
  Many teachers believe that the responsibilities (责任,职责) for learning lie with the students.   1   a long reading assignment is given, professors expect students to be familiar with the   2   in the reading even if they do not discuss it in class or take an examination. The   3   student is considered to be   4   who is motivated (激发) to learn for the sake of   5   , not the one interested only in getting high grades. Sometimes homework is returned   6   brief written comments but without a grade. Even if a grade is not given, the student is   7   for learning the material assigned. When research is    8   , the professor expects the student to take it actively and to complete it with   9   guidance. It is the   10   responsibility to find books, magazines, and articles in the library. Professors do not have the time to explain   11   a university library works they   12   students, rarely grade students, to be able to exhaust the reference   13   in the library. Professors will help students who need it, but   14   that their students not be   15    dependent on them. In the United States, professors have many other duties   16   teaching, such as administrative (行政的) or research work.   17   the time that a professor can spend with a student out of class is   18  . If a student has problems with classroom work, the student should either   19   a professor during office hours   20   make an appointment.

1. A. If           B. Because             C. Although         D. Before

2. A. suggestion        B. context            C. abstract          D. information

3. A. poor         B. ideal             C. average           D. disappointed

4. A. such         B. one              C. any          D. some

5. A. fun          B. work             C. learning           D. prize

6. A. by            B. in              C. for            D. with

7. A. unhappy       B. responsible         C. satisfied         D. dismissed

8. A. collected         B. distributed     C. assigned           D. finished

9. A. the most         B. the least          C. possible            D. practical

10. A. student's        B. assistant's           C. professor's            D. librarian's

11. A. when        B. what             C. why            D. how

12. A. wish           B. hope for         C. want            D. expect

13. A. selections       B. collections         C. sources          D. origins

14. A. hate         B. dislike           C. like           D. prefer

15. A. too         B. such           C. much             D. more

16. A. but         B. except        C. with          D. besides

17. A. However        B. Therefore         C. Furthermore        D. Nevertheless

18. A. full           B. limited            C. irregular          D. enough

19. A. interrupt       B. annoy          C. approach         D. disturb

20. A. or        B. to          C. and         D. but







    4题,前文提到了the student,为避免重复,使用one来代替。因此答案为B

    5题,for the sake of.为了……好处;为……着想,为了……的缘故。for the sake 0flearning:为了学习而学习。如:Your sister is trying0 readplease be quiet for her sake(你妹妹正在努力读书,为了她请让她安静点儿。)


    7题,be responsible for  ……负责,因此选B



    10题,答案为A。在美国的大学里,老师的任务很多,除了教学外还有行政、科研等任务,老师能给学生的时间是有限的。因此学生的职责就是查找书籍、杂志、指南类丛书等。(Student’s responsibility学生的职责)

    11题,根据后边的句子:a university library works来判断,引导词只能用when

    13题,根据be able to exhaust…,应该指的是the reference sourcesexhaust的宾语。







    20题,答案为A。所有这些都是围绕一个主题展开的,即:学生的学习(学业)责任应由学生自己负责。或是上班时间找老师,或是和老师约好。make an appointment 约会,预约。




阅读下面短文, 掌握其大意, 然后从1-25各题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个   最佳答案。

         In the winter of 1903, Chicago had 1 terrible fire. It wasn't as   large as the fire in 1871, 2 575 people did die in it. The fire was    3 the Iroquois Theater, 4 many people were watching the play "Mr.   Bluebird". 5 it was around Christmas, a lot of    6 watching the play were children.   The fire    7 so suddenly that many people 8 get out of the building   in time. 9 the fire, several people told strange stories about it.  


         This is one strange, but 10 story:  


         Dorsha Hayes and her family 11 visit the big city. It was really   fun for them just 12 around and see 13 was going on in Chicago.  


         Dorsha's father 14 the children to see "Mr. Bluebird". 15 was at the   Iroquois Theatre. This would be the first play Dorsha 16 in her life,   and she 17!  

