
If you are a parent, grandparent, guardian, or anyone involved in bringing up a child, choosing the right school can be a hard decision. Your choice of school must be made carefully in order to provide the best education for your child.
If you are living overseas and are interested in a school over here, then please visit our International Zone. Similarly, if you are looking for an independent school abroad, you will also find useful information in our International Zone.
There are many things to consider.  Boarding (寄宿) school or day school? Senior, junior, or both? Single-sex or coeducational? Your child may have specific religious needs, a particular talent or a special educational need. How much does an independent education cost? Is help available if I can' t afford the fees? How do I apply for a place?
The ISC information & advice service is a free information service, established by the Independent Schools Council (ISC) to give advice on reliable independent schools in the UK and Ireland. A national information team working for the ISC information & advice service deals with thousands of enquiries (询问). In addition to our easy-to-use online School Search, we offer help, replies to enquiries, and a wealth of information about choosing and applying to an independent school.
You can get the ISC information & advice service in the following ways;
● Call 0845 SCHOOLS (7246657), our national helpline, which is continually manned from 9 am to 5 pm, five days a week.
●Send an email to information@ isc. co. uk
Email enquiries are replied to within one working day.
64. You can most probably find the above information __
A. on the Intemet  B. in the textbook  C. from a novel    D. in a guide book 65.The ISC information & advice service mainly gives information on __
A. language study                       B. boarding schools
C. British and Irish independent schools      D. British culture
66. Someone abroad can get quicker replies at 4:30 pm on Friday by __
A. emailing to information@ isc. co. uk
B. calling 0845 SCHOOLS (7246657)
C. going to the website of ISC information & advice service
D. visiting the website of International Zone
67.  An independent school can admit the following as students EXCEPT
A. grown-ups     B. only girls    C. both boys and girls    D. only boys


What kind of car will we be driving in 2010? Rather different from the type we know today, with the next 20 years bringing greater change than the past 50.The people who will be designing the models of tomorrow believe that environmental problems may well accelerate the pace of the car’s development. Today they are students on the transport design course at London’s Royal College of Art.
Their vision is of a machine with three wheels instead of four, electrically powered, environmentally clean, and able to drive itself along “intelligent” roads equipped with built-in power supplies. Future cars will pick up their fuel during long journeys from a power source built into the road, or store it in small quantities for travelling in the city.
Instead of today’s seating arrangements—two in front, two or three behind, all facing forward--- the 2010 car will have a versatile interior with adults and children in a family circle.
This view of the future car is based on a much more sophisticated road system, with strips built into motorways to supply power to vehicles passing along them, cars will not need drivers, because computers will provide safe driving control and route finding. All the driver will have to do is say where to go and the computer will do the rest. It will become impossible for cars to crash into one another. The technology already exists for the car to become a true automobile.
71.What kind of car will we be driving in 2010?
A.Three wheeled.                B.Electrically powered.
C.With a versatile seating arrangement   D.All of the above.
72.How long will a volunteer be required to spend?
A.A few hours every day.                B.A couple of hours each day.
C.One or two hours every two weeks.     D.A few days per week.
73.What does the word “versatile” in Paragraph 3 mean?
A.having many different kinds of skill
B.easily able to change from one direction to another
C.easily able to change from one kind of activity to another
D.having many different uses
74.In paragraph 4 “with strips built into motorways to supply power to vehicles passing along them” means “there are many ____”.
A.traffic lights to control the speed of future cars
B.street posts to indicate directions for drivers
C.power sources along the street are able to supply power to automobiles
D.stop marks along the street to stop cars
75.What is the main idea of the passage?
A.Future cars are completely different from the automobiles we know today.
B.The design of future cars will be more sophisticated.
C.Because of the new type of cars, our future environment will become cleaner.
D.The road system will become more sophisticated than it is today.

