ÌýÁ¦(Listening Comprehension)


1£®What does the man mean?

A£®The old bike isn't worth repairing£®

B£®He can repair the bike himself£®

C£®The new bike is very cheap£®

2£®Where are the English teachers meeting?

A£®In the teachers' office£®

B£®In the meeting-room£®

C£®In the reading-room£®

3£®What does the woman mean?

A£®She could only get one ticket£®

B£®The concert starts at eight£®

C£®They won't be able to sit together£®

4£®Why is Barbara free to help with the experiment?

A£®Because she has already heard the lecture£®

B£®Because she can use Cathy's notes later£®

C£®Because Cathy will give the lecture instead£®

5£®Where has the man been?

A£®He hasn't been to anywhere£®

B£®He has just had a trip abroad£®

C£®He toured a few cities in his own country£®

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6£®Why did the woman go to the doctor's a few days ago?

A£®She had a bad tooth taken out£®

B£®She had her new tooth examined£®

C£®She had a false tooth filled in£®

7£®Why did the woman's new tooth hurt?

A£®Because it didn't fit quite right£®

B£®Because she didn't take good care of it£®

C£®Because she didn't use it properly while eating£®

8£®What time did the doctor ask the woman to get there?

A£®After 11¡Ã00£®

B£®Before 11¡Ã00£®

C£®At 11¡Ã00 sharp£®

10£®How did the man learn about the house?

A£®He read about it in the newspaper£®

B£®He saw it on South Florida Street£®

C£®The house owner told him about it£®

11£®What's the price of the house?

A£®$ 40,000£®

B£®$ 150,000£®

C£®$ 190,000£®


12£®Why hasn't Mary seen John lately?

A£®He went on a camping trip£®

B£®He was visiting his brother£®

C£®He's been studying£®

13£®Why did Mary suggest John camping?

A£®John can get in touch with the nature£®

B£®John can have a good rest£®

C£®John can go to a good rest£®

14£®What wrong idea did John have about camping?

A£®Camping was so expansive£®

B£®He could camp anywhere he wanted£®

C£®Camping was unsafe£®


15£®What services will Mr£®Moore have?

A£®A radio, a TV set and a telephone£®

B£®A TV set, a telephone and a bath£®

C£®A TV set, a telephone and a newspaper£®

16£®What's Mr£®Moore's telephone number?





17£®What were the eight people doing after the boat sank?

A£®Saving the others£®

B£®Swimming to the shore£®

C£®Helping the captain£®

18£®When did the robbers break into the bank?

A£®In the afternoon£®

B£®At midnight£®

C£®Early in the morning£®

19£®Who was the first to report this to the police?

A£®A guard working in the bank£®

B£®Somebody working in the shop opposite£®

C£®A passerby who saw them breaking into the bank£®

20£®What was said about the man?

A£®Tall and strong£®

B£®Strong with short hair£®

C£®Fat and well-built£®




¡¡¡¡(Text 1)

¡¡¡¡W£ºI've got to have my bike repaired£®It's very old£®I've used it for seven years£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWhy not just buy a new bike?

¡¡¡¡(Text 2)

¡¡¡¡W£ºExcuse me, can you tell me where the English teachers are meeting?

¡¡¡¡M£ºThey were going to meet in the teachers' office, but were changed to the meeting-room for more space£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 3)

¡¡¡¡M£ºAny luck at the booking office?

¡¡¡¡W£ºI got us two tickets for the concert, but one in the fourth row and the other in the eighth£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 4)

¡¡¡¡M£ºBarbara, I'm glad you could help us in our experiment£®But aren't you going to attend Prof£®Li's lecture today?

¡¡¡¡W£ºI send Cathy to take notes for me£®

¡¡¡¡(Text 5)

¡¡¡¡W£ºHi, Zhang!Haven't seen you for a long time£®Where have you been?

¡¡¡¡M£ºI had a wonderful trip abroad and was just back yesterday£®



¡¡¡¡(Text 6)

¡¡¡¡M£ºGood morning, Dr Ellis' Office£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºThis is Mrs£®Jackson£®May I speak to the doctor?

¡¡¡¡M£ºMrs£®Jackson£®Dr Ellis here£®How's that new tooth?

