
A Strange Greeting, a True Feeling Last week I was invited to a doctor’s meeting at the Ruth hospital for incurables. In one of the wards a patient, an old man, got up shakily from his bed and moved towards me. I could see that he hadn't long to   1  , but he came up to me and placed his right foot close mine on the floor.
“Frank!” I cried in astonishment. He couldn’t   2  , as I knew, but all the time   3  his foot against mine.
My   4  raced back more than thirty years to the   5   days of 1941, when I was a student in London. The   6  was an air-raid shelter, in which I and about hundred other people slept every night. Two of the regulars were Mrs. West and her son Frank.
7  wartime problems, we shelter-dwellers got to   8   each other very well. Frank West   9  me because he wasn’t   10 , not even at birth. His mother told me he was 37 then, but he had   11   of a mind than a baby has. His “  12 ” consisted of rough sounds——sounds of pleasure or anger and   13  more. Mrs. West, then about 75, was a strong, capable woman, as she had to be, of course, because Frank   14   on her entirely. He needed all the   15  of a baby.
One night a policeman came and told Mrs. West that her house had been flattened by a 500-pounder. She   16  nearly everything she owned.
When that sort of thing happened, the rest of us helped the   17  ones. So before we   18   that morning, I stood beside Frank and   19  my right foot against his. They were about the same size. That night, then, I took a pair of shoes to the shelter for frank. But as soon as he saw me he came running and placed his right foot against mine. After that, his   20  to me was always the same.
(   )1. A. work             B. stay       C. live            D. expect
(   )2. A. answer      B. speak     C. smile         D. laugh
(   )3. A. covering          B. moving      C. fighting         D. pressing
(   )4. A. minds       B. memories   C. thoughts        D. brains
(   )5. A. better       B. dark       C. younger           D. old
(   )6. A. cave              B. place      C. sight                 D. scene
(   )7. A. Discussing           B. Solving      C. Sharing              D. Suffering
(   )8. A. learn from          B. talk to     C. help            D. know
(   )9. A. needed        B. recognized  C. interested         D. encouraged
(   )10. A. normal      B. common     C. unusual         D. quick
(   )11. A. more         B. worse     C. fewer           D. less
(   )12. A. word         B. speech     C . sentence         D. language
(   )13. A. not              B. no         C. something        D. nothing
(   )14. A. fed              B. kept       C. lived           D. depended
(   )15. A. attention    B. control          C. treatment         D. management
(   )16. A. lost              B. needed          C. destroyed         D. left
(   )17. A. troublesome  B. unlucky    C. angry                D. unpopular
(   )18. A. separated          B. went      C. reunited              D. returned
(   )19. A. pushed      B. tried      C. showed        D. measured
(   )20. A. nodding           B. greeting     C. meeting           D. acting


解析1. C 上文的“incurables"表明这位老人是不治之症患者,存活的时间不会太长。
2. A 我叫他名字, 他不会回答。
3. D 由下文暗示可知,37岁的Frank不如一个婴儿的智力。他不能用语言回答别人的问话,但内心有一定的反应,因此一见到我便将右脚靠着我的右脚以示问候。
4. B  Frank的这一举动使我的记忆一下子回到了30年前。
5. B 下文交待30年前作者的生活,二战期间他只能住在防空洞中,生活很苦,只能用“dark”来形容当年的岁月。
6. D 作者回忆30年前的生活,头脑中出现了防空洞的情景。
7. C
8. D 在战争问题上由于拥有共同的话题,我们这些防空洞居住者逐渐了解了对方。
9. C
10.  A 一个37岁的人智力却不正常,这一现象逐渐吸引了我的注意。
11. D 尽管Frank已经37岁,但智力还不如一个婴儿。
12. B
13. B 他的讲话仅体现了内心的快乐和愤怒,没有更多实在的内容。
14. D
15. A  West夫人不得不强壮而又有能力,因为Frank完全依靠于她,他需要婴儿似的全部照料。
16.  A 她几乎失去了一切。
17.  B  West夫人遭受这么大的损失,大家尽力帮助这不幸的一家人。
18.  A 
19.  D
20.  B 那天早上临走前,我站在Frank身边,将我的右脚靠着Frank 的右脚以便量出他脚的大小,目的是为他买一双鞋子。Frank将我的这一动作看成是问候的表现,从此他就用这一动作来问候我,这就有了本文开头的那种情景。



Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her ___1___ concert. She had been waiting for this ___2___ for years and years. “Now it is here at last,” she thought. “How beautiful her ___3___ is.”

