

1.他杀了人却不受处罚。(get away with)

2.博物馆是纪念伟大作家鲁迅而建造的。(in memory of)

3.他重新赢回了顾客们的信任。(win back)

4.昨天孩子们捉弄了他们的爸爸。(play a trick on)

5.年轻人应该学会依靠自己。(ought to)



1. He got away with killing a man.

2.This museum was built in memory of the great writer Lu Xun.

3. He won his customer’s trust back again.

4.The children played a trick on their father yesterday.

5. Young people ought to rely on themselves.



1. He got away with killing a man.

本题中的get away with…指摆脱惩罚,介词with后面要接动名词的形式。

2.  This museum was built in memory of the great writer Lu Xun.

固定搭配in memory of为了纪念….;

3. He won his customer’s trust back again.

本句主要考查的是动词短语win back,因为back是副词,所以作为宾语的名词可以放在动词win和副词back之间。

4.  The children played a trick on their father yesterday.

固定搭配play a trick on…捉弄…;主要注意时态为过去时。

5. Young people ought to rely on themselves.

考查了情态动词ought to=should。以及rely on依靠="depend" on。




翻译句子 (共4小题, 每小题2.5分, 满分10分)

根据所给的中文和括号内的语法提示, 把下面句子翻译成英语,写在答题卷相应的横线上。

71. 实话告诉你, 我被人家取笑是很尴尬的。(it作主语)

To tell you the truth,                                                        .

72. 如果我把黑色照相机和白色照相机做过比较,就不会选择那台黑色的了。(虚拟语气)

If I                        the black camera with the white,                                                                                


73. 找到了问题所在, 公交车司机向乘客道歉, 由于他让大家等了这么久。 (名词从句)

Finding                                       ,the bus driver said sorry to the passengers for __________________________________________________________________.






















74. 直到废除奴隶制的时候, 他才意识到黑人将得到彻底的解放。(被动语态)

Not until the slavery was got rid of                                                                              


翻译句子 (共4小题, 每小题2.5分, 满分10分)

根据所给的中文和括号内的语法提示, 把下面句子翻译成英语,写在答题卷相应的横线上。

71. 实话告诉你, 我被人家取笑是很尴尬的。(it作主语)

To tell you the truth,                                                        .

72. 如果我把黑色照相机和白色照相机做过比较,就不会选择那台黑色的了。(虚拟语气)

If I                        the black camera with the white,                                                                                


73. 找到了问题所在, 公交车司机向乘客道歉, 由于他让大家等了这么久。 (名词从句)

Finding                                       ,the bus driver said sorry to the passengers for __________________________________________________________________.

74. 直到废除奴隶制的时候, 他才意识到黑人将得到彻底的解放。(被动语态)

Not until the slavery was got rid of                                                                              



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