
 Once a great boxer (拳击家), Tom Brown, went to a restaurant(饭馆)for dinner. He put his bag near the door, but he was afraid that someone would take it. So he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it: “The great boxer, Tom Brown, left his bag here. He’ll come back in a few minutes. ” He put the paper on his bag and went to have his dinner. When he came back, his bag wasn’t there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground. It said: “A great runner took away your bag, and he will not come back. ”

1.Tom Brown went to the restaurant ________.

A.for his bag                   B.to see the runner

C.to have his meal               D.for his pen

2.Mr Brown was afraid ________.

A.to put down his bag near the door 

B.he couldn’t find his pen

C.thieves would take his bag away

D.he couldn’t get enough food himself from the restaurant

3.Mr Brown wrote the words on the paper because he ________.

A.thought the thief would not steal (偷) his bag when he read the words

B.was a boxer                  

C.wanted to catch the thief

D.wanted to get to know the runner

4.When Mr Brown came back he ________.

A.found another piece of paper on the ground

B.found his bag wasn’t there

C.both A and B                  

D.saw the runner running after him

5.Which is not right?

A.Mr Brown was foolish.         

B.The runner was a thief.

C.The runner made a joke on Mr Brown. 

D.The boxer didn’t know the runner at all.










试题分析:本文是一篇小故事:拳击手Tom Brown 去饭店吃饭,怕包被别人拿走,于是就写了一张条放到包上,条上写着“著名的拳击手Tom Brown 把包放在这里。他几分钟后就回来”。但是他回来后却发现包不见了,在地上的一张纸上写着“一个著名运动员把包拿走了,他不会回来了”。

1.C细节理解题。根据文章首句Tom Brown, went to a restaurant(饭馆)for dinner.可知他去饭店吃饭,答案选C。

2.C细节理解题。根据文中 he was afraid that someone would take it.可知他怕有人把包偷走,所以答案选C。

3.A 推理判断题。从文中So he got out a pen and a piece of paper and wrote on it….可以推断他以为自己留条后,就没人敢拿他的包了,答案选A。

4.C 细节理解题。根据文中When he came back, his bag wasn’t there. But he found a piece of paper on the ground.可知C选项正确。

5.D推理判断题。根据A great runner took away your bag, and he will not come back. ”可知小偷没有留姓名,Tom Brown 也没有见到他,由此可知Tom 不认识拿走包的人,答案选D。





  Once a foreigner travelling in France came to Paris for a few days.  1 the very first day of his  2 in the French capital he sent a telegram to his wife with the  3 of the hotel  4 he was staying.  5 he decided to go out and see the places of  6 in the capital. He took a long walk along the streets of the city, visited a few museums and by the end of the  7 he felt tired.

  He wanted to  8 the hotel to take a  9 there, but suddenly he  10 he remembered neither the name nor the address of  11 . He felt quite lost and slowly walked along the street,  12 what to do. Suddenly he found  13 in front of a post office. He quickly ran inside and said in  14 voice“Give me a telegram form please.”

  “ 15 ” a man answered, giving him a form. It did not  16 him long to  17 . A minute later he handed in telegram and paid the  18 .

  His wife was greatly  19 when she received  20 telegram from her husband: “Send me my address at once!”


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.name and address
B.telephone number
C.room number
D.post office


[  ]

D.with whom


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.look for
D.return to


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.his home
B.the hotel
C.his wife
D.the museum


[  ]

A.didn't know
B.having not known
C.not knowing
D.not to know


[  ]



[  ]

A.a low
B.a soft
C.a sad
D.an excited


[  ]

A.I'm sorry
B.Thanks for coming
C.Here you are
D.It's yours


[  ]



[  ]

A.fill in it
B.write it down
C.finish reading it
D.put it into English


[  ]



[  ]



[  ]