The song made her ___4___ to the days when she was Lauren’s ___5___. As a young ___6___, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied ___7___ in France, Italy and in the United States. “You can become a fine ___8___ in the future,” her teachers told her. “But you must be ___9___ to study hard and work for many years. There will be ___10___ time for anything but music in your life.”

Dorothy was ___11___ at that time and she was ___12___ that music was all she wanted or needed to ___13___ her life. For almost a year Dorothy ___14___ of nothing else. Then she ___15___ David, a young engineer travelling Europe. They soon fell in ___16___. David asked her to be his ___17___. Dorothy also wanted to marry David. But she loved ___18___, too. She didn’t know what to do. David was against her being a singer. He said, “If you want to be a singer, you must forget about getting married. You can’t ___19___ do both.” Thus her days were gone and would never return.

Now Lauren became a singer instead of her, which was her ___20___.

1. A. sorry               B. successful            C. first           D. wonderful

2. A. dance               B. moment               C. show            D. party

3. A. voice               B. face                    C. dress            D. life

4. A. think of                   B. bring back             C. go back          D. come back

5. A. age                      B. friend                 C. mother                  D. teacher

6. A. musician                  B. pop star                 C. lady                    D. girl

7. A. French            B. music                  C. piano              D. dance

8. A. actress               B. student                 C. singer           D. dancer

9. A. prepared           B. learning               C. driven           D. waiting

10. A. some               B. any                      C. no              D. enough

11. A. eight               B. eighteen                C. eighty           D. eighty-eight

12. A. lucky              B. sure                    C. afraid          D. fond

13. A. fill                      B. live                    C. lead            D. take

14. A. heard                 B. knew                  C. talked            D. thought

15. A. saw off           B. learned from         C. heard of        D. met with

16. A. love               B. feeling                 C. music          D. touch

17. A. assistant          B. teacher                 C. wife            D. student

18. A. him               B. engineering           C. herself         D. music

19. A. certainly          B. possibly                C. only            D. mainly

20. A. thought           B. hope                 C. purpose        D. will


While attending a conference, I returned to my hotel room late one evening. The overhead light outside my door was burned out and I had  1  finding the keyhole. When I  2  to open the door, I  3  around the wall for a light switch. I found a plate where a switch was  4  installed... but no switch! 

Not discouraged easily, I remembered  5  a lamp by the bed when I deposited my luggage  6  in the day. I found the bed in the  7  and then the lamp, but when I switched it on, nothing  8 ! I thought that perhaps if I opened the curtains I might be able to use whatever light comes in from the  9  to find another lamp. So I  10  my way slowly across the room to the curtains and... no drawstring! I finally stumbled(跌跌撞撞地走)around  11  I found a desk lamp which actually  12 !

That evening I discovered in a whole new way just how dark the world  13  be and how   necessary light is! But even more necessary than  14  light is the light that shines from people --the light of  15  and faith. Because, for many people, the world is a dark and  16  place. For someone today just may be stumbling in discouragement or sadness or fear and in  17   of some light. So let your light shine. Whatever light you  18  may be a beacon of hope and encouragement. And if you feel that your light is  19  a candle in a forest remember -- there isn’t enough darkness in all the world to  20  the light of one small candle.

1. A. confidence      B. respect             C. adimiration      D. difficulty

2. A. managed             B. failed              C. wished             D. meant

3. A. touched               B. felt                  C. sensed             D. looked

4. A. already                   B. never               C. still                D. once

5. A. equiping             B. producing        C. spotting           D. removing

6. A. later                   B. earlier             C. lower              D. upper

7. A. light              B. dark               C. room               D. corner

8. A. happened            B. operated          C. fired               D. developed

9. A. machine              B. street               C. room              D. car

10. A. wound              B. forced             C. made               D. lost

11. A. after                  B. until                    C. while                      D. since

12. A. helped               B. affected                 C. worked            D. inspired

13. A. can                   B. shall                    C. will                D. must

14. A. mental              B. psychological     C. electrical         D. physical

15. A. existence           B. love                       C. truth               D. wisdom

16. A. lonely               B. colourful          C. friendly            D. complex

17. A. short                B. favour            C. face                D. need

18. A. make                       B. offer                   C. take                D. contribute

19. A. not more than    B. other than        C. no more than    D. rather than

20. A. put out              B. give out           C. get over                 D. set up


A Strange Greeting, a True Feeling Last week I was invited to a doctor’s meeting at the Ruth hospital for incurables. In one of the wards a patient, an old man, got up shakily from his bed and moved towards me. I could see that he hadn't long to   1   , but he came up to me and placed his right foot close mine on the floor.

 “Frank!” I cried in astonishment. He couldn’t   2  , as I knew, but all the time   3   his foot against mine.

