead,he continued playing with determination,and in 1993,he pitched a no-hitter for the Yankees. The opposing team,the Cleveland Indians,got no hits and scored only one run. A no-hit game is a rare event in baseball. Abbott continued playing until 1999,when he retired. Throughout Abbott’s life,he refused to give up for tjie people who loved him and also for himself.

1. What do we know about Abbott?

   A. He was bom with only one arm.

   B. He had no interest in basketball.

    C. He had a positive attitude towards life.

    D. He thought playing sports was easier than other

2. The underlined word 4 setbacksM in Paragraph.2 can be best replaced by .

   A. fights   B. failures

    C. opportunities . D. achievements

3. In 1993,Abbott threw a no-hitter against .

   A. the Michigan Wolverines

   B. the California Angels 

    C. the New York Yankees   

    D. the Cleveland Indians

4. Which is the correct order of the events that happened to Abbott?

a;Abbott joined the California Angels.

b. Abbott went to the University of Michigan.

c. Abbott was traded to the New York Yankees.

d. Abbott took part in the 1988 Summer Olympic Games.

A. d-b-a-c   B. b-d-a-c

c. b-a-d-c   D. a-c-b-d 

    In the spring of 2012,I moved to the San Francisco bay area with my wife and two young sons.

    I tried to get hold of one of my old Nokia cellphones,but they were no longer available.

I remember the exact moment when I realized something important had happened. I was on my bike,cycling to Stanford,and it struck me that a week had gone by without having a phone. And everything was just fine. Better than fine,actually. I felt more carefree and happier. That was in September 2012. I have been phone-free since then.

   Here are the most common questions people ask when they find it out. “How do people get hold of you?” Er,they have my online mail address. I still have a laptop,and use it most days. It even works when r'm  away from my house or office.

   “What if something happened t? your children?” This one always strikes me. My children are eight and four. They are with a responsible adult at all times. I love them more than I could ever say and I love spending time with them but really,why do I need to keep in touch with them every minute of the day? If something happens,there will be always someone there to take care of them. 

   Then there's my company: “How can you be a tech CEO without using a phone?” I do always borrow phones to see how our new products work on mobile.

1. How did the author feel without a cellphone?

   A. He was proud.

   B. He was lonely.

    C. He was relaxed.

   D. He was worried.

2. How does the author get in touch with people?

   A. He sends e-mails.

   B. He uses others’ phones.

    C. He visits them in person.

   D. He meets them in his office.

3. What do we know about the author and his children?

   A. He has bought phones for them.

   B. He asks them to be well-behaved,

    C. He doesn't like staying with them.

   D. He doesn't always connect with them.

4. What could be the best title for the text?

   A. Life without a phone

   B. Bad effects of phones 

    C. Time to avoid phones

   D. Say no to modem technology 

  I'm a teacher of fourth grade. I always expect .students to come into a grade level to be prepared for that 21,especially when it deals with 22 . I always asked students to read everything orafly in my 23

  We were reading the book Fourth Grade Nothings to take a break from the textbook since many students felt 24 with it. I had just gotten a 25 student. When it was his turn to read,I asked him to read a couple of paragraphs. He looked 26 and said, “I can't read." I 27 I had mistaken what he said,28 I asked him to read again. This time,I 29 the child could not even read any of the sight words. So I 30 over and stood beside him and helped him with the words that he could not pronounce. ,

  I taught him how to 31 words into syllables (*?~ 节) .When I couldn't 32 him,I asked another 33 to help him in his spare time. This child 34 so without question. The day he 35 his hand to read,I teared up. When he 36 and said, “Mrs. Newcome,I can read ,” I 37 like a child. He 38 not long after that for another county. Before his leaving,he 39 me and gave me a big hug,saying,UI will 40 remember what you have given me." I cried again.

21. A goal   B. plan    C. result   D. grade

22. A. spelling   B. listening

   C. reading   D. writing

23. A. class   B. house    C. office   D. studio

24. A. familiar   B. bored

   C. good   D. satisfied

25. A. new . B. smart    C. sick   D. lazy

26. A. confused   B. upset

   C. angry   D. relaxed

27. A. agreed   B. promised

   C. thought   D. proved

28. A. so   B. but    C. for   D. or

29. A. remembered   B. found

   C. said   D. imagined

30. A. went   B. looked

   C. dropped   D. stayed

31. A. move   B. express

   C. translate  D. break

32. A. raise   B. praise   C. help   D. comfort

33. A. worker   B. friend   C. volunteer . D. teacher

34. A. refused   B. did    C. guessed   D. forgot

35. A. picked up   B. put up

   C. set aside   D. gave up

36. A. finished   B. repeated

   C. prepared   D. compared

37. A. struggled   B. slept

   C. complained   D. cried

38. A. came   B. laughed

   C. left   D. appeared

39. A. caught   B. ignored

  C. thanked   D. followed

40. A. even   B. never   C. only   D. always

   “It was a horrible situation,” said Theresa Benz. uPrincipal (校长.) Susan Jordan pushed two students out of the path of a school bus just before it struck and killed her. She's most certainly a hero."

   To Benz,whose sons attended Amy Beverland Elementary School,and many others,it came as no surprise that the Indiana principal acted selflessly to protect the lives of her students.

   Jordan died around 2:45 p.m. after a school bus suddenly sped up from a stopped position in the school parking lot,hitting and running her over. Two students,both aged 10,were also hit. But they were safe in the hospital.

   “We’ re thinking it's nothing more than an unfortunate accident,” said Indianapolis Metropolitan Police Sgt. Kendale Adams. “The bus driver said that she didn t  know why the bus sped up. But just before the crash she saw Jordan push two students out of the way. Up until the very end of her life,she was doing what she did,which was protecting the kids. She was so heroic."

   Jordan, *69,was principal of the school for 22 years and was referred to as a “legend” because of her great leadership and devotion.

   Wendy Osborne,whose kids attended the school several years ago,said Jordan wasn't one to stay in her office. Instead,she walked through the halls greeting students and spent many hours tending to the kids.

   One of Benz’s  sons,Adam,9, said that Jordan called him to the office recently,not because of a problem,but because she just wanted to celebrate his birthday and give him a card and a pencil.

  “She’ 11 always be my friend ,” he said, “even though she lives far away in heaven now."

1. Why was Jordan regarded as a hero?

   A. She used to help others in her life.

   B. She took injured students to hospital.

    C. She managed to avoid a traffic accident.

   D. She saved two children at the cost of her life.

2. What can we say about Kendale Adams?

   A. He felt Ditv for those children.

   B. He showed great respect for Jordan,

    C. He expressed deep anger at the driver.

   D.He disagreed with the bus driver's opinion.

3. By saying “Jordan wasn’ t  one to stay in her office ,”Osborne meant .

A. Jordan disliked her office   

B. Jordan worked in the halls 

C.Jordan often did sports outdoors   

D. Jordan tried to be close to children

4. Adam was called to Jordan's office because.

A. Adam was often late for school

B. Adam quarreled with his friend

C. Jordan wanted to give him a birthday gift   

D. Jordan wanted to answer his questions

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