
Diao Weihao, a student who studies business English at the Chengdu campus of Sichuan International Studies University, was in his dormitory when the earthquake struck at 2:30 pm on Monday.
The 22-year-old felt that his chair was shaking. All of a sudden, the textbooks on the bookshelf began to fall to the floor. The glass in the window broke.
“It felt like our dormitory building was being hit by a tractor,” recalled Diao. “I wasn’t afraid.. I was even excited and curious. Now, looking back, it was a scary experience.”
Diao and his roommates kept their calm. They didn’t try to get out of the building until the shaking stopped. They were on the fifth floor and they feared there might be trouble if they didn’t remain calm.
“We’ve watched lots of disaster films, and that helped us keep cool,” he said. “Only one student sprained(扭伤) his ankle. He was escaping in a hurry. Most of us got outside quickly and safely.”
They were surprised to see so many students outside.
“I began to realize then what had happened,” he said. The college had warned them that in the event of an earthquake, they should leave the dormitory immediately. A few did rush in when it was safe to grab some clothes to keep warm.
Without any tents or bedding, the students stayed on the football field for the whole night. Rain started falling in the morning, but the students all kept in good order. They simply chatted and shared their feelings and comforted each other.
“Our students seemed to have self-control,” he said. “I heard that hospitals in Chengdu have lots of injured people who jumped out of buildings.”
Now, Diao is mostly worried about the people in Wenchuan County.
“It seems we won’t be able to have classes in one or two day’s time,” said Diao. “I want to become a volunteer at the damage-hit area, or donate my blood to the injured people in hospital. Also, I will write on my blog to keep people calm and encourage them to protect themselves during emergencies.”
Since the university is close to Dujiangyan, Diao and his classmates are still forbidden to return to their dorms or classrooms. However, they can eat in the canteen and get information about other parts of Sichuan by reading the newspapers.
【小题1】Where was Diao Weihao when the earthquake happened?

A.He was in the campus.B.He was in the football field.
C.He was in his dormitoryD.He was in his classroom.
【小题2】What did Diao Weihao feel when he realized what was happening?
【小题3】When did Diao Weihao and his classmates rushed outside?
A.During the quake
B.The moment they realized what was happening
C.After the quake
D.When they got warnings.
【小题4】Rearrange the following events in the proper order according to the passage.
a. They got out of buildings safely.
b. Diao Weihao was in his dormitory.
c. Diao Weihao wanted to be a volunteer.
d. Many classmates went out of the building.
e. An earthquake happened.
f. They stayed on the football field for the whole night.
【小题5】From this passage, we know that Diao Weihao and his classmates are _________.
A.energetic and strong in willB.wise and caring
C.hardworking and learnedD.helpful and honest


【小题1】C 细节理解题。根据文章开头部分的”…was in his dormitory when the earthquake stuck…”可知地震发生的时候Diao Weihao 是在宿舍里。
【小题2】D  细节理解题。Diao Weihao还没有意识到发生的情况时,只是觉得excited and curious;当他和同学们知道是地震时都保持镇静了。
【小题3】C 细节理解题。根据”They didn’t try to get out of the building until the shaking stopped.”可知,他们是地震结束后冲到外面去的。
【小题4】B 根据故事的情结发展,其合适的顺序是: Diao Weihao 在宿舍中→地震发生→许多同学早就冲出宿舍→他们安全地出去→他们在足球场中过夜→Diao Weihao 想做一名志愿者。
【小题5】B 根据Diao Weihao 和他的同学们在地震中的所作所为以及他想做一名志愿者支援灾区受害者的表现可以推断出他们既明智又有关爱之心。


You must have a favorite line or pet phrase you repeat often in your conversations. Studies say that pet phrases can reflect our changing society and reveal information about a person’s personality. Here are some of the most popular pet phrases among young people.


I love the word and use it whenever I think a person is stupid, or a behavior is crazy. I learned the term from one of my classmates. Once, we saw two high school girls wearing miniskirts on a very cold winter day and my classmate called the two girls “nuts”. I don’t think the word reflects my personality. I use it because it sounds cool.

