
When I was walking through the forest, I heard someone weeping. I _____ the sound of the soft cry until I saw a woman sitting on the snow. Her eyes were filled with tears for her heavy _____ from life. I sat on the cold snow with her and _____ her my shoulder and my ears.

“What is your name?”, she asked. I smiled at her. _____, my name is Jane, but to comfort her, I said, “My first name is _____, my middle name is Hope and my last name is Compassion(同情) .” I saw a _____smile come upon her face as I asked her “what is your name?” “My name is Ann _____I had given up hope.” I read her a poem through which I _____the

message of self-worth to her. Others will _____us when we love ourselves. _____, it was important for one to have self- worth. After I shared the poem, we talked a while and then I picked a wild rose that was in the snow. It was_____that there was a wild rose in such weather. I placed the rose in her hand and a big_____appeared on her face. Then I felt kind of _____at her change and handed her a piece of paper with my_____on it. I walked away. She called me cheerfully the next day and expressed her _____to me. She told me I truly _____ my name. Obviously, she had found her faith, her hope and her compassion.

We all need someone in life to say I believe in you. _____is as rare as a rose in the snow. When you _____ it, don’t let it ever die. Life is too _____to thank all the people who have encouraged us. We should receive and give encouragement rather than let unimportant things stand_____ our way.

1.A. heard B. followed C. waited D. enjoyed

2.A. heart B. head C. body D. waist

3.A. shared B. brought C. fetched D. offered

4.A. Eventually B. Deliberately C. Actually D. Specially

5.A. Career B. Inspiration C. Motivation D. Faith

6.A. puzzled B. forced C. tired D. worried

7.A. but B. so C. because D. or

8.A. transformed B. left C. conveyed D. took

9.A. tolerate B. serve C. hate D. treasure

10.A. Therefore B. However C. Otherwise D. Moreover

11.A. usual B. rare C. dreadful D. admirable

12.A. worry B. satisfaction C. smile D. shock

13. A. interest B. security C. disappointment D. relief

14.A. name B. number C. address D. photo

15.A. regret B. apology C. gratitude D. concern

16.A. lived up to B. looked up to C. came up to D. made up for

17.A. Pleasure B. Friendship C. Passion D. Encouragement

18.A. pass B. receive C. choose D. create

19.A. good B. slow C. short D. happy

20.A. in B. on C. by D. under



Commercial advertisement was once thought of as a technique of the marketers to inform the potential buyers about the availability of certain products. It was seen more as a medium to inform the buyers rather than persuade them to buy. The present day marketers see advertisement as a medium to damage the image of their competitors and their products. This indeed, is an undesirable and an immoral practice. Instead of speaking about their own products, these marketers speak about the drawbacks (often without any basics) of the competing products.

People watching TV advertisements would notice that there has always been an advertisement war between the marketers of different consumer goods. A few such cases are given below.

1. Parachute Coconut Oil vs. V.V.D. Gold

Some time back, the producer of V.V.D Gold Coconut Oil claimed in their TV advertisement that only their products was superior and the one sold in blue colour bottles (the reference was to Parachute coconut oil) was suitable only for un-natural hair.

2. Tata Salt vs. Captain Cook

Tata salt was first iodised (碘处理) salt marketed by an Indian Company. It has been enjoying a good and steady market. Captain Cook, another producer of iodised salt, who entered the market later, had to adopt some strategy to get control of the market. The TV advertisement of Captain Cook stressed on ‘Free flow’ of their salt when transferred to a container. The producer of Tata Salt retaliated (报复) by saying that the claim of Captain Cook was a trick and those who were quality conscious should deal with it with caution.

3. Pepsi vs. Coco Cola

Coca Cola was selected as the official soft drink for the Wills World Cricket 1996. When the cricket series was on, the marketers of Pepsi constantly advertised on TV. Their advertisement gave the idea that the cricketers preferred only Pepsi and as a matter of fact there was nothing official about it.

4. Horlicks vs. Complan

Sometime back, the TV advertisement of Complan, a health drink directly attacked Horlicks, which has been in the market for several decades. The claim of Complan was that their brand (which according to them was Brand C) has a higher percentage of ingredients (材料) compared to Brand H (reference was nothing but to Horlicks).

The above examples clearly show how the technique of advertisement is misused by some marketers to ruin the image of their competitors. This, certainly, is not a healthy trend.

Any marketer should only speak about his products and not about his competitors’ products. The awareness of consumers has certainly increased over the years and they are no longer easily taken in. There are many consumer products like salt, oil shaving blades etc. But one thing for sure is that offering the same product in a different container will not make the product different.

