
Ethiopia has greatly reduced its death rates for children under the age of five years during the last two decades, new UN statistics show. The report says Ethiopia has cut the number of child deaths, by two thirds or so, to 68 per 1,000 births compared to that in 1990.

The government owed the improved figures to its growing economy. Despite the reduction, the UN Children's Fund said Ethiopia needed to do much more to improve health facilities(设施) for pregnant women.

Ethiopia is one of Africa's poorest states, although it has experienced rapid economic growth in recent years and is one of the continent's leading coffee producers. Its economy centers around agriculture, which in turn relies on rainfall.

The BBC's Emmanuel Igunza in the capital, Addis Ababa, says Ethiopia was once representative of poor nutrition in Africa. But the latest UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会) figures show Ethiopia is one of the few African countries on the path to realizing the development goal of reducing child death rates, he says.

Ethiopia's Health Minister Kesetebirhan Admasu said increasing family incomes had helped improve people's health. "This has also resulted in better nutrition for children and women; this has translated into better medical conditions —— all these have a direct or indirect influence on the survival of children," he told BBC Africa. He said the government has also been "aggressively expanding its primary health care network". 

"We have now 93% coverage( 覆盖) of one health centre for 25,000 people, which basically means one health facility within a 7km area," he said.

1.How many in 1000 births would die in Ethiopia in 1990?

A. about 680                 B. about 330         C. about 68                 D. about 200

2.Which of the following statements is true?

A. Ethiopian children benefit from its fastest economy growing.

B. Ethiopia has a long way to go to improve health facilities.

C. Ethiopia is the economic center because of its rich rainfall.

D. Ethiopia has already become a rich state in Africa.

3.What do we know according to the latest UNICEF figures?

A. Many African countries have high child death rates now.

B. Ethiopia is the only country that has reduced child death rates.

C. Ethiopia is the most successful in reducing child death rates.

D. Ethiopia was once known for its poor nutrition in Africa.

4.What Kesetebirhan Admasu said shows that_______.

A. agricultural incomes have helped improve all the people's health in Africa

B. now the health care network is perfect in Ethiopia

C. 93% of the 25,000 people enjoy health centers in Ethiopia

D. the government has been taking active measures to improve people's health










1.D 推理判断题。根据“The report says Ethiopia has cut the number of child deaths, by two thirds or so, to 68 per 1,000 births compared to that in 1990.”现在低于五岁的儿童的死亡率与1990年相比下降了三分之二左右,也就是说是1990的三分之一左右,每千人为 68人。那么将数字68X3=204,约为200。故D项正确。

2.B推理判断题。根据“the UN Children's Fund said Ethiopia needed to do much more to improve health facilities(设施) for pregnant women.”判断B正确。

3.A推理判断题。根据“… Ethiopia is one of the few African countries on the path to realizing the development goal of reducing child death rates, he says.”这一句是说“埃塞俄比亚是正在努力实现降低儿童死亡率发展性目标尾数很少的国家之一”,由此可知“许多非洲国家儿童的死亡率还相当高”

4.D推理判断题。Ethiopia's Health Minister Kesetebirhan Admasu在接受采访时说到了“增加家庭收入,改善妇女儿童的营养状况;改善医疗条件;可达卫生保健网络”等等都是“政府采取的积极措施来提高人们的身体健康水平”。故D项正确。




When most people think of tropical islands, lined with white sandy beaches and bright blue seas, it is often the Caribbean or South Pacific that comes to mind.But for Chinese tourists who want a taste of paradise on Earth there is a new place to consider.

Mauritius, an island lying off the southeast of Africa in the Indian Ocean, has just been added to China's list of tourist destinations. Rich in history, natural beauty and culture, the island has been a popular destination for the world's tourists for many years.

On December 15 a total of eight African countries were added to the list. The others are Tunisia, Tanzania, Ethiopia, Kenya, Zimbabwe, Zambia and the Seychelles.

The island has passed through the controlling hands of a number of European powers, including Dutch, French and British. In 1968, Mauritius won its independence.

At present, over half the population of Mauritius is Hindu and another fifth is Muslim. Both groups are descendants(后裔)from workers brought to the island from India by the British. Some Chinese were also brought over to work. There are also descendants of African slaves and Franco-Mauritians, the original settlers of the island.

One of the best things about the island is the food.There is a mouth-watering mix of European, Chinese and Indian flavours and seafood is very popular. A typical Mauritian dinner might have Indian chicken curry, Chinese pork, British roast beef and French-style vegetables. Boiled rice is served with just about everything. All that is washed down with a plentiful supply of local beer and rum(朗姆酒).

