
You may not pay much attention to your daily elevator ride.Many of us use a lift several times during the day without really thinking about it.But Lee Gray,PhD,of the University of North Carolina,US,has made it his business to examine this overlooked form of public transport.He is known as the “Elevator Guy”.

“The lift becomes this interesting social space where etiquette (礼仪) is sort of odd (奇怪的),” Gray told the BBC.“The elevators are socially very interesting but often very awkward places.”

We walk in and usually turn around to face the door.If someone else comes in,we may have to move.And here,according to Gray,liftusers unthinkingly go through a set pattern of movements.He told the BBC what he had observed.

He explained that when you are the only one inside a lift,you can do whatever you want – it’s your own little box.

If there are two of you,you go into different corners,standing diagonally (对角线地) across from each other to create distance.

When a third person enters,you will unconsciously form a triangle.And when there is a fourth person it becomes a square,with someone in every corner.A fifth person is probably going to have to stand in the middle.

New entrants to the lift will need to size up the situation when the doors slide open and then act decisively.Once in,for most people the rule is simple – look down,or look at your phone.

Why are we so awkward in lifts?

“You don’t have enough space,” Professor Babette Renneberg,a clinical psychologist at the Free University of Berlin,told the BBC.“Usually when we meet other people we have about an arm’s length of distance between us.And that’s not possible in most elevators.”

In such a small,enclosed space it becomes very important to act in a way that cannot be understood as threatening or odd.“The easiest way to do this is to avoid eye contact,” she said.

1.According to Gray,when people enter an elevator,they usually _____.

A. turn around and greet one another

B. look around or examine their phone

C. make eye contact with those in the elevator

D. try to keep a distance from other people

2.Which of the following describes how people usually stand when there are at least two people in an elevator?





3.According to the article,people feel awkward in lifts because of _____.

A. someone’s odd behaviors

B. a lack of space

C. their unfamiliarity with one another

D. their eye contact with one another

【小题】What’s the passage mainly about _____.

A. Bad manners in the elevator

B. Some unwritten rules of elevator etiquette

C. An interesting but awkward elevator ride

D. The strange behaviors in the elevator


The Entropia Universe

The Entropia Universe is a virtual world on the Internet, which seems very like our real life.It is set in a distant future and based on a planet called Calypso.Entropia was the brainchild of a group of Swedish computer lovers who decided to see if they could create a three dimensional (维度的) virtual world that could be placed on the Internet.They did manage after they received the financial backing they needed.

The game can be played for free, but nearly all in-game activities require personal resources that you have available to use.Although there are various activities to keep you busy on Calypso, what most people do first is to find themselves a profession, such as hunting the fierce animals on Calypso, mining the precious minerals and making tools.Then they can think about buying their virtual house or paying a visit to a virtual nightclub or doing any of the other activities that make life bearable.

Entropia has its very own economy (经济) and its own currency, the PED (Project Entropia Dollars).Players move real world money into PED which they then use to pay for their life on Calypso.However, the virtual things inside Entropia do have a real value in the outside world, and careful business deals mean that players can actually make real money there.PED can be changed into dollars any time at a rate of 10PED to 1US$.

What’s so impressive about The Entropia Universe is the number of players; currently more than 600,000 representing over 220 countries from planet Earth.A number of players insist that it’s a good way to make money.However, the reality of Entropia’s economic system is that most people end up paying more than they earn and it’s not uncommon to find players who are paying up to $200 a month into their PED account.This might not be the most economical way of spending one’s free time.However, some people say that for them the fact that they can escape the realities of the earthbound life and become a different person with a completely different life for a few hours every week is worth the use of money, even if they don’t get any interest rates on it.

1.What can we learn about The Entropia Universe?

A. It costs nothing to join.

B. It focuses on business plans.

C. It is designed for computer lovers.

D. It presents what life is like on other planets.

2.What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about?

A. What people do on Calypso.

B. When people buy houses there.

C. How people make life bearable.

D. Why people often find a job first.

3.According to the author, playing on The Entropia Universe ______.

A. may be very annoying

B. can be quite expensive

C. is a cheap way to kill time

D. is a good way to earn money

4.What can be inferred about The Entropia Universe?

A. It is technical.

B. It is satisfying.

C. It is ridiculous.

D. It is educational.



Lipitor is a prescription medicine.Along with diet and exercise, it lowers “bad” Cholesterol (胆固醇) in your blood. It can also raise “good ”cholesterol.

