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1. ÄãË͵ÄÀñÎһÕŽ¡¿µ¾ãÀÖ²¿µÄ¹ó±ö¿¨£»
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²Î¿¼´Ê»ã£º¹ó±ö¿¨ a VIP card
A present for my parents
The Spring Festival is coming and I want to buy a present for my parents with my pocket money.
A present for my parents
The Spring Festival is coming and I want to buy a presents with my pocket money. That is a VIP card of a health club. My father works hard as a teacher, spending most of his time at school. I know he works with great effort and has little time to take exercise. My mother loves reading and often dives into piles of books, but she seldom goes out for exercise.
As I grow up, they are getting older. Both of them should exercise more but neither is doing enough. With the health club membership, I hope that they will find time to do more exercise.
I want to express my love and thanks to them by giving them this present. I think that they can relax themselves in the health club and make more friends there. At the same time, I hope with more exercise, they will enjoy better health. What¡¯s more, they can spend more time with each other.
ÎÄÕµÄÁÁµãÖ®Ò»¾ÍÊǾäʽµÄÁé»î¶à±ä¡£±¾ÎÄ¿ªÆªµÚ¶þ¾ä£¬ My father works hard as a teacher, spending most of his time at school.±¾¾äÓÃÁËÒ»¸ö½ÏΪ¸ß¼¶µÄ°éËæ×´ÓʡÂÔÁËÖ÷ÓÎÄÕµڶþ¶ÎµÚÒ»¾äAs I grow up, they are getting older.AsÒýµ¼µÄʱ¼ä×´Óï´Ó¾ä£»ÎÄÕµڶþ¶Îµ¹ÊýµÚÒ»¾äWith the health club membership, I hope that they will find time to do more exercise¡£With µÄ¸´ºÏ½á¹¹¡£»¹ÓÐÖî¶à¾«²ÊµÄ¾ä×ӾͲ»Ò»Ò»ÁоÙÀÕâЩ¶¼ÏÔʾÁ˽ϺõÄÓ¢Ó﹦µ×¡£