
[1] More than 40 million Americans move each year, but not always by choice. Whether you relocate because of a new job or school for you or your spouse, for a lower cost of living, or for better opportunities, adjusting to life in a new place can be scary and difficult--especially when you’re not in love with your new city. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your relocation and find happiness in your new home.

[2] Treat it as an adventure

Living in a new place is a great opportunity to experience new things and to grow as a person. So stay positive, and get out there and explore! Sample the local cuisine. Visit landmarks and museums. Try local activities that weren’t available or popular in your former city, such as skiing if you came from a beach town or surfing if you lived in the mountains. You may discover a talent or interest you never knew you had.

[3] Get involved

Attend local events that interest you. Visit the weekly farmer’s market or the neighborhood yard sale. Volunteer. Take a class. Join a sports league. All of these things will help you meet people and feel connected to your new town.

[4] Locate the necessities

Driving, riding, or walking around your new neighborhood is the best way to learn where everything is. So head out and take note of the nearest supermarket, pharmacy, post office, library, etc.

[5] Keep pieces of your old home

To keep from getting too homesick, subscribe to your former city magazine or newspaper. Display photos of or souvenirs from your favorite places in your old town. Hang decorations from your former home. Just don’t go overboard—hanging on to too much from your past will keep you from moving forward and really enjoying your new home.

[6] _________

It takes time to get to know a new place, so don’t expect to feel comfortable right away. Give yourself time to adjust. To help the process and to meet new people, find a support group near you at Just Moved.org.

1.What does the passage mainly talk about? (within 15 words.)


2.What does the underlined word “it” in the last paragraph refer to? (within 7 words)


3.According to the passage, what can you do to learn where everything is?( within 5 words)


4.Fill the blank with proper words. (within 5 words)


5.If you are a new comer, where to find a support group near you based on this passage? (within 3 words)





1.How to adjust to a new city you may not love/Some tips to help you adjust to a new city you may not love.

2.to get to know a new place

3.Driving, riding, or walking around

4.Be patient/Give yourself time to adjust

5.at Just Moved.org 



1.How to adjust to a new city you may not love/Some tips to help you adjust to a new city you may not love.

主旨大意题。根据文章第一段最后一句Here are some tips on how to make the most of your relocation and find happiness in your new home.可知本文讲述的是如何适应也许你并不喜欢的新的城市里的生活,并给出了一些具体的建议。

2.to get to know a new place

根据本句It takes time to get to know a new place,可知这里的it是一个形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式to know a new place。

3.Driving, riding, or walking around

细节题。根据文章第4段第一句Driving, riding, or walking around your new neighborhood is the best way to learn where everything is.

4.Be patient/Give yourself time to adjust

推理题。根据本段第一句It takes time to get to know a new place, so don’t expect to feel comfortable right away. Give yourself time to adjust.可知了解一个新的地方需要时间,所以要给自己适应这一切的时间。也就是要有耐心。

5.at Just Moved.org 

细节题。根据文章最后一句To help the process and to meet new people, find a support group near you at Just Moved.org.可知在t Just Moved.org 网站里,你可以找到需要的帮助。




【小题1】In the past, some cultures used tattoos as an a_________ to costumes.
【小题2】Learning English as a foreign language is very difficult in the a_________ of a native language environment.
【小题3】To a_________ a high level of fluency and accuracy in a foreign language, you need to be surrounded by it.
【小题4】Inner beauty refers to the kind of attraction found in a wide r_________ of personal qualities.
【小题5】I didn’t have any money left, so I went to the bank to c_________ a cheque.
【小题6】I asked my daughter to help make the decision, as I believe she is m_________ enough.
【小题7】In a foreign country, you can n_________ the price by using your fingers.
【小题8】There is no c_________ view on beauty.
【小题9】Eye r_________, I see the moon so bright.
【小题10】 Rowan had some speaking problems in his childhood, so he c_________ for this by talking very deliberately.
【小题11】“Beauty and Beast” c_________ a message that should be evident to all of us—you shouldn’t judge a book by its cover.
【小题12】Mr. Bean creates humour through a s_________ of simple and funny acts.
【小题13】Body language can therefore make people’s feelings more t_________ as it is not easy to lie with our bodies.
【小题14】He finds the taste of the raw hamburger truly d_________.
【小题15】Black humour finds the funny side of sad or d_________ events.
【小题16】The “OK” gesture in America can c_________ offence in Germany.
【小题17】A person who is feeling uncomfortable will often hold their body in a very r_________ manner, and have a t_________ look about their mouths.
【小题18】Romanticism was a literary and a_________ movement.
【小题19】Smile is one form of body language that receives u_________ approval.

As you grow rapidly through your teenage years, you will experience a lot of changes. The changes may seem difficult.   1 Don’t panic! You will deal successfully with them! You are a young adult now!
With more responsibility, you will find more freedom to make your oven choices. This is a time to be well informed about making choices. In this way you can make healthy balanced decisions.   2 You may already know your career path or you may have no idea at all what you want to do. Both situations are fine! Work hard and the right opportunity will present itself to you.
Young adulthood means greater freedom and more choices.   3 But try not to shut your family out of your life. You should learn to think of others even though you are old enough to look after yourself.
It is also perfectly natural at this time for you to spend more time with your friends than your family.   4 A true friend will stand by you no matter what happens.
This period is a part of the life cycle. There are some people who will be with you throughout life’s journey. There will be some people with whom you part and go separate ways. Leaving school can be hard. The reality is that you may not even see all of your classmates again.
You are a young adult. It is your life. No one can live it for you.   5 So making the right choices will be important to you. Life is for living. Enjoy your life wisely.

A.Choose your friends wisely.
B.They will help shape the future.
C.They may seem to happen quickly.
D.You will probably want to be independent.
E. You may appreciate what you have in your own life.
F. The choices that you make from now on will be your choices.
G. Your family has been with you since you came into this world.

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