
As a kid, I can remember going to the supermarket and grabbing eggs off the shelf. I would run them home to my mother because they were usually going into a delicious cake. Times have changed. Cage-free? Organic? Brown? White? Omega-3s(一种脂肪酸)?Help! Here are some tips to help you figure out which eggs you should be eating.
Brown or white? In fact, color is simply a sign of the breed of hen. Find the freshest egg with the most flavor and let color be a secondary concern.
Extra Omega-3s? Omega-3 eggs come from a hen whose diet has added flaxseed (亚麻籽),which produces an egg containing an average of 225 mg of Omega-3 fatty acids and vitamin E. The countless health benefits for humans make these eggs an attractive purchase. My opinion? Eat a piece of fresh fish and get a pure pill of Omega-3s. Let eggs be eggs.
Does your egg need exercise? Free-range eggs are from hens raised without the limit of a cage, though they may or may not have spent much time outdoors. Organic eggs are from hens whose food must meet organic standards. These hens must be raised humanly, and they must be given time to the outdoors. Hey, happier hens do lay tastier eggs.
Does local make a difference? Nothing is better than local eggs. They may have a feather or two stuck to them or be a little imperfect in shape and may or may not be certified organic; however, they have one quality. I know exactly where my food came from and how it came into being! In some cases I can even ask the farmer when the eggs were laid and what they were fed.
55.What’s the best title for this passage?
A.Which Eggs Should You Be Eating?       B.Eggs Are Changing as Times Are Changing
C.Which Kind of Egg Is the Best?           D. The First Concern When Choosing Eggs
56. What does the author think of extra Omega-3s eggs?
A.They are a good choice for people to buy.   
B.They contain fewer Omega-3s than fresh fish.
C.They have the highest content of pure Omega-3s.
D.They are not the best source of Omega-3s.
57. The underlined word “free-range” probably means “________ ”
A.wild        B.cage-free         C.organic        D.Omega-3-free
58.According to the passage, which of the following has nothing to do with an egg’s quality?
A.The egg’s color.                         B.The hen’s exercise.  
C.The hen’s living conditions.                D.The hen’s food.

55—58   ADBA  
Do junk food ads make kids fat? Should they be banned? Based on the evidence, more and more experts say yes. The latest support comes from a group of New Zealand experts who say they've made a link between kids watching television and bad health.
Researchers from the University of Otago in Dunedin studied 1000 children from age 3 to 26.They found that those who watched television more than two hours a day had higher levels of obesity(肥胖), blood cholesterol(胆固醇)and smoking — as well as lower levels of physical fitness — when they reached adulthood than kids who watched less than two hours a day.  
Why? Partly because while they are watching TV kids aren't getting out, exercising and playing with other kids, and burning off the calories. But more insidiously(不知不觉地), while watching TV, they're being shown a lot of ads for drinks and foods of uncertain nutritional value, most of which are full of sugar and fat.
Across the globe, about 155 million kids are obese, according to the International Obesity Task Force. The dangerous thing is not just the well-being of these kids as they grow up, but hundreds of billions of dollars of health costs spent on adults with heart disease, diabetes(糖尿病), and the disabilities these disease will cause.
In Australia, two thirds of children are overweight and one third are obese. Twenty years ago, only about ten per cent were obese. And Australia has the greatest amount of junk food ads per hour of television than any other country in the world, including the US and the UK. About 30 per cent of all ads in kids' viewing time are for food or drinks. Most of them are for junk food: burgers, chips, soft drinks and sweets —high in fat, salt or sugar.
Here in Australia, experts are also calling for a ban on TV advertising of junk food to kids. The Coalition on Food Advertising to Children (CFAC) wants to make changes to laws, hoping it can ban all food advertising on TV during the time of the day when children under 12 years old are watching. This includes early and afternoon time, and evening TV between 5 pm and 9 pm.
小题1:From the passage, we can infer that the underlined word “obsess” probably means ______.
