


1.What can we learn about the weather?

A.It will rain heavily.

B.It will not rain at all.

C.It will stop raining.

2.Where are they having the conversation?

A.At home.

B.At school.

C.In the hospital.

3.What did they have to do on the trip?

A.Repair their car.

B.Take the long route.

C.Reduce their driving speed.

4.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A.Neither of the speakers will go home.

B.The woman will go home.

C.The woman will not go home.

5.What will Jack do?

A.He will play tennis.

B.He will go swimming.

C.He will ask Bill to play tennis.



6.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A.In a train.

B.In a bus.

C.In the waiting-room of the railway station.

7.Which of the following is true?

A.The woman told the man not to smoke.

B.The woman didn't mind the man's smoking.

C.The man is going to leave for New York.


8.Who do you think the man is?

A.A travel guide.

B.The woman's husband.

C.A history teacher.

9.When was the Great Wall first built?

A.In the 3rd century


B.More than 2, 000 years ago.

C.More than 2, 500 years ago.

10.How wide is the Great Wall at the base?

A.6.5 meters.

B.6.4 meters.

C.5.8 meters.


11.What do you think Robert is?

A.A musician.

B.A student.

C.A teacher.

12.Why does the woman want Robert to join them?

A.He used to play the guitar.

B.It's a good chance for him to meet people.

C.She needs him to play the guitar at her wedding at the weekend.

13.Why is Robert not sure he wants to join the group?

A.He didn't play the guitar in the past.

B.He doesn't think he is good enough.

C.He doesn't have time to practise.

14.What kind of event will the group play at?

A.Concert halls.

B.School events.

C.Weddings and parties.


15.What happened to Bob?

A.He was badly ill.

B.He had his legs broken.

C.He was hit by a car.

16.How long ago was Bob sent into hospital?

A.Three weeks ago.

B.More than three weeks ago.

C.Five weeks ago.

17.How soon will Bob get recovered?

A.In about two weeks' time.

B.In about three weeks' time.

C.Not certain.


18.Where is the speaker talking?

A.On the radio.

B.On TV.

C.On the telephone.

19.What can we learn about the road M1?

A.No traffic is allowed on both sides now.

B.Drivers going north are told to take another road.

C.Drivers going south are told to take A 508.

20.What can we learn about the road between the airport and the railway station?

A.It's being repaired.

B.It's being made broader.

C.It's closed now.


  答案:1.A 2.C 3.C 4.B 5.B 6.C 7.B 8.A 9.C 10.A 11.B 12.A 13.B 14.C l5.B 16.A 17.A 18.A 19.B 20.B


  Text 1

  M:Do you think it will rain?

  W:Rain?It's about to pour.

  Text 2

  M:How long will I have to stay out of school?

  W:That depends.You still have a fever.Let me feel your forehead.

  Text 3

  W:What took you so long?

  M:The road condition kept us from driving very fast.

  Text 4

  M:Are you looking forward to going home for the summer vacation?

  W:I'm counting the days.

  Text 5

  W:Jack, are you going to play tennis with us today?

  M:I promised Bill I'd go swimming with him.


  M:Do you mind if I sit down here?

  W:Not at all.Do sit down.There's plenty of room.

  M:Thank you.Do you mind my smoking here?

  W:Go ahead.May I open the window?

  M:Of course.The weather is great today, isn't it?

  W:Oh, yes.I hope the good weather will stay.

  M:You can never tell.It's so changeable at this time of year.

  W:I wonder if you could tell me when the train from New York is supposed to arrive.

  M:Sorry, I don't know.

  W:That's OK.I'll ask the front desk.


  M:Well, this is it!What do you think of it?

  W:I can hardly believe it's real.I've dreamed of seeing it ever since I saw it in books when I was a child.Just think of all this being built by hand more than 2, 000 years ago!No Wonder it's one of the wonders of the world.

