
14.One day,Henry Adam,an American businessman,sailed out of the bay.(165)unluckily (luck) he was carried out to sea by a strong wind.Just when hope was about gone,he was picked up by a ship for London.In the ship he earned his passage by  (166)working(work) without pay,as a common sailor.When he got to London he was almost (167)penniless.(penny)
On the following morning Henry was wandering on the pavement,when a window behind him was raised,and a gentleman asked him to step in.He (168)was shown(show) into a room where a couple of elderly gentlemen were sitting.A couple of days(169)before these two old and wealthy brothers had been having a hot argument what might happen to a stranger in London without a friend,and with no money(170)but a million-pound bank-note.One said he  (171)would starve(starve) to death; the other said he wouldn't.So they agreed to decide it by a bet.They wrote a  (172)letterwith the million-pound bank-note in it.Then the two brothers sat at the window a whole day watching for the right man to give it to until Henry came along.
After they had his story,one of  (173)them  handed Henry an envelope,and said he would find the explanation inside.After promising (174)notto open it until 2o'clock,Henry took his leave.

分析 一天,一个美国商人Henry Adam的船驶出海湾的时候他被大风吹到海上去了.正当希望消失的时候,他被一艘伦敦的船载走了.在船上他获得了通过无薪工作.当他到了伦敦他几乎身无分文,第二天早晨,亨利在人行道上徘徊,这时他身后的一扇窗户被人打开,一位绅士请他进来.这两个老富豪兄弟一直在激烈争论,一个没有朋友,没有钱但有一百万英镑的钞票陌生人在伦敦可能发生什么.一个说他会饿死;另一个说他不会.所以他们同意决定用打赌.他们把一张百万英镑的钞票放在信封里.告诉亨利里面会有详细的解释.亨利承诺凌晨2点钟之前不打开它之后离开了.

解答 165.unluckily.考查形容词和副词.根据 he was carried out to sea by a strong wind可知这是一件不幸的事,修饰句子用副词,所以答案是unluckily"不幸的是".
167.penniless.考查单词变形.根据上句的without pay可知他做水手是没有工资的,所以本句表示当他到伦敦的时候是身无分文的,所以用penniless.  
168.was shown.考查谓语动词.根据上句a gentleman asked him to step in可知他被这对兄弟喊进了他们家.所以本句表示他被领进家,谓语动词用过去时态的被动.   
169.before.考查连词.根据these two old and wealthy brothers had been having a hot argument可知本句用了完成时态,所以应该用before表示"以前",ago用于 一般过去时态.
170.but.考查连词.根据no money和 a million-pound bank-note可知本句表示"除了一张百万支票没有别的现金",和否定词连用表示除了用but.      
171.would starve.考查动词的时态.根据主句One said 考查从句应该用过去时态的一个,句义表示兄弟二人的一个的将来的猜测,所以用过去将来时.
172.letter.考查名词.根据173题后  he would find the explanation inside可知他们写了一封信来解释这件事,所以用letter.
173.them.考查代词.根据one of   可知是兄弟两人中的一个,所以用them代指兄弟两人.
174.not.考查语境联系.根据 open it until 2o'clock可知他承诺直到二点才打开这封信,所以用not…until.

点评 考查语法填空.
ago,before 这两个词都可表示"在若干时间以前",但用法不同,初学者容易搞错.
A short while ago,my sister helped me to carry one of my old bookcases up the stairs.
Last summer,I finally left the firm that I had joined eighteen years before.

