
【题目】To his disappointment, his only daughter is hopelessly __________ computer games.

A. addicted to

B. due to

C. opposed to

D. owing to


【解析】考查固定短语。句意:令他失望的是,他的独生女无可救药地迷上了电脑游戏。表示……上瘾用be addicted to。due to表示由于,因为;be opposed to表示反对;owing to表示由于


【题目】Researchers have found that most of our tiredness comes from our mental attitudes (心态). One of England’s doctors, J.A. Hadfield, says, 【1】 . In fact, tiredness of completely physical origin (缘由) is unusual.” So, remember -- the key to improved productivity is learning to relax. Here are some suggestions for you.

Relax form time to time

【2】 . It is said that if you want to master the art of relaxation, study the cat. Think about it. Have you ever seen a tired cat, or a cat with a nervous break-down? You will probably avoid this kind of feeling if you learn to relax as the cat does.


Remember that tensions (紧张状态) on the body produce aching shoulders and nervous feelings. Variety and movement keep you physically and mentally alive. The most interesting task can get boring if done for long periods of time, and the most comfortable chair isn’t comfortable if the worker must sit in it for hours.

Think at the end of the day

【4】 . And if you are tired, is it because of the mental work you’ve done, or the way you have done it? Generally, if you feel extremely tired at the end of the day, it’s quite likely been an inefficient (效率低的) day.

【5】 Then you can work with a new attitude the next day.

A. Think of a cat

B. Work less hard

C. Work in a comfortable position

D. This will help you form the habit of relaxing.

E. Make notes of what changes you need to make.

F. Ask yourself how tired you are at the end of the day.

G. The greater part of tiredness comes from mental attitudes.

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