  M:Actually it was started more than 2, 500 years ago, when China was divided into various states.Three of the northern states built defensive walls along their borders to keep off the enemies.

  W:But I thought the wall had always been built by Qin Shihuang, the first Emperor of China.

  M:Well, yes.You see, he united the whole country in the third century B.C, and one of the things he did was to join the separate walls into one wall and to build more walls from the East Coast right across the length of north China to the west.

  W:It is certain something any nation could be proud of.I hear this is the only human construction on earth that can be seen from the moon.By the way, how high is the wall?

  M:The average height is 7.8 meters, the average width is 6.5 meters at the base and 5.8 at the top.Would you like to go up to the top?

  W:Yes!I'd like to have a look from the top.


  W:Robert, you play the guitar, don't you?

  M:I used to.But I haven't played it in quite some time.I don't really have time these days with all my studies.Why do you ask?

  W:I'm trying to organize a group to play at some parties and weddings on the weekend.We still need a guitar player.

  M:Well, I don't know.But your idea sounds fun to me.

  W:Oh, it will be.I'm more or less in charge of things so if you want to give it a try, you're in.It's as easy as that.Besides, it's a great chance to get out and meet people.

  M:But I told you I haven't practised for a long time.I don't know if I remember any of the songs I used to play.Even if I did remember the old songs, I still probably don't know the song you are going to want me to play.

  W:Don't worry about it.I just thought I'd ask you to try and join us sometime when we were practising.We'll be practising for a few months before we give performances.And even if we do start playing concerts, it won't be that serious.

  M:I'll tell you that.I'll get my guitar out tonight and see how it goes.It sounds pretty exciting, but I will really have to practise to get it right.

  W:I'm sure you can do it.And it will be fun too.


  W:Hi, Bob.I heard about your accident but I didn't think it would be this bad.

  M:Well, thanks for making me feel better.

  W:I can hardly recognize you.Tell me what happened.

  M:I just got back from Africa where I had a terrible accident in a motorcycle race.I broke both my legs when my motor failed and was hit by another motorcycle.I was laid up in a hospital over there for three weeks.

  W:Three weeks, that's a long time.What did you do while you were in the hospital?

  M:Well, if you can believe it, I read all about motorcycle racing.I love racing even if it hurts.

  W:But I'm afraid you don't make it look very fun.You're lucky to be alive.

  M:That's for sure.I am lucky to be alive.

  W:How soon can you get well?Did the doctor tell you about it?

  M:They say I still need to stay in bed for two weeks or so.

  W:I think you'll get a bit fatter by then.By the way, is there anything I can do for you?

  M:No, thank you.Thank you for the beautiful flowers.It's very kind of you to come to see me.

  W:I'll be going then.Bye.



  A message for drivers going north up the M1.A major accident has happened near the gas station named Northampton on the road.A lorry and four cars knocked into each other and the traffic is not moving at all.The police are trying to get it in order.Drivers going north have to take the A508.The other side of the road is clear, so no problems for drivers going south.I'll just repeat that message.An accident near the gas station named Northampton on the M1 is blocking the traffic.Drivers going north should take the A508.

  Drivers going down the M5 please drive slowly as the part between the airport and the railway station is still being widened.The whole work will be finished in three more days.Then the traffic in this area will be much faster.

  That's all the traffic news for now.Next news at 2 o'clock.Until then, drive carefully.


第一部分 听力

第一节 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1.What do the man and the woman mean?

A.They really enjoyed the party.

B.Their friends seemed rather old.

C.They met some funny people at the party.

2.When is the man's birthday?

A.April 1st.

B.April 2nd.

C.April 3rd.

3.When will they get home?

A.Three o'clock.

B.Four o'clock.

C.Ten o'clock.

4.What's Paul's address?




5.What does the man mean?

A.He can't hear the woman clearly.

B.He doesn't think the woman is right.

C.He likes the sunny day.




6.What are they talking about?

A.Buying dresses.

B.Making dresses.

C.Borrowing dresses.

