
第二节完形填空(共20小题;每小题l 5分,满分30分)


Recently,I flew to Las Vegas to attend a meeting. As we were about to arrive,the pilot announced with apology that there would be a slight 2l     before setting down. High desert winds had   22   the airport to close all but one runway. He said that we would be   23   L the city for a few minutes waiting t0  24    We were also told to remain in our seats meanwhile with our seat belts fastened  25   there might be a few bumps(颠簸).We11,that few minutes turned into about  four—five minutes,including a ride that would make a roller coaster(过山车)  26  by comparison

The movement was so fierce that several passengers felt  27   and had to use airsickness bags. As you might guess,that’s not good thing to have happen in a(n) 28    space because it only 29    to increase the discomfort of the situation.

  About twenty minutes into the adventure,the entire airplane became very 30 .

There was now a sense of anxiety and fear that could be 31   noticed.Every passenger simply held on for dear life …except one. A  32  was having a good time! With each bump of the33!he would let out a giggle(咯咯的笑)of delight As I observed this,I 34     that he didn’t know he was supposed to be afraid and worried about his    35 He neither thought about the past nor about the future Those are what we grown—ups have learned from  36   .He was 37  the ride  because had not yet been taught to fear it. Having  understood this,I took a deep breath and   38  back into my seat,pretending I was   39   on a roller coaster. I smiled for the rest of the flight. I even  40    to  giggle once or twice ,much to the chagrin(随恼)of the man sitting next to me holding the airsickness bag.

21. A. mistake      B. delay        C. change          D. wind

22. A. forced       B. warned      C. swept            D. reminded

23. A. watching     B. visiting      C. circling          D. crossing

24. A. arrive       B. enter         C. stop            D. land

25. A. if           B. though       C. because         D. while

26. A. light        B. pale          C. easy            D. quick

27. A. sick         B. nervous      C. angry           D. afraid

28. A. empty       B. narrow       C. secret           D. open

29. A. happens      B. continues     C. fails            D. serves

30. A. quiet        B. hot           C.  dirty          D.  crowded

31. A. partly        B.  gradually    C. shortly          D. clearly

32. A. pilot         B. baby         C.  guard          D.  man

33. A. seats        B.  passengers    C. flight           D. airplane

34. A. realized      B.  hoped       C.  agreed         D.  insisted

35. A. health       B. safety         C.joy              D. future

36. A. teachers      B. books        C.  experience      D.  practice

37. A. learning      B.  taking       C.  missing        D.  enjoying

38. A. sat          B. lay           C. went            D. rode

39. A. nearly       B.  finally       C.  really          D.  suddenly

40. A. attempted     B.  managed     C.  wanted        D.  decided

21---40   BACDC   BABDA   DBDAB   CDACB  



21.根据High desert winds……to close all but one runway,可知因沙尘暴关闭所有跑道,只留一条,故应为延时降落。


23.飞机在等待降落的过程中应该是绕城市盘旋。故应选C。A. watch用于看动态的场面;B. visit意为“参观,拜访”,D. cross以为“横穿”。



26.make...pale by comparison“使……相形见绌”,此处用以强调飞机在空中极不稳定。27.句意为:“像过山车一样的巨烈运动使旅客恶心而不得不用呕吐袋。A. sick 意为“恶心的”;B. nervous意为“紧张的”; C. angry 意为“生气的”;D. afraid意为“害怕的”。

28.此空前的that指的是using airsickness bags,也就是发生在飞机上狭小空间中的呕吐,因此选用narrow“狭窄的”,后面的space指的是飞机内部空间。empty 意为“空的”,secret意为“秘密的”,均不合题意。


30.根据后面的a sense of anxiety and fear可知,人们都很紧张、焦虑,在这种情形下飞机上的人一定是静悄悄的。


32.从后文中的he didn’t know he was supposed to be afraid and worried……,Those are what we grown-ups have learned……,他不知道害怕和着急……,那是我们成年人……,可推测出应该是孩子。






38.sat back into my seat意为坐回到座位上,


40.我甚至咯咯地笑了一两次。作者应该是真的笑出了声,才让邻座的手拿呕吐袋的人懊恼。做成了某事用managed to do.


The simplest way to say it is this: I believe in my mother. My 【小题1】  began when I was just a kid. I 【小题2】 becoming a doctor. My mother was a worker. Through her work, she observed that 【小题3】 people spent a lot more time reading than they 【小题4】  watching television. She announced that my brother and I
【小题5】watch two to three TV programs during the week. With our free time, we had to read two books each from the Detroit Public Library and then 【小题6】 her written book reports. She would mark them up with check marks and highlights. Years later we realized her marks were a 【小题7】  . My mother was illiterate (文盲的).
When I entered high school I was an A-student, but not for long. I 【小题8】  the fashionable clothes. I wanted to 【小题9】 the guys. I went from being an A-student to a B-student to a C-student. One night my mother came home after 【小题10】  at one of her several jobs and I complained about not having enough Italian knit shirts. She said, “Okay, I’ll give you all the money I make this week scrubbing (擦洗) floors and cleaning bathrooms, and you can buy 【小题11】   food and pay the bills. With the money that is 【小题12】 , you can have all the Italian knit shirts you want.” I was very 【小题13】  with that plan, but once I had finished paying for all of the important things, there was 【小题14】  left. I realized that my mother was always dealing with money well to be able to 【小题15】  a roof over our heads and to put food on the table. I also realized that immediate satisfaction wasn’t going to get me anywhere. _【小题16】__ required intellectual (智力的) preparation. I went back to my 【小题17】  and became an A-student again. Finally, I 【小题18】 my dream and I became a doctor. My story is really my mother’s story — a woman with 【小题19】 formal education who used her position as a parent to change the lives of many people around the globe. Now I believe that there is no job more 【小题20】  than parenting.

