

1£®What does Jenny like playing best?




2£®What does the woman mean?

A£®They should hurry£®

B£®They are late for the movie£®

C£®They don't have to watch the movie today£®

3£®Where is the woman's mother now?

A£®In Beijing£®

B£®In London£®

C£®In Paris£®

4£®What does the woman want the man to do this afternoon?

A£®Go shopping£®

B£®Stay at home£®

C£®Go to the bookstore£®

5£®Where does the conversation take place?

A£®At school£®

B£®At home£®

C£®At Mr£®Black's office£®



6£®What color T-shirt does the man want to buy for his uncle?




7£®How many T-shirts will the man buy?




8£®How much money will the man pay?





9£®What is the man going to do?

A£®Go to work£®

B£®Have an interview£®

C£®Prepare breakfast£®

10£®What does Lily do?

A£®A student£®

B£®A secretary£®

C£®A teacher£®

11£®What will the woman do this morning?

A£®Do some housework£®

B£®Go shopping£®

C£®Go to the park£®


12£®How is the man feeling now?




13£®What is the probable relationship between the speakers?


B£®Husband and wife£®

C£®Host and guest£®


14£®What season is it now?




15£®What is Jenny doing?

A£®Attending a big performance£®

B£®Looking after her parents£®

C£®Learning dancing£®

16£®Who is going to buy a camera this afternoon?

A£®The man£®


C£®The woman£®


¡¡¡¡ÌýÁ¦Ô­ÎÄ(Text 1)

¡¡¡¡M£ºJenny, is basketball your favorite?

¡¡¡¡W£ºOh, no£®I like playing basketball, but I like football best£®I also like playing volleyball, but not so much as I like football£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 2)

¡¡¡¡M£ºOh, no£®It's already 1¡Ã20£®The movie will start in only 5 minutes£®I'm afraid we will miss the beginning of the movie£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºDon't worry£®We can watch it tomorrow£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 3)

¡¡¡¡M£ºIs your mother back in Beijing now? I'm really looking forward to seeing her again£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºNo, she is still in London, and she will be in Paris next month£®I'll ask her to give you a call when she's back£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 4)

¡¡¡¡M£ºYou¡¯ve been wearing that dress for years!

¡¡¡¡W£ºYeath, it's very old£®I'll go to buy a new one this afternoon£®Will you go with me?

¡¡¡¡M£ºI'd love to, but I¡¯ve promised my nephew that I would go to the bookstore with him this afternoon£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 5)

¡¡¡¡W£ºJim, why are you late coming home again?

¡¡¡¡M£ºSorry, Mum£®I had to stay at school for a while£®After school Mr£®Black wanted to help me with my grammar£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 6)

¡¡¡¡W£ºGood morning, sir£®Can I help you?

¡¡¡¡M£ºYes, I'm looking for a T-shirt£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºWhat color would you like?

¡¡¡¡M£ºRed, please£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºHere's a nice red T-shirt£®Try this on£®It fits you very well£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºOh, it's not for me£®It's for my uncle£®He's leaving tomorrow£®I want to buy a T-shirt for him before he leave£®But I'll take this one£®How much is it?

¡¡¡¡W£ºIt's one hundred dollars£®Do you also want to buy one for yourself? I can give you a 10£¥ discount if you buy two£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºOK£®Give me that blue one, too£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 7)

¡¡¡¡W£ºWhat do you think of the suit?

¡¡¡¡M£ºIt's very nice£®But, dear, I'm so nervous£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºJust relax£®I'm sure you will get the job£®You¡¯re so talented, and you¡¯ve been preparing for the job for a long time£®ks5u

¡¡¡¡M£ºI know that, but I just can't stop trembling£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºOK£®Come and have breakfast now£®I'm sure they all will like you£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWhere's Lily? Is she still in bed? ks5u

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes, she doesn't have to go to school today£®I'll go to the park with her this morning£®You know, when you get the job, we will both be busy and we won't have much time with her£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºYes, you¡¯re right£®But if I get the job, you won't have to work any longer£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºThat's just what I'm hoping for£®OK£®Breakfast is ready£®Just relax and have breakfast now£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 8)

¡¡¡¡W£ºJack, what's wrong? You¡¯re not in a good mood£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºMy boss told me not to go to work again£®


¡¡¡¡M£ºI make a huge mistake at work yesterday£®I wouldn't have made the mistake if I had been more careful£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºYou¡¯re always careless£®So what's your plan now?