Billy Joe Saunders is aiming for boxing gold at the Beijing Olympics but may have created history already.
As far as he knows, the 18-year-old welterweight from Hatfield is the first person from the Romany Gypsy community to qualify for an Olympic Games.
Billy Joe clinched (最终获得)his place at a qualifying event in Italy earlier this month and is one of seven boxers to make Team GB for Beijing.
Billy Joe Saunders is not the only British boxer with genuine(真的)medal prospects for Beijing, but his background has to be the most fascinating.
He comes from the Romany Gypsy community and lives on a caravan site near Hatfield in Hertfordshire.
Boxing runs deep in the Saunders family, who are immensely proud of their heritage.
His brother Tommy is a professional(职业的), while his Dad Tom was an amateur and his great, great grandfather, the wonderfully named Absolom Beeny, now aged 96, used to make his living fighting in the old boxing booth at fairgrounds.
Billy Joe admits he has heard all the stories a hundred times, but once he and his brother had visited the local boxing club, he was hooked.
"Boxing has kept me off the streets, stops me smoking and drinking and gives me something to do", he said.
His background may be colorful, but make no mistake, Billy Joe Saunders is one very special boxer.
As a boy he wasn't the most naturally gifted, but had an inner toughness that set him apart from other fighters.
His trainer, Danny Hoy, said: "When I saw him have to dig down into his boots against much older boys, I thought this kid is not the same as anyone else. There is something with this kid".
It is that something which made Billy Joe a real prospect for London 2012, so qualification for Beijing means he is effectively four years ahead of schedule.
He remembers watching Amir Khan win silver in Athens four years ago, and wants to go one better. "I'm aiming for gold, simple as that", he said.
51.Where did Billy clinch his place as a boxer to make Team GB for Beijing.
A. At Beijing                                 B. At Romany Gypsy community     
C. In Italy                                                D. In Britain
52.The underlined word " amateur" (in Para. 3) here means ________
A. a person who takes part in boxing only for pleasure    
B. a person who takes part in boxing as his job
C. a coach who teaches boxing
D. a player who takes part in baseball
53.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A. Billy’s brother is a professional boxer.   
B. Absolom’s son is not a professional boxer.
C. Billy was very interested in the local boxing club.
D. Billy was the most naturally gifted when he was still a very young boy.
54.It can be inferred from the passage that________
A. His coach thought Billy was gifted to be a boxer when he saw Billy’s boots against older boys.
B. It was Boxing that has kept Billy off the streets.
C. Billy won a silver medal in Athens Olympic Games..
D. Billy will compete in Beijing Olympic Games four years ahead of his trainer’s schedule.
55.What is Billy hoping to win in Beijing Olympic Games?
A. A silver medal for boxing                      B. A gold medal for boxing  
C. A piece of gold                              D. A copper medal
When you want to go shopping, you’d better decide how much money you can spend on new clothes.
Think about the kind of clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes you really need. Then look for those clothes on sale.
There are labels(标签) inside all new clothes. The labels tell you how to take care of your clothes. The label for a shirt may tell you to wash it in warm water. A sweater label may tell you to wash in cold water. The label on a coat may say “dry clean only”, for washing may ruin this coat. If you do as the directions(说明) on the label, you can keep your clothes looking their best for a long time.
Many clothes today must be dry cleaned. Dry cleaning is expensive. When buying new clothes, check to see if they will need to be dry cleaned. You will save money if you buy clothes that can be washed.
You can save money if you buy clothes that are well done. Well-made clothes last longer. They look good even after they have been washed many times. Clothes that cost more money are not necessarily(不一定) better made. They do not always fit better. Sometimes less expensive clothes look and fit better than more expensive clothes.
小题1:The label inside the clothes tell you           
A.how to keep them looking their best.
B.how to save money.
C.whether they fit you or not.
D.where to get them dry cleaned.
小题2:If you want to save money, you had better buy clothes that__________.
A.don’t fit youB.don’t last long
C.need to be dry cleanedD.can be wash
小题3:We learn from the passage that cheaper clothes         
A.are always worse made
B.must be dry cleaned
C.can not be washed
D.can sometimes fit you better
小题4:Give the best title(标题)for this passage.
A.Buy Less Expensive Clothes
B.Taking Enough Money When Shopping
C.Being a Clever Clothes Shopper
D.Choosing the Label inside New Clothes

