
     As science develops rapidly in the direction of technology,it supplies man a better and more comfortable   1  . Men will be   2  shorter and shorter hours,    3    housewives will also be able to have   4    time.
Can you     5    doing housework without a housewife? Scientists believe this will     6   into realities in not
very long time,and perhaps during your life time house-robots will take   7   of housewives.
    When  I     8    this kind of machine with housewives,some 90 percent of them replied     9     ,"     10   
 can I buy one?"      11     10 percent said,"I would be terrified to see it     12     about my house. " But
when I     13     to them that it could be turned    14    or stopped,they quickly realized that it is a    15    
      In my own  16  we have found that the washing-up machine is regarded as a good     17    in the room. There's no greater   18    than to go to bed in the evening and     19    that the washing-up is being done
downstairs after we are   20   .
      Some families would   21   to have their robot slaves   22   all the downstairs housework after they
were in   23   at night,while others would have it   24   in the momings. But this would be entirely matter
of   25   .
(     )1. A. machine    
(     )2. A. living      
(     )3. A. even though
(     )4. A. more free  
(     )5. A. think      
(     )6. A. be made    
(     )7. A. place      
(     )8. A. discussed  
(     )9. A. coolly      
(     )10.  A.  How long
(     )11. A. Other      
(     )12. A. moving    
(     )13. A. wrote      
(     )14. A. into      
(     )15. A. terrible  
(     )16. A. home      
(     )17. A. furniture  
(     )18. A. trouble    
(     )19. A. know      
(     )20. A. home      
(     )21. A. use        
(     )22. A. to do      
(     )23. A. work      
(     )24. A. to do      
(     )25. A. choice    
B. house      
B. resting    
B. while      
B. shorter    
B. enjoy      
B. be tumed    
B. places      
B. supplied    
B. immediately
B.  How much  
B. Another    
B. talking    
B. showed      
B. on          
B. useful      
B. opimon      
B. pet        
B. pleasure    
B. feel        
B. tired      
B. rather      
B. doing      
B. bed        
B. doing      
B. practice    
C. life      
C. working  
C. however  
C. busier    
C. infer    
C. go        
C. a place  
C. helped    
C. politely  
C.  How soon
C. The other
C. jumping  
C. spoke    
C. over      
C. real      
C. future    
C. hand      
C. choice    
C. notice    
C. out      
C. feellike  
C. done      
C. need      
C. done      
C. idea      
D. sleep        
D. sleeping    
D. so          
D. a good      
D. imagine      
D. be produced  
D. the place    
D. sold        
D. slowly      
D.  How often  
D. Others      
D. playing      
D. explained    
D. off          
D. future      
D. time        
D. person      
D. object      
D. find        
D. asleep      
D. like        
D. wash        
D. house        
D. do          
D. quality      
1~5: CCBAD  6~10 : BDABC 11~15 : CADDB   16~20: ACBAD 21~25 : DBBCA
     As long as I can remember I was overweight. Actually that isn't entirely true because I can   1   remember
one summer when I was "normal". After that it seems like I was always   2  . I wanted so eagerly (急切地) to
be like all of the other kids. I would look in the mirror with my shirt off   3   cover my stomach,   4   it wasn't
there just so I could keep a positive   5   of myself.
     I can remember when my mom first found out I weighed over 200 pounds. I was 12 and   6   go to the
asthma (哮喘) doctor. When I got on the   7   it read 212 pounds. My heart   8  . I   9   to her because I didn't
want her to find out. I was  10  of being overweight and afraid of her  11 , which was a fear in my own mind
rather than a reality.
     I can remember going to the " 12 " store with my grandma so I could get a suit for my 8th grade graduation.
They  13  me at size 46. I couldn't believe it. I was used to the 40s that I had let down around my hips (臀部)
where most kids my  14  wore them. Can you  15  being a size 46 at 14 years old? It took me a week to look
myself in the face again without self-pity.
     Not only was the high weight bad for my physical health, but it was  16  to my mental health. I never  17  
how it made me shy, lonely or depressed. I kept all of these bottled up (抑制) inside because I knew that I
would just be  18  as the depressed fat kid who wanted everyone to feel  19  for him. And you know they were
right not to feel sorry for me because it was my  20  : I was lazy.
(     )1. A. never         
(     )2. A. overweight    
(     )3. A. but           
(     )4. A. managing      
(     )5. A. view          
(     )6. A. had to        
(     )7. A. platform      
(     )8. A. broke         
(     )9. A. lied          
(     )10. A. fond         
(     )11. A. judgement    
(     )12. A. cheap & easy 
(     )13. A. showed       
(     )14. A. sex          
(     )15. A. confirm      
(     )16. A. tough        
(     )17. A. admitted     
(     )18. A. honored      
(     )19. A. sorry        
(     )20. A. idea         

B. also          
B. healthy       
B. or          
B. pretending    
B. look          
B. would       
B. stairs        
B. sank          
B. replied       
B. tired         
B. comfort       
B. fast & right     
B. dressed     
B. age           
B. suggest       
B. harmful       
B. considered  
B. blamed        
B. secure        
B. decision    

C. hardly     
C. energetic  
C. then       
C. ensuring   
C. image      
C. could      
C. table      
C. pumped     
C. explained  
C. ashamed    
C. punishment    
C. big & tall 
C. counted    
C. race       
C. approve    
C. dangerous  
C. wondered   
C. adopted    
C. proud      
C. fault      