Diao Yujie, 22, computer science major at Nanjing University.


I use this word very often. Once, my classmates and I were discussing how amusing QQ is. One guy suddenly burst out, “I have MSN too”. This comment had no relation with the topic we were discussing. I used this word and everybody laughed. I think it is a fantastic word that can change awkwardness to amusement.

Mu Li, 20, journalism major at Beijing Normal University.

晕死---I’m giddy!

I use this word a lot---more often than my classmates. It has became a symbol of me, as my friends sometimes refer to me as the guy who often says the word. I am a person who wants to be different and this word gives me that feeling.

Chen Zhou, 21, Nanjing University.


I only use this word with my friends. My parents don’t understand it. The word, which is only used among people of my age, is intimate. I think it stands for being young and energetic. And I want to be young forever, so I like the word.

Chen Jianjun, 23, senior at Nanjing University.

If a man wearing suit and a tie is climbing a mountain, what can we say to him according to the passage?

A. nuts                B. I’m giddy.       C. 汗---stunning   D. 雷---stunning

What’s the meaning of “pet phrase” in the first paragraph?

A. 习惯用语       B. 宠物语言       C. 口头禅               D. 座右铭

What’s young people’s attitude to pet phrase?

A. indifferent      B. crazy              C. reasonable         D. against

Pet phrase can ________ according to studies.

A. reflect our changing society  

B. reveal information about a person’s personality

C. make young people popular  

D. both A and B

Diao Weihao, a student who studies business English at the Chengdu campus of Sichuan International Studies University, was in his dormitory when the earthquake struck at 2:30 pm on Monday.

The 22-year-old felt that his chair was shaking. All of a sudden, the textbooks on the bookshelf began to fall to the floor. The glass in the window broke.

“It felt like our dormitory building was being hit by a tractor,” recalled Diao. “I wasn’t afraid.. I was even excited and curious. Now, looking back, it was a scary experience.”

Diao and his roommates kept their calm. They didn’t try to get out of the building until the shaking stopped. They were on the fifth floor and they feared there might be trouble if they didn’t remain calm.

“We’ve watched lots of disaster films, and that helped us keep cool,” he said. “Only one student sprained(扭伤) his ankle. He was escaping in a hurry. Most of us got outside quickly and safely.”

They were surprised to see so many students outside.

“I began to realize then what had happened,” he said. The college had warned them that in the event of an earthquake, they should leave the dormitory immediately. A few did rush in when it was safe to grab some clothes to keep warm.

Without any tents or bedding, the students stayed on the football field for the whole night. Rain started falling in the morning, but the students all kept in good order. They simply chatted and shared their feelings and comforted each other.

“Our students seemed to have self-control,” he said. “I heard that hospitals in Chengdu have lots of injured people who jumped out of buildings.”

Now, Diao is mostly worried about the people in Wenchuan County.

“It seems we won’t be able to have classes in one or two day’s time,” said Diao. “I want to become a volunteer at the damage-hit area, or donate my blood to the injured people in hospital. Also, I will write on my blog to keep people calm and encourage them to protect themselves during emergencies.”

Since the university is close to Dujiangyan, Diao and his classmates are still forbidden to return to their dorms or classrooms. However, they can eat in the canteen and get information about other parts of Sichuan by reading the newspapers.

1.Where was Diao Weihao when the earthquake happened?

A.He was in the campus.

B.He was in the football field.

C.He was in his dormitory

D.He was in his classroom.

2.What did Diao Weihao feel when he realized what was happening?





3.When did Diao Weihao and his classmates rushed outside?

A.During the quake

B.The moment they realized what was happening

C.After the quake

D.When they got warnings.

4.Rearrange the following events in the proper order according to the passage.

a. They got out of buildings safely.

b. Diao Weihao was in his dormitory.

c. Diao Weihao wanted to be a volunteer.

d. Many classmates went out of the building.

e. An earthquake happened.

f. They stayed on the football field for the whole night.





5.From this passage, we know that Diao Weihao and his classmates are _________.

