June 8th, 2004

  Tian'anmen. Square. Forbidden City. The Ming Tombs. Summer Palace. The Great Wall Peking Duck. Street of Bars.

  I feel like I've been run over by a tractor. Beijing has too much history. It's completely overpowering. I think my friend is just as blinded by the pure brightness of China's long past. Oh… the glory of ancient China still exists. I think out of all the places I visited, I like the Great Wall the best. We climbed, and climbed and climbed. Parts of it were basically straight up. We were out of breath all the way up. But it was all worth it. One sight of the length and lasting power of this monument of humankind blew the wind out of me. From our point of vision, the wall was endless; travels as far as the eye could see.

  On a totally unrelated topic, people here really like to use umbrellas and spit(not in that order). A great majority of the women here hold these little colored umbrellas--in fear of darkening the skin. I feel so out of place. I'm really brown. My mom calls me a black cat. One thing I can't get used to is people smoking in the restaurants and stores. Smoking is forbidden in most buildings in America unless there is a specified area . The food, however, is unbelievable. Salivating(流口水)became common.  I heard the National Entrance Exam ended today or yesterday. I'm still shocked at the idea of having so many exams crowded into two days. Thankfully, we didn't have to go through with it. Instead, we had to deal with the SATs. I had the chance to talk with a few students of my age. I really admire these students. They get the spirit of“patience and perseverance”.

(1) What reminded the author of his brown skin?

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A.Umbrellas used on the Great Wall.

B.The women on the Great Wall.

C.The steep part of the Great Wall.

D.The author's mother.

(2) What puzzled the author most according to the passage?

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A.The ancient Chinese buildings.

B.The Great Wall.

C.Chinese food.

D.The way the National Exam held in China.

(3) Which of the following is an unpleasant experience during the writer's visit in China?

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A.Climbing the Great Wall.

B.Eating Chinese food.

C.Smoking is not forbidden in some public places.

D.So many students took part in the National Exam.

(4) What's the writer's attitude towards the Chinese students?

[  ]


Walking around the corner and into the hall at three in the morning, lost in thought and dragging a mop bucket, I raised my eyes to the front counter in indifference. A man, looking to be in his mid 40’s, stood in a pink dress. A wide-edged hat stuck out over his massive frame resembling an umbrella that was a little too shabby and worn-out, making him look like a woman. The shock at seeing such a strong proud man in a cheap disgusting dress broke my heart, as well as frightened me.

  Dropping my mop on the floor in surprise and picking up my face that had temporarily fallen off, I confidently walked over to the desk.

  “I’m sorry,” I began to say but was confused on whether sir or madam was appropriate. “Can I help you?”

  “I need a room,” he said in a gruff (粗哑的) powerful voice.

  “Sure thing,” I said bringing up the registry. “Can I get your last name?”

  “Hurgan,” he said briefly.

  “And your first name?”


  Suddenly I had to direct all of my concentration on holding back a smile. A ten second pause of silence passed while I tried to stay calm.

  “Okay,” I said getting back to the job, “can I get your phone number, Amanda?”

All of the information was acquired and stored and Amanda received her room key for the night. All was well as I returned to the neglected mop bucket. Suddenly a low throaty cough drew me out of my temporary mental disorder. Looking over at the desk where Amanda stood touching her thick biceps (二头肌) I once again dropped the mop in shock.

  “I’m sorry about that,” I said coming around to the desk. Amanda stared with unease twisting her sleeve with her right index finger.

  “I have a cat,” she said in a low voice.

  “I’m sorry you what?” I asked leaning in closer. She drew back a bit as if I was some kind of threat.

  “I have a cat.”

  Looking up into her tall frame, I replied, “That’s fine. We just need to add an extra $10 fee.” She handed me her credit card once again. I swiped it, returned it, and grabbed the printing receipt.

  “You just need to sign here,” I said handing over the pen. She hesitantly grabbed it from my hand and signed. As she began to return it, my hand came a bit too close to connecting with hers. Scared and possibly a little disgusted she dropped the pen, causing it to bounce off the counter and onto the floor.

  “Sorry,” she said, looking down. “I have to go get my cat.”

  While Amanda was getting her cat, an unpleasant thought was circling around my head. Here I was just doing my job and this, this WO-MAN was acting as if I was the monster! He was wearing a pink dress! And I was the monster? Was he even still a man? The sliding doors opened and in came Amanda passing the front desk without even giving me a polite nod. 

The story most probably happened at a ________.

A. pub              B. hotel                C. hospital         D. shop

We can conclude that the author’s attitude towards the man is _______.

