
19.shoot(  )

分析 shoot/?u:t/划线部分字母组合oo的发音为/u:/

解答 答案:C
A. foot/fut/;B. look/luk/;C. food/fu:d/;D. took/t?k/;其中A.B.D划线部分字母组合oo的发音为/u/;C与题干shoot划线部分的发音相同,均为:/u:/;故选C.

点评 做本题时,首先应掌握每一个单词的正确发音,其中包括重音以及字母或字母组合的发音;其次,应掌握字母组合oo在单词中的发音规则.

14.Our Intensive English Language Summer Course runs from the 15th-26th August,2012
inclusive and applicants may register for a 5-day or 12-day course.
About the Course
•For boys and girls from 12 to 16 years of a wishing to improve their English language skill
•Ideal for foreign students who are en*V it a UK secondary school
•The course may be attended on a residential (with accommodation) or day basis (without accommodation).
•Students registered for Lincoln Minister School for September 2012 are particularly recommended to attend the 2-week course.
Programme outline
Week 1            30 hours of lessons+2 afternoon outings to supplement learning;
Friday afternoon sports
Weekend Day      trip to theme parks and a relaxing day on Sunday
Week 2           30 hours of lessons+cinema visits
On the final Friday afternoon,there will be a barbecue lunch with games and presentation of certificates.
What's included in the fee
•30 hours tuition per week by qualified teachers and EFL specialists
•All meals and accommodation (bedding provided)
•Outings and entrance fees,resources,completion certificate
 (Accommodation,breakfast or evening meals do not apply to day students.)
If your child attends the residential course,they will stay in one of our 4 beautiful boarding houses.They will be looked after by our trained boarding staff in a safe and happy environment,with lots of opportunities to socialise and use the language skills they have learnt.
How to Enrol
To enrol in our Intensive English Language Summer Course,you will initially need to do the following:
•Fill in a booking form.
•Pay a deposit of 50% of the chosen course fees,which will ensure your child's place on the course.
Course fees
Intensive English Language Summer Course Fees 2012
Residential Course Fees 
5 Day Residential Course£600
12 Day Residential Course£1200
Day Course Fees 
5 Day Course£330
12 Day Course£720
60.If a student attends the day course,the fee he pays doesn't include.C
A.thirty hours tuition per week
B.outing and course entrance
C.breakfast,supper and accommodation
D.resources and completion certificate
61.A student who chooses the residential course has no chance toC
A.enjoy a barbecue lunch with games
B.socialize and practise English
C.have lessons every day during the 12 days
D.enjoy all meals through the course
62.How much should Mr.Johnson pay beforehand to guarantee a five-day residential course for his three kids?A
A.£900.  B.£1,800.  C.£990.  D.£495.

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