A.the first
B.the long
C.a second
D.a quick

Fred Michel is one of 7.2 million Americans who moonlight, or hold more than one job.
  Once a week, after his day job as medical director of a mental health center, the 40-year-old psychiatrist (精神病大夫) heads to a part-time job at a treatment center for young people. Twice a month, he travels three hours to another teenage treatment center.
  Last year, 5.4 percent of the American workforce held second jobs, according to the US Labor Department, and that looks set to increase this year.
  Many workers like the safety that moonlighting provides, says Carl Hausamn, the writer of "Moonlighting: 148 Great Ways to Make Money to the Side."
  The information from the US Labor Department shows that 40 percent of US moonlighters in 1997 took a second job to meet household expenses or pay off debts. Others save money or buy some special things.
  People also take second jobs with an eye to the future - wanting to try out a new field or gain experience.
  Michel started moonlighting when medical systems were unstable (不稳定的). He wanted to make sure he wasn't tied to one system that ended up failing.
  Just as the purposes for moonlighting vary, the moonlighters cross all age and racial groups. And they work in a variety of industries - no longer just service, office and sale jobs.
  “Technology just affects your ability to make money,” Hausman says. "That makes a frequent change in moonlighting."
  As its name means, moonlighting still occurs mostly at night. And that results in some pressures. Chief among them is time.
  Full-time employers could misunderstand, too. Some companies do not allow after-hour work because they fear it will affect their employees' 9-to-5 performance.
  "The primary employer is saying, ‘Wait, I'm paying you for the sharp, fresh, energetic you,’” says Tom Gimbel, president and founder of LaSalle Staffing in Chicago. "If you' re burning yourself at both ends, it's going to show."
  Still, the good done to the moonlighters can be great. Besides extra income, moonlighters enjoy variety, freedom and chance to do something new. They also may find their part-time jobs strengthen what they do full time.
  Besides, "it's fun," Michel says. Not only do his part-time jobs offer a chance to network, stretch his professional skills and make more money, but they also give him the variety he wouldn't find just in a full-time job.
  "It' s a way of pulling from the spice cabinet" he says, "and offering a little variety throughout the day."
60. What is the article mainly about?
  A. The ways of moonlighting.
  B. The reasons for moonlighting.
  C. The problems with moonlighting.
  D. The kinds of people who moonlight.
61. The reason why Fred Michel began to moonlight is that ________.
  A. he found it exciting to do a part-time job
  B. he needed to make ends meet with more money
  C. he feared he would lose his present job one day
  D. he felt more and more pressure from his employer
62. Some companies don't allow their workers to moonlight because they are afraid ________.
  A. their workers can not do extra-hour work for them
  B. their workers will be too tired to try their best at work
  C. their workers will one day turn to some other different jobs
  D. their workers will not get to work and be off work on time
63. The underlined sentence "It's a way of pulling from the spice cabinet." in the last paragraph means _________.
  A. moonlighting gets you away from the job you don' t enjoy
  B. moonlighting offers you freedom to make extra money
  C. moonlighting strengthens your professional skills
D. moonlighting brings you chances to do something different

In our life, we have rarely expressed our gratitude to those who have lived with us these years. In fact, we do not have to   31  a special time to thank the ones   32  to us. If you have   33  anything about giving thanks, it should be this:   34  it now! Saying thanks is such a(n)   35  way to add happiness to the   36  .

Saying thanks not only brightens someone else’s world, but also brightens yours. If you are feeling   37  or unloved, try reaching out to others. It may be just the medicine that you   38  .

Of course, sometimes you cannot express gratitude   39  . In that case, do not fall into   40 — speak up the first time you have a   41  .

Once a young man, whose name was Mark Brian, was sent to a   42  of India. The villagers, he had been told before, did not have a   43  for “thank you”. But on arriving there, Mark Brian found that those villagers expressed their   44  in other ways. Instead of saying thanks, it is their custom to  45  every favor with a favor of their own, and every kindness with the   46  or more kindness. They did express their thanks.

I   47  if we had no words in our   48  for thank you”, would we do a better job of communicating our gratitude? And would we be more responsive (回应的), more   49  and more caring?

Thankfulness can be transferred (传递) among people all around us—including ourselves,   50  no one ever misunderstands a thankful heart.

31. A. cut down       B. give up         C. talk about     D. wait for

32. A. rudest         B. closest         C. similar       D. different

33. A. learned         B. offered         C. written          D. doubted

34. A. carry        B. change         C. give      D. accept

35. A. fair           B. strange       C. extra        D. easy

36. A. room       B. world        C. school     D. station

37. A. left out         B. helped out        C. called on     D. shown in

38. A. discover        B. need          C. invent       D. collect

39. A. carefully        B. finally          C. immediately    D. slowly

40. A. illness         B. anger          C. pleasure      D. silence

41. A. suggestion      B. condition         C. job         D. chance

42. A. village         B. hospital         C. city         D. ship

43. A. film        B. play           C. word      D. song

44. A. skill           B. gratitude       C. culture          D. attitude

45. A. return       B. mix           C. follow      D. check

46. A. public       B. same          C. secret      D. cheap

47. A. wonder        B. forget          C. promise       D. order

48. A. text           B. lesson         C. vocabulary     D. book

49. A. creative        B. clever          C. sensitive     D. beautiful

50. A. though        B. unless           C. if         D. because

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