
10 .The dentist gave me a shot which took     almost immediately and I didn't feel a thing.

A. offense      B. charge

C.  action      D. effect

10. D考査名词辨析。句意:牙医给我打了 一针,它几乎立刻就生效了,我什么也感觉不到了。 offense冒犯;charge负责;action行动;effect影响,效果。take effect意为"生效", 所以选D。



   Nearly everyone agrees that money doesn't buy as much as it used to, no matter where you want to spend it. This is certainly true of the paper money that passes so quickly through one's hands. Inflation steadily eats away at its buying power. But what about coins that seem to do very little except wearing out your purses and pockets? Unlike notes, metal money becomes more valua?ble the longer it is held, especially if it is put away where it won't get scratched or worn. Why is this? One reason is that coins, being more durable? fall more readily into a category for collectors. Naturally, the rarer gold pieces must become more valuable as the price of this metal goes up.

   But, curiously, one of the rarest coins in the world is not made of gold, but of the relatively cheaper silver. In 1804, the United States mint(造币厂) struck 19,570 silver dollars. That is what its records show. Today only six of this original number remain and these six are unlikely ever to reach the auction (拍卖)market. So what happened to some 19,564 large silver coins, not the easiest sort of things to lose? One of the more romantic theories is that they were part of the payment to Napoleon(拿破仑)for the American territory then known as Louisiana. But they never reached France. Somewhere in the Gulf of Mexico, the ship transporting them was sunk, either by a storm or by pirates(海盗).The probable answer to the mystery is that they were melted down since the silver value„was greater than the actual value of the coin. What really happened to the rest will probably always remain a mystery. What is known is that whoever can come up with one will find himself instantly rich.

6.People agree that paper money buys __ •

A. as much as it used to B.  less than it used to

C. more than it used to D.  nearly as much as it used to

7.The value of coins ___                    .

A.increases with time

B.increases when they are worn out

C.never changes

D.decreases with time

8.One of the rarest coins in the world is made of _____        .

A. gold               B.  silver       C. nickel    D. alloy

9.Something happened to the other silver dollars. Which of the following an?swers is TRUE?

A.They went to France.

B.They went down with a ship in bad weather.

C.They were melted down.

D.Nobody knows the truth.

10.The best title of the passage should be •

A. The value of money   B. Paper money

C. Metal money       D, Coin collecting


   The earliest men did not have much time for art; they faced many dangers, and hunting for food took almost all their time. But after many thousands of years,  6  perhaps a million years or more, they became very good hunters, and 7_ gave them a lit?tle free time which they could use for other things. A few of them began to paint on the walls of the caves 8    they lived.  Many early artists painted animals  they were the most important things in their lives. Animals supplied     10     to keep them living, and skins to keep them   11 

 Like painters today, the 12 artists possibly painted for many 13 Perhaps they wanted to give their cave a little brightness and colour; perhaps they had a few special ideas which they could express most easily in a 14 and perhaps they 15 wanted to spend a little time in a pleasant way.  Many of them  16 magic (巫术),and they often drew animals which they caught. They 17 that by drawing these things, they would make them really 18 

In many parts of the world, people have 19 cave paintings. The earliest paintings 20  we know about are in Europe. Because of the  21 weather, the earliest men in Europe used the caves for  22;in many warmer parts of the world,  this was not necessary. We know a lot about the 23 of the European paintings, and we believe that the earliest 24 were painted about thirty thousand years ago.

5.          A. away              B  back             C. out             D. up

6.          A. even               B  though             C.and             D, or

7.          A. which              B. this               C. what          D. who

8.          A. which              B. that                C. where        D. when

9.          A. although            B.  because           C.  if           D.  as if

10.       A. air                B. fur                C. food          D. water

11.       A. comfortable           B. warm                C.  beautiful       D.healthy

12.       A. super               B.  early              C.  clever         D. talented

13.       A. people              B. places               C.  animals       D.  reasons

14.       A. painting             B. word               C.  smile           D. wall

15.       A. often               B. quite               C. just           D. even

16.       A. believed in          B. took advantage of       C.  tried out      D. begged for

17.       A. knew               B. hoped                 C. understood      D. realized

18.       A. disappear            B. appear               C. miss            D. find

19.       A. searched             B. looked for            C.  discovered      D.  known

20.       A. which               B.that                 C.  when            D. as

21.       A. sunny               B. warm                 C. cool           D.  cold

22.       A. home                B. house               C. shelter         D.  building

23.       A. names               B.dates                 C.  places          D. shows

24.       A. that                B.one                  C. it              D. ones

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