A Love Note To My Mom
When I was a little girl, I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that I finally understood what role modelling  36 in your life. Little did I know you were  37 every penny you earned to go to  38  school.
I cannot thank you enough for  39 you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework, I went into the dining room where you were buried  40  piles of law books. I was  41  .Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for  42  ? When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn’t know. Moms could be lawyers too. You smiled and said, “In life, you can do anything you want to do.”
As young as I was, that statement kept  43 in my ears. I watched as you faced the  44 of completing your studies, starting companies with Dad, while still being a  45 and a Mom with five kids. I was exhausted just watching you in action. With your words of wisdom in my youthful mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world  46 . I set out to live my life filled with        47  , seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements.
Your words became my motto. I constantly found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) or one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said , “Yes, I’ll try that.”
Encouraged by your  48 , I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my life’s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and  49 meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I’m  50 it. So, get to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.

A.came backB.closed downC.went byD.opened up

Cameron thought of himself as merely organized. He certainly did not consider that he took great pains over anything, he did just enough to get it right. Exactly right, of course, for as he was fond of telling his staff, "if it's not exactly right, it's wrong". Occasionally a worker might be sad on hearing these words, because it meant another hour or so of going over the same bit of work, correcting the mistakes which Cameron had patiently pointed out. And doing the corrections exactly right of course.
Strangely enough, his department had the reputation for performing the highest quality work in the company, and it was seen, and not only by those who worked in the department, as a sort of elite (出类拔萃) unit. Those programmes that had to work first time, straight out of the box, Cameron's men got those. "It's mission (任务) critical—give it to Cameron" was almost a catch-phrase with his team.
It helped that Cameron was not merely particular about things. He wanted things done just so, not because of a personal taste, but because he had discovered through patient experimentation that this was the best way for it to be done.
In Cameron's dictionary, "Take as long as you want" meant that you could work on your task not just in office hours, but that evening, and late into the early hours of the following morning if you so desired. But the project had to be in by its completion date, and yes, done exactly right. Or you did it again.
But he would always be regarded, and not least by himself, as someone who had failed to meet requirements, one of those who just couldn't cut it. You had to face it, if you were not working for Cameron, you were second best. So when word got out that Cameron had messed up, big time, the news was greeted with a mixture of sympathy, and entire relief that this perfection too was human.
【小题1】Cameron was a___________.

A.software programmerB.a chief scientist
C.quality controllerD.head of department
【小题2】"Mission-critical" work was given to Cameron because___________.
A.Cameron's work was error-free B.Cameron was critical
C.he didn't mind working lateD.he had a good team
【小题3】Working for Cameron, people felt that___________.
A.they were part of an elite
B.their mission was critical
C.Cameron was very particular about things
D.Cameron was patient and responsible
【小题4】According to the underlined part in Paragraph 5, what is meant by someone “who couldn't cut it” ?
A.He didn’t cut corners.B.He wasn't good enough.
C.He had the wrong measurements.D.He was a perfection.
【小题5】What can we learn about Cameron?
A.He never got things wrong.
B.He didn’t allow for any mistake.
C.He encouraged work to be done in office hours.
D.He was often misunderstood.
【小题6】The attitude of the author towards Cameron is that of being___________.



One day a young man called Jim was told to take the  21  examination the next day. He was   22   so much that he couldn’t get to sleep. He wouldn’t join the army because he was in love with a beautiful girl. “If only I could find a   23   to make the doctor believe there is something    24  with my body,” he thought and thought. Suddenly, a good idea crossed his mind.

The next morning Jim got to the   25   on time and was led into a large room. He hurriedly found a seat to sit down and took out an out-of-date newspaper,   26   to read it. Soon it was his turn to be examined. When he came up to the doctor, the old man took a quick and sharp look at him. Then in a   27   he ordered Jim to take off his clothes, go straight to a corner and sit down on a chair there. No sooner had he seated himself on the chair than he heard the doctor murmuring to his assistant: “Finished! The boy is  28   up to the standard.”

“How can you draw such a   29   like that before you give me a  30  check? Jim shouted at the doctor.

“Don’t be impetuous(冲动), young man! Put on your clothes, and then I’ll  31   it to you,” the doctor said   32  .“You said we didn’t examine you carefully, but I don’t think it

33   for us to do that. When I told you in a low voice to take off your clothes, you did it as I told you. It shows you have good  34  . When you were asked to go and sit on the chair, you did so, too. It shows you can see any subject within a certain distance.   35  , you were found reading the newspaper just now, and we are certain you are a man of intelligence.

36 , you’re perfect in mind and body.” 

Half a year later, Jim was killed on the battlefield. At the news his girlfriend nearly went

37  . She kept weeping. “Don’t be like that, my dear.” It was an old man’s  38   voice. “Your Jim died a real man. He   39  his life to the people all over the world. It is right that we should be proud of him…” Saying this, the old man, her father, was choked(哽咽). His only   40   was that he had never had Jim know who he was. This old man was the medical officer who had given Jim the health check.  





















A. blood

A. excited

A. way

A. new

A. hospital

A. beginning

A. hurry

A. hardly

A. information

A. quick

A. give

A. calmly

A. necessary

A. eyes

A. So

A. In short

A. angry

A. kind

A. spent

A. dream

B. intelligent

B. troubled

B. person

B. good

B. camp

B. pretending

B. breath

B. never

B. suggestion

B. slow

B. explain

B. coldly

B. honest

B. ears

B. Therefore

B. In word

B. bad

B. loud

B. saved

B. regret

C. physical

C. frightened

C. problem

C. right

C. office

C. deciding

C. whisper

C. not

C. decision

C. careful

C. say

C. happily

C. good

C. head

C. Besides

C. In the end

C. excited

C. low

C. devoted

C. hope

D. ability

D. delighted

D. question

D. wrong

D. army

D. wanting

D. flash

D. quite  

D. conclusion

D. careless

D. bring

D. quietly

D. right

D. body

D. However

D. In total

D. mad

D. sad

D. killed

D. wish



A Love Note to My Mom

When I was a little girl,I would often accompany you as you modeled for fashion photographers. It was years later that I finally understood what role modeling__21__  in your life. Little did I know you were_22__  every penny you earned to go to__23__ school.