         Her father went out in the morning and 18 tickets for the whole   family. When he got back, they just had time to stop for 19 before   going to the theatre.  


         "What's the play about? How big is the theatre?" The children were   both 20 at once. Their father wanted to go just as 21 as they did, but   their mother didn't 22. She just stared down at her 23 and ate almost   nothing.  


         "What's the matter, dear?" Dorsha's father askeD.     Her mother 24 and said, "We can't go to that play today. I have a   strange feeling. I don't understand it 25, but I know we can't go."  

1. A.one   B.a   C.the other D.another [  ]
2. A.and   B.but   C.when   D.however [  ]
3. A.on    B.in   C.at     D.over   [  ]
4. A.where   B.so   C.while   D.that [  ]
5. A.For B.The reason that C.Because D.Except that [  ]
6. A.people  B.players C.the people D.theatres [  ]
7. A.began   B.set out C.had begun D.started [  ]
8. A.couldn't B.had time to C.could  D.might [  ]
9. A.Finishing B.Put down   C.Behind  D.After [  ]
10.A.true B.funny    C.interesting D.sad [  ]
11.A.had been to B.had come to C.had gone to  D.came to[  ]
12.A.to look B.to work  C.to be shown  D.to walk [  ]
13.A.what   B.that  C.the thing  D.the fire [  ]
14.A.brought B.had to bring C.wanted to take  D.took[  ]
15.A.who   B.that  C.which  D.he     [  ]
16. A.had ever seenB.wanted to seeC.was brought to seeD.decided to see[  ]
17.A.couldn'tB.wouldn'tC.wouldn't waitD.couldn't wait[  ]
18.A.had   B.got    C.wanted  D.took   [  ]  
19.A.breakfastB.tea  C.lunch   D.supper  [  ]  
20.A.asking B.asked   C.interesting D.invited[  ]  
21.A.early  B.much   C.long  D.often [  ]  
22.A.go   B.want to go C.talk  D.say[  ]  
23.A.foot   B.table   C.husband  D.food  [  ]  
24.A.watched B.laughed  C.looked up  D.cried [  ]  
25.A.myself B.either   C.at this moment  D.why[  ]

Today, many people are starving to death. Recently, a man who wanted to understand the conditions of such people conducted an experiment. He only ate one meal a day for a month but continued to work as he normally did.

  During the first five days he was hungry at his   1   mealtime, but after he had drunk a glass of   2   , his hunger went away. In the   3   , when he ate his one meal, he ate quickly and had a   4   amount. During the next few days,   5   he was not hungry during the day, he quickly   6   every food stalla table on which food is put to be sold, and the   7   of food caught his   8   . During the third and the fourth weeks, he had hunger pains and

   9   physical strength. He   10   his one meal and ate it slowly, enjoying every bite.

   11   it, he knew he would have hardly enough energy to work.

  This   12   changed his attitude about some things. Having a cup of tea was not   13   a pastime. It also   14   him strength. He more frequently noticed overweight people and people who threw   15   leftover food. He   16   the importance of   17   for the very hungry person. He could no longer easily   18   by a hungry beggar on the street. But most   19   , he could now sympathize(同情)in a   20   way with the hungry people of the world.

  1Aafter              Bformal              Cregular              Dfrequent

  2Amilk              Bwine              Cbeer              Dwater

  3Aevening              Bmorning              Cafternoon              Dnight

  4Alarge              Bsmall              Cordinary              Dcommon

  5Aif              Bwhen              Cas if              Dalthough

  6Arecognized              Bnoticed              Cglanced              Ddigested

  7Athought              Bshape              Csmell              Dtaste

  8Aeyes              Bimagination              Cattention              Dinterest

  9Aneeded              Blacked              Crequired              Dwanted

  10Alooked for ward to              Bdevoted himself to

    Clooked down up on              Dtook pride in

  11AWith              BWithout              CRather than              DExcept for

  12Aaction              Bmovement              Cexperiment              Dperformance