A.belief B.work C.educationD.promise
A.kept up with B.got used toC.dreamed of D.got tired of
A.lazy B.easy-goingC.successful D.reliable
A.cost B.paid C.tookD.did
A.could onlyB.could not C.must not D.should often
A.read B.giveC.holdD.explain
A.mysteryB.risk C.foolD.trick
A.get rid ofB.hang out withC.test onD.keep in touch with
A.serving B.looking C.workingD.getting
A.your brotherB.yourselfC.meD.the family
A.left overB.paid offC.used upD.carried out
A.buyB.operate C.keep D.send
A.interestingB.gentleC.important D.bitter

A philosophy professor stood before his class and had some items in front of him. When class began, 36 he picked up a large 37 jar and began to fill it with rocks 38 to the top, rocks about 2 inches 39 diameter(直径). He then asked the students if the jar was full. They 40 that it was. So the professor then picked up a box of pebbles(鹅卵石) and 41 them into the jar. He shook the jar 42. The pebbles, of course, rolled into the 43 areas between the rocks. The students laughed. He asked his students again if the jar was full. They agreed that yes, it was. The professor then picked up a box of 44 and poured it into the jar. 45 , the sand filled up everything else.
“Now,” said the professor. “I want you to 46 that this is your life. The rocks are the 47 things—your family, your partner, your 48, your children—anything that is so important to you that if it were lost, you would be nearly destroyed. The pebbles are the other things in life that 49, but on a smaller scale. The pebbles 50 things like your job, house, or car. The sand is everything else, the 51 stuff.
If you put the sand or the pebbles into the jar 52, there is no room for the rocks. The same 53 your life. If you spend all your 54 and time on the small stuff, material things, you will never have room for the things that are 55 most important.
36. A. aimlessly     B. carelessly   C. wordlessly  D. hopelessly
37. A. beautiful      B. absent     C. empty     D. ugly
38. A. right        B. about     C. already       D. sharply
39. A. in         B. for        C. to              D. at
40. A. showed     B. argued          C. discussed    D. agreed
41. A. flowed     B. poured          C. threw     D. pulled
42. A. wildly     B. lightly     C. hardly     D. crazily
43. A. wide        B. closed     C. open      D. rare
44. A. water       B. mud       C. salt       D. sand
45. A. Of course     B. In short      C. To their delight  D. Frankly speaking
46. A. accept      B. conclude    C. recognize   D. decide
47. A. necessary     B. important   C. sensitive     D. valuable
48. A. health      B. intelligence C. wealth     D. clothing
49. A. value       B. matter     C. deserve      D. care
50. A. seem       B. stand      C. belong          D. represent
51. A. nice         B. pretty     C. small     D. upset
52. A. together          B. separately  C. first       D. before
53. A. goes for          B. goes on      C. goes over   D. goes down
54. A. money     B. energy          C. effort     D. life
55. A. nearly      B. fully      C. almost     D. truly


Most people in school liked Gloria. So when she got sick,some boys 21 to visit her. But none of them wanted to 22 any money on a gift to bring along.

Then Willie said,“We can 23 some flowers from a 24. ”

Gloria will not know 25 they come from,and the dead man will not 26them.

Everybody was afraid,27 Willie.So he went alone and 28 some beautiful flowers.Then they went to Gloria’s 29,and the boys acted as if the flowers were from all of them,but 30 did not mind.

After their visit,Willie 31  the other boys,“It is a good thing that I was not afraid. Gloria 32  the flowers. ”

The other boys laughed. Gloria would not have liked the 33  if she had known they had come from a grave(坟墓).

That night,Willie was reading a book 34  his mother came into his room.“Willie,did you and other boys buy some flowers today 35  Gloria?”she asked.“There’s a man 36  asking for you,”she added. “He says that you didn’t 37    the flowers. ”

“What does he look 38 ?”Willie asked.

“That’s hard to say,”Willie’s mother answered. “He is all 39  with mud. ”

Willie,all of a sudden,turned 40 .

