
—Tom, if it doesn’t rain, we can go climbing and have a picnic there.

—       I like  climbing.

A.Well done         B.That’ s great.     C.No problem        D.That’s it







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       The light from the campfire brightened the darkness, but it could not prevent the damp cold of Dennis’s Swamp (沼泽地) creeping into their bones. It was a strange place. Martin and Tom wished that they had not accepted Jack’s dare. They liked camping, but not near this swamp.

       “So,” Martin asked as they sat watching the hot coals. “How did this place get its name ? ”

       “Are you sure you want to hear it ? It’s a scary story,” warned Jack.

       “Of course!” cried out Tom. “If there were anything to be scared of, you wouldn’t have chosen this place!”

       “Ok, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” said Jack, and he began this tale.

       “Way back in time, a man called Dennis tried to start a farm here. He built that cottage over there to live in . In those days, the area looked quite different ---- it was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystal-clear river. After three hard years, Dennis had cleared several fields and planted crops. He was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.

       “  ‘You are clearing too much land, ’ warned one old man. ‘ The land is a living thing. It will hit back at you if you abuse it. ’

       “ ‘ Silly fool,’ said Dennis to himself. ‘If I clear more land, I can grow more crops. I’ll become wealthier. He’s just jealous!’”

       “Dennis continued to chop down trees. Small animals that relied on them for food and shelter were destroyed. He was so eager to expand his farm that he did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door. He did not notice salt seeping to the surface of the land. He did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”

       “What happened ? ” Martin asked. It was growing colder. He trembled, twisting his body closer to the fire.

       “The land hit back ---- just as the old man warned, ” Jack shrugged. “Dennis disappeared. Old folks around here believe that swamp plants moved up from the river and dragged him underwater. His body was never found.”

       “What a stupid story, ” laughed Tom. “Plants can’t …” Before he had finished speaking, he screamed and fainted(晕倒). The other two boys jumped up with fright, staring at Tom. Suddenly, they burst out laughing. Some green swamp ivy (常春藤) had covered Tom’s face. It was a while before Tom could appreciate the joke.

56.  The underlined word “dare” in Paragraph 1 is closed in meaning to ________.

       A. courage                B. assistance                   C. instruction                    D. challenge

57.  Why did Jack tell Tom and Martin the story ?

       A. To frighten them.

       B. To satisfy their curiosity.

       C. To warn them of the danger of the place.

       D. To persuade them to camp in the swamp.

58.  Why did Dennis ignore the warning of the old man ?

       A. The old man envied him.                              B. The old man was foolish

       C. He was too busy to listen to others.                   D. He was greedy for more crops.

59.  Why did Tom scream and faint ?

       A. He saw Dennis’s shadow                             B. He was scared by a plant

       C. His friends played a joke on him.                D. The weather became extremely cold.

60.        What lesson can we learn from the story of Dennis ?

       A. Grasp all, lose all.                                          B. No sweat, no sweet.

       C. It is no use crying over spilt milk.                 D. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.

There are lots of funny stories in my childhood .The first one that  16  my mind is the story of my first camera. It happened 20 years ago . Just when I was ready to go to school , my grandmother  17  me a new camera from the supermarket as a present . Even if my mother wasn’t too happy about what I had  18  , I asked my father if I could take my camera to my  19   so that I could take pictures with my classmates . He agreed and show me how it  20  . It was very easy.

At school I showed it to all my  21  and we took a lot of pictures,  22  they were not too great . The photo with my friends was the worst as I didn’t took Tom’s head ; instead I  23  his sandwich . The boys were interested in my camera ,   24  Daniel who said he had a  25  one with a flashlight . He explained to us that the flashlight helped to take pictures in the  26  but I accused(指责)him of being a liar . Like all boys we started fighting .  27  ,our teacher separated us .After explaining to him the reason of the fight , I   28  him not to take my camera away.