  13Ajust              Bexactly              Cstill              Dyet

  14Agained              Bgave              Ctook              Dleft

  15Ain              Bup              Caway              Dabout

  16Alearned              Brealized              Cadmitted              Dremembered

  17Afood              Bmeals              Cmoney              Dwork

  18Acome              Bpass              Cstand              Dstop

  19Afortunately              Bseriously              Cnecessary              Dimportant

  20Agreat              Bbig              Csmall              Dsimilar


Today, many people are starving to death. Recently, a man who wanted to understand the conditions of such people conducted an experiment. He only ate one meal a day for a month but continued to work as he normally did.

  During the first five days he was hungry at his   1   mealtime, but after he had drunk a glass of   2   , his hunger went away. In the   3   , when he ate his one meal, he ate quickly and had a   4   amount. During the next few days,   5   he was not hungry during the day, he quickly   6   every food stalla table on which food is put to be sold, and the   7   of food caught his   8   . During the third and the fourth weeks, he had hunger pains and

   9   physical strength. He   10   his one meal and ate it slowly, enjoying every bite.

   11   it, he knew he would have hardly enough energy to work.

  This   12   changed his attitude about some things. Having a cup of tea was not   13   a pastime. It also   14   him strength. He more frequently noticed overweight people and people who threw   15   leftover food. He   16   the importance of   17   for the very hungry person. He could no longer easily   18   by a hungry beggar on the street. But most   19   , he could now sympathize(同情)in a   20   way with the hungry people of the world.

  1Aafter              Bformal              Cregular              Dfrequent

  2Amilk              Bwine              Cbeer              Dwater

  3Aevening              Bmorning              Cafternoon              Dnight

  4Alarge              Bsmall              Cordinary              Dcommon

  5Aif              Bwhen              Cas if              Dalthough

  6Arecognized              Bnoticed              Cglanced              Ddigested

  7Athought              Bshape              Csmell              Dtaste

  8Aeyes              Bimagination              Cattention              Dinterest

  9Aneeded              Blacked              Crequired              Dwanted

  10Alooked for ward to              Bdevoted himself to

    Clooked down up on              Dtook pride in

  11AWith              BWithout              CRather than              DExcept for

  12Aaction              Bmovement              Cexperiment              Dperformance

  13Ajust              Bexactly              Cstill              Dyet

  14Agained              Bgave              Ctook              Dleft

  15Ain              Bup              Caway              Dabout

  16Alearned              Brealized              Cadmitted              Dremembered

  17Afood              Bmeals              Cmoney              Dwork

  18Acome              Bpass              Cstand              Dstop

  19Afortunately              Bseriously              Cnecessary              Dimportant

  20Agreat              Bbig              Csmall              Dsimilar


On a winter day, it rained heavily. While I was walking from the library at the end of my  31 break, a man was walking towards me with two huge  32 of brochures.

I thought, “What  33 is that man trying to do? Carrying all those things?” Then all of a sudden he  34 them all! What a terrible mess with hundreds of brochures all over the  35 in front of me! “Oh, no,” I thought. The man  36 his head helplessly in the rain and started trying to  37  all of the brochures up. I couldn’t believe how many people walked  38 as if nothing had happened.

I thought, “I am not going to be one of those people who don’t  39  this man.” I wondered what I would  40 people to react if I were that man. So,  41 it was the end of my lunch time from work and I would be  42 if I stopped to help him, I didn’t mind. If I  43 what happened, I was sure my  44 wouldn’t mind too much. So, I helped him gather them all. Then I asked if he would like a  45  carrying a box to where he went. He said yes gratefully.

I carried one of the boxes. The box I had to carry was very  46 —as I’m quite a short and thin girl—but I didn’t   47  . We got there and he thanked me very much for helping him  48 . He also gave me one of these brochures about all the walks in and around the Bay of Plenty.

