
Our Future Homes

 What kinds of homes will we live         the future? Nobody can be sure,         architects, and scientists are         new ideas now.

  Some architects are thinking about          whole cities under huge glass domes. Of course, complicated heating and        systems will be necessary to control the climate in the domes.        , there will never be any rain      snow, and the temperature will be always        .

  Perhaps everyone will live in vertical(立体的)       . High rises are so large that they can contain all the necessities of life. Since vertical cities will use        land than horizontal cities, and provide homes for more people, they will be       for small countries that have      populations.

Another idea that will be helpful to        countries (and island countries) is

the      city. Monaco has already built homes, stores, and offices         the water of the Mediterranean Sea. And a Japanese       has made a plan for constructing buildings on bridges over Tokyo Bay.

  There are some people who think we will go back to living in       . But the caves of the future will be quite      the caves of the Stone Age. Computers will control light and climate. Farms and parks will be on the land      the cave city. When people want to go to the country or to a park, a short ride in       will take them there.

1.A. in                                             B. in at                         C. in in                                   D. in for

2.A. and                                B. or                    C. but                                    D. however

3.A. working out                B. working at         C. working on                  D. thinking

4.A. burying                             B. destroying            C. founding                          D. building

5.A. cooling                              B. cold                           C. living                     D. social

6.A. So                                 B. However                 C. Therefore                        D. Even if

7.A. or                             B. and                          C. but                                    D.  with

8.A. pleased                        B. happy                  C. content                              D. comfortable

9.A. towns                               B. villages                C. buildings                    D. cities

10.A. fewer                                   B. more                       C. larger                              D. less

11.A. practical                     B. expensive               C. unnecessary                  D. useless

12.A. big                              B. many                       C. much                              D. large

13.A. huge                                    B. small                        C. strong                    D. great

14.A. floated                            B. float                          C. floating                           D. to float

15.A. in                                          B. under                      C. over                               D. on

16.A. teacher                          B. sailor                         C. doctor                            D. architect

17.A. houses                            B. caves                        C. buildings                        D. cities

18.A. different from              B. similar with      C. equal to                   D. the same as

19.A. under                            B. in                           C. over                                 D. far from

20.A. a bus                                    B. ship                          C. an elevator              D. a train


























1.C考查介词。句意: 在将来我们住在什么样的房子里呢?因为宾语是房子,live居住,是不及物动词,带宾语时需加in,再有就是关键词the future,构成短语:in the future,所以C正确。


3.A考查动词短语辨析。句意: 但考古学家和科学家正在设计新的想法呢。A. working out          设计出,计算出       B. working at从事             C. working on     从事     D. thinking认为,根据句意应该是设计出,所以A正确。

4.D考查动词辨析。句意:一些考古学家正在考虑在巨大玻璃圆顶下建一座城市。A. burying        埋 B. destroying毁坏C. founding成立         D. building建造,根据句意所以D正确。

5.A考查词义辨析。句意:当然了,复杂的加热和冷却系统将是必要的。把握关键词and,前后连接并列成分,前面是加热,后面应该是冷却,A. cooling  冷却B. cold      冷的C. living     生活D. social社会的,社交的,所以A正确。

6. C考查副词。句意:将不会有雨也不会有雪,根据前后句之间当然是因果关系,A. So 因此(连词)B. However然而 C. Therefore因此(副词)D. Even if(即使),根据空后的逗号,所以是副词,所以C正确。

7.A考查连词。句意: 将不会有雨也不会有雪,根据句意是连续否定,所以用or .

8.D考查形容词。句意:温度将是总是让人舒服的。根据前句既有圆顶,又有冷却和加热系统,A. pleased 高兴的    B. happy高兴的C. content满意的D. comfortable舒适的,所以D正确

9.D考查名词。句意:或许大家都愿意住在立体的城市里。根据后线索:Since vertical cities will use        land than horizontal cities,,所以是城市,D正确


11.A考查形容词。句意:由于用地少,为更多的人提供的家园,所以对于人口多的小城市来说更加实用。A. practical实用的B. expensive昂贵的      C. unnecessary不必要的D. useless无用的,所以A正确

12.D考查形容词。句意: 对于人口多的小城市来说更加实用。根据固定用法:人口的多少不用many,much,而应该用large和small,所以D正确

13.B考查语境理解。句意:对于小的国家和岛国有帮助的另外一个想法就是漂流的城市。根据前线索:they will be      for small countries,float意思为"漂浮",此处为现在分词短语作定语。所以B正确

14.C考查语境理解。句意: 对于小的国家和岛国有帮助的另外一个想法就是漂流的城市,根据后线索:and offices         the water of the Mediterranean Sea.,所以C正确

15.D考查介词。句意: 摩纳哥已经在地中海的海面上建了家园,商店和办公室。因为是漂在水面上的,所以用on,所以D正确

16.D考查名词和语境理解。句意:一个日本的建筑师做了一个跨越东京湾建房的计划。. A. teacher老师B. sailor       船员C. doctor  医生D. architect建筑师,所以D正确。

17.B考查名词。句意:还有人认为我们将回到山洞里居住。go back to doing sth.意思为"重操旧业"。这里是指又重新生活在洞穴里,所以B正确。

18.A考查形容词短语。句意未来的山洞和石器时代的山洞很不同。根据后线索Computers will control light and climate,当然是不同了,所以A正确。

19.C考查介词。句意:农田和公园将在山洞城市的上面A. under在。。。下面 B. in        在。。。里C. over      在。。。上方      D. far from远离,over是指在洞穴的上方,所以C正确

20.C考查名词。句意:当人们想去乡村或者公园时坐电梯一会就到。根据前线索:Farms and parks will be on the land      the cave city,是往上走,所以C正确。




The marine environment is fascinating to study and work in due to its beauty, richness, and complexity. It covers three quarters of the surface of the Earth, yet we know more detail about the surface of Mars.