The pleasant tropical climate and scenery provide the perfect setting to enjoy everything. The sea is full of colorful life that lives around the coral reef. This makes Mauritius a wonderful place for swimming and diving. The large number of interesting fish means it is also an exciting place for those who like to go fishing.

Which of the following can’t be used to describe Mauritius?

       A.Tropical island, white sandy beach and bright blue sea.

       B.Beautiful scenery, rich history and culture.

       C.Most of the people in Mauritius are black.

       D.Delicious food mixed with eastern and western flavours.

Which group of the following topics is not discussed in the text?

       A.Food and history.           B.Scenery and population.

       C.Location and sports.      D.Natural resources and agriculture.

Which of the following is true?

       A.Mauritius has something similar to the Caribbean or South Pacific.

       B.Mauritius has a history of less than 40 years.

       C.Mauritius has been a popular destination for Chinese tourists for many years.

       D.The main food in Mauritius is local beer and rum.

The underlined word “This” in the last paragraph refers to ________.

       A.Pleasant tropical climate  B.Beautiful scenery  

       C.The sea with colorful life       D.The coral reef 

Coffee has a history dating back to at least the 9th century and has been a catalyst for social interaction across cultures and eras. Originally discovered in Ethiopia, coffee beans were brought into the Middle East by Arab traders, spreading to Egypt, Yemen, Persia, Turkey, and North Africa by the 15th century. Muslim merchants eventually brought the beans to the thriving port city of Venice, where they sold them to wealthy Italian buyers. Soon, the Dutch began importing and growing coffee in places like Java and Ceylon (largely through slave labor), and the British East India Trading Company was popularizing the beverage in England. Coffee spread across Europe and even reached America.

Where there has been coffee, there has been the coffeehouse. From the 15th century Middle Eastern establishments where men gathered to listen to music, play chess, and hear recitations from works of literature, to Paris' Cafe le Procope where luminaries of the French Enlightenment such as Voltaire, Rousseau, and Diderot came to enjoy a hot cup of joe, coffeehouses have traditionally served as centers of social interaction, places where people can come to relax, chat, and exchange ideas.

The modern coffee shop is modeled on the espresso and pastry-centered Italian coffeehouses that arose with the establishment of Italian-American immigrant communities in major US cities such as New York City's Little Italy and Greenwich Village, Boston's North End, and San Francisco's North Beach. New York coffee shops were often frequented by the Beats in the 1950's. It wasn't long before Seattle and other parts of the Pacific Northwest were developing coffee shops as part of a thriving counterculture scene. The Seattle-based Starbucks took this model and brought it into mainstream culture.

Although coffeehouses today continue to serve their traditional purpose as lively social hubs in many communities, they have noticeably adapted to the times. Rediscovering their purpose as centers of information exchange and communication, many coffee shops now provide their customers with internet access and newspapers. It has become extremely common to see someone sitting at a Starbucks listening to music or surfing the web on his or her laptop. Coffee stores today also maintain a fairly identifiable, yet unique aesthetic: wooden furniture and plush couches, paintings and murals drawn on walls, and soft-lighting combine to give coffee shops the cozy feeling of a home away from home.

Today, big business retail coffee shops are expanding quickly all over the world. Starbucks alone has stores in over 40 countries and plans to add more. Despite its popularity, Starbucks has been criticized and labeled by many as a blood-sucking corporate machine, driving smaller coffee shops out of business through unfair practices. This has even spawned an anti-corporate coffee counterculture, with those subscribing to this culture boycotting big business coffee chains. Increasingly popular coffee stores such as The Coffee Bean and Tea Leaf are also giving Starbucks some stiff competition. In any case, it seems pretty clear that coffee has weaved itself into the fabric of our consumer-oriented culture.


 Which of the following is the correct order of coffee spreading in history?

   ①Egypt    ②America    ③the Middle East    ④Netherlands    ⑤Venice

   A. ①③④②⑤       B. ③①⑤④②              C. ①⑤④③②             D. ③②⑤④①


We can infer from the passage ________.

   A. Starbucks has beaten all the competitors  

B. there are no changes in the development of coffee culture

C. the taste of coffee has changed a lot

D. Starbucks has some effect on the development of coffee culture


The famous coffeehouse “Starbucks” originally come from _______.

   A. Seattle                     B. Ethiopia                          C. Java                                 D. France


Nowadays, if you come to a coffeehouse, you can _______.