¡¡¡¡W£ºNot so good, doctor£®That's what I'm calling about£®It just doesn't seem to fit right£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWell, that's to be expected during the first few days after it has been put in£®Have you been leaving it in as I told you?

¡¡¡¡W£ºWell, it hurts so much, doctor, especially when I eat£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºI understand, Mrs£®Jackson£®It hurts in the beginning£®I know£®But it's really better to leave it in, except when you clean it, of course£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºWell, I did at first, doctor, but it hurt so much that I just couldn't stand it any longer£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWell, maybe we can set it right a little more£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºSet it right?

¡¡¡¡M£ºYes, when can you come here?

¡¡¡¡W£ºOh, right away, doctor, if you don't mind£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºLet me see£®Can you get here by 11¡Ã00?

¡¡¡¡W£ºOh, yes, doctor, I can make it£®Thank you£®See you then£®


¡¡¡¡(Text 7)

¡¡¡¡M£ºHello£®Are you the person who has a house for sale?

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes, I am£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWell, the advertisement says it has four bedrooms and three bathrooms, just what I need for my family of six£®May I ask how much you want for it?

¡¡¡¡W£ºI prefer not to talk about the price over the phone, but let's say it's around $ 150,000£®I would also require $ 40,000 to be paid at the time of buying£®Why don't you come by and take a look?

¡¡¡¡M£ºWell, I'm not sure whether I can afford such a large payment of $ 40,000 at once£®But I guess it won't hurt to see the house£®If you can tell me how to get to your place from South Florida Street, my wife and I will be over£®


¡¡¡¡(Text 8)

¡¡¡¡W£ºHi, John, I haven't seen you for a few weeks£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºHi, Mary£®I've been studying a lot for my final exam£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºWell, the term is almost over now£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºYes£®My brother's coming for a visit this summer, and we'd like to see some of the country£®But traveling is so expensive£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºHave you thought about camping?

¡¡¡¡M£ºCamping?I've never done that£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºI think you'll really like it£®It's much cheaper than staying at a hotel£®And being close to nature is a good way to forget about our school for a while£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWhat a good idea!We can go by bike until we find a nice place and just camp wherever we like£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºWell, not exactly£®You are only allowed to camp in certain places£®Bet there are many national parks, state parks and even village camps around the country£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºSounds great!Here's my bus£®I'll talk to you about this again£®


¡¡¡¡(Text 9)

¡¡¡¡W£ºGood morning!Can I help you?

¡¡¡¡M£ºYes, I'd like to book a single room with bath from October 4 to the morning of October 10£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºYes, we do have a single room for those dates£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWhat is the price, please?

¡¡¡¡W£ºIt's $ 50 per night£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºWhat services come with that?

¡¡¡¡W£ºFor $ 50 you'll have a color television, a telephone and an international newspaper delivered to your room every day£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºThat sounds not bad at all£®I'll take it£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºVery good£®Could you tell me your name, sir, please?

¡¡¡¡M£ºYes, it is Moore£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºHow do you spell it, please?

¡¡¡¡M£ºIt's M-O-O-R-E£®

¡¡¡¡W£ºM-O-O-R-E£®And what's your telephone number?


¡¡¡¡W£ºOK, Mr£®Moore£®We look forward to your visit£®

¡¡¡¡M£ºThank you and goodbye£®



¡¡¡¡(Text 10)

¡¡¡¡Now back to the news£®

¡¡¡¡Ten people died yesterday morning when a boat sank off the Gold Sand Coast£®Eight were able to swim to the shore and were saved by the coast guard£®The boat was on its way to Bell Island£®

¡¡¡¡Police are looking for a man and a woman in their early twenties who broke into a bank in the early hours this morning£®This was reported by people working in the shop opposite who heard the breaking of glass£®Two people were seen running away£®The man is said to be very tall and well-built, with dark hair which is very long£®The woman with him is said to be small with short haircut very close to her head£®She was wearing blue trousers and a brown jacket£®Anyone who has any information please gives further details to the police£®


ÌýÁ¦(Listening Comprehension)



1£®What are the man and woman talking about?



C£®New laboratories£®

2£®What does the man mean?

A£®The son is not doing well£®

B£®The son is as smart as his father£®

C£®The son is very poor£®

3£®What does the man mean?