A.very strongB.very weak
C.very confidentD.very fat
小题2:According to the passage, how many hours can kids watch TV a day if they want to be healthier in the future?
A.more than 120 minutes a dayB.less than 120 minutes a day
C.180 minutes or so a dayD.240 minutes or so a day
小题3:______ has the greatest amount of junk food ads per hour of TV?
小题4:In the author’s opinion, the junk food ads on TV are bad for kids’ health because _______.
A.They are very expensive and harmfulB.They waste a lot of kids’ spare time
C.They persuade kids to eat junk foodD.They are more inviting and interesting

Drinking a lot of water does not do any good to the body, according to two experts in the United States. In fact, they warn, drinking too much water could be, in certain Cases, harmful.
In a study, Dr Stanly Goldfarb and Dr Dan Negoianu, both of the Renal, Electrolyte and Hypertension Division at the University of Pennsylvania, the United States, have denied the popular belief that drinking a lot of water clears body toxins (毒素) better, improves skin, and helps reduce weight.
Dr Goldfarb and Dr Negoianu say that they found little proof to support the public opinion that drinking 8 glasses of water every day benefits health. At the same time, they found little proof of harm in drinking 8 glasses of water every day.
It is widely believed that in some cases — such as athletes, people who live in hot, dry  environments, and those with certain medical conditions — drinking a lot of water indeed helps,  but no studies have been done to prove the benefits of this practice in average, healthy people, the  website medheadlines. com reports.
The study at the University of Pennsylvania also examined reports that some people experienced increased headaches when their consumption of water was low. In one small study, which the doctors reviewed, the group drinking the most water reported fewer headaches than the control group, “but the difference in the number of headaches was so small between the two groups as to be considered unimportant.”
The researchers concluded that there is no scientific proof to support that average, healthy people need to drink at least 8 glasses of water each day.
The website medheadlines. com says that, according to an Indian doctor, drinking too much water is harmful. If water enters the body more quickly than it can be removed, problems can occur.
1. What’s the key message delivered in the passage?
A. Drinking too much water might bring harm.
B. Whether to drink enough water makes no difference.
C. Drinking too much water may cause headaches.
D. Average, healthy people should drink more water.
2. We can learn from the passage that 8 glasses of water every day ________.
A. proves good for the body             B. has scientific proof of harm
C. is sure to reduce headaches            D. is generally considered necessary
3. Who may agree that drinking lots of water helps to lose weight?
A. Two experts.                     B. General public.
C. An Indian doctor.                  D. A website.
4. According to the passage, we know that ________.
A. the website medheadlines. com is developed by an Indian doctor
B. the study was carried out by two experts with an Indian doctor
C. the two experts performed the study at the University of Pennsylvania
D. drinking 8 glasses of water every day can cure certain diseases

Burn Calories in Your Sleep?
The weight-loss world is full of assertions(断言), rarely proved, that some pill can help you “burn calories while you sleep.” But a recent Dutch study reports that it can be done – simply by eating more lean protein(无脂肪蛋白质).
Researchers report for the first time that consuming nearly a third of daily calories as lean protein – for example, lean meats without the skin – speeds up a person’s metabolism(新陈代谢) during sleep and that higher protein intake increases the burning of calories and fat during the day. Plus, when the study’s participants, who were all women of healthy weight, ate more protein, they felt fuller, more satisfied and less hungry than when they consumed a diet with the amount of protein, about 10 percent of calories.
The findings suggest that adding lean protein to your daily food “enables you to reach the same level of satiety(过饱)that you are used to with about 80 percent of your normal energy intake,” notes Margriet Westerterp-Plantenga. “That means you can eat about 20 percent less and still have the same satiety.”
What gives protein its caloric edge? It’s more difficult for the body to metabolize protein than either fat or carbohydrates(糖类). The body also doesn’t store protein as efficiently as it does carbohydrates or fat. So protein is more likely to be burned and that in turn requires more oxygen and helps you feel satisfied in the hours after eating.