I cannot thank you enough for__24__ you told me one autumn afternoon when I was nine. After finishing my homework, I wandered into the dining room where you were buried__25__ piles of law books. I was  __26__.Why were you doing what I do—memorizing textbooks and studying for__27__? When you said you were in law school, I was more puzzled. I didn’ t know Moms__28__be lawyers too. You smiled and said,“In life, you can do anything you want to do.”

As young as I was,that statement kept___29__ in my ears. I watched as you faced the___30_of completing your studies, starting companies with Dad, while still being a_31__ and a Mom of five kids. I was exhausted  just watching you__32__.With your words of wisdom in my__33__mind, I suddenly felt unlimited freedom to dream. My whole world__34__.I set out to live my life filled with__35__,seeing endless possibilities for personal and professional achievements.

Your words became my motto. I__36__found myself in the unique position of being either the first (woman doctor in Maryland Rotary) __37__one of the few women (chief medical reporters) in my field. I gained strength every time I said, “Yes, I’ ll try that.”

 Encouraged by your__38___, I have forged ahead (毅然前行) with my life’ s journey, less afraid to make mistakes, and__39__meeting each challenge. You did it, and now I’ m__40__ it. Sorry, got to run. So much to do, so many dreams to live.

1.A. found          B. played          C. kept         D. provided

2.A. saving         B. making       C. donating    D. receiving

3.A. business       B. fashion         C. law          D. medical

4.A. what           B. that         C. which        D. where

5.A. at             B. to               C. upon         D. under

6.A. amused         B. worried     C. puzzled          D. disappointed

7.A. roles          B. tests            C. positions        D. shows

8.A. must           B. ought to     C. need         D. could

9. A. ringing           B. blowing      C. falling          D. beating

10.A. choices           B. chances      C. challenges     D. changes

11.A. professor         B. doctor           C. reporter         D. model

12.A. in danger         B. in action        C. in trouble       D. in charge

13. A. weak             B. powerful    C. youthful         D. empty

14.A. came back         B. closed down C. went by          D. opened up

15. A. hope             B. hardship    C. harmony      D. sadness

16.A. constantly        B. shortly          C. hardly           D. nearly

17. A. and              B. but          C. or           D. for

18. A. description      B. statement        C. praise           D. introduction

19.A. secretly          B. curiously        C. carelessly       D. eagerly

20.A. doing             B. considering      C. correcting       D. reading



第二节 完形填空(共20小题;每题1.5分,满分30分)

What a blessing to be alive in a wonderful world of unlimited possibilities.After contracting Hodgkin's disease at seven and being given six months to live,I recovered.I’m not dying of cancer.I’m   36  with it .  37   what comes my way, I don’t have to be afraid any more.

In the second year of high school,the class was scheduled to run the  38   .Due to the swelling and  39  from surgery on my leg,for two years I hadn't worn shorts and lived in   40  .Yet that day,I was ready-shorts,heart and mind.When the coach yelled,“Ready.Set.Go!” I ran faster than anyone else for the first 20 feet, 41  to finish first.As we came around the first of four laps,there were students all over the  42  .By the end of the second and third laps,many of the students had already  43  and were on the ground breathing deeply.By the time I hit the fourth lap,I was   44  .Then it hit me.I realized nobody had given up.  45  ,everyone had already finished.I cried.12 minutes,42 seconds after starting,I   46  the finish line.I fell to the ground,  47  .

Suddenly my coach ran up to me and   48  ,yelling,“You did it,Manuel .You finished,son .”He looked me   49   in the eyes,waving a piece of paper in his hand.It was my   50  for the day,which I had forgotten.He read it aloud to everyone.It simply said,“I,Manuel Diotte,will finish the mile run tomorrow,whatever  51  come.No   52  or frustration will stop me.  53  capable of finishing,and with God as my strength,I'll finish.” My heart   54   and tears went away.It was then    55  I realized winning is not always finishing first.Sometimes winning is just finishing.

36.A.enduring          B.studying        C.living         D.burdening

37.A.Regardless of      B.As of           C.In terms of    D.Let alone

38.A.game             B.competition     C.match          D.mile

39.A.wounds           B.scars          C.signs          D.treats

40.A.fear              B.surprise       C.anger          D.disappointment

41.A.hoped            B.determined     C.expected       D.longed

42.A.trip              B.school         C.ground         D.track

43.A.quit              B.gone           C.insisted       D.left

44.A.annoyed           B.confident      C.alone          D.lonely

45.A.Otherwise         B.Instead        C.Yet            D.Besides

46.A.ran               B.walked         C.passed         D.crossed

47.A.embarrassed       B.proud          C.amused         D.excited

48.A.sent me up        B.picked me up    C.took me up     D.set me up

49.A.up               B.over           C.straight       D.ahead

50.A.opinion           B.goal           C.belief         D.thought

51.A.can              B.may            C.should         D.must

52.A.hesitation         B.blame          C.pain           D.laughter

53.A.Other than         B.More than      C.Rather than    D.Less than

54.A.lifted             B.broke          C.sank           D.beat

55.A.before            B.when           C.that           D.since


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