A£®It's too far away to walk to£®

B£®It's within walking distance£®

C£®It's not far, but too far to walk to£®

4£®Where does this conversation most probably take place?

A£®At home£®

B£®At a restaurant£®

C£®On a party£®

5£®What does the man mean?

A£®He moved the desk alone£®

B£®He had some classmates move the desk£®

C£®His classmates helped him£®




6£®Whose mother was ill?




7£®With whom did the man go traveling?


B£®His dog£®

C£®Jeff and Richard£®


8£®What kind of food will the man and woman eat?

A£®American food£®

B£®Indian food£®

C£®Chinese food£®

9£®Where is the restaurant?

A£®On Queen Street£®

B£®On Main Street£®

C£®On Rain Street£®

10£®How does the woman know that the restaurant is good?

A£®She has been there several times£®

B£®She has tried it once£®

C£®She has been told about it£®

11£®What time will they most likely meet?





12£®How long has the woman been ill?

A£®For two weeks£®

B£®For three weeks£®

C£®For a few weeks£®

13£®When did the woman get a pain in stomach?

A£®About an hour after she has eaten£®

B£®About an hour before she has eaten£®

C£®Just when she begins to eat£®

14£®What can you conclude about the woman's husband from this conversation?

A£®He eats very quickly£®

B£®He doesn't eat as quickly as his wife£®

C£®He sometimes eats more slowly than his wife£®


15£®What can we learn about the woman?

A£®She was born in Hawaii£®

B£®She has never been to Hawaii£®

C£®She has been working in Hawaii for many years£®

16£®What will the woman do possibly in order to travel round the island?

A£®Rent a car£®

B£®Take a bus£®

C£®Travel on foot£®


17£®What is the talk mainly about?

A£®Overland transportation in the nineteenth century£®

B£®History of mail delivery£®

C£®The invention of the railroad£®

18£®Why was it a problem for mail carriers to cross rivers?

A£®Boats used on rivers were very crowded£®

B£®Bridges were too weak to carry the weight£®

C£®There were too few boat s£®

19£®What were NOT mentioned by the speaker?




20£®What can be found in the exhibition?

A£®Historical stamps£®

B£®models of boats£®

C£®Models of the first airplanes used for mail delivery£®

ÌýÁ¦(Listening Comprehension)


1£®What does he advise us to do?

A£®To build houses on sand£®

B£®To build houses on rock£®

C£®To build houses with rock and sand£®

2£®Where was the man when the earthquake broke out?

A£®Outside San Fransisco£®

B£®In San Fransisco£®

C£®On the way to San Fransisco£®

3£®If an earthquake breaks out ,what will happen to these offices and bridges?

A£®They can still stand there£®

B£®They will be badly destroyed£®

C£®The people around them can feel nothing£®

4£®When did the accident happen?

A£®When the Smiths were at home£®

B£®When the Smiths were on their way home£®

C£®On a cold morning£®

5£®How many people died in the flood ?

A£®About 400 thousand£®

B£®More than 3000£®

C£®More than 200£®



6£®What did the man do with Bob this morning?

A£®He went skiing£®

B£®He went skating£®

C£®He went camping£®

7£®What did the man do to help Bob when he fell and hurt himself?

A£®He supported Bob up£®

B£®He put a band-aid on Bob's injured leg£®

C£®He called an ambulance to send Bob to hospital£®

8£®How long does Bob have to stay in hospital at least?

A£®Two weeks£®

B£®Two month£®

C£®Three months£®


9£®Where is the man living?

A£®17 Mallett Street£®

B£®70 Mallett Street£®

C£®17 Marett street£®

10£®Which house is on fire?

A£®Number 16£®

B£®Number 18£®

C£®Number 20£®

11£®Why is there nobody in the house on fire?

A£®They went shopping£®

B£®They went to work£®

C£®They went abroad on holiday£®


12£®Why hasn't the woman seen the man for a long time?

A£®Because he has been in hospital£®

B£®Because he went for a travel£®

C£®Because he has been ill at home£®

13£®What happened to the man three weeks ago?

A£®He was hurt by a motorbike£®

B£®He fell off his motorbike£®

C£®He had his house stolen£®

14£®Which part of the man's body was hurt?