But the latest findings don’t mean it’s time to dust off those high-protein diet books. The current study limited fat to about 30 percent of daily calories, and included 40 percent of calories as healthy carbohydrates, including fruit and vegetables. For example, lunch included bread, soy milk, fruit yogurt, tuna in water, tomatoes, cucumbers, feta cheese and salad dressing.
54. According the first paragraph, we know that ______.
A. there’re few studies on weight-loss in the world
B. many studies on weight-loss only cheat customers
C. only few studies are useful for weight-loss
D. there’re few studies about lean protein
55. According to the passage, lean protein can help burn calories while you sleep because ______.
A.it can slow down a person’s metabolism   
B. it’s difficult for the body to metabolize
C.it will not make you feel full  
D. it’s easy to be stored in the body
56. The underlined phrase “dust off” in the last paragraph means ______.
A. get rid of                   B. put away     
C. get ready to rewrite          D. get ready to reuse
57. The passage is mainly to tell readers ______.
A. there is a good diet for weight-losers
B. you can burn your calories in your sleep
C. high-protein diet books will be popular
D. choosing right food is of great use

It’s not always easy to eat healthy foods when others seem to eat whatever they want. Follow the tips and know that it will make a difference in your life.
What about sweet foods?
Everyone likes the taste of sweet foods! Small amounts of sweet foods can be part of a healthy meal plan. Sugary foods include soda, sweetened fruit drinks, honey, and candy. Desserts such as cakes, pies, cookies, and ice cream contain a lot of fat as well as sugar. If you choose to eat any of these sweet foods, just have a small amount at the end of a healthy meal. Have a piece of fruit if you are still hungry. Drink water, sugar-free soda, and sugar-free fruit drinks, if you are thirsty, instead of drinks that are all high in sugars.
How much should you eat?
Your height, weight, age, whether you are a boy or a girl, and how active you are will affect how much food you need to eat each day to stay at a healthy weight. Everyone is different. Talk to your doctor or diet expert about how much to eat, especially if you need to lose weight. If you take in more food than your body burns, you will gain weight. If you take in less food than your body burns, you will lose weight. Being active and eating smaller amounts of food and fewer sweet or fatty foods can help overweight kids lose weight in a healthy way. You will keep your heart healthy, too.
67.Which of the following desserts is NOT mentioned in the passage?
A.Cakes.                     B.Pies.                        C.Cheese.                           D.Cookies.
68.How much we should eat will depend on the following EXCEPT___________.
A.our body size                      
B.the time we spend taking exercise
C.how old we are             
D.the money our family earns
69.According to the passage, which of the following statements is TRUE?
A.The more food our body burns, the faster we will lose weight.
B.The more food we eat, the more food our body will burn.
C.The more active we are, the more food we need to eat.
D.The more food we eat, the more weight we will gain
70.The author advises overweight children to_________.
A.eat healthy foods and take regular exercise
B.pay much attention to their heart health
C.keep foods containing sugar and fat away
D.talk to their doctor and join a health club

A new World Bank report warns that children who do not get enough good food in the first two years of life suffer lasting damage.They may be underdeveloped or under weight.__71____  In addition, poorly nourished (营养不良的) children are more likely to drop out of school and earn less money as adults.
The report is called "Repositioning Nutrition as Central to Development." It notes that too little food is not the only cause of poor nutrition.__72__ For example, the study says that mothers often fail to give their newly born babies their first breast milk (母乳).This milk-like substance is called colostrums (初乳).__73__
Africa and South Asia are affected the most by poor nutrition.__74__ The World Bank study also notes that rates of malnutrition (营养不良) in South Asia are almost double those in central and southern Africa.Other parts of the world are also severely affected, including Indonesia, Uzbekistan, Yemen, Guatemala and Peru.
