

There are the two simple words, “if” and “what”. These two words can be used in many sentences and questions by themselves, but if you put them together, it forms a serious question, “What if…?”

This question will bring you back to a certain time in your life when you made a choice. You may not be happy with that choice today and often think about why you did it, but you made the decision because it was the best choice at that specific moment in your life. Now, years later, you start to think about that specific choice you made. You mentally struggle with yourself and consider if you could choose again, what would you do? Would it be totally different?

I truly believe if you want something very much, you can do it and achieve it , because “Where there is a will, there is a way.” You can correct the mistakes of your decisions for the past, go out and find happiness in the right decisions for your future. It is never too late to do anything in life.


1. 以约30个词概括上文的主要内容。

2. 以约120个词就“人生努力永不晚”谈一谈你的看法,内容包括:

(1) 你对人生努力的理解;

(2) 举一个“大器晚成”的例子;

(3) 你对实例的评价或看法。


1. 作文中可以使用实例来支持你的论点,也可以参照阅读材料的内容论述,但不得直接引用原文中的句子;

2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。




On a summer evening, I was reading a newspaper in my garden. Then my 18-year-old son,Max , wandered out to me. We spent about an hour chatting together, . Then he went out to have another night out with his .

As he left to meet his friends, I on how our evening together had been one of my life’s golden moments. , such treasured times were drawing to a . In less than a week, Max will go off to Israel, where he will study art for three years. Of course, Max’s is part of the natural order. Life is rushing in, and he is moving on. I’m that my son has the drive and energy to plan his own , which is the most important thing.

To , we’ll have the phone and e-mail, but why do it happen so ? I wondered how Max felt about leaving. He isn’t the one to his inner thoughts, and he prefers to use rather than noise to make his point. However, on my birthday last week, he gave me a card as a(n) . Inside, he had placed a scratch card(刮刮卡)with a top of $100,000, as well as a message. His message read, “Dear Mum, I discovered on the Internet that the average cost of a child until adulthood is $106,428, so I want to show my . I hope you win. Then you can go on holiday to all the places you love.” Reading his words, I , cried and gave him a huge hug.

I’m going to my boy. But he’s no longer a boy, is he? I’m going to miss this lovely young man. I didn’t a bean on the scratch card, but looking at Max, I know I’ve been a winner anyway.

1.A. wake B. join C. disturb D. call

2.A. tired B. delighted C. shocked D. moved

3.A. friends B. teachers C. classmates D. parents

4.A. reminded B. revised C. recovered D. reflected

5.A. Besides B. Therefore C. However D. Then

6.A. close B. wonder C. trick D. past

7.A. regretting B. maturing C. studying D. leaving

8.A. worried B. proud C. sad D. curious

9.A. happiness B. luck C. future D. business

10.A. keep in touch B. live out C. start with D. go through

11.A. quickly B. strangely C. generally D. hardly

12.A. hide B. bury C. ignore D. show

13.A. chances B. dreams C. wisdom D. wealth

14.A. memory B. gift C. praise D. honor

15.A. class B. remark C. grade D. prize

16.A. delivering B. adopting C. raising D. educating

17.A. gratitude B. doubt C. action D. opinion

18.A. puzzled B. broke C. complained D. laughed

19.A. thank B. miss C. admire D. lose

20.A. find B. plant C. win D. buy








Nowadays many singers and bands have little to do with good music.They know little about what good music mean.What is the cause? So far most of these singers have see music as a “job” because it is a good source of making money.And if you have good appearance and some expensive clothes to show off at your concerts, then you voice is not so important as it should be.The public will prefer to admire more about the most interested parts of your body and even forgot that you are there to show your music skills, not your dancing, which is important too, but not at such a high level.However, the young generation should be understand talent and a good voice matter more in their musical career.All the performances which have little to do with good music fail in be welcomed on stage.If a young man has a great voice and wants to become a successfully singer, he should take some special courses in this area because they will help him improve singing abilities.

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