by reading bad news daily and with his marriage failing, Canadian Neil
Pasricha decided to try to focus on the positive and come up with 1,000
simple, free, awesome things, posting one each day on a blog.
said his blog aimed to highlight life's simple pleasures, which were often
taken for granted, such as finding forgotten money in a pocket, or fixing a TV
set with a heavy blow.
did he realize his blog would strike a nerve and attract 40,000 people a day to
join his discussions on how to enjoy the last triangle of a potato crisp, or
the pleasure of laughing so hard that you cry.
aged 30, was amazed to win two Webby awards, known as "the Oscars of the
Internet," something positive at a time when his marriage broke up and one
of his closest friends committed suicide.
turned the worst year of my life into my best year by focusing on the positive.
" Pasricha told Reuters in a telephone interview. "Every day I try to
find something that is happy, free and universal to share, like the smell of a
bakery or when a cashier opens up a new line at a store. "
said when he began his blog in June 2008 he thought he might have trouble
coming up with 1,000 simple, happy moments in life but now he is more than
halfway through and ideas keep flooding in, from himself and from followers of
his blog.
moments can start a huge conversation. Most of our life is really about hitting
green lights on the way home from, or waking up before your alarm goes off and
realizing you have more time in bed. But it is those small moments we forget
the success of his blog, Pasricha does not want to change his daily life. “I
travel regularly for an hour a day to work in the suburb. I like work because I
like the people in my office. I’m not a writer and I don’t know how to use
punctuations correctly. I just like observing the world and putting it down,”
he said.
Pasricha determined to post positive feelings or things on his blog because
A.daily bad news and broken marriage
saddened him
B.1,000 simple, free, happy things excited
C.he wanted to forget his marriage life
D.he wanted to make his blog successful
2.Which of
the following will Pasricha probably NOT post onto his blog?
A.Coming across an old schoolmate.
B.Finding his lost dog come back home.
C.Falling off his bike and getting
D.Buying his favourite book at a special
to the passage, Pasricha .
A.gets ideas for 1,000 simple, free, happy
things with trouble
B.gets ideas for 1,000 simple, free, happy
things on his own
C.is on his way to collecting 1,000
simple, free, happy things
D.has finished collecting 1,000 simple,
free, happy things
4.Which of
the following might be the best title for the poassage?
A.Hard life for a Canadian blogger B.Busy life for a Canadian blogger
C.Great awards for a Canadian blogger D.Great success for a Canadian blogger