75   Instead of directly providing food, the study suggests educational programs in health and nutrition for mothers with young babies.It also recommends cleaner living conditions and improvements in health care.
A.They may suffer from poor health or limited intelligence.
B.The study also links malnutrition to economic growth in poor countries.
C.Many children who live in homes with plenty of food suffer for other reasons.
D.The study says about half of all children in India do not get enough good food.
E.It is full of nutrients that improve a baby's ability to fight infections and disease.
F.Poor countries could possibly double their economic growth if they improved nutrition.
G.The study recommends that developing countries change their policies to deal with malnutrition.
More than 600, 000 tourists from the Chinese mainland visited Taiwan last year, fulfilling expectations despite the impact of H1N1 flu and the global economic downturn.
A total of 606, 100 mainland tourists visited Taiwan in the past year, with each spending nearly $1, 800 on the island, including accommodation and shopping, Shao Qiwei, chairman of the Beijing-based Association for Tourism Exchange Across the Taiwan Straits, said on Friday.
“We see good cooperation between tourism industries across the Straits taking shape,” Shao said. Since July 2008, when Taiwan first opened to mainland tourists, about 660, 000 mainland tourists have visited the island and spent $1.13 billion there, benefiting local transportation as well as the retail, entertainment and health industries.
In four months starting August last year, mainland tourists spent $65.72 million through UnionPay payment cards, figures from mainland bankcard association China UnionPay showed.
“Years of isolation between the two sides have made Taiwan an attractive place for mainland tourists,” said Zheng Lijuan, deputy (副的) general manager of CITS International MICE Co. Ltd.
But under the impact of H1N1 flu since May, the number of mainland tourists to Taiwan had also dropped sharply, leading to industry insiders(内部的人)casting doubt as to whether the goal of attracting 600, 000 mainland tourists to Taiwan in 2009 could be achieved.
Despite the unfavorable conditions, a string of relaxed rules last year have spurred (刺激) the interest of mainland tourists in visiting Taiwan.
In the past year, Taiwan has opened to mainland residents in 25 provinces, up from the initial 13 provinces. Relaxed rules have also allowed five tourists to form a group to visit Taiwan, instead of the initial requirement of at least 10 tourists. Mainland tourists can also stay in Taiwan for a maximum of 15 days, instead of the initial 10 days.
Combined with mainland business groups, more than 900, 000 mainland travelers visited Taiwan in 2009, Christine Lai, director of the Taiwan Strait Tourism Association, told China Daily.
Without releasing the goal for this year, Lai expressed hopes that mainland tourists would head to Taiwan on second or even third visits.
66. Why do mainlanders like to visit Taiwan?
A. Taiwan is a very beautiful island.
B. There are many shops, malls and bookstores in Taiwan.
C. The accommodation and transportation are very good in Taiwan.
D. Years of isolation between Taiwan and mainland makes it an attractive place.
67. What was the original goal of mainland tourists to Taiwan in 2009?
A. 660, 000                     B. 606, 100                      C. 600, 000                         D. 900, 000
68. The number of mainland tourists to Taiwan in 2009 was fulfilled because         .
A. the residents of 25 provinces could visit Taiwan
B. mainland tourists could stay in Taiwan for 15 days
C. the Chinese government made a string of relaxed rules
D. there were no impacts of H1N1 flu in Taiwan and mainland
69. We can infer from the text that         .
A. there may be a goal for Mainland tourists visiting Taiwan in 2010
B. Chinese mainland tourists can stay in Taiwan for a maximum of 10 days
C. the global economic downturn had not influnced Taiwan’s travel industry
D. H1N1 flu had not made the number of the mainland tourists to Taiwan drop
70. Which of the following would be the best title for the text?
A. Visitors to Taiwan will slowdown
B. Mainland tourists to Taiwan hit mark
C. More and more mainland tourists visit Taiwan
D. H1N1 and global economic influence Taiwan’s travel industry
The faces of the elderly, happily-married people sometimes look like each other. Dr. Aiken studied a number of couples who had been married for at least twenty-five years. Each couple provided four photographs—one photo of each partner at the time of their marriage and another photo to remove any clues. The photos were then displayed in groups: a random(随意的)grouping of the persons at the time of their marriage and another random grouping of the same persons who took photographs later. Some judges were asked to pick out the partners. They failed totally with the first group. Their judgments were no better than chance. But with the photos taken twenty-five or more years after the marriage, the judges were quite successful at deciding who was married to whom. They were particularly successful with the most happily-married couples.