D. soon           
D. easygoing      
D. and            
D. deciding       
D. quality        
D. might          
D. scale          
D. stopped        
D. whispered      
D. accused        
D. scold          
D. good & worthy           
D. measured       
D. time           
D. imagine        
D. serious        
D. doubted        
D. regarded       
D. guilty         
D. intention      
    As darkness fell, hundreds of people in the Swiss village left their houses. They were
staring (凝视)   1   at the mountain top in the distance. It was covered with ice and snow-
beautiful and dangerous.
    The huge mountain is called Matterhorn. Mountain climbers had   2   the top through
the southern route (路线). But no one   3   ever dared to try climbing up the   4   side in
winter. But now one man   5   to try the difficult route. He was Walter Bonatti, a great
mountain climber   6   Italy.
    For two days he had climbed. The village people had watched him   7  . Now they were
waiting to see his   8  . If he planned to go on the next day, he would   9   a green signal.
A red light would mean that he was turning back.
    A tiny green light  10  high on the mountain side. Bonatti was not giving up! The people
 11 !
    The next day he continued his way upward. He was so lonely and so  12 ! But he would
not give up. Again that night he lit the  13  light.
    In the morning, Bonatti  14 . He could not see the top. He knew he was  15  there. Though
the climb was painful,  16  he moved up. Bonatti had spent months  17  for the climb. Was
the training enough? Did he have the strength and skill to climb to the top?
    He was finally at the top! News about his  18  was radioed to the world.
    The trip  19  the southern route was easy. He was warmly welcomed in the village. He had
done the "impossible", and would be well  20  as a climber of all time.
(     )1. A. back      
(     )2. A. watched  
(     )3. A. was      
(     )4. A. western  
(     )5. A. had      
(     )6. A. from      
(     )7. A. patiently 
(     )8. A. face      
(     )9. A. raise    
(     )10. A. rose      
(     )11. A. cheered  
(     )12. A. sleepy    
(     )13. A. yellow    
(     )14. A. woke up  
(     )15. A. already  
(     )16. A. but      
(     )17. A. training  
(     )18. A. succe ss   
(     )19. A. along    
(     )20. A. recognized  
B. forward  
B. passed    
B. wasn't  
B. eastern  
B. ought    
B. to        
B. carefully 
B. figure    
B. make      
B. appeared  
B. laughed  
B. excited  
B. blue      
B. turned up 
B. almost    
B. and      
B. preparing 
B. importance   
B. up        
B. called    
C. down       
C. reached   
C. hadn't   
C. southern   
C. used       
C. at         
C. anxiously 
C. flag       
C. light     
C. turned on 
C. jumped     
C. tired     
C. green     
C. got up     
C. no longer 
C. still     
C. planning   
C. climb     
C. down       
C. remembered   
D. up             
D. climbed          
D. had          
D. northern       
D. dared          
D. for            
D. eagerly        
D. signal         
D. mark           
D. turned off                       
D. whispered      
D. happy          
D. red            
D. looked up      
D. surely         
D. however        
D. asking         
D. courage        
D. to             
D. kept           
     As a child, I was afraid of everything. At the age of 8, I even became   1   of getting Halloween candy.
   2  , on October 31, my twin brother and I went out and   3   to every house in the neighborhood. Most
of the houses only had a few steps to the door. It was easy. However, when we   4   one of the bigger
houses with 10 tall steps   5   to the front door, which were known to have the best candy, my fear   6   
me. My brother was already up the stairs, while I stood   7   at the bottom.
     It was   8   that I'd be able to climb all that way, for I was afraid that I might fall over in the dark and
   9   my bag of candy. I might  10  my clothes on something. I wanted the candy, but there was no  11  
I would go up those stairs to get it. I failed. I lost more than just candy. I lost my  12 .
     Fear of the unknown  13  me for a long time. After six years in nursing, I was  14  with the career I
had chosen. I faced a  15 : step out into the unknown or  16  the rest of my life at the bottom of those
steps, never  17  the best candy.
     Finally, with only $100 in my savings account, I started my own business. Whenever I would lose a
client (客户), the old fears  18 . However, I'd tasted the candy, and now I don't  19  when I face difficulties.
I believe that, though  20  things can happen when we step out, worse things happen when we don't.
(     )1. A. afraid           
(     )2. A. Hardly          
(     )3. A. pointed          
(     )4. A. knocked          
(     )5. A. pointing         
(     )6. A. encouraged      
(     )7. A. slightly         
(     )8. A. unlikely         
(     )9. A. fall             
(     )10. A. bury            
(     )11. A. way            
(     )12. A. bag             
(     )13. A. amused          
(     )14. A. excited         
(     )15. A. difficulty       
(     )16. A. save             
(     )17. A. presenting       
(     )18. A. disappeared      
(     )19. A. fear             
(     )20. A. big            
B. happy           
B. Normally      
B. rushed           
B. escaped          
B. belonging     
B. spread           
B. frozen           
B. unlucky         
B. drop             
B. break           
B. need            
B. life            
B. controlled      
B. concerned         
B. cause           
B. spend           
B. buying           
B. warned          
B. cry           
B. fortunate       
C. fond          
C. Certainly      
C. moved         
C. reached        
C. opening        
C. prevented     
C. calmly        
C. possible      
C. forget        
C. tear          
C. doubt          
C. way          
C. helped        
C. impressive      
C. fear          
C. change      
C. making       
C. returned     
C. fail        
C. bad         
D. tired        
D. Approximately        
D. traveled     
D. entered      
D. leading      
D. attracted    
D. happily      
D. pitiful      
D. lose         
D. catch        
D. wonder       
D. confidence   
D. ruined       
D. unsatisfied  
D. choice       
D. escape       
D. tasting      
D. reminded     
D. complain     
D. small        

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