¡¡¡¡M£ºI must find a new job as soon as possible£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºBut I think you should learn to be more careful before you find a new job, or you'll make the same mistake again£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºI guess you are right£®So, did you have a good time last night?

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes£®We played music and danced, but Susan didn't look very happy£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºIf it was your birthday, you wouldn't be happy, either£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes, you are right£®No one wants to get old£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 9)

¡¡¡¡M£ºLook, what a fine day today!

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes£®I like spring very much¡­ the air is fresh, and flowers can be seen everywhere£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºYeah£®Do you want to go to a picnic with me tomorrow?

¡¡¡¡W£ºI'd like to£®How about asking Jenny to go with us?

¡¡¡¡M£ºOh, no£®She is busy with her dancing class£®You know, there is a very big performance just a week later£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes, you¡¯re right£®It's really not good for her to learn dancing£®She doesn't have any time with her own parents these days£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºBut she doesn't think so£®She likes dancing, and dancing is her life£®Will you take your camera with you tomorrow?

¡¡¡¡W£ºI want to, but I lent it to Tom yesterday£®Do you have one?

¡¡¡¡M£ºNo, but I'm going to buy one this afternoon£®





1£®Why doesn't the man tell the woman the way to the hospital?

A£®Because he is a stranger to the city£®

B£®Because he doesn't want to tell her the way£®

C£®Because he doesn't feel like talking with her£®

2£®Where are the two speakers?

A£®They are in an office£®

B£®They are in the street£®

C£®They are at home£®

3£®Why doesn't the man lend his dictionary to the woman?

A£®Because he is using it£®

B£®Because he hasn't brought it with him£®

C£®Because he doesn't want to lend it to the woman£®

4£®What does the woman want to borrow from the man?

A£®A dictionary£®

B£®A pan£®

C£®A rubber£®

5£®What does the woman offer to do?

A£®To wash some clothes for the man£®

B£®To carry his box£®

C£®To look after his child£®




6£®What are the two speakers talking about?




7£®What is Peter worried about?

A£®English people£®

B£®His English£®

C£®Going out£®


8£®When is Mary's birthday?

A£®On August 15th£®

B£®On August 16th£®

C£®On August 12th£®

9£®What time will the party begin?

A£®At 2¡Ã00 p. m£®

B£®At 2¡Ã20 p. m£®

C£®At 1¡Ã40 p. m£®

10£®Will Jean come to the party?

A£®No, she won't, because she'll meet her sister at the station£®

B£®Yes, she will, but she will be late for the party£®

C£®Not sure£®Perhaps she won't be able to come£®


11£®Where are the speakers?

A£®At a museum£®

B£®In a shop£®

C£®In a school£®

12£®What are they talking about?

A£®A country£®


C£®A gun£®

13£®How long has the man worked here?

A£®Two years£®

B£®Five years£®

C£®Ten years£®


14£®What's the relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Mother and son£®

B£®Teacher and parent£®

C£®Doctor and patient£®

15£®Who probably thought it was much worse than it really was?

A£®The child£®

B£®The mother of the boy£®

C£®Everyone there£®

16£®What's the matter with the man?

A£®He has a headache and feels bad£®

B£®He is frightened at the blood£®

C£®He hurt himself on the head£®


17£®What was the young father doing?

A£®He was looking after his child£®

B£®He was paying a visit to an old neighbor£®

C£®He was working with an old neighbor£®

18£®What were they talking about?


B£®Their houses£®

C£®Their trees£®

19£®Why did the young tree bend over to one side?

A£®Because it was pulled by a string£®

B£®Because it was dying£®

C£®Because it was too thin to stand straight alone£®

20£®What did the young father learn from the old man?

A£®He needn't be strict with children£®

B£®He learned how strict parents should be with their children£®

C£®He learned how to plant a tree£®




1£®Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A£®In a hotel£®

B£®In a bank£®

C£®At an airport£®

2£®How much did the woman pay all together?