Dr. Aiken believes there are several reasons why couples grow alike. One reason has something to do with imitation. One person tends to copy or do the same as someone else without knowing it. He says human beings copy the expressions of the faces of their loved ones. Another possible reason, he says, is the common experience of the couples. There is a tendency for people who have the same life experience to change their faces in similar ways. For example, if a couple suffered a lot of sad experiences, their faces are likely to change in a similar way.
56. The main purpose of the passage is to         .
tell how couples look like each other
show the life experience of husband and wife
explain why couples grow alike
describe the study on a number of married people
57. The judges failed to           .
tell couples by looking at their photos taken when they got married
tell happily-married couples from sadly-married couples
discover the difference of each partner
understand Dr. Aiken’s study
58. The underlined sentence “Their judgments were         .
A.quite successfulB.based on factsC.only by luckD.totally wrong
59. From the passage we can draw a conclusion that         .
happily-married couples are often richer than other couples
couples who look alike can live longer
the influence between couples can be quite strong
all couples have been proved to grow alike
Peanut allergies (过敏) are among the most common and most dangerous of food allergies. A tiny exposure to peanuts can mean big trouble for a person with a peanut allergy—not just sneezing or coughing,but something as potentially deadly as narrowing of the airways.
But a recent study suggests that some children may be able to beat back their allergic reactions to peanuts by gradually introducing trace amounts of the nut into their diets. It's too early to say for certain,so if you have a peanut allergy,do not try this at home. But the first results look promising.
Two teams of scientists have been experimenting on a group“of 29 children who are allergic to peanuts”At the beginning of the study,each kid received less than 1/1,000 of a peanut per day. (Imagine splitting a peanut into 1,000 parts!) Over the course of the study, the children gradually increased the amount of the peanut in their diets
Nine of the children have been receiving the treatment for two years,and five of those nine now appear to be free of their peanut allergies,and can eat peanuts with no problem. But the other four have not benefited so much from the therapy(治疗).
The two teams of scientists are now doing a follow-up study on two groups of children with the allergy. Children in one group will receive the new therapy,while the others will not. Researchers hope this study will help them learn if the therapy truly does work.
Scientists don't understand why some people get peanut allergies and others don't,but are trying to find a way to help people with the allergy. Because of the severity of some peanut allergies,scientists want to know the answer as soon as possible. “This is very encouraging, but remember,it's not something you try at home,”says one of the researchers.
68.According to the passage,the peanut allergy     .
A. can be deadly if only a small amount is used
B. causes a lot of trouble for many parents
C. allows people to eat only small amounts of peanuts
D. is considered the least common and dangerous food allergy
69.Scientists are trying to treat peanut allergies by     .
A. exposing children with the allergy to as many peanuts as possible
B. changing the eating habits of children with peanut allergies gradually
C. giving children Peanuts in slowly increasing amounts
D. exploring ways to resist the feelings caused by peanut allergies
70.The experiment shows that     
A. people with peanut allergies can't use small amounts of peanuts in their diets.
B. children are more easily cured than adults
C. all children can be cured of their peanut allergies if given more time of treatment
D. about 55-percent children with peanut allergies have been cured
71. Scientists are now doing a follow-up study in order to     .
A. explore why some people get the illness while others don’t
B. show whether peanut allergies can really be dangerous
C. check whether the therapy really works or not
D. explore whether the allergy can be cured without treatment

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