A£®One of his arms£®

B£®One of his legs£®

C£®One of his eyes£®


15£®Where did Sue spend the nights in the country?

A£®In a farm house£®

B£®In the open£®

C£®At a hotel£®

16£®What was the weather like in the country?

A£®It snowed a lot£®

B£®It rained nearly every day£®

C£®There was a lot of sunshine£®

17£®What did Sue think of the people in the country?

A£®They were tall£®

B£®They were strange£®

C£®They were friendly£®


18£®How many people became homeless as a result of the storm?

A£®Over two hundred£®

B£®Over fourteen£®

C£®About fifteen£®

19£®Where were Mr Smith's children when the storm started?

A£®In the rooms£®

B£®In the kitchen£®

C£®In the yard£®

20£®Why did Mr£®Smith go back inside their house?

A£®To get his missing child£®

B£®To get some food£®

C£®To get his possession£®

ÌýÁ¦(Listening Comprehension)



1£®Who is the woman?

A£®Sally Harrison£®

B£®Sally Harrison's friend£®

C£®Sally Harrison's cousin£®

2£®What does the man mean?

A£®He didn't enjoy the film at all£®

B£®He enjoyed the film very much£®

C£®He left before the movie started£®

3£®Where is the man going?

A£®To the movie£®

B£®To class£®

C£®To the library£®

4£®How old is the woman's bicycle?

A£®Five years old£®

B£®Four years old£®

C£®Six years old£®

5£®Who sent the postcards?

A£®The woman£®

B£®The man£®





6£®Where did the dialogue take place?

A£®At the Bank of China£®

B£®At the post office£®

C£®In the street£®

7£®Which tells the right way to the post office?





8£®Why is the woman leaving for Hawaii?

A£®For a Holiday£®

B£®On business£®

C£®To be away from the man£®

9£®How is she leaving?

A£®By bus£®

B£®By train£®

C£®By air£®


10£®Where's Sally?

A£®In the garden£®

B£®In the grass£®

C£®In the tree£®

11£®What is Tim doing?

A£®Sitting under the tree£®

B£®Climbing the tree£®


12£®What is the dog doing?

A£®Climbing the tree£®

B£®Running after Tim£®

C£®Running after a cat£®


13£®Where did the conversation take place?

A£®At Guangzhou Railway Station£®

B£®At the airport£®

C£®At a bus stop£®

14£®Which bus goes fastest?




15£®Which bus did the man suggest the woman taking?




16£®Which bus did the woman take at last?





17£®Who knocked at the speaker's house yesterday?

A£®A beggar£®

B£®A neighbor£®

C£®One of the speaker's friends£®

18£®What did he do?

A£®He asked for money£®

B£®He asked for help£®

C£®He asked for a meal and a glass of beer£®

19£®Why is he known by everybody?

A£®He lives in the street£®

B£®He likes to visit others£®

C£®He often goes to the street and asks for the same thing£®

20£®How often does he call at every house in the street?

A£®Once a week£®

B£®Once a month£®

C£®Every day£®

ÌýÁ¦(Listening Comprehension)



1£®What does the woman ask the man to do?

A£®To buy her a few stamps£®

B£®To post a few letters for her£®

C£®To phone her friends£®

2£®What does the woman mean?

A£®They can work together tomorrow£®

B£®She didn't hear the question£®

C£®She will go to a concert tomorrow£®

3£®What are they going to do?

A£®Have a cake£®

B£®Have lunch£®

C£®Turn on the light£®

4£®What can we learn from the dialogue?

A£®John wants to be invited to a card game£®

B£®John likes to play cards very much£®

C£®John doesn't really enjoy playing cards£®

5£®Does the woman like summer?

A£®Yes, she does£®

B£®No, she doesn't£®

C£®She thinks cold weather is nice£®




6£®What is Mary going to do that afternoon?

A£®Go to the library to borrow a few books£®

B£®Go swimming£®

C£®Study in the library£®

7£®What subject is Mary good at?




8£®What is Mary going to do after she comes back from swimming?

A£®Help Bob with his maths£®

B£®Meet Bob at the school-gate£®

C£®Meet him at Bob's home£®


9£®Why did Li Ming go to Hainan Island?

A£®He went there on business£®

B£®He went there for a holiday£®

C£®He went there to see his friends£®

10£®What did he do there?