A. objective            B. indifferent          C. critical             D. considerate

Which of the following statements is true according to the passage?

A. The author was on the edge of smiling when he heard the man’s first name.

B. When the man checked in, he tipped the author $10.

C. After signing, the man grasped the author’s hand and thanked him.

D. The man gave the author a friendly nod while going toward his room.

What might be the best title of this passage?

A. A disgusting cat                         B. A considerate waiter

C. A fierce monster                         D. A strange-looking WO-MAN

Once upon a time there was an old general (将军). He liked to drink wine better than anything else.He always __36__ several bottles of good wine in his house.He __37__ go out one day, but he was _38___ his servant would drink his wine.Then he thought of a way to __39_ him doing so.
"I'm going out for the day ." he __40__ his servant."Please _41___ the house for me. There are some meat and two bottles of _42___ in the kitchen .There is also a hen there. But be careful not to _43___ it because it is poisonous.__44___ you drink it ,it will kill you."
But as soon as he left, his servant killed the hen and __45__ it for dinner.He then ate __46__ the hen and the meat,drank the two bottles of wine and went to bed.The general returned home late that evening. He was __47__ to find that the hen,the meat and the two bottles of wine were gone.He then saw his servant __48___ asleep in bed.There were two empty bottles beside him. He woke the servant up.
"What was happened?" he asked.
"I'm very sorry."His servant replied."After you __49___,a cat jumped in _50___ the window and ate the meat.A dog took the hen away. I know you would be __51___ with me when you returned,__52___ I tried to _53____myself  by drinking the poison . Please __54__ me." The general didn't believe __55__ he said but there was nothing he could do.
36.A.bought      B. stole          C. kept          D. carried
37.A.had to       B. had better      C. should        D. could
38.A. talking      B. writing        C. pleased       D. worried
A. stop        B. keep          C. notice        D. thank
A.ordered      B. told           C. asked        D. invited
41.A. take care of  B. leave          C. sell          D. buy
42.A. wine        B. milk          C. water         D. ink
43.A. touch       B. kill            C. forget        D.drink
44.A. Before      B. If             C. Because      D.Since
45.A. hid         B. threw         C. washed       D. cooked
46.A. both        B. all            C. some         D. either
47.A. sure        B. disappointed    C. surprised      D. sorry
48.A. dying       B. lying          C. singing       D. crying
49.A. left         B. returned        C. knew        D. drank
50.A. near        B. onto           C. under        D. through
51.A. thankful     B. angry          C. satisfied      D. strict
52.A. but         B. so             C. though       D. that
53.A. fool        B. teach           C. kill          D. wake
54.A. excuse      B.drink           C. help          D.kill
55.A. when       B. that            C. what         D. How

On the last day of his life, my dog Otto spent that morning of spring napping in the garden. This was always one of his favorite things to do, even before the days when he was too old and too weak to get out of a car by himself.
I probably would have started crying over Otto right then, if my two other little dogs hadn't suddenly raced past. Larry, who was a puppy, got knocked into Otto, then licked Otto's ear, and that got Otto excited, and Otto barked and tried to stand up again, but it was hard for him.
Soon it was time for me to drive to see Steve, our vet.
When Steve gave Otto the first shot, it made him woozy (眩晕的). Otto wandered over to where Steve and I were sitting and settled down between us. He has always liked to touch everyone in his pack, if possible, while he sleeps.
After Steve gave him the last shot and Otto stopped breathing, he didn't look like Otto anymore. He looked like an old gray-brown piece of beat-up carpet, and I suddenly realized what bad shape he'd been in for a long, long time. I wondered if he'd been in much more pain than I knew. Wondering made me feel even worse.
The week after Otto died was not good. Every morning when I walked Larry and Sticky in the neighborhood, somebody would come up and say they had heard about Otto and they were sorry. They were all Otto's friends and some of them cried. Others, like Debbie who lives on my street, reminded me about how, even at the end. Otto would stand between her twins' stroller (婴儿车) and the street when the garbage truck went by. "Like it was his job to protect them," she marveled.
Otto has left us, but his memory lives on.
60. How did the author feel when Otto was napping in the garden?
A. She felt like crying.                      B. She thought life was beautiful.           C. She found spring was wonderful.            D. She was relieved.
61. According to the passage, how did the dog die?
A. He had an accident on the street.          B. He died naturally.                  C. He was made to die by a vet.                   D. He starved.
62. What can we know about Otto?
A. He was already too old to bark.                            B. He liked people to keep him company.     C. He died a very painful death.                       D. He was protected by the neighbours.
63. We can see from the passage that Sticky is a ______.
A. cat                 B. dog              C. child            D. Neighbour

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