
阅读下面短文,然后按要求写一篇150 词左右的英语短文。
    I have known Fei for five years as we used to be in the same class in junior middle school but
are now studying in different high schools. For a long time we seldom contacted each other until
one day one year ago when we met on QQ. From then on, we had a good time chatting online
now and then. He impressed me so much with his wise and humorous answers that soon I took to
him. We sent text messages nearly every day. The more I knew him, the more I like him. Whenever
I felt unhappy, I would send messages to him to get his warm comfort. I believed that he also had a
crush on me, because one night when I was ill he stayed awake and asked me to give him a phone
call if I needed help. I was so moved and decided to tell him my feelings towards him.
    I sent him an email and revealed my love to him. But his reply upset me: "I just treated you as my
sister and I never thought about love between us.… Sorry!"
    I was sad, disappointed and depressed in the following days. I wanted to forget him. I deleted his
phone number, QQ number and everything that would remind me of him. However, I couldn't drive
away his image and voice from my brain. I can't help being absent-minded in class, though I'm supposed
to be busy with my study as a senior three student. What shall I do?
    1. 以约30个词概括Sara博文的内容 (开头已给出,不计入词数);
    2. 然后以约120个词谈谈你的感受和建议
    ⑴ 你对Sara目前处境的感受;
    ⑵ 谈谈你对高中生早恋的看法;
    ⑶ 给Sara提出建议,帮助她走出困境。
   1. 作文中可以使用亲身经历或虚构的故事,也可以参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直
   2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称。
     I'm sorry to know that _____________________________________________________



第四部分 写作(共两节,满分35分)

第一节 短文填词(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)


You can find almost any kind of restaurant in America, because it is a country of many different _______ (国籍). The telephone book lists restaurants for each           76. ____________

city ____to the name, area of the city, or kind of food . Restaurants in large 77. ____________

cities vary g __ in price. Many restaurants post their menus in the window, 78. ____________

so you can have some idea of the price and kind of food b__ you enter . If  79. ____________

you are ______(不确定)about how expensive the food is , ask to see a menu before 80. ___________

you are seated at a table, or e ______ just ask about the price range . Appearances 81. ___________

from the outside can be ______(误导)—what looks like a small, informal restaurant may  82. ___________

really be very expensive w ____ what looks like a large, expensive restaurant 83. ___________

may be very reasonable. You can get a meal for about $4 or $5 or _____ (稍微)more84. ___________

if you eat in snack bars or coffee shops. ____ most city restaurants, you should expect  85. ___________

to pay $8 to $10 a person for dinner, with alcoholic drinks and wine extra.






Many people want to offer help in a natural disaster by donating money, transporting supplies, giving blood, or offering physical assistance. Unfortunately, there are times when kind-hearted people disturb more than they help in a natural disaster. An untrained individual may end up becoming another person in need of rescue.

If you decide to be a volunteer during a natural disaster, be sure you coordinate(使协调) with trained rescuers so that your assistance can be effectively made use of. You may be able to offer transportation to survivors that are not seriously injured, or you may be able to help bring in necessities; however, you should never decide by yourself what needs to be done.

Giving donations is often the best way to help in a natural disaster. Just make sure that your donation goes to a reliable organization. That means the organization will spend the largest percentage of its donations on direct assistance to victims of the natural disaster; _________. After a natural disaster, dishonest “charities” often show up trying to collect money. If you are donating to help during a natural disaster, look for a well-recognized, well-respected name, or do some research before giving. If you would like to check out different charities, a good place to start is the Better Business Bureau.

If you would rather donate food, clothing, or other supplies, make sure such items are sent to the proper location where they can be effectively sorted and distributed to those in need.

Just know that any effort you make to help, no matter how large or how small, will be appreciated.

56. What is the best title for the passage? (Please answer within 10 words.)           ____________________________________________________________________________

57. Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

If you have not been trained, you may become trapped or harmed during the course of the rescue.              ____________________________________________________________________________

58. Please fill in the blank in the third paragraph with the appropriate words or phrases to complete the sentence. (Please answer within 20 words.)             ____________________________________________________________________________

59. How are you going to offer help in a natural disaster? Give your reasons.

(Please answer within 30 words.)


60. Translate the underlined sentence into Chinese.



     On June 7, 1958, Lei Feng wrote in his diary:“If you were one drop of water, do you moisten
(滋润) the field? If you were a ray of sunshine, do you brighten the darkness? If you were a morsel
of food, do you provide others with nutrition? If you were the tiniest bolt (螺丝钉. , do you stay in
place and fulfill your duty? If you want to tell others your ideals, do you preach them day and night?
When you are alive do you always remember to work hard and realize your efforts will affect future
lives and let the world become more beautiful day by day? I want to ask you: What do you contribute
to the future? In life you must be a giver and not just a taker.”
     These words were once the living principle of people in 1960s who were motivated to learn his
selflessness, modesty, and devotion. People's lives today are much better, but the "Lei Feng Spirit"
has grown apart from us.
     In October, 2011, two year old Wang Yue--known as Yue Yue--was knocked down by two
vehicles in Foshan. As she bled on the narrow street more than a dozen people walked or cycled past
her for the next seven minutes before a second truck runs over her. This incident aroused hot discussion
about the nation’s apparent moral decay(衰退).

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