
5. Scientists say they have found a way to produce the human body’s own cancer-killing cells through gene treatment,      (offer) new hope to cancer sufferers.

5. offering    offer 意为“给提供”。


When I was at school,our teacher often said,“You are what you eat. ” She wanted us to eat the right food to be healthy.

Japanese people are said to be the healthiest in the world. They eat rice and fish and vegetables every day. They drink green tea or water when they’re thirsty,and snack on dried fish,fruit or nuts. So we can believe that you become what you eat. When you know the advantages of different kinds of food,you can use your knowledge well and eat what you want to become.

Have you ever heard any of the following advice?

* Lettuce or milk can make you sleepy while peanuts or dried fish will stop that feeling.

* To keep your teeth clean,you should eat apples often.

* Garlic(大蒜) helps to prevent colds.

Future restaurants might be named after what they hope to create. Let’s take the restaurant “Winners” as an example. Its menu would list dishes specifically designed to help you win sports games. There would be rich tomato sauce (调味汁) full of vitamin C and soft vegetables. All this would have a little fresh cheese on the top—just enough to help you get a good night’s sleep.

What will happen to junk food in the future? If ice cream is not good for children,can’t we give them fat-free,sugar-free tofu ice cream? We are told dried fruit is a healthier snack than biscuits,so some biscuit companies are making biscuits with more vitamins. So in the future,you might be able to eat your way to health!

1. What’s the best title for this passage?

   A. Food in the future

   B.  You are what you eat

   C.  How to keep healthy

   D.  Food inJapan

2. The Japanese are very healthy mainly because          .

   A. they eat many vegetables

   B.  they have a healthy diet

   C.  they know much about food

   D.  they know how to cook nice food

3. According to the passage,which of the following kinds of food may make you sleepy?

   A. Milk and cheese.

   B.  Peanuts and cheese.

   C.  Dried fish and milk.

   D.  Garlic and peanuts.

4. We learn from the passage that       .

   A. “Winners” only provides vegetable dishes

   B.  eating apples is good for our teeth

   C.  there will be no ice cream in the future

   D.  people prefer biscuits to dried fruit

AHA Scientific Position found cigarette smoking by children and teenagers in theUnited Statesis a major public health problem.

If not controlled,later in life it will become a major risk factor for coronary heart disease (冠心病) ,which leads to heart attack. Among young men and women— who are otherwise at very low risk of developing coronary heart disease—cigarette smoking may cause as many as 75 per cent of the cases of coronary heart disease. The longer a person smokes,the higher the risk of coronary heart disease. More than 80,000 people die each year from coronary heart disease caused by smoking.

Most adult smokers started when they were teenagers;smoking habits in youth seem to determine lifetime cigarette consumption (消费) .丁here’s also evidence that those who begin smoking before they’re 20 have the highest incidence and earliest onset of coronary heart disease and high blood pressure. Autopsy (尸体解剖) studies of smokers have raised questions about the effects of smoking in childhood and ado-lescence(青春期) on the development of fatty build-ups in arteries in adulthood.

What about passive (被动的) or second-hand smoking? About 59 per cent of American children aged between 4 and 11 are suffering from second-hand smoke at home. Studies have shown that children (especially infants) of parents who smoke have more lung illnesses,such as bronchitis(支气管炎) and pneumonia,and can develop asthma(哮喘) . And because smoking parents are more likely to cough and spread germs,their children are more likely to develop chest illnesses. Exposure to tobacco smoke also increases the risk of heart disease.

1. What’s the best title of the passage?

   A. Passive or second-hand smoking

   B.  Cigarette smoking and children

   C.  Cigarette smoking and disease

   D.  Smoking habits

2. If parents smoke,their children can get illnesses EXCEPT        .

   A. bronchitis   B. pneumonia

   C.  asthma   D. lung cancer

3. The underlined sentence in the third paragraph means that        .

   A. if the children get into the habit of smoking, they must smoke all their lives

   B.  when the children are into the habit of smoking,they perhaps can smoke all their lives

   C.  all adult smokers can smoke all their lives

   D.  all children who get into the habit of smoking can smoke all their lives

4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?

   A. Cigarette smoking by the youth in theUnited Statesis a major public health problem.

   B.  The longer you smoke,the higher the risk of heart attack.

   C.  If the children have second-hand smoking,they have the risk for many illnesses.

   D.  The harm of smoking in children and in adults is the same.

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