What is a more  49 way to spend some time than helping someone else when you can? Luckily, I wasn’t that late back to work, so nobody even  50 it at all!

31. A. coffee        B. tea            C. afternoon         D. lunch

32. A. piles             B. packs          C. boxes            D. cases

33. A. on purpose         B. on earth          C. on hand          D. on end

34. A. dropped           B. fell              C. threw            D. broke

35. A. table             B. path             C. shelf            D. library

36. A. nodded        B. raised           C. lifted         D. shook

37. A. get               B. fill              C. take             D. pick

38. A. in               B. through          C. on              D. along

39. A. look after          B. think about    C. look at           D. care about

40. A. invite             B. inspire        C. expect           D. beg

41. A. even though B. ever since C. as long as D. now that

42. A. late              B. tired          C. painful           D. regretful

43. A. asked B. knew C. explained D. understood

44. A. wife              B. boss             C. parents         D. friend

45. A. hand           B. rest           C. lift            D. ride

46. A. small             B. heavy            C. light             D. pretty

47. A. cry        B. complain      C. shout      D. argue

48. A. out              B. on              C. along            D. off

49. A. friendly        B. important         C. useful            D. meaningful

50. A. doubted           B. watched          C. observed         D. noticed

I was 15 when I walked into McCarley’s Bookstore in Ashland. As I was looking at ___1__on the shelves, the man behind the counter, __2___, asked if I’d like _3__.I came from a poor family and I needed to start _4__for college, so I said yes. I__5_after school and during summers for the lowest wages and the job helped pay for my freshman year of college. I would work many other jobs; I made coffee in the Students Union during college, I was a hotel maid and even made maps for the U. S. Forest Service. But selling books was one of the most__6_. One day a woman asked me for books on cancer. She seemed fearful. I showed her almost _7___we had at that time _8__and found other books we could order. She left the store less__9__. I’ve always remembered the __10___ I felt in having helped her.

  Years later, as a __11__in Los Angeles, I heard about an immigrant child who was born with his fingers connected. His family could not__12__a corrective operation, and the boy lived in__13__, hiding his hand in his pocket.

  I _14___ my boss to let me do the story. After my story was broadcast, a doctor and a nurse called, offering to perform the _15___for free.

  I visited the boy in the recovery room soon after the operation. The first thing he did was to hold up his _16___ hand and say, “Thank you.” I felt a sense of _17___.

In the past, while I was _18_, I always sense I was working for the customers, not the store. Today it’s the same. NBC News pays my salary, ___19___ I feel as if I work for the __20__, helping them make sense of the world.

1. A. maps          B. titles          C. articles         D. reports

2. A. the reader       B. the college student   C. the shop owner     D. the customer

3. A. a book         B. a job       C. some tea         D. any help

4. A. planning        B. saving           C. preparing         D. studying

5. A. read          B. studied         C. cooked           D. worked

6. A. boring         B. surprising         C. satisfying         D. disappointing

7. A. anything        B. something        C. nothing          D. everything

8. A. in need         B. in all            C. in order         D. in store

9. A. worried        B. satisfied         C. excited          D. puzzled

10. A. pride          B. failure           C. regret        D. surprise

11. A. doctor        B. store owner C. bookseller       D. TV reporter

12. A. pay           B. cost             C. afford           D. spend

13. A. shame         B. honour           C. horror           D. danger

14. A. advised        B. forced           C. persuaded         D. permitted

15. A. action         B. program          C. treatment         D. operation

16. A. repaired       B. connected        C. injured           D. improved

17. A. pleasure B. sadness C. interest D. disappointment

18. A. at the TV station B. in the Students Union   

C. at the U. S. Forest Service    D. at McCarley’s Bookstore

19. A. so           B. and            C. but             D. because

20. A. readers        B. viewers          C. customers        D. passengers

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