2£®unmanned spacecraftÎÞÈË·É´¬
3£®Long March rocket³¤Õ÷ºÅ»ð¼ý
4£®the Yuanwang Vessel¡°Ô¶ÍûºÅ¡±²âÁ¿´¬
5£®The returning module·µ»Ø²Õ
6£®circle around the Earth»·ÈƵØÇò
7£®take Chinese astronauts into space°ÑÖйúÓԱËÍÈëÌ«¿Õ
8£®by spaceship
9£®Good luck!
10£®Have a good trip to the moon!
11£®I wish you good luck/success!
12£®I'd like to congratulate you on(doing)that¡
13£®I would do it if I should have the chance.
14£®The country's first generation of astronauts are now receiving training.
15£®China is expected to launch its first manned spaceship early in the 21st century.