
【题目】It was a nice meal,__________ a little expensive.

A. though

B. whether

C. as

D. since





With America's national debt continuing to climb, Congress is constantly debating ways to save money. The Dollar Coin Alliance, a lobbying group, says billions could be saved if dollar coins were used instead of paper bills.

But many people won't use them. The U.S. government tried to push dollar coins again in recent years, but then suspended almost all production in 2011.

American likes paper dollars, but Jim Kolbe, co-chairman of the Dollar Coin Alliance, thinks switching to the coin is worth it.

“The coin does cost more to produce, roughly on the neighborhood of 17 cents versus the 5 or 6 cents that a paper dollar costs to produce," he said. "However, the coin lasts 35 years, and it’s made of mostly recycled metals, and the paper has to be produced from new materials, and we shred 3 billion of those every year because they wear out.”

For years, the former Arizona congressman has been pushing legislation that would prop up the dollar coin by phasing out the greenback a move that has met resistance from both politicians and the public. But today, he said, the climate has changed, and a recent poll indicates 61 percent of Americans like the idea.

“When they learn of the savings that can be involved with this, they will support the idea of substituting the coin for the paper dollar,” he said.

Major savings

Kolbe points to a study by the Government Accountability Office, which investigates how the government spends taxpayer dollars. The GAO estimates taxpayers would save more than $4 billion over 30 years, and that figure could be much higher. That appeals to taxpayer Christy Thompson, who said, “I’d probably say, yes, we need to do it.”

But plenty of people aren't convinced, including Kim Doering of Alexandria, Virginia. “It’s easier to carry the paper bill than a bunch of coins. They’re louder; they’re heavier in your pocket,” she said.

Washington, D.C. restaurant owner Sue Fouladi doesn’t like the idea of having more dollar coins in her cash register.

"It’s very inconvenient," she said. "If I don’t have a choice, then I’ll do it, but I’ll be a very unhappy person.”

Adding to the problem is that the gold- and silver-colored metal coins are about the same size as the 25-cent quarter. Robert Blecker, an economics professor at American University in Washington, says the dollar coins should be a different size and thickness.

“And if we can design a dollar coin that’s not so big and bulky, probably Americans would like it better,” he added.

But that doesn’t bother college student Emily Sturgill.

“Sometimes they fit into your pocket easily and you don’t have to worry about them slipping out, like a dollar bill would if you brought your keys or your phone out,” she said.

【1】Which of the following is the advantage of dollar coins according to the passage?

A. They cost less than paper bills .

B. They are convenient to carry.

C.They are not easy to wear out.

D.They are produced from new materials.

【2】What does the underlined sentence the climate has changed” in paragraph 4 mean?

A. America's national economy has changed.

B. Most of Americans support using dollar coins.

C.Only small percentage of Americans subscribe to using dollar coins.

D. The majority of Americans are for paper bills.

【3】Which of the following is in favor of using dollar coins?

A. Kim Doering B. Emily Sturgill.

C. Sue Fouladi D. Robert Blecke

【4】What’s the best title of the passage?

A. Dollar Coins or Paper Bills

B. Different Opinions about Coins

C. Ways to Solve America's National Debt

D.The Advantages of Dollar Coins.


Burning less calories while walking seems like a bad idea, but making the walk easier may actually keep people on their feet longer, and that scientists say, has substantial health benefits.

Analyzing the human walk, biomedical engineers Steven Collins and Greg Sawicki concluded that our ankles and calves perform motions similar to a spring coupled with a clutch that intermittently stores and releases energy.

Sawicki, from the University of North Carolina, explained what’s involved.

“We found in basic science experiments that that system, your calf and Achilles tendon, works a lot like a catapult. So, the muscle holds on to the tendon and your body actually stretches your Achilles tendon quite a bit and then stores the energy in the tissue and then it’s given back to propel you forward in the world,” he said.

Sawicki said he and his colleague Steven Collins at Carnegie Mellon University designed a mechanical device, made of carbon fiber and metal, that performs the same sequence of energy give-and-take outside the body. The system takes over part of the work of walking, and reduces the amount of required energy by as much as seven percent.

Wearing the unpowered ankle exoskeleton can help people either walk farther with the same amount of energy, or restore the normal movement pattern for people who have trouble walking.

Sawicki said it takes only a few minutes to get used to the exoskeleton but the wearer quickly learns to tone down the muscle energy as the device takes over part of the load.

“You really don’t notice it until when you take it off. And when you take it off you realize that it was there and giving you the boost,” he said.

Sawicki added that the device is primarily intended for people recovering from surgery or a stroke. But all persons who spend a lot of time walking, such as police officers or hospital personnel, could benefit from it.

At the moment there are no plans to develop the ankle exoskeleton for the market, but the inventors say some manufacturers have expressed interest.

【1】What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. How to reduce energy whiling walking.

B. Ways to make walking easy.

C. Introduction to a mechanical device to make walk easier

D. Guidelines for people recovering from surgery.

2What is true according to the passage ?

A.The device can only benefit people with walking problems.

B. All people could benefit from it.

C. With the device, the walkers need seven percent as much as the energy otherwise.

D. The device can benefit people in the long term.

3What does the underlined word propel” mean in paragraph 3?

A. put B. keep C.help D. push

【4】What can we learn from the last paragraph?

A. The ankle exoskeleton will have a bright future.

B. The ankle exoskeleton hasnt appeal to manufacturers.

C. The ankle exoskeleton will be launched in the market soon.

D. The ankle exoskeleton will never be produced.

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