Mass media like Radio, Television and newspaper should not allow advertisements that tell lies. Legal regulations, in this regard, should also be made stricter.

Comparison of the past and the present of advertisements

In the past

At present

A technique mainly used for offering 1.

A trick used as a means of unfair 2.

The 3. of advertisement



Wrong practices

V.V.D. Gold

When V.V.D Gold attacked the one sold in blue bottles, it 5.to Parachute Coconut oil.

Captain Cook

Captain Cook stressed on their “free flow” when their product was 6.to a container.

Tata Salt

Tata salt retaliated by warning consumers to be 7.about the quality.


Too much advertisement on TV seemed to say that the cricketers had a 8.for Pepsi.


Brand C claimed that their product was much richer in ingredients in9.with Brand H.


10.products. are not allowed to be mentioned in the advertisement.

Stricter laws should be made to protect every producers’ and consumers’ benefits.

阅读下面短文,从短文后各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C 和 D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。

I was born in New York City. My first seven years were spent in Manhattan, and then we moved to the Bronx. As a child with a strong ______ for knowledge, I went to a public school and received a good ______ education there.

At the end of my high school I decided to major in science and, in particular, ______. One of the ______ factors may have been that my grandfather, whom I loved dearly, died of cancer when I was 15. I was ______motivated to do something that might eventually ______ a cure for this terrible disease.

With great efforts and help from my parents, I ______graduate school at New York University in 1939. I was the only female in my graduate chemistry class, and ______ my Master of Science degree in chemistry in 1941.

I was doing my research into ______ with other scientists. When we began to see the results of our ______ in the form of new drugs which filled real ______ needs and benefited patients in very ______ ways, our feeling of ______ was immeasurable.

Over the ______, my work became both my vocation and avocation (业余爱好). ______, I became an enthusiastic photographer and ______. I have traveled fairly widely over the world, but there still remain many places for me to explore. ______ major interest is music and I am an opera lover. I also ______concerts, ballet and theater.

In my ______ career I was promoted frequently, and in 1967 I was appointed Head of the Department of Experimental Therapy, a position which I ______until I retired in 1983.

1.A. competence B. taste C. desire D. feeling

2.A. further B. higher C. technical D. fundamental

3.A. chemistry B. physics C. statistics D. architecture

4.A. typical B. deciding C. beneficial D. available

5.A. primarily B. racially C. highly D. unwillingly

6.A. arise from B. lead to C. account for D. bring out

7.A. built B. left C. searched D. entered

8.A. gained B. dropped C. reserved D. acquired

9.A. music B. photography C. drugs D. history

10.A. games B. efforts C. accidents D. behaviors

11.A. luxurious B. immediate C. comfortable D. medical

12.A. relevant B. common C. kind D. noticeable

13.A. guilt B. security C. reward D. tiredness

14.A. weekends B. years C. months D. holidays

15.A. However B. Consequently C. Otherwise D. Similarly

16.A. writer B. dancer C. composer D. traveler

17.Another B. Other C. The other D. Some

18.A. distribute B. enjoy C. direct D. counter

19.A. acting B. amateur C. professional D. teaching

20.A. held B. chose C. changed D. found

Low-Cost Gifts for Mother's Day

Gift No. 1

Offer to be your mother's health friend. Promise to be there for any and all doctor's visits whether a disease or a regular medical check-up. Most mothers always say "no need," but another set of eyes and ears is always a good idea at a doctor's visit. The best part? This one is free.

Gift No. 2

Help your mother organize all of her medical records, which include the test results and medical information. Put them all in one place. Be sure to make a list of all of her medicines and what times she takes them. "Having all this information in one place could end up saving your mother's life," Dr. Marie Savard said.

Gift No. 3

Enough sleep is connected to general health conditions. “Buy your mother cotton sheets and comfortable pillows to encourage better sleep,” Savard said. “We know that good sleep is very important to our health.”

Gift No. 4

Some gift companies such as Presents for Purpose allow you to pay it forward this Mother's Day by picking gifts in which 10 percent of the price you pay goes to a charity (慈善机构). Gift givers can choose from a wide variety of useful but inexpensive things -many of which are "green" - and then choose a meaningful charity from a list. When your mother gets the gift, she will be told that she has helped the chosen charity.

1. What are you advised to do for your mother at doctor's visits?

A. Take notes. B. Be with her.

C. Buy medicine. D. Give her gifts.

2. Where can you find a gift idea to improve your mother’s sleep?

A. In Gift No. 1. B. In Gift No. 2.

C. In Gift No. 3. D. In Gift No. 4.

3.Buying gifts from Presents for Purpose allows mothers to_______ .

A. enjoy good sleep B. be well-organized

C. bet extra support D. give others help

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