


该句多一个词:把多余的词用斜线 ( \ ) 划掉, 在该行右边横线上写出该词,并也用斜线划掉。

该句缺一个词:在缺词处加一个漏字符号 ( ∧ ), 在该行的右边横线上写出该词。


1.We are amazing to see pictures of the Amber Room. ______

2.The task will be finish next week. ______

3.As result, I was late for school. _______

4.The Amber Room was lost, that made me sad. _______

5.Great changes have been taken place in my hometown since 2013. _______



The latest Chinese “god song” (an Internet term to describe pop songs that spread virally through the Internet) is still stirring up fierce debates between those who view it as a milestone for Chinese pop music going global and those who regard it as a bad image of China.

Last week, Little Apple, written and performed by Chopsticks Brothers, won the AMA International Song Award and the_duo performed the song at the 2014 American Music Awards in Los Angeles. Another Chinese pop singer, Zhang Jie, won the International Artist Award.

But while fans of these singers are thinking highly of the awards and the performance by Chopsticks Brothers at the AMA celebration, there are others who are less excited. They have questioned the value of the awards and what effects it will have on Chinese culture's “going abroad”, claiming it may leave foreign audiences with a poor impression of Chinese pop music, and even Chinese culture.

The Little Apple phenomenon, both home and abroad, can be more easily understood and judged if we look at it from a business perspective rather than a cultural perspective. The professional promoters behind the duo have developed a clear strategy to promote the duo and their works, not just this particular song. Little Apple was originally released to promote the duo's film Old Boys: The Way of the Dragon.

From the very beginning a viral marketing strategy was used to promote the song, which immediately went viral on the Internet due to its repetitive rhythm, easy?to?remember lyrics, simple and funny dance and, most importantly, grass roots nature. The video accumulated more than 1 billion hits on China's major video websites.

Although the song was generally dismissed by music professionals who criticized it as “musical junk food”, Little Apple's popularity nationally paved the way for promoting the duo internationally.

1.The writer's attitude to the song of Little Apple is________.

A.opposed B.negative

C.objective D.critical

2.What do the underlined words “the duo” refer to?

A.Little Apple. B.Chopsticks Brothers.

C.Zhang Jie. D.American singers.

3.We can learn from the passage that ________.

A.Little Apple's popularity is also a success of the marketing strategy

B.Little Apple is generally thought worthless by the AMA

C.Little Apple is really popular with all people in China

D.Little Apple was originally released as a pop song on the Internet

阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意,然后从1~20各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。

We live in a fast-paced and anxiety-filled world that oftentimes seems to shift beneath our feet. Thus we are sometimes affected by fears or anxiety impacting our life. For as long as I could remember I had struggled with anxiety. After I left university, I made friends with a Moroccan woman at work. One day she invited me to_________her and her family back home. I wanted to, but I would have to travel there _________ and I knew we would be in a very rural area. How would I cope with my _________ ?

Then one day it _________ to me that I had a life to live. I could choose to let anxiety _________ me or I could go to Morocco and _________ something different. I was 23 years old and had never been out of the UK alone. The journey to Morocco _________ something inside me. I managed to cope with my anxiety. The sense of _________ was overwhelming(势不可挡的) and still to this day when I get afraid of going somewhere alone, I remember how_________it felt when I arrived in Morocco.

Upon arrival I was so _________ for the generous welcome I received. My friend’s family had arranged a welcome party. The people were so loving toward me. As a moment of _________ felt in a faraway village, this reminded me that I was “good enough”, which helped to_________ my anxiety.

Waking up the next day, in the morning light, I saw the area where we were. I was _________ by how rural it was – and the realization that these people had very few _________ .

In the days afterwards, I traveled around Morocco. We went to Marrakesh and _________ the Atlas mountains. We had the most amazing food – lots of fresh fruits and vegetables.

At the end of my _________something inside me had changed. I realized I had not felt anxious for nearly two weeks.

Experiencing a different culture far away from home helped me to realize what is important in life, what really _________, and with that my anxiety _________. When I returned home I was much more active in _________ my anxiety. Working with people, helping them_________ their anxiety, is how I can share the love I found in Morocco.

1.A. send B. help C. call D. visit

2.A. alone B. soon C. free D. safe

3.A. work B. curiosity C. homesickness D. worries

4.A. appeared B. hit C. struck D. occurred

5.A. impress B. control C. reach D. persuade

6.A. enjoy B. experience C. take D. experiment

7.A. changed B. moved C. supported D. impressed

8.A. achievement B. fear C. disappointment D. embarrassment

9.A. good B. ashamed C. afraid D. proud

10.A. sorry B. confused C. confident D. thankful

11.A. doubt B. luck C. love D. surprise

12.A. improve B. hold C. protect D. reduce

13.A. inspired B. moved C. pleased D. shocked

14.A. lands B. difficulties C. resources D. friends

15.A. discovered B. explored C. examined D. recognized

16.A. opportunity B. rush C. stay D. life

17.A. rules B. exists C. matters D. hurts

18.A. disappeared B. expanded C. remained D. removed

19.A. expressing B. challenging C. forgetting D. remembering

20.A. drop B. notice C. pass D. overcome

Chinese female scientist Tu Youyou won the 2015 Nobel Prize in medicine on October 5 for her discoveries concerning a novel treatment against Malaria(疟疾). This is the first Nobel Prize given to a Chinese scientist for work carried out within China.