A.energetic and strong in will

B.wise and caring

C.hardworking and learned

D.helpful and honest



1.The non-profit organization made a project to help the poor children                  

                            (暴露在被污染的空气中) to live a healthier life. (expose)

2.The people in the demonstration in support of reoccupying Diao Yu Island are said        

                 (由……组成) a mainly part of angry college students.            (consist)

3.____________________________ (他一被抓住) for the terrible car accident, the rude driver shouted, “My father is Li Gang!”                                                            (instant)

4.Only one conclusion that your computer was attacked by virus                        

             (我们可以得出) according to the symptom.                               (draw)

5.The government                                (发现权力受到挑战) and the people demanding a more caring Party.                                                                           (challenge)

6.                             (是非常值得赞扬的) that Arthur gave back the money he found.                                                                                                        (credit)

7. So                                       (可怜的工人们被压榨) that they took up weapons to defend their rights.                                                                          (squeeze)

8.                              (把它分成几个部分), the movie Inception can hardly be well understood.                                                                                         (divide)

9.It was                               (直到我被告知) the lack of water that I realized the importance to value every drop of it in our life.                                               (inform)

10. Don’t be far too optimistic since                                  (你可能受到责备) had you not been assisted.                                                                                      (blame)


Diao Weihao, a student who studies business English at the Chengdu campus of Sichuan International Studies University, was in his dormitory when the earthquake struck at 2:30 pm on Monday.
The 22-year-old felt that his chair was shaking. All of a sudden, the textbooks on the bookshelf began to fall to the floor. The glass in the window broke.
“It felt like our dormitory building was being hit by a tractor,” recalled Diao. “I wasn’t afraid.. I was even excited and curious. Now, looking back, it was a scary experience.”
Diao and his roommates kept their calm. They didn’t try to get out of the building until the shaking stopped. They were on the fifth floor and they feared there might be trouble if they didn’t remain calm.
“We’ve watched lots of disaster films, and that helped us keep cool,” he said. “Only one student sprained(扭伤) his ankle. He was escaping in a hurry. Most of us got outside quickly and safely.”
They were surprised to see so many students outside.
“I began to realize then what had happened,” he said. The college had warned them that in the event of an earthquake, they should leave the dormitory immediately. A few did rush in when it was safe to grab some clothes to keep warm.
Without any tents or bedding, the students stayed on the football field for the whole night. Rain started falling in the morning, but the students all kept in good order. They simply chatted and shared their feelings and comforted each other.
“Our students seemed to have self-control,” he said. “I heard that hospitals in Chengdu have lots of injured people who jumped out of buildings.”
Now, Diao is mostly worried about the people in Wenchuan County.
“It seems we won’t be able to have classes in one or two day’s time,” said Diao. “I want to become a volunteer at the damage-hit area, or donate my blood to the injured people in hospital. Also, I will write on my blog to keep people calm and encourage them to protect themselves during emergencies.”
Since the university is close to Dujiangyan, Diao and his classmates are still forbidden to return to their dorms or classrooms. However, they can eat in the canteen and get information about other parts of Sichuan by reading the newspapers

  1. 1.

    Where was Diao Weihao when the earthquake happened?

    1. A.
      He was in the campus
    2. B.
      He was in the football field
    3. C.
      He was in his dormitory
    4. D.
      He was in his classroom
  2. 2.

    What did Diao Weihao feel when he realized what was happening?

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  3. 3.

    When did Diao Weihao and his classmates rushed outside?

    1. A.
      During the quake
    2. B.
      The moment they realized what was happening
    3. C.
      After the quake
    4. D.
      When they got warnings
  4. 4.

    Rearrange the following events in the proper order according to the passage.
    a. They got out of buildings safely.
    b. Diao Weihao was in his dormitory.
    c. Diao Weihao wanted to be a volunteer.
    d. Many classmates went out of the building.
    e. An earthquake happened.
    f. They stayed on the football field for the whole night

    1. A.
    2. B.
    3. C.
    4. D.
  5. 5.

    From this passage, we know that Diao Weihao and his classmates are_____.

    1. A.
      energetic and strong in will
    2. B.
      wise and caring
    3. C.
      hardworking and learned
    4. D.
      helpful and honest

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