A£®He went hiking in the mountains or swam in the sea£®

B£®He sometimes went shopping in the town£®

C£®He sometimes had a picnic in the mountains£®

11£®Why is it quite wet on Hainan Island?

A£®Because the wind from the sea carries much rain to the Island£®

B£®Because it is in the southern part of our country£®

C£®Because the wind usually comes from the land£®


12£®Who are talking on the phone?

A£®Tom and Jim£®

B£®Jim and Lucy£®

C£®Tom and Lucy£®

13£®What is Lucy doing when the telephone rings?

A£®Spending her holiday£®

B£®Having a rest£®

C£®Working on chemistry£®

14£®What will Lucy do tomorrow morning?

A£®Have a chemistry test£®

B£®Go to meet Jim£®

C£®Go to Shanghai for her holiday£®


15£®How often does Susan go swimming?

A£®Every month£®

B£®Once a week£®

C£®Every night£®

16£®What did Henry use to do when he was a high school student?

A£®Going swimming and running£®

B£®Going swimming and skating£®

C£®Riding a bicycle£®

17£®What is Henry going to do tonight?

A£®Going skating with Susan£®

B£®Going swimming with Susan£®

C£®Watching TV£®


18£®What kind of shop will stay open until 8¡Ã00 p.m£®?

A£®Newspaper shops£®

B£®Cigarette shops£®

C£®Big food shops£®

19£®What things are not allowed to sell on Sundays?



C£®Not told£®

20£®What do you think the speaker most probably is?

A£®A travel guide£®

B£®A teacher£®

C£®A foreign visitor£®

ÌýÁ¦(Listening Comprehension)


1£®How is the woman going to the airport?

A£®By taxi£®

B£®By train£®

C£®By bus£®

2£®What is the man's favorite free-time activity?

A£®Watching TV£®

B£®Reading a book£®

C£®Listening to music£®

3£®What are they talking about?




4£®Where will the woman first go after work?

A£®The cinema£®

B£®The market£®

C£®The restaurant£®

5£®What is the woman doing?

A£®Asking for help£®

B£®Making an apology£®

C£®Expressing dissatisfaction£®



6£®How does the woman feel?




7£®Where does the conversation take place?

A£®At a hospital£®

B£®At an airport£®

C£®At a station£®


8£®What did the young man try to do?

A£®Get the old man's bag£®

B£®Help the old man up£®

C£®Collect his money£®

9£®Who is the woman speaking to?

A£®A manager£®

B£®A customer£®

C£®A policeman£®


10£®Why haven't they seen each other lately?

A£®The man has been to the States£®

B£®The man has been busy£®

C£®The man has been ill£®

11£®Why does the man come to the place?

A£®To report for duty£®

B£®To do business£®

C£®To have dinner£®


12£®What is the father interested in?

A£®Singing and dancing£®



13£®What is the woman talking about?

A£®A piece of sports equipment£®

B£®A musical instrument£®

C£®A computer game£®

14£®What do we learn about the family?

A£®The father understands his daughter better£®

B£®The daughter is not hardworking£®

C£®The mother is out of work£®


15£®What happened when the man was mountain climbing?

A£®He got trapped in a cave£®

B£®He got lost in bad weather£®

C£®He lost his equipment and food£®

16£®What caused the loss of the man's legs?

A£®Low temperature£®

B£®A bad fall in the mountain£®

C£®An unsuccessful operation£®

17£®What did he decide to do after losing his legs?

A£®Design new climbing shoes£®

B£®Set up a club for the disabled£®

C£®Use technology to fight his disability£®


18£®Why did the man decide to leave the college in his second term?

A£®He didn't like the big lecture classes£®

B£®He couldn't afford further education£®

C£®He was not interested in education£®

19£®What does he think of his work experiences?

A£®They were personally rewarding

B£®They should be part of school life£®

C£®They gave him a chance to learn German£®

20£®Where is the university he decides to go to in the end?

A£®In South Carolina£®

B£®In Florida£®

C£®In Ohio£®

Î¥·¨ºÍ²»Á¼ÐÅÏ¢¾Ù±¨µç»°£º027-86699610 ¾Ù±¨ÓÊÏ䣺58377363@163.com