When my parents knew what had happened , they weren’t glad . My mother punished me for being 29   . She took the camera in order to   30  further problems , telling me that for a boy like me the camera was not a good  31   to play with.

To make her  32  about the fight , I took a picture with her and Dad with the film left . In a couple of days Dad  33  the films and brought the photos home , saying I wasn’t good at taking pictures at all . I got  34  and argued that we all learnt from our   35  .

1.                A.breaks into      B.drops into       C.turns into D.comes into


2.                A.bought         B.promised       C.lent  D.left


3.                A.imagined       B.received        C.expected D.collected


4.                A.home          B.yard           C.school    D.garage


5.                A.moved         B.started         C.changed  D.worked


6.                A.workers        B.classmates       C.teachers  D.students


7.                A.but            B.so             C.for  D.and


8.                A.brought        B.made          C.divided   D.took


9.                A.except         B.besides         C.including  D.instead


10.               A.easier          B.newer         C.worse D.better


11.               A.dark           B.shade          C.sun   D.water


12.               A.Suddenly       B.Finally          C.Unluckily  D.Surprisingly


13.               A.allowed        B.advised         C.begged    D.warned


14.               A.brave          B.proud          C.rude  D.weak


15.               A.avoid          B.solve          C.discuss    D.face


16.               A.role           B.game          C.joke  D.toy


17.               A.talk            B.know          C.forget D.worry


18.               A.developed      B.lost            C.produced  D.hid


19.               A.angry          B.upset          C.tired  D.bored


20.               A.stories         B.hobbies        C.mistakes   D.books



Tabb doesn't look like a typical music teacher. But every weekday evening in the French Quarter New Orleans, he beats out the rhythm on his music stand as students play their chosen instruments.

“I'm doing my best to take young people away from harmful things,” said Tabb. His program,  "The Roots of Music”, offers free music education to more than 100 students. He struggles to keep young people on the straight and narrow in the city with the nation's highest murder rate(凶杀率).

Tabb chose to target 9­to14­year­olds with his program. “That's a very important time in your life,” he said. “If I catch them then, I can hold onto them for at least four or five years and guide them the way that will lead them to success.”

Students meet from 4 pm to 7 pm every weekday, all year round. They work with tutors(助教) on schoolwork, practice their music and eat a hot meal before heading home. With the money provided by some people, Tabb's group is able to provide bus transportation, instruments and food for free. He calls it his “no excuse” policy. “You have no excuse why you're not here,” Tabb said. Tabb owes the success in part to the nature of music. “You're always learning something new,”he said. “That's what keeps the kids coming back every day.”

But the program isn't only about fun. “Music is about discipline (纪律),”said Tabb. He insists on good behavior and keeps kids in order with threats of sit­ups(仰卧起坐), pushups(俯卧撑) or tasks like picking up grains of rice — but these measures aren't just punishment. Tabb wants young people to realize that music can help them build a better future. “I don't say that I'm saving lives,” he said. “I say I'm giving life — a whole different life of music.”

1.The underlined phrase  "keep young people on the straight and narrow” may mean ________.

A.keep young people standing straight

B.keep young people on the correct life track(道路)

C.keep young people busy performing music

D.keep young people away from the dangerous parts of the city

2.Which of the following kids may NOT be included in Tabb's program “ The Roots of Music”?

A.Jack, 8 years old.                        B.Tom, 9 years old.

C.John, 11 years old.                      D.Linda, 13 years old.

3.What attracts children to join in the program to learn music?

A.The free food and transportation.           B.The famous music teacher.

C.The chance to learn new things.            D.The strict discipline rules.

4.By saying “music is about discipline”, Tabb means ________.

A.keeping discipline is more important than learning music

B.obeying(遵守) rules is important in playing music well

C.music is also connected with kids' grades

D.kids can learn how to behave through music

5.What is the main idea of this passage?

A.Tabb's program offers young people help.

B.Kids improve grades through music learning.

C.Tabb offers kids free food to learn music.

D.Tabb performs music for street children.


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