Pretoria, South Africa – Hundreds of swimmers play in the water along a South Africa beach. Suddenly a huge shark appears off shore and heads for the bathers. Before it can get close to the swimmers, the shark, for some mysterious reason, starts swimming parallel to the beach. Then it turns away from the shore and heads out to sea, leaving the swimmers untouched.
Such a scene will soon become common along shark-in-fasted (鲨鱼成群的) shores. An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed an electrical system that repels (击退) sharks by controlling their movements. Confused by this action, the sharks end up turning away from the beach.
In this unusual shark-repellent method, an insulated (绝缘的) cable is buried on the bottom of the sea around a beach where people swim. When an electric current is sent through the cable, an electric field is produced in the water above the cable.
When shark swims into the electric field, nerve cells just below the shark' s skin will sense the field. The electricity produces a reflex (反射作用) action in the shark' s muscles, causing the dangerous animal to swim parallel to the cable. Confused by increasing loss of control of its muscles, the shark suddenly changes its direction and heads seaward, away from the electric field.
In a test of the invisible new shark-repellent system, a cable was placed around a beach in St. Lucia, an island around the beach a long time ago to keep sharks away from swimmers, and a net was left in place during the experiment.
When the electric field was left on for more than a year and a half, no sharks were found in the net. However, when the power was turned off,89 sharks ended up in the net.
Using the electric-wall method instead of net to protect bathers would avoid the needless death of many sharks, said biologists. Currently, thousands of sharks die each year when they become trapped in protective nets that surround holiday resorts in Africa and Australia.  About 10 to 15 humans are killed by sharks annually.
1.Why doesn' t the shark attack the swimmers according to the passage?
A.Because there are so many swimmers in the water.
B.Because the shark isn’t so hungry as to eat the swimmers.
C.Because of some mysterious power from the heaven.
D.Because there is an invisible electric field confusing the shark.
2.An electrical engineer from the University of Pretoria has developed __      .
A.a protective net   
B.a new shark-repellent system
C.the electric field        
D.an insulated cable
3.An electric field is produced in the water above the cable         .
A.only when a shark swims into the electric field
B.only when an insulated cable is buried on the bottom of the sea around a beach where people swim
C.only when an electric current is sent through the cable
D.only when the sharks are trapped in protective nets
4.Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage?
A.Protective nets had been fixed earlier than the new shark-repellent system.
B.The new shark – repellent system will probably replace the protective nets.
C.Thousands of sharks have died each year since this new system was put into use.
D.Using the electric-wall instead of nets would avoid the needless death of many sharks.

Learning online should make use of a number of Internet tools: e-mail lets you exchange letters between continents very cheaply and almost immediately. Large groups of people can share their discussions by using electronic lists to send every letter to everyone on the list. Electronic magazines bring you up-to-date topics, such as news, arts, and sports. Search engines allow you to look for anything you want on the Internet, including the holdings of major libraries. In a chat room you can have a real-time written talk. Audio and video bring the world to your computer -— you can listen to the world's radio stations, watch the evening news from another continent. And in an online conference you can even talk to your teacher and fellow students abroad.
Do you have e-mail? How much do you communicate with your friends over the Internet? Internet, the newest child in technology, is like a modern communication highway. It's also a kind of super-shop, almost anything you can buy in a store -— you can get it through Internet, without leaving home at all.
56. What is the passage mainly about?
A. Internet    B. Radio stations    C. Magazines    D. Libraries
57. What is the quickest and cheapest way of getting in touch with your friend abroad?
A. By telegraph                 B. By air-mail 
C. By e-mail                    D. By telephone
58. Which of the following will you choose if you want to hold a meeting over the Internet?
A. Chat room                   B. Search engines  
C. Online conference             D. Electronic lists
59. In the writer’s opinion, it can be inferred that we might work _____ in the future.
A. in the office                  B. at home    
C. at the library                 D. in the store