My   4   raced back more than thirty years to the   5   days of 1941, when I was a student in London. The   6   was an air-raid shelter, in which I and about hundred other people slept every night. Two of the regulars were Mrs. West and her son Frank.

   7   wartime problems, we shelter-dwellers got to   8   each other very well. Frank West   9   me because he wasn’t   10  , not even at birth. His mother told me he was 37 then, but he had   11   of a mind than a baby has. His “  12  ” consisted of rough sounds——sounds of pleasure or anger and   13   more. Mrs. West, then about 75, was a strong, capable woman, as she had to be, of course, because Frank   14   on her entirely. He needed all the   15   of a baby.

One night a policeman came and told Mrs. West that her house had been flattened by a 500-pounder. She   16   nearly everything she owned.

When that sort of thing happened, the rest of us helped the   17   ones. So before we   18   that morning, I stood beside Frank and   19   my right foot against his. They were about the same size. That night, then, I took a pair of shoes to the shelter for frank. But as soon as he saw me he came running and placed his right foot against mine. After that, his   20   to me was always the same.

(   )1. A. work               B. stay        C. live             D. expect

(   )2. A. answer       B. speak      C. smile           D. laugh

(   )3. A. covering           B. moving      C. fighting          D. pressing

(   )4. A. minds        B. memories   C. thoughts         D. brains

(   )5. A. better        B. dark        C. younger            D. old

(   )6. A. cave                B. place       C. sight                  D. scene

(   )7. A. Discussing           B. Solving      C. Sharing                D. Suffering

(   )8. A. learn from           B. talk to     C. help              D. know

(   )9. A. needed         B. recognized  C. interested          D. encouraged

(   )10. A. normal       B. common     C. unusual           D. quick

(   )11. A. more          B. worse      C. fewer            D. less

(   )12. A. word          B. speech     C . sentence          D. language

(   )13. A. not                B. no          C. something         D. nothing

(   )14. A. fed                B. kept        C. lived            D. depended

(   )15. A. attention    B. control           C. treatment          D. management

(   )16. A. lost                B. needed           C. destroyed          D. left

(   )17. A. troublesome  B. unlucky    C. angry                 D. unpopular

(   )18. A. separated           B. went       C. reunited                D. returned

(   )19. A. pushed       B. tried       C. showed          D. measured

(   )20. A. nodding            B. greeting     C. meeting            D. acting


Dorothy Brown was very happy as she sat in the theatre listening to the music. Today her little daughter Lauren was giving her ___1___ concert. She had been waiting for this ___2___ for years and years. “Now it is here at last,” she thought. “How beautiful her ___3___ is.”

The song made her ___4___ to the days when she was Lauren’s ___5___. As a young ___6___, Dorothy wanted to be a concert singer. She studied ___7___ in France, Italy and in the United States. “You can become a fine ___8___ in the future,” her teachers told her. “But you must be ___9___ to study hard and work for many years. There will be ___10___ time for anything but music in your life.”

Dorothy was ___11___ at that time and she was ___12___ that music was all she wanted or needed to ___13___ her life. For almost a year Dorothy ___14___ of nothing else. Then she ___15___ David, a young engineer travelling Europe. They soon fell in ___16___. David asked her to be his ___17___. Dorothy also wanted to marry David. But she loved ___18___, too. She didn’t know what to do. David was against her being a singer. He said, “If you want to be a singer, you must forget about getting married. You can’t ___19___ do both.” Thus her days were gone and would never return.

Now Lauren became a singer instead of her, which was her ___20___.

1. A. sorry              B. successful           C. first         D. wonderful

2. A. dance              B. moment             C. show          D. party

3. A. voice              B. face                  C. dress          D. life

4. A. think of                  B. bring back           C. go back         D. come back

5. A. age                    B. friend               C. mother                D. teacher

6. A. musician                 B. pop star               C. lady                  D. girl

7. A. French            B. music                C. piano            D. dance

8. A. actress              B. student               C. singer         D. dancer

9. A. prepared           B. learning             C. driven         D. waiting

10. A. some              B. any                    C. no            D. enough

11. A. eight              B. eighteen              C. eighty         D. eighty-eight

12. A. lucky             B. sure                  C. afraid        D. fond

13. A. fill                     B. live                   C. lead          D. take

14. A. heard               B. knew                C. talked          D. thought

15. A. saw off           B. learned from       C. heard of      D. met with

16. A. love              B. feeling               C. music        D. touch

17. A. assistant         B. teacher               C. wife          D. student

18. A. him              B. engineering         C. herself       D. music

19. A. certainly          B. possibly              C. only          D. mainly

20. A. thought         B. hope                C. purpose      D. will


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