2.Recently,a series of bracelets have gone viral on Weibo.On these specially made bracelets are the words"Cell Phone Ninja."
The bracelets are actually part of an experiment carried out by Chongqing Three Gorges University that challenges students not to use cell phones in class for 21days.
The experiment started on April 12.Each student who volunteered to participate received a bracelet.Before the first class and after the last class of each day,students were instructed to upload a photo of their bracelet to the school's public Wechat account if they did not use their cell phones.
Over 800students signed up for the experiment and 400were selected to participate.After seven days,only 103students remained.The experiment was set for 21days because of a claim in psychology that 21days is the length of time required to form any habit.
According to the teachers monitoring the activity,there were no rewards or punishments in the experiment.It depended on students themselves to make the decision.Teachers hope students can form better study habits through activities like this one.
24.What should the student do in the experiment?C
A.The student should receive a bracelet.
B.The student should upload the bracelet's picture during their class.
C.The student should upload the bracelet's picture before and after their class.
D.The student should open an account in the school's public Wechat.
25.How many students survived the experiment after a week?D
26.Why did the experiment last for 21days?C
A.Because the 21st day is a special day in psychology.
B.Because the organizers only have 21days free.
C.Because it is believed that it takes 21days to develop a habit.
D.Because 21days are needed to form any hobby.
27.According to the teachers monitoring the activity,through such activitiesB.
A.students must form a better study habit
B.students could benefit from the activity
C.students should depend on themselves to make a choice
D.few students attended it because there were no rewards or punishments.
19.Journey to the Center of the Earth spoke of a trip to the centre of the earth through a volcano in Iceland.When Professor Otto Lindenbrock,his nephew and the guide they hired (61)reached (reach) the volcano,they journeyed underground through a small cave.After many days,they came to a vast room (62)with a large ocean inside.The three men built a small boat and set sail.(63)Suddenly (sudden),two dinosaurs rose to the surface and began to fight each other.The small boat was almost sunk by the dinosaurs (64)before they were able to get away.
They sailed to shore and explored the forest.They came across huge insects and many strange (65)creatures(creature).As they were wandering around,they noticed a man sitting against a tree in the (66)distance(distant)-he was at least four meters tall.The men became afraid,and ran back to the boat.
The boat floated down with the water (67)and they could only hold on to the boat in terror.Finally,they reached the bottom of the hole.Then the water began to push them up.They floated upwards for miles.The water rushed beneath them,(68)pushing (push) them out into the sunlight.They now found (69)themselves (they) in a volcano in Italy-their adventure was over,but a new one was about (70)to begin(begin).
6.As we all know,people redecorate their hotels regularly.However,very few do it as frequently as Sweden's Icehotel.As the name indicates,the hotel that is located in the remote village of Jukkasjarvi,is built entirely from ice and,therefore,has to be rebuilt annually!The 26th version of Icehotel,which welcomed its first visitors on December 11th,features 69rooms.To make them affordable for everyone,they range from expensive luxury suites to basic accommodations.
Among this year's unique suite offerings is the"Elephant in the Room",which features a massive 3-m tall sculpted African elephant overlooking an ice-framed bed.The"Counting Sheep"suite features frozen sheep that may help those who don't sleep well get a good night's rest.Though the atmosphere between the luxury suites and the budget rooms may differ,they are all subject to the bone-chilling-5℃temperatures.To get a good night's rest guests have to lie inside sleeping bags and keep their gloves and hats on.Though that seems a little uncomfortable,visitors say it is an experience like none other.
The hotel also features a beautifully crafted ice church where over 100couples will get married this year and an Ice Bar that will serve drinks in ice glasses.Though dining options are limited to the hotel's only restaurant,guests will have little to complain about with Michelin-trained chef Alexander Meier.To keep customers entertained,the hotel offers a variety of fun activities like snowshoeing,moose or snowmobile safaris,dog sledding,and even overnight wilderness camping.
The 26-year-•old tradition began accidentally in 1989when locals organized an art exhibition to draw winter visitors to the remote village that lies 200km north of the Arctic Circle.Among the many tourists was an adventurous group and they announced their intention of spending the night in the place where the exhibition was being held.That's when the idea of building the icy accommodations dawned on the locals.
