VI. 书面表达(满分25分)
一澳大利亚学生旅游团(touring group) 要到我校参观,时间定在11月18日,星期五下午。我们的客人将于下午2点钟到达,晚上6点钟离开。我们将于下午2点10分在操场开欢迎会,人人都要准时参加。会后,我们要带他们参观教学楼、实验楼、图书馆和游泳池。最后,要在大礼堂 (auditorium) 举行聚会,聚会上有唱歌、跳舞、音乐、游戏和交换礼物等活动。请大家积极参与。谢谢。
Dear friends,
May I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make.
That’s all! Thank you.
Dear friends,
May I have your attention please? I have an announcement to make. A student touring group from Australia is coming to visit our school on Friday afternoon, April 12. Our guests will arrive at 2:00 p.m. We are going to hold a meeting to welcome them on the playground at 2:10 pm. Everybody is required to attend it on time. After that , they will be shown around our classroom building, library, school-run factory and swimming pool. Last of all, a get-together will be given in the auditorium. There will be singing, dancing, music, games and exchange of gifts. Please take an active part in it.
That’s all! Thank you.