Send us your old jeans and other denim (牛仔布)!
What Are We Going to Do with All This Denim?
All the denim will be donated to COTTON FROM BLUE TO GREEN.®. This denim drive is a call-to-action to donate denim and give it "new life" by changing it into UltraTouchtm Natural Cotton Fiber Insulation (纤维隔热材料), which is used to help build houses in places that have been damaged by hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters. Your jeans will help set a record, keep clothes out of landfills (垃圾场), and build houses for families to live in! UltraTouchtm is made of 85% recycled fibers and is an environmentally safe, natural cotton fiber insolation(隔离).
It's a Fact
It takes about 500 pairs of jeans to recycle enough denim to insulate one average-size U.S. house. So send us lots!
Here's How You Can Get Involved!
1. Get a parent's permission and select as many denim clothes as you like. (Any denim clothing is OK.)   
2. The denim must be used.
3. The denim can be any brand.
4. The denim can be of any color or size but must have been worn by a human (no doll clothes!).
5. Please print out this form and include it with each package!
6. Send as many jeans or denim items as you wish to:
NG Kids P.O. Box 98001 Washington, D.C. 20090-8001
Jeans must be received by June 30, 2009!
【小题1】 The activity organizer asks you to send denim clothes to ________.

A.turn them into new clothes for saleB.prevent them from being thrown away
C.provide clothes for the homelessD.collect old clothes for being reused
【小题2】 The denim clothes that you intend to send_______.
A. can be of any shape or color       B. can be either new or second-hand 
C. must be a certain brand            D. Can be worn by dolls
【小题3】We can infer that UltraTouchtm may be the name of_________.
A.a brand of jeansB.a building organizationD.a kind of cloth
【小题4】This activity is probably ________
A.a charity(慈善) actB.a school's homework environmental actD.a building company' s task


[1] When it comes to protecting the privacy of their children,US parents give social networks a failing grade.

[2] Three out of four parents believe social networks are not doing a good job of protecting kids’online privacy. The survey was conducted for Common Sense Media,a nonprofit organization dedicated to helping families surf the world of media and technology. 92 percent of parents said they are concerned that children share too much information online,and 85 percent said they are more concerned about online privacy than they were five years ago.

[3] The poll found a great deal of concern about geo-location services which pinpoint someone’s whereabouts.91 percent of parents said search engines and social networking sites should not be able to share the physical location of children with other companies until parents give authorization.

[4] The results present a clear divide between the industry’s view of privacy and the opinion of parents and kids. Common Sense Media chief executive and founder James Steyer said:“American families are deeply worried about how their personal information is being used by technology and online companies. However, the companies appear to be keeping their heads deep in the sand.

[5] Technology companies need to step up but parents,children,schools and government also need to do more,he said.“Parents and kids have to educate themselves about             ,”he said.“Schools should teach all students and their parents about privacy protection. And finally, policymakers have to update privacy policies for the 21st century.”

1.What is the main idea of the passage?(within 10 words)


2.Which sentence in the passage can be replaced by the following one?

The survey shows that common people and the industry have different opinions about privacy.



3.Please translate the underlined sentence in the fourth paragraph into Chinese.


4.Please fill in the blank in the last paragraph with proper words to make the sentence complete.(with in 10 words)


5.Please give the readers at least three tips on protecting their privacy on line.(within 30 words)











Last week, we talked about different kinds of short stories.

Many of you said you like the ________(美国的) writer Ernest          1. __________

Hemingway, who is w_________ known for his short stories. I                   2.___________

suppose you have all f_______ my advice and finished reading                3.___________

his story. We’re going to study it _________(一起) in this lesson.            4. ___________

Now, first of all, I would like you to have a ___________(讨论).                   5. ___________

Please look at the three q________ on the blackboard. First,                   6. ___________

when did the story _______ place? Second, what kind of person                     7. ___________

does the writer show ________(自己) to be? Third, what’s the                8. ___________

main purpose of w__________ this story? I’d like you to                       9. ___________

work ________ pairs and present your answers in ten minutes.                 10.___________



Working means money, of course teens want jobs

Out of all the teens I interviewed all either wanted a job or already had one. Nowadays, jobs are needed more than ever. Everything costs money, and we are starting to understand that. Most of us get jobs just for "pocket change", so that we can just go out and get that outfit that we've always wanted, for a burger at McDonald's, for our hair, CDs, tapes, shoes, jewelry, and tons more material items. But some of us get jobs because we need to pay for our books or transportation. Many teens have to pay for their phone bills and lunches.

Choosy describes a lot of teenagers' attitudes towards the kind of job they would and wouldn't get. "Something in an attractive place with nice facilities, well paying, work that's not stressful, and a place where there are people that I know that work there," Mark, 16, said about the kind of job ___________. His personal requirements may seem as if they should be mandatory, but if you really want a job your own requirements should be limited. If you are looking for a job it's important that it fits you in a decent manner.

Teens normally don't take jobs that require a lot of thinking, skill, or physical requirements. Most teens see jobs as something on the side. We don't go around constantly talking about our jobs. We are there simply for that paycheck. Some of us do look at it as a learning experience. Tennille, 16-years-old and who works at a cleaning store, said, "Yes, it's helping me with my customer service skills."

1.Can you give a title for this passage?


2. Which sentence in this passage can be replaced by the following one? 

Many young people look on their jobs as secret things.


3. Please fill the blank in the second paragraph.

Mark, 16, said about the kind of job________________.


4.What’re your attitudes towards the teens to do jobs outside? Why?


5. Please translate the underlined sentence in the passage.



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