21. A. thought               B. asked         C. planned             D. took

22. A. keep                B. cost           C. take             D. spend

23. A. steal                B. make      C. buy               D. plant

24. A. shop                B. store        C. street            D. grave

25. A. how                 B. where       C. when                  D. why

26. A. miss                 B. lose         C. hate               D. love

27. A. beside        B. besides     C. including        D. except

28. A. saw                  B. thought           C. looked into        D. found

29. A. room                B. hospital    C. school               D. library

30. A. Gloria        B. some        C. Willie             D. nobody

31. A. ordered            B. asked       C. said to            D. explained

32. A. refused             B. liked        C. hated             D. missed

33. A. boys          B. flowers     C. secret             D. news

34. A. as             B. when        C. while             D. suddenly

35. A. to             B. for                C. on                 D. with

36. A. inside        B. outside     C. still               D. also

37. A. ask for       B. water       C. like               D. pay for

38. A. as             B. about       C. like                   D. for

39. A. painted        B. dressed     C. wrapped         D. covered

40. A. sad            B. red                C. pale              D. glad 




Mobile phones are everywhere. It seems that no one can   36    without one. Mobile phones are a great way to stay    37   with friends and family.    38   it is important to remember that there are certain   39    when you should not be using your phone, the most important of these being during     40    .  

There is no reason   41   you should feel the need to have your mobile phone during class. Aren’t you at school to   42  .If you are in class, you should not be    43    your friends text messages or taking phone calls.

In America students would never be   44   to use their mobile phones during class. If you were to send or   45   a text message you would probably be kicked out of class. It is OK to have your mobile phone with you, you just need to remember to turn it   46  . It is very disturbing to hear a lot of tones and  47  during class.

As a teacher in China, I have to deal with students    48  mobile phones everyday. I have told my class to turn off their phones,   49  many students do not listen. The desire to be connected all the time seems to be    50  than the desire to learn.

It’s easy to understand why it is so tempting(诱惑人的)to have your phone on during class. It seems so    51  to just send a short text message; it’s not    52  anyone, is it? But you may actually be hurting yourself when you do this. Sending a text message also    53  your attention away from what’s    54  in class, you may miss   55  important. The next time you think about sending a message in class you should think again.

36. A. survive       B. act              C. study              D. peak

37. A. friendly      B. close             C. connected          D. natural

35. A. Instead       B. However          C. Sometimes         D. Finally

39. A. times         B. days             C. hours              D. weeks

40. A. shopping      B. meeting          C. rest                D. school

41. A. when          B. that             C. why               D. where

42. A. play          B. learn             C. help               D. fight 

43. A. sending       B. writing           C. posting             D. retaining

44. A. hoped         B. wished           C. allowed            D. encouraged

45. A. keep          B. help             C. take               D. receive

46. A. on            B. in               C. out                D. off

47. A. ringing       B. sound             C. voice              D. shouts

48. A. thinking      B. using             C. considering         D. bringing

49. A. and           B. so              C. but                D. then

50. A. faster        B. stronger           C. lower              D. easier

51. A. cheap         B. hard            C. easy                D. brave

52. A. hurting       B. meeting          C. knowing            D. killing

53. A. pays          B. puts             C. breaks             D. takes

54. A. coming on     B. going through     C. going on           D. coming by

55. A. everything    B. something         C. anything           D. nothing



Mobile phones are everywhere. It seems that no one can    21    without one. Mobile phones are a great way to stay    22   with friends and family.    23   it is important to remember that there are certain    24    when you should not be using your phone, the most important of these being during     25   .   

There is no reason    26    you should feel the need to have your mobile phone during class. Aren’t you at school to    27  .If you are in class, you should not be    28    your friends text messages or taking phone calls.

In America students would never be    29  to use their mobile phones during class. If you were to send or    30   a text message you would probably be kicked out of class. It is OK to have your mobile phone with you, you just need to remember to turn it    31  . It is very disturbing to hear a lot of tones and  32  during class.

As a teacher in China, I have to deal with students    33  mobile phones everyday. I have told my class to turn off their phones,   34  many students do not listen. The desire to be connected all the time seems to be   35  than the desire to learn.

It’s easy to understand why it is so tempting(诱惑人的)to have your phone on during class. It seems so    36  to just send a short text message; it’s not    37  anyone, is it? But you may actually be hurting yourself when you do this. Sending a text message also    38  your attention away from what’s   39  in class, you may miss    40  important. The next time you think about sending a message in class you should think again.

21. A. survive       B. act              C. study              D. peak

22. A. friendly      B. close             C. connected          D. natural

23. A. Instead       B. However         C. Sometimes         D. Finally

24. A. times         B. days             C. hours             D. weeks

25. A. shopping      B. meeting          C. rest               D. school

26. A. when          B. that            C. why               D. where

27. A. play          B. learn             C. help              D. fight

28. A. sending       B. writing           C. posting            D. retaining

29. A. hoped        B. wished            C. allowed            D. encouraged

30. A. keep         B. help              C. take               D. receive

31. A. on           B. in                C. out               D. off

32. A. ringing       B. sound             C. voice             D. shouts

33. A. thinking      B. using             C. considering         D. bringing

34. A. and          B. so                C. but               D. then

35. A. faster        B. stronger           C. lower              D. easier

36. A. cheap        B. hard              C. easy               D. brave

37. A. hurting       B. meeting           C. knowing            D. killing

38. A. pays         B. puts              C. breaks              D. takes

39. A. coming on    B. going through      C. going on             D. coming by

40. A. everything    B. something         C. anything            D. nothing

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