7.What kind of dress do they like for spring?

A.Woolen dress.

B.Cotton dress.

C.Silk dress.

8.What color does the woman prefer?





9.What kind of cakes did the customer take?

A.Chinese rice cakes.

B.French cakes.

C.American cakes.

10.What's inside these cakes?


B.Bean jam.

C.Peanut jam.

11.How many cakes did the customer take?





12.What are the speakers talking about?

A.What they are going to do.

B.What they did.

C.A restaurant.

13.What was not mentioned in the conversation?





14.How did the man spend his weekend?

A.He went to his uncle's farm.

B.He planted some trees in his backyard.

C.Both A and B.

15.Why didn't he get some trees in the town?

A.Because there were only apple trees in the town.

B.Because there were only cedar trees in the town.

C.Because the trees sold in the town were expensive.

16.What did he bring home from his uncle's farm?

A.Some apples.

B.Some young trees.

C.Both A and B.


17.What do you think the speaker is?

A.A visitor to the park.

B.A guide from a touring company.

C.A staff of a park service.

18.What does the speaker say about the Yellow Stone National Park?

A.It was the first national Park.

B.It was not managed by the National Park Service.

C.It was managed by the National Park Service in 1800.

19.What is one of the duties of the speaker?

A.To build fires.

B.To guide nature walks.

C.To train animals.

20.When did the speaker give the speech?

A.While riding in a bus.

B.While sitting around a fire.

C.Just before nature walks.



1.What is the man going to do?

A.He is going to have dinner.

B.He is looking for a hotel.

C.He is trying to find the nearest street.

2.Does the woman agree to the idea of learning Chinese?

A.Yes.She will come to China to learn Chinese.

B.Yes.She is planning to learn Chinese.

C.No.she doesn't think it is a good idea.

3.What is the relationship between the speakers?

A.They are neighbors.

B.They are friends.

C.They are strangers.

4.What are the two speakers talking about?


B.Rivers and mountains.


5.What did the woman see in the yard?

A.She saw something.

B.She saw nothing.

C.She saw a yard.



6.Where does the conversation take place?

A.In the store.

B.In the lab.

C.In the playground.

7.What is the most probable result of the conversation?

A.The man will play tennis with the woman on Thursday.

B.The man will go to the game alone.

C.The woman will go to the game with the man.


8.Where are the man and the woman?

A.In the airport.

B.In the railway station

C.In the company office.

9.When does the train leave for Montreal?

A.At ten to nine.

B.At eight fifteen.

C.At ten past seven.


10.What does the woman ask the photographer to do?

A.She asks him to take a photo of her mother.

B.She asks him to take a photo of himself.

C.She asks him to take a photo of herself.

11.How much does one copy cost?

A.Eighteen dollars.

B.Three dollars.

C.Five dollars.

12.How does the photographer take her picture?

A.He asks her to stand there and say“cheese”.

B.He asks her to sit on the chair and say“cheese”.

C.He asks her to sit down and keep silent.


13.Who feels disappointed?



C.Both of them.

14.How did Jack play in the game?

A.He tried his best but he failed.

B.He didn't try his best so he failed.

C.He gave up trying so he failed.

15.Who is Mary?

A.A stranger.

B.Jack's mother.

C.A classmate of Jack's.

16.What does Mary ask Jack to do?

A.She invites him to go to the playground.

B.She invites him to come to her house.

C.She invites him to go to the coffee-house.


17.Who is the speaker?

A.A photographer.

B.A college student.

C.A college teacher.

18.What is the class like?

A.It's fun, but it takes very much work.

B.It's interesting, and it does not take any work.

C.It's boring, and it needs a lot of work.

19.How does the speaker find that his pictures come out better?

A.When he uses the new camera.

B.When he uses the very old camera.

C.When he takes his teacher's advice.

20.When will the course be over?

A.After the final exam.

B.Before the final exam.

C.After the students' graduation.