Girls really do prefer pink and boys prefer blue, recent research shows.
The reasons could have its origins in the hunt for food on the African savannah(稀树草原) thousands of years ago. Evolution may have developed women’s preference for pink, perhaps because it helped them to find ripe fruit and healthy men with reddish faces, while both men and women have a natural desire for blue, according to scientists at Newcastle University.
“Everyone in today’s western culture, from parents to toy manufactures, seems to assume that little girls like pink.” Said Prof. Anya Hulbert, who wanted to find out whether the reason was cultural or to do with biology.
A love of salmon, fuchsia and coral does seem to be rooted into females, rather than picked up from their mothers.
The participants in the study were Chinese and British. The Chinese students showed a marked preference for red. “Culture may contribute to this natural female preference.” Said Pro. Hulbert.
In her experiments, 208 young adult men and women were asked to select, as rapidly as possible, their preferred color. Hulbert and her colleague Dr. Yazhu Ling marked the results and found that while men preferred blue, women tended to choose pink.
Hulbert said she could only infer about the preference for blue: “Here again, I would favor evolutionary arguments. Going back to our savannah’s days, we would have a natural preference for a clear blue sky, because it signaled good weather. Clear blue also signals a good water source.”
60.The passage mentions “the African savannah” to show that____.
A.the ancient Africa was a beautiful place.
B.human beings lived in African at first.
C.women and men have different color preferences.
D.Color preference has its historical origins.
61.It can be inferred that the underlined word “fuchsia”_____.
A.is probably a kind of toy
B.is probably pink in color
C.can be only found in Africa
D.hardly causes men’s interest
62.By saying “The Chinese students… for red.” in paragraph 5, the writer means______.
A.red is the Chinese student’s favorite color
B.the Chinese prefer red more than the British
C.culture influences people’s color preferences
D.the study was carried out by two nations
63.What can we know from the last paragraph?
A.Hulbert thinks evolution explains why people prefer blue
B.Hulbert has a strong desire for “savannah” days
C.Blue is a natural signal of many good things
D.While boys like blue, girls like pink.

Goals can help you do, be and experience everything you want in life.Instead of just letting life happen to you, goals allow you to make your life happen.
Successful and happy people have an idea of how their life should be and they set lots of goals to help them succeed.By setting goals you are taking control of your life.It’s like having a map to show you where you want to go.Think of it this way.There are two drivers.One has a destination in mind which is laid out for her on a map.She can drive straight there without any wasted time or wrong turns.The other driver has no goal or destination or map.She starts off at the same time from the same place as the first driver, but she drives without an aim around, never getting anywhere, just using up gas and oil.Which driver do you want to be?
Winners in life set goals and follow through on them.Winners decide what they want in life and then get there by making plans and setting goals.Unsuccessful people just let life happen by accident.Goals aren’t difficult to set---and they aren’t difficult to reach.It’s up to you to find out what your goals and ideals(理想) really are.
Research tells us that when we write a goal down, we are more likely to achieve.Written goals can be reviewed regularly, and have more power.Like a contract(合同) with yourself, they are harder to neglect(忽视) or forget.Also when you write your goals in a particular way, you are able to make yourself be continuously alert(警觉) to situations that will further your goals.
60.The writer gave the example of two drivers to show_______________.
A.how stupid the first driver was              B.the importance of having a map
C.how stupid the second driver was            D.the importance of setting a goal
61.According to the passage, successful people are different from unsuccessful ones in that ______.
A.the successful people set goals for everything and can get help from others
B.the unsuccessful people’s goals are often too big for them to realize
C.the successful people set goals in their lives and make plans to carry them out
D.the unsuccessful people make plans for everything but can not work hard
62.According to the passage, the most important thing in realizing one’s ideal is to_______.
A.try to be realistic about one’s ability
B.let others help him or her to make his or her dream come true
C.let others understand him or her first, then work together with them
D.have a clear mind of what he or she wants in life
63.Which is the best title for the passage?
A.Goals help you succeed.               B. How to succeed.
C.Why we always failed.                 D. A research on setting goals.
Habits, whether good or bad, are gradually formed. When a person does a certain thing again, he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, then a habit is formed. Once a habit is formed, it is difficult, and sometimes impossible, to get rid of. It is therefore so important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits. Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live. Older persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live, and sometimes become ruined by bad habits.
There are other habits which, when formed in early life, are of great help. Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life, such as early rising, honesty and so on.
Among the habits which children should not form are laziness, lying, stealing and so on. These are all easily formed habits. Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided.
We should keep away from all these bad habits, and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others.
小题1:        are formed little by little.
A.Only good habitsB.Only bad habits
C.Both good habits and bad habits D.Either good habits or bad habits
小题2:The underlined word “them” in the first paragraph refers to         .
A.bad habitsB.good habitsC.childrenD.other persons
小题3:Why should we pay much attention to the formation of habits?
A.Because habits are of great help to every one of us.
B.Because a man can never get rid of a habit.
C.Because it’s hard and sometimes even impossible to throw away bad habits.
D.Because we are forced to do them again and again.
小题4:According to the passage, early rising          .
A.has something to do with successB.is an easily formed habit
C.is such a habit as should have been avoided D.is such a beneficial habit as will be kept

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