
第三节 写作(满分30分)

据报道,美国著名流行音乐歌星迈克尔·杰克逊(Michael Jackson) 于2009年6月去世。几天后,他的十二名歌迷随之自杀。请根据此报道写一篇100词左右的短文,主要内容如下:

1. 报道的具体内容以及你对此事的看法;2. 音乐的作用以及中学生应如何对待自己的偶像。




One possible version:

It is reported that the famous American pop music star Michael Jackson died in June, 2009 and I was surprised to hear that twelve of his fans killed themselves over the death of their idol. I think it is a wrong and stupid idea for those crazy fans to end theirs lives.

Music is so powerful that it can create another world for people to stay away from the trouble of the real world. But as middle school students, we should not confuse our love for music with that for the musicians and do whatever they do. In that case, we will lose ourselves and sometimes even destroy our own life.




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