第一节  (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)


例:How much is the shirt?

A. £ 19.15.           B. £ 9.15.         C. £ 9.18.


1.What is the weather like?

  A. It’s raining.             B. It’s cloudy.            C. It’s sunny.

2.Who will go to China next month?

  A. Lucy.                  B. Alice.               C. Richard.

3.What are the speakers talking about?

  A. The man’s sister.     B. A film.              C. An actor.

4.Where will the speakers meet?

  A. In Room 340.           B. In Room 314.         C. In Room 223.

5.Where does the conversation most probably take place?

  A. In a restaurant.           B. In an office.            C. At home.


第二节(共15 小题;每小题1分,满分22.5分)



6.Why did the woman go to New York?

   A. To spend some time with the baby.         B. To look after her sister.

   C. To find a new job.

7.How old was the baby when the woman left New York?

   A. Two months.       B. Five months.         C. Seven months.

8.What did the woman like doing most with the baby?

   A. Holding him.      B. Playing with him.        C. Feeding him.



9.What are the speakers talking about?

   A. A way to improve air quality.     B. A problem with traffic rules.

   C. A suggestion for city planning.

10.What does the man suggest?

   A. Limiting the use of cars.         B. Encouraging people to talk.

   C. Warning drivers of air pollution.

11.What does the woman think about the man’s idea?

   A. It’s interesting.                    B. It’s worth trying.

   C. It’s impractical.



12.How long will the man probably stay in New Zealand?

   A. One week.         B. Two weeks.           C. Three weeks.

13.What advice does the woman give to the man?

   A. Go to New Zealand after Christmas.        B. Book his flight as soon as possible.

   C. Save more money for his trip.

14.What can we learn about flights to New Zealand at Christmas time?

   A. They require early booking.               B. They can be twice as expensive.

   C. They are on special offer.



15.Why did Jane call Mike?

A. To ask him to meet her.                   B. To tell him about Tom.

C. To borrow his car.

16.Where will Jane be in about one hour?

   A. At Mike’s place.                 B. At the airport.              C. At a garage.

17.What can we infer from the conversation?

   A. Jane has just learned to drive.           B. Jane’s car is in bad condition.

   C. Mike will go to the airport.



18.What did the speaker ask the students to do the week before?

   A. Write a short story.          B. Prepare for the lesson.      C. Learn more about the writer.

19.Why does the speaker ask the questions?

   A. To check the students’ understanding of the story.

   B. To draw the students’ attention to reading skills.

   C. To let the students discuss father-son relationships.

20.What will the students do in 10 minutes?

   A. Ask more questions.       B. Discuss in groups.           C. Give their answers.







例: How much is the shirt?

A. £19.15.      B. £9.15.       C. £9.18.


1.Where will the man go for holiday?

A. France.          B. Egypt.           C. Austria.

2.Why did the man make the phone call?

A. His luggage was lost.        B. His plane was late.      C. His office was locked.

3.How much is a two-term course?

A. $50.     B. $90.         C. $120.

4.What does the man mean?

A. He will not cook dinner.

B. He isn’t good at cooking fish.

C. He prefers not to cook the fish.

5.When will the man probably get to London?

A. At 8 o’clock.       B. At 9 o’clock.       C. At 10 o’clock.




6.What can we learn from the dialogue?

A. The woman was badly hurt.

B. The car was terribly damaged.

C. The kids were seriously injured.

7.What was the woman thinking about?

A. Getting the car repaired.

B. Selling the damaged car.

C. Buying a second-hand car.


8.What do we know about the man?

A. He wrote three essays last week.

B. He went to the beach with friends.

C. He drank late at a restaurant every night.

9.What did the woman do on Saturday?

A. She drove with a friend.

B. She watched movies.

C. She played tennis.

10.Which word can best describe the woman’s last week?

A. Quiet.           B. Enjoyable.           C. Unforgettable.


11.On which day are the tickets available to the man?

