


认真阅读下面对话, 并根据各题所给的首字母的提示,在标有题号的右边横线上写出一个英语单词的完整、正确形式,使对话通顺。

M: Hi, Rebecca, haven’t seen you for (76) y_____! You seem to have lost a lot  76. _________

in the weight.

W: Yes, I have. I have been on a (77) d______ and exercising a lot.            77. ________

M: There will be a baseball game in the stadium this afternoon. Would you

like to (78) w ______ it ?                                           78. ________

W: No, I think baseball games are (79) b______.                           79. _________

M: Do you like volleyball?

W: Yes, I do, but I (80) p   ___ soccer to volleyball.                       80. _________

M: Did you (81) e___  _ play soccer in high school?                      81. _________

W: Yes, I was on the school team. We were required to (82) p______ four      82. ________

hours a day.

M: Did you often play (83) a______ other school and play well?             83. _________

W: Yes, we often did. We almost always won the championship.

M: You (84) m______ have had very good teamwork.                      84. _________

W: Yes, we did. Teamwork is the most (85) i______ element(因素)in winning.  85. __________






D="David     " P=Peter

D: Peter , ten years ago you wanted to become a doctor . . .

P: Yeah , but unfortunately I didn’t (76)m       the requirements .

D: So what did you do then ?

P: Well , I was very (77) d       , but I just had to move on and do something else with my life . So I took a year off and worked as a volunteer on an aid program . That made me realize (78)h       important it is to raise money to help people (79)l       a poor life . So that’s what I do .

D: Can you explain a bit more about what you (80)a       do ?

P: I go to see people , put (81)f       our suggestion and organize activities to collect money .

D: So have you (82)a_____any of your goals ?

P: Well , I guess so . I always said I wanted to help (83)o       people .

D: And what about your plan for the (84)f       ?

P: My girlfriend and I intend to get married next year .

D: (85)C_____!






80.            81.           

82.            83.           




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