   A. play chess with other customers                   

B. enjoy delicious dishes from South America

   C. surf the internet                                                 

D. watch a TV play


Ethiopia has greatly reduced its death rates for children under the age of five years during the last two decades, new UN statistics show. The report says Ethiopia has cut the number of child deaths, by two thirds or so, to 68 per 1,000 births compared to that in 1990.
The government owed the improved figures to its growing economy. Despite the reduction, the UN Children's Fund said Ethiopia needed to do much more to improve health facilities(设施) for pregnant women.
Ethiopia is one of Africa's poorest states, although it has experienced rapid economic growth in recent years and is one of the continent's leading coffee producers. Its economy centers around agriculture, which in turn relies on rainfall.
The BBC's Emmanuel Igunza in the capital, Addis Ababa, says Ethiopia was once representative of poor nutrition in Africa. But the latest UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会) figures show Ethiopia is one of the few African countries on the path to realizing the development goal of reducing child death rates, he says.
Ethiopia's Health Minister Kesetebirhan Admasu said increasing family incomes had helped improve people's health. "This has also resulted in better nutrition for children and women; this has translated into better medical conditions —— all these have a direct or indirect influence on the survival of children," he told BBC Africa. He said the government has also been "aggressively expanding its primary health care network". 
"We have now 93% coverage( 覆盖) of one health centre for 25,000 people, which basically means one health facility within a 7km area," he said

  1. 1.

    How many in 1000 births would die in Ethiopia in 1990?

    1. A.
      about 680
    2. B.
      about 330
    3. C.
      about 68
    4. D.
      about 200
  2. 2.

    Which of the following statements is true?

    1. A.
      Ethiopian children benefit from its fastest economy growing
    2. B.
      Ethiopia has a long way to go to improve health facilities
    3. C.
      Ethiopia is the economic center because of its rich rainfall
    4. D.
      Ethiopia has already become a rich state in Africa
  3. 3.

    What do we know according to the latest UNICEF figures?

    1. A.
      Many African countries have high child death rates now
    2. B.
      Ethiopia is the only country that has reduced child death rates
    3. C.
      Ethiopia is the most successful in reducing child death rates
    4. D.
      Ethiopia was once known for its poor nutrition in Africa
  4. 4.

    What Kesetebirhan Admasu said shows that_______

    1. A.
      agricultural incomes have helped improve all the people's health in Africa
    2. B.
      now the health care network is perfect in Ethiopia
    3. C.
      93% of the 25,000 people enjoy health centers in Ethiopia
    4. D.
      the government has been taking active measures to improve people's health

Ethiopia has greatly reduced its death rates for children under the age of five years during the last two decades, new UN statistics show. The report says Ethiopia has cut the number of child deaths, by two thirds or so, to 68 per 1,000 births compared to that in 1990.

The government owed the improved figures to its growing economy. Despite the reduction, the UN Children's Fund said Ethiopia needed to do much more to improve health facilities(设施) for pregnant women.

Ethiopia is one of Africa's poorest states, although it has experienced rapid economic growth in recent years and is one of the continent's leading coffee producers. Its economy centers around agriculture, which in turn relies on rainfall.

The BBC's Emmanuel Igunza in the capital, Addis Ababa, says Ethiopia was once representative of poor nutrition in Africa. But the latest UNICEF(联合国儿童基金会) figures show Ethiopia is one of the few African countries on the path to realizing the  development goal of reducing child death rates, he says.

Ethiopia's Health Minister Kesetebirhan Admasu said increasing family incomes had helped improve people's health. "This has also resulted in better nutrition for children and women; this has translated into better medical conditions —— all these have a direct or indirect influence on the survival of children," he told BBC Africa. He said the government has also been "aggressively expanding its primary health care network". 

"We have now 93% coverage( 覆盖) of one health centre for 25,000 people, which basically means one health facility within a 7km area," he said.

31. How many in 1000 births would die in Ethiopia in 1990?

   A. about 680       B. about 330      C. about 68         D. about 200

32. Which of the following statements is true?

   A. Ethiopian children benefit from its fastest economy growing.

   B. Ethiopia has a long way to go to improve health facilities.

   C. Ethiopia is the economic center because of its rich rainfall.

   D. Ethiopia has already become a rich state in Africa.

33. What do we know according to the latest UNICEF figures?

   A. Many African countries have high child death rates now.

   B. Ethiopia is the only country that has reduced child death rates.

   C. Ethiopia is the most successful in reducing child death rates.

   D. Ethiopia was once known for its poor nutrition in Africa.

34. What Kesetebirhan Admasu said shows that_______.

   A. agricultural incomes have helped improve all the people's health in Africa

   B. now the health care network is perfect in Ethiopia

   C. 93% of the 25,000 people enjoy health centers in Ethiopia

   D. the government has been taking active measures to improve people's health

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