A. October 3.           B. October 4.           C. October 5.

12.How much will the man pay if he books the ticket?

A. £35.         B. £36.         C. £37.

13.What can be inferred about the man?

A. He was angry with the woman.

B. He thought the price was reasonable.

C. He gave up the idea of booking the ticket.


14.What is the relationship between the two speakers?

A. Writer and reader.

B. Teacher and student.

C. Interviewer and interviewee.

15.How long did it take Tina to write the story?

A. A whole day.     B. About two hours.     C. Ninety minutes.

16.What do we know about the story?

A. It’s about Fred.        B. It’s about a party.     C. It’s about success.

17.What can we learn about Tina?

A. She has just been back from abroad.

B. She had a party for everyone in her street.

C. She won a writing competition unexpectedly.




Voice needs 18..          !

Join us, please!

 Experience not quite necessary

19..           skills in great demand

 Work not for money, but for 20..      !

Contact Chris Green immediately!






例:How much is the shirt?  

A. £19.15.             B. £9.15.               C. £9.18.  


1.What does the man mean? 

A. It will take about one month to repair the watch.  

B. It costs too much to have the watch repaired.  

C. The watch is no longer worth repairing.                                

2.When will they get there for the play?          

A. 9:00.               B. 10:00.               C. 10:30.           

3.Why can’t the man concentrate on his study?                      

A. He keeps thinking of going to the movies.  

B. His classmates are taking a break.  

C. He’s been studying for too long.                                       

4.What is the man going to do?                                      

A. Go to the Chinese restaurant.  

B. Watch the football game.  

C. Visit a friend downtown.                                             

5.What do you know about Frank?                                     

A. He will arrive in Chicago this morning.  

B. He will send Ms. Tyler an e-mail.  

C. He will call Ms. Tyler himself.                                       




6.Which part of the man’s body hurts?                              

A. An arm.             B. An eye.              C. An ear.          

7.What does the woman advise the man to do?                         

A. Go to hospital at once.  

B. Stay away from the swimming pool.  

C. Get some medicine from the drugstore.                                


8.What do you know about the woman?                                 

A. She doesn’t believe the man’s excuse.  

B. She’s been waiting far too long.  

C. She’s really angry with the man.                                     

9.What does the man mean?                                           

A. He got there in only five minutes.  

B. He has a good reason for being late.  

C. He is used to waiting for the woman.                                  

10.What does the woman want the man to do?                          

A. Buy the tickets.    B. Buy her a wallet.    C. Go back for her wallet 


11.Who is the woman talking to?                                     

A. A hotel clerk.      B. A hotel manager.     C. A policeman.      

12.Where does the conversation most probably take place?       

A. In the manager’s office.                   B. In the room of the guest. C. At the police station. 

13.What do you know about the woman?                                

A. She cannot find her necklace.  

B. She put her necklace in the bed.  

C. She is not satisfied with the room.                                    


14.Why is the woman asking for leave?                               

A. She plans to go to the UK with her parents.  

B. She has to take care of her parents at home.  

C. She wants to spend some time with her parents.                        

15.What can be inferred about the man?                              

A. He knows a lot about Chinese culture.  

B. He doesn’t want the woman to take any time off at first.  

C. He considers language a big problem for foreign visitors.                  

16.What can be inferred about the woman?                            

A. She is a student.   B. She is a teacher.     C. She is a tourist. 

17.What agreement do the two speakers reach at the end of the conversation?        

A. The woman can take two days off.      

B. The woman needs to do some extra work.        

C. The woman should buy some travelling materials.                         



Doing exercise and keeping fit  

Ⅰ. The importance of exercise  

A   18.can lead to many health problems.  

Ⅱ. How to prevent illness  

Stay  19.: playing sports, gardening & doing housework  

Ⅲ. Ways of doing exercise  

· Choose a proper form  

One that you enjoy and that you can stick with  

· Exercise in the right way  

Start exercising slowly and increase the amount of exercise  20..  


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