
【题目】 Eliza remembers everything exactly as if it __________ yesterday.

A. was happening B. happens C. has happened D. happened


【解析】本题考查虚拟语气。句意:Eliza清清楚楚地记着一切,就好像是发生在昨天。事实上不是昨天发生的,故 用虚拟语气,D项正确。


【题目】 Christine Reynolds worked at the public library in Yosemite National Park. When the government issued shutdown orders to slow the spread of the coronavirus(冠状病毒), she loaded the back of her car with donated books and began her own mobile library.“I know this may not be conventional, and yet it has worked and I feel of use,”she said.

Across the United Statesvolunteers are reporting a jump in little free libraries as readers look to pass the time. Made of wood or brickand placed in front of parks or in the trunk of a car the libraries have seen their small spaces filled with books.

Around 1,000 people live in the Yosemite Valleywhere entertainment options are limited and some residents say Christine Reynolds' mobile library and her friendly chats offer a needed break.“I live in a rural areaso the Internet is not a guarantee. The time that some people might fill with online services is not an option for me. I turn to books to fill that gap.” said Connor Timpone, who lives east of Yosemite Valley. “Books have been a bright spot for me.”

“The spaces also have transformed into a new purpose. Readers are leaving can goods and other needed items to assists fellow neighbors. The libraries allow neighbors to help one another without getting physically close,” said Greig Metzger, director of the nonprofit Little Free Library.

Since 2009tens of thousands of little free libraries have sprung up in the United States and more than 100 countries. The small spaces operate by donation and through volunteers. Volunteers check the free libraries weekly, and the Selection is always different from the week before. Though the work Lakes much effort and time, it is rewarding.

1What do we know about Christine's library?

A.It follows the traditional practice.

B.It is placed in the back of her car.

C.It mostly consists of her own books.

D.It is sponsored by the National Park.

2Why is the number of little free libraries rising rapidly?

A.They meet people’s needs on special occasions.

B.They've received a great many donated books.

C.They can be easily constructed in many ways.

D.They can provide access to online services.

3What is the new function of the little free libraries?

A.Supplying varieties of books.

B.Guaranteeing a needed break.

C.Creating a bond among neighbors.

D.Getting neighbors physically close.

4How do the libraries operate on a daily basis?

A.With the support of the local government.

B.Through donations and voluntary services.

C.By means of the Participation of local residents.

D.Under the guidance of non-profit organizations.

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