1.Why is Sweden's Icehotel rebuilt every year?B
A.It needs more rooms.
B.It is entirely built from ice.
C.It follows old traditions.
D.It can be easily decorated.
2.What is unique about the hotel this year?D
A.It opens earlier than ever before.
B.More expensive rooms are available.
C.Room prices are more affordable.
D.Some rooms have theme sculptures.
3.What can be inferred about the hotel in Paragraph 3?C
A.Its service needs improving.
B.Its activities may be boring.
C.It tries to attract more customers.
D.Its food is not delicious at a1l.
10.[1]Every few weeks,Lu Jinhua's family met for dinner at a restaurant close to her home in Beijing.But the happy mealtime almost always ended with an unhappy scene:her children would insist that Lu leave the table before she embarrassed them by asking to take the leftover food home in takeaway bags.
[2]But on Sunday,the 63-year-old lady was,delighted to discover that the restaurant had made a number of changes.A poster on the Samfdearly stated,"Save food,don't waste it". Instead of persuading customers to order expensive dishes,the waitress suggested a small order that could be added later if people were still hungry.At the end of the dinner,Lu's daughter even volunteered to ___________.
[3]"This is the happiest dinner I had in that restaurant so far,and I am so glad to see these changes."Lu said.
[4]A campaign against food wastage is sweeping China,a country where 128 million people live below the poverty line.Every year,food valued at 200 billion yuan ( $32 billion) is thrown away in China.The volume is equivalent to the amount consumed by more than 200 million people during a 12-month period.
[5]A proposal opposing waste in January is part of a drive by China's new leaders.Many provinces have launched their own more-detailed versions.Henan province has ordered that business meals should have no more than four dishes,and alcohol is prohibited.Guizllou has set a time limit of 45 minutes on meals paid for by the public purse.
[6]The public has also adopted the idea.Many restaurants discourage customers from ordering more than they can eat.Taking leftovers home is encouraged.Some of them have started to use smaller platcs and the prices are cheaper.A proposal on the Internet calling on people to eat everything on their plate attracted the participation of 2.74 million people within the first two weeks.
76.How-docs the author start the topic of the passage?( no more than 5 words)
By telling a real story
77.did Lu Jinhua's children refuse to take the leftover food home?( no more than 8 words)They prefer to leave the leftover food.
78.Fill in the blank in Paragraph 2 with proper words,(no more than 5 words)take the leftover food home/ask for takeaway"doggy"bags
79.What does Paragraph 5 mainly talk about?(no more than 10 words)The government has taken measures to oppose food wastage.
80.What's the public's attitude to the government's proposal?( no more than 8 words)They support/back up the government's proposal./They are in favour of saving food..
11.In American schools there is something called Homecoming Day.Many high schools and colleges with a football team have a homecoming game.This can be the most important event of the year except graduation or commencement day(毕业典礼).Students plan Homecoming Day for many weeks in advance.
Several days before Homecoming,students start to decorate the school.There are signs to wish luck to the team,and many other signs to welcome all the graduates.Many people still come to Homecoming twenty or thirty years after their graduation.
The members of school clubs build booths(摊位) and sell lemonade(柠檬),apples and sandwiches.Some clubs help to welcome visitors.
During the day people like to look for teachers that they remember from long ago.Often they see old friends and they talk together about those happy years in school.
Everyone soon comes to watch the football game.When the game is half over,the band comes onto the field and plays school songs.Another important moment is when the Homecoming Queen or King appears.All the students vote a most popular student.It is a great honor to be chosen.
Homecoming is a happy day,but it is not perfect unless the football team wins the game.Even if the team loses,the students still enjoy Homecoming.Some stay at the school to dance,and others go to a party.For everyone it is a day worth remembering.
25.The most important event of the year in American high schools and colleges isD.
B.the football game  
C. winning the game  
26.When do students begin to arrange everything for Homecoming?A
A..Many weeks before the day.
B.The day before Homecoming
C.When the guests arrive    
D.In the days before Homecoming.
27.Which of the following is NOT done on Homecoming Day?C
A.To see old friends.
B.To call on teachers they remember.
C.To go home to see their family      
D.To watch the football game
28.Who can probably become Homecoming Queen or King?B
A.The guest who is most popular with the students.
B.The student who is liked most by the others.
C.The student who is most liked by the guests.
D.The player who plays best in the football game.

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