3£®What does the woman imply about the weather?

A£®The next few days are supposed to be warm£®

B£®Clouds and cool temperatures are expected£®

C£®It can¡¯t get much better than it already is£®

4£®What do we know about the flight?

A£®It will be late£®

B£®It will come in as scheduled£®

C£®It will not come in at all£®

5£®What does the woman mean?

A£®She won¡¯t be able to come to dinner£®

B£®She wouldn¡¯t like to invite the man to the theater£®

C£®She doesn¡¯t like to go out on Fridays£®




6£®What are they doing?

A£®Doing mountain climbing£®



7£®What is the tallest peak called?

A£®Great Lion£®

B£®Grand Lion£®

C£®Ground Lion£®

8£®What do they take as the background when they have their pictures taken?

A£®A big tree£®

B£®The old rocks£®

C£®The peak£®


9£®Who does the man want to talk with?




10£®Where is Dr£®Smith?

A£®He is in his office£®

B£®Nobody knows£®

C£®He is at home£®

11£®Which number is correct?





12£®How many times has the man skipped lunch this week?




13£®What time will the meeting begin?Misfortunes never come alone£®»ö²»µ¥ÐС£

A£®2¡Ã30 p£®m£®

B£®3¡Ã00 p£®m£®

C£®3¡Ã30 p£®m£®

14£®Why didn¡¯t Tom ask his secretary to type the report?

A£®He didn¡¯t trust him£®

B£®He is already busy enough£®

C£®He needs to check on some sales figures before the meeting£®


15£®What was the service like on the flight?

A£®It was good£®

B£®The plane was too crowded£®

C£®The plane didn¡¯t offer enough food£®

16£®What did the woman think of the hotel?

A£®It was very comfortable£®

B£®The employees were not very friendly£®

C£®It was not easy to get to many places of historical interest from the hotel£®

17£®What was the food in the hotel restaurant like?





18£®What is the man curious about?

A£®A locust monument£®

B£®A seagull monument£®

C£®A hero monument£®

19£®Why did millions of locusts fly here?

A£®To threat the men and animals£®

B£®To eat all the crops and plants£®

C£®To fight the seagull£®

20£®Why did the people cry in the story?

A£®Because they had nothing to do and lost jobs£®

B£®Because they had a bad harvest£®

C£®Because these locusts would eat all their harvest£®



1£®Where are the two speakers now?

A£®on a bus

B£®on a train

C£®on a plane

2£®What's the man doing?

A£®traveling on business

B£®going on holiday

C£®giving lectures


3£®How much does the French course cost each term?




4£®When is the class?

A£®7 p. m£­9p. m, Sunday

B£®7a. m£­9a. m, Saturday

C£®7p.m£­9p. m, Saturday

5£®How many people are there in the class?

A£®about 20

B£®about 12

C£®about 10

6£®Why does the man go to the course?

A£®He wants to work in a travel company£®

B£®It¡¯s good for his job£®

C£®He decides to travel around France£®


7£®Where was the speaker when the fire broke out?

A£®In her aunt¡¯s house

B£®In her own house

C£®In a hotel

8£®What was the speaker¡¯s husband doing when the fire broke out?

A£®running out quickly

B£®folding his shirts

C£®making a phone

9£®What was in the speaker¡¯s husband¡¯s right hand?

A£®a suitcase

B£®an umbrella

C£®a black hat


10£®Who has the man traveled with before?

A£®the woman

B£®his cousin

C£®his roommates

11£®Why won¡¯t the woman go with the man this summer holiday

A£®She wants to go alone£®

B£®She hasn¡¯t saved enough money£®

C£®She has something more important to do£®

12£®Where will the man go this summer vacation?

A£®to Austria

B£®to Australia

C£®to Africa


13£®Where does the speaker study now?

A£®junior school


C£®senior school

14£®What¡¯s the trouble with the speaker?

A£®He doesn¡¯t like making friends£®

B£®He is always laughed at by others£®

C£®He is not confident£®

15£®How many problems does the speaker mention in his letter?










1£®Where are the speakers?