Lipitor can lower the risk of heart attack in patients with several common risk factors, including family history of early heart disease, high blood pressure, age and smoking.


Who can take LIPITOR:

· People who cannot lower their cholesterol enough with diet and exercise.

· Adults and children over l0.

Who should NOT take LIPITOR:

· Women who are pregnant, may be pregnant, or may become pregnant.Lipitor may harm your unborn baby.

· Women who are breast-feeding.Lipitor can pass into your breast milk and may harm your baby.

· People with liver(肝脏)problems.


Serious side effects in a small number of people:

· Muscle(肌肉)problems that can lead to kidney(肾脏)problems, including kidney failure.

· Liver problems.Your doctor may do blood tests to check your liver before you start Lipitor and while you are taking it.

Call your doctor right away if you have:

· Unexplained muscle pain or weakness, especially if you have a fever or feel very tired.

· Swelling of the face, lips, tongue, or throat that may cause difficulty in breathing or Swallowing.

· Stomach pain.

Some common side effects of LIPITOR are:

· Muscle pain.

· Upset stomach.

· Changes in some blood tests.



· Take Lipitor as prescribed by your doctor.

· Try to eat heart-healthy foods while you take Lipitor.

· Take Lipitor at any time of day, with or without food.

· If you miss a dose (一剂), take it as soon as you remember. But if it has been more than

12 hours since you missed dose, wait, Take the next dose at your regular time.


· Do not change or stop your dose before talking to your doctor.

· Do not start new medicines before talking to your doctor.

1.What is the major function of Lipitor?

A. To help quit smoking.

B. To lower "bad" cholesterol.

C. To improve unhealthy diet.

D. To control blood pressure.

2.If it has been over 12 hours since you missed a dose, you should .

A. change the amount of your next dose

B. eat more when taking your next dose

C. have a dose as soon as you remember

D. take the next dose at your regular time

3.What is the main purpose of the passage?

A. To teach patients ways for quick recovery.

B. To present a report on a scientific research.

C. To show the importance of a good lifestyle.

D. To give information about a kind of medicine.

For a long time I saw happiness as a huge banner (旗帜) across the finish line of a long race. I felt that only when I____ certain things could I finally be happy in my life. Most of the time I felt like a tortoise believing that being slow and___ would win the race .At other times I would ____like a rabbit trying different side roads at a dangerous ____hoping to reach that banner a little faster. ____,I began to see that no matter how long I raced towards it, the banner was never any ____.I finally decided to___ and take a break. It was then that I saw my____ sitting beside me.

It had been with me as I____ hard to support my family, as I played with my children and heard their____ and even when I was ____with my wife at my side looking after me .It had been with me as I raced towards that stupid banner. I just didn’t have the ____to see it.

There is an old Chinese proverb that says,“Tension is who you think you should be.____ is who you are.”Perhaps we all should stop our race towards the____ life we think we should have and ____the life we have now. Happiness will never be found under some banner far away. It will be found ____your own heart ,soul and mind. It will be found when you___ that others love you just as you do.

Don’t be a tortoise or a rabbit when it comes to your happiness. Be a playful puppy and carry your stick of____ with you everywhere you go.____ yourself out of the race and realize that when it comes to love and happiness, you are____ there.

1.A. forgot B. missed C. overcame D. accomplished

2.A. safe B. steady C. calm D. quiet

3.A. act B. run C. jump D. walk

4.A. place B. height C. speed D. time

5.A. Generally B. Gradually C. Fortunately D. Firstly

6.A. clearer B. lower C. closer D. smaller

7.A. settle in B. start off C. stop by D. sit down

8.A. happiness B. goal C. success D. friendship

9.A. studied B. fought C. exercised D. worked

10.A. laughter B. complaints C. stories D. breathing

11.A. lonely B. tired C. sick D. hungry

12.A. courage B. chance C. wisdom D. strength

13.A. Stress B. Relaxation C. Failure D. Pain

14.A. real B. perfect C. common D. ordinary

15.A. enjoy B. change C. improve D. create

16.A. from B. on C. over D. in

17.A. realize B. believe C. hope D. admit

18.A. sorrow B. responsibility C. fortune D. joy

19.A. Carry B. Make C. Push D. Take

20.A. never B. still C. already D. ever

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