Tu shared the prize with Irish-born William Campbell and Satoshi Omura of Japan, who were honored for their revolutionary anti-roundworm treatment. 84-year-old Tu is awarded this prize for her contribution to cutting the death rate of malaria, reducing patients’ suffering and promoting mankind’s health. Although she received several medical awards in the past, the 2015 Nobel Prize is definitely the most privilege reward that recognizes Tu’s dedication and perseverance in discovering artemisinin(青蒿素),the key drug that battles malaria-friendly parasites(寄生虫).

However, her route to the honor has been anything but traditional. She won the Nobel Prize for medicine, but she doesn’t have a medical degree or a PhD. In China, she is even being called the “three-noes” winner: no medical degree, no doctorate, and she’s never worked overseas. No wonder her success has stirred China’s national pride and helped promote confidence of native Chinese scientists.

The fact that Tu has none of these three backgrounds reminds us that science should be more accessible to all. One can become a scientist no matter what kind of background he or she comes from, as long as one dives into scientific research. There have been discussions on people who really love science but are never able to achieve much during their whole life. Their contributions can never be ignored. They work so hard to prove the wrong way so that the future researchers will be closer to the right one.

As the first Chinese mainland Nobel Prize Winner of natural science award, Tu’s record-breaking winning also serves as a reminder to those who are too eager for instant success. Science is never about instant success. Tu spent decades on scientific research before its value is officially acknowledged. There is no way to measure how much one devotes to science and compare it with how much reward he or she may get.

1. The author seems to agree that a person who is more likely to become a scientist is the one with__________.

A. a sense of national pride

B. enthusiasm for scientific research

C. a desire to achieve success

D. rich academic knowledge

2.It can be concluded from the text that __________.

A. Tu worked homeland and abroad to conduct her research

B. Tu got the Nobel Prize for her anti-roundworm treatment

C. Her discovery of artemisinin has helped to cut Malaria death rate

D. The Nobel Prize is the first award to recognize her work

3.In writing the passage, the author intends to ___________.

A. praise the award winner and encourage scientific research

B. discourage the pursuit of instant success in science

C. remind readers of the principles of scientific research

D. inform readers of the news and make comments

Good health is the most valuable(珍贵的) thing a person can have, but one cannot take good health for granted(理所当然). It is important to remember that the body needs proper care in order to be healthy. There are three things that a person can do to help stay in good shape: eat right food, get enough sleep, and exercise regularly.

Proper nutrition (营养) is important for good health. Your body cannot work well unless it receives the proper kind of “fuel”(燃料). Don't eat too much food with lots of sugar and fat. Eat plenty of foods high in protein, like meat, fish, eggs and nuts. Vegetables and fruits are very important because they provide necessary vitamins and minerals(矿物质). However, don't overeat. It is not helpful to be overweight.

Getting the proper amount of sleep is also important. If you don't get enough sleep, you will feel tired and easily get angry. You have no energy. Over a long period of time a little amount of sleep may even result in a change of personality (个性). Be sure to allow yourself from seven to nine hours of sleep each night. If you do, your body will feel strong and refreshed, and your mind will be sharp.

Finally, get plenty of exercise. Exercise makes the body strong and prevents you from putting on weight. It also improves your heart and lungs. If you follow a regular exercise program, you will probably increase your life-span (寿命). Any kind of exercise is good. Most sports are excellent for keeping the body in good shapes: basketball, swimming, bicycling, running and so on, are good examples. Sports are not only good for your body, but they are enjoyable and interesting, too.

If everybody were to eat the right foods, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, the world would be a happier and healthier place. We would all live to be much older and wiser.

1.In order to keep healthy, ________.

A. we should eat a lot of sweets

B. one needs a large amount of fat

C. people should eat according to the foods nutrition

D we must try to sleep day and night.

2.The title of the article should be ________.

A. Eating and Exercising

B. How Vitamins Work in Man's Body

C. How to Stay Healthy

D. Sleeping Well

3.The passage is probably taken from ________.

A. an advertisement(广告) B. a travel journal

C. an English dictionary D. a magazine

根据短文内容, 从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。

While serious training is important for all dogs, playtime is just as important. 1. Use these games to help teach your dog how to play.

1. Hide and Seek

Hide and seek isn’t just for kids. Dogs can really enjoy this game. Pick up one of your dog’s favorite toys or treats. Tell your dog to stay. 2. When you are ready, call your dog to come to you. If possible, squeak(使吱吱叫)the toy or shake the treats. Reward your dog with praise and the toy/treat when she finds you.

2. Fetch

Many dogs have a natural ability to fetch. Other dogs can be taught how. 3. Play indoors with a soft toy or outdoors in a fenced-in area with a ball or disc. For dogs that really love to run, try this game of fetch!

3. Find the Treat

Dogs have superior senses of smell, and most love to use their noses to find food. Let your dog use her brain and her nose to find hidden goodies. First, have your dog stay out of sight. Then, hide her favorite treats in various places around the room. 4. If help is needed, you can lead her around or point to areas for her to explore.

Whatever the game, safety comes first! Remember to watch your dog for signs of exhaustion or overheating when you are playing. Stop if your dog seems tired or shows signs of anxiety. 5. When other dogs or people are around, it may create a dangerous distraction(分神).

A. Then, go to find a good hiding place.

B. Try different games to see which your dog responds to best.

C. A good game of fetch can be played almost anywhere.

D. You can include games in training as well.

E. Also be aware of your surroundings when playing with your dog.

F. Encourage your dog to play with other dogs.

G. Bring your dog back in and tell her to “go find!”

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