In the past, it was seen as both an inexhaustible resource and a bottomless sink for our wastes. Yet the increasing pressures of overpopulation, pollution and the threat to our natural environment mean that there is an increasing need for scientists who can understand how it all works, how it affects us, and how we are affecting it from global warming through to the smallest plankton.

From local issues to global concerns, we now know that the marine environment is inextricably linked to our lives, and to our future survival. It is an area where much remains to be discovered, and where only a multidisciplinary approach can cover the breadth of issues to be confronted. This is the approach taken on our Marine Environmental Science degree course.

This course takes a multi-disciplinary approach to explore and understand the marine environment. After an initial grounding in basic science, optional choices are available in specialist topics such as marine ecosystems and pollution, coastal navigation and oceanography, among others.

Our new harbor side marine laboratory is used for some of the specialist lectures, laboratory and project work, while a week's residential field course in the Isle of Man provides training to prepare for the research project conducted in your final year. There is an optional trip to Belize in the final year to study tropical marine environments.

From the passage, we can infer that ______.

A. people waste a lot of resource

B. marine environment covers 3/4 of the surface of Mars

C. marine environment is beautiful for its sufficient resources

D. the Earth is similar to Mars

The present environment of the Earth forces the experts and scholars to study ______.

A. the relationship between people’s actions and natural environment

B. the relationship between people’s actions and pollution

C. the relationship between people’s actions and overpopulation

D. the relationship between people’s actions and plankton

According to the passage, a multi-disciplinary approach is effective because _______.

A. we can choose some issues as optionally as we can

B. we have practiced the approach for a long time

C. the approach is linked to our future survival

D. the approach covers a lot of problems we will meet

We can divide the lectures of the course into ______ parts.

A.1       B. 2       C. 3       D. 4

If a student choose marine Environmental Science degree course, he must ______.

A. make lectures about the issues to be confronted

B. provide training to get ready to do research project

C. take several days residential field in the Isle

travel to Belize to study tropical marine environments


Solar energy for your home is coming. It can help you as a single home owner. It can help the whole country as well. Whether or not solar energy can save your money depends on many things. Where you live is one factor. The type of home you have is another. Things like insulation(绝缘) present energy costs and the type of system you buy are added factors.

Using solar energy can help save our precious fuel. As you know, our supplies of oil and gas are very limited. There is just not enough on hand to meet all our future energy needs. And when Mother Nature says that’s all, the only way we can delay hearing those words is by starting to save energy now and by using other sources, like the sun.

We won’t have to worry about the sun’s running out of energy for another several billion years or so. Besides begin an endless source of energy, the use of the sun has other advantages as well. The sun doesn’t offer as many problems as other energy sources. For example, fossil fuel plants add to already high pollution levels. With sola energy, we will still need sources of energy, but we won’t need as much. That means we can cut down on our pollution problems.

With all these good points, why don’t we use more solar power? There are many reasons for this. The biggest reason is money. Until now, it was just not practical for a home owner to put in a solar unit. There were cheaper sources of energy. All this is changing now. Solar costs are starting to equal the costs of oil and electricity. Experts say that gas, oil and electricity prices will continue to rise. The demand for electricity is increasing rapidly. But new power plants will use more gas, oil or coal. Already in some places the supply of electricity is being rationed. Solar energy is now in its infancy. It could soon grow to become a major part of our nation’s energy supply.

57. Which statement best expresses the main idea?

A. Something about Solar Energy and Pollution.        B. Solar Energy.

C. Energy and Pollution                                           D. Energy and Money

58. Solar energy can help us save ____.

A. the earth and nature resources                                  B. mother nature

C. the sun                                                                     D. our precious fuel

59. Which of the following statements is correct?

A. Energy from coal would not pollute our living environment.

B. Energy from natural gas would not pollute our living environment.

C. Energy from the sun would not pollute our living environment.

D. Energy from oil would not pollute our living environment.

60. Solar energy is in its infancy, ____.

A. but it will be considered as an important part of our nation’s energy supply

B. yet we will build more power plants

C. and the supply of electricity will be rationed

D. but we don’t need practice energy rationing now




The Importance of a Good Education

Getting a good education may be the most important price you can pay, because, perhaps more than anything else, what you do with that huge gray material between your ears will determine your future. These words actually describe millions of people worldwide who choose to limit their potential ability by not widening their education.

A person is much more likely to have better job offers, more successful career with a better education. This, in turn, would allow for much better life style. For example, compare two men. The first person is a high school dropout. The second has a law degree. The high school dropout will be fortunate to get a job in food services, making less than twenty thousand dollars a year, barely surviving each week. To contrast this, the person with the law degree will certainly have a successful career as a lawyer, making over $ 70,000 annually. The lawyer will, of course, have a very wealthy lifestyle. Statistics show that high school dropouts make 42% less money than college graduates.

Our generation will become doctors, lawyers, teachers and leaders of tomorrow. To do this successfully, a higher level of education is very important! We must crave learning. This, in turn, will pay for not only our future but also will help to insure success for those who follow.










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