
Hello,everyone.Nice to see you here.I'm Li Hua,a Grade one student in a high school.I feel honored to be your Chinese teacher.First,I'd like to briefly introduce something about Chinese to you.
Chinese is the official language of China,which is one of the world's major languages.In total,there are over a billion people speaking Chinese,most of whom are Chinese.Chinese characters look beautiful and are rich in meanings.With the development of China,people around the world are more interested in China and Chinese culture.So Chinese is becoming more and more popular,and is being learned by more and more overseas friends.If you want to learn it well,you should study hard and try to communicate with our local Chinese as much as possible.
Now let's begin our class..

分析 写好这类作文要注意几个步骤:1. 认真审题,找准提示语中的关键词或句,确定中心思想.2. 依据关键句,草拟提纲,梳理文章的脉络3. 准确定位人称、时态.注意使用高级词汇和高级句型使文章显得更有档次.4.最后还要认真查验是否有漏写情况,有无拼写错误及标点误用等
With the development of China,people around the world are more interested in China and Chinese culture.So Chinese is becoming more and more popular,and is being learned by more and more overseas friends
If you want to learn it well,you should study hard and try to communicate with our local Chinese as much as possible.

解答 Hello,everyone.Nice to see you here.I'm Li Hua,a Grade one student in a high school.I feel honored to be your Chinese teacher.First,I'd like to briefly introduce something about Chinese to you.
  Chinese is the official language of China,which is one of the world's major languages.In total,there are over a billion people speaking Chinese,most of whom are Chinese.Chinese characters look beautiful and are rich in meanings.With the development of China,people around the world are more interested in China and Chinese culture.So Chinese is becoming more and more popular,and is being learned by more and more overseas friends(高分句型一).If you want to learn it well,you should study hard and try to communicate with our local Chinese as much as possible(高分句型二).
    Now let's begin our class.

点评 开放性作文给出一定的写作主题,并此为基础进行思维和联想,自由发挥.不仅考查学生在内容、结构安排、语言运用和组织方面的能力,而且对学生的想像力、发散思维、归纳判断能力也有很高的要求.

1.Riding School:
You can start horse-riding at any age.Choose private or group lessons on any weekdays between 9a.m.and 8:30p.m.(3:30p.m.on Saturdays).There are 10kilometers of tracks and paths for freely rides across farmland and open country.You will need a riding hat.
Opening Hours:Monday through Friday:9:00a.m.-8:30p.m.
Phone:(412)396-6754    Fax:(412)396-6752
Sailing Club:
Our Young Sailor's Course leads to the Stage 1Sailing qualification.