A£®At a restaurant£®

B£®In a shop£®

C£®In a supermarket£®

2£®What does the woman finally order?

A£®A chocolate cake£®

B£®An apple pie£®

C£®A cup of coffee£®


3£®What does the woman think of the job?




4£®How much will the woman get a week if she works in the hotel?




5£®What does the man advise the woman to do?

A£®Stay at home£®

B£®Take the job£®

C£®Find a better job£®


6£®How long has the woman studied English?

A£®For a couple of weeks£®

B£®For a couple of months£®

C£®For a couple of years£®

7£®Why does the woman feel so discouraged?

A£®She finds it hard to write English well£®

B£®Nobody wants to communicate with her£®

C£®She finds it hard to learn English grammar£®

8£®What is the relationship between the speakers?

A£®Teacher and student£®

B£®Father and daughter£®



9£®Why did Jane go to the U£®S£®during the vacation?

A£®To attend a summer course in English£®

B£®To visit an American family, the Smiths£®

C£®To have a sightseeing with her family£®

10£®Where did Jane have her daily three meals?

A£®At school£®

B£®In the hotel£®

C£®In the Smiths¡¯ house£®

11£®What is the main difference that Jane found in the American classes?

A£®The teachers were strict£®

B£®You could share your ideas£®

C£®They mainly taught reading£®


12£®What did the speaker have to do before going to school?

A£®To feed chickens£®B£®To have a bath£®

C£®To go to church£®

13£®Why didn¡¯t the speaker go to school by bus?

A£®He lived near the school£®

B£®He didn¡¯t have the money£®

C£®There wasn¡¯t any£®

14£®Why didn¡¯t his parents need to worry about them when they went out?

A£®There weren¡¯t many cars on the roads£®

B£®There were no robbers or thieves£®

C£®They were always in the church£®

15£®What did the speaker think of his life in the past?

A£®Easy and comfortable£®

B£®Hard but happy£®

C£®Simple and lonely£®



16£®What is the news about?(2·Ö)


17£®Who were killed?(1.5·Ö)


18£®How did the children at the school feel?(1.5·Ö)







1£®Is the shopping center far away?

A£®Yes, it is too far to walk£®

B£®No, it is within walking distance£®

C£®No, but it is too far to walk£®


2£®How many students did the man believe had taken the exam?

A£®Fifty students

B£®Forty students

C£®Twenty-five students


3£®Can the woman buy a carpet?

A£®Yes, but not a special low prize

B£®Yes, at a special low price

C£®No£®they are not for sale£®


4£®Where did this conversation most probably take place?

A£®In railroad station

B£®In an airport

C£®In Miami


5£®What does the man think about Paul?

A£®He is not hungry

B£®He wants something to eat

C£®He is angry


6£®What is the probable relationship between the two speakers?

A£®Teacher and student

B£®Salesgirl and customer

C£®Doctor and patient

7£®What does the man feel will help the woman?

A£®Some medicine

B£®Breathing slowly

C£®Some tests£®


8£®What happened to the man's bike?

A£®It was hit by a car

B£®It was hit by a truck

C£®It was broken on a street

9£®How was the bike after the accident?

A£®There was nothing wrong with it

B£®It was completely damaged except the wheels

C£®The wheels were both damaged

10£®When did the accident happen?

A£®When was the man riding on it

B£®When the bike was in front of the man's house

C£®When the man was getting off the bike£®


11£®where is the woman?

A£®At home

B£®At Doctor's Smith's office

C£®In Doctor Smith's room

12£®What's wrong with the man?

A£®He hurt himself

B£®There's something wrong with his leg

C£®He broke his leg

13£®What's the woman going to do?

A£®To help Mr£®Green in his home

B£®To ask Dr£®Smith to see him right away

C£®o go and bring Mr£®Green back to Dr£®Smith's office


14£®Where is the boy going to spend his holiday?

A£®In the city

B£®In the country


15£®What will he do there?

A£®To do some farm work

B£®To study at home

C£®To do some homework

16£®Which of the following is true?

A£®The boy's grandparents live in the country£®

B£®The boy's school is in the city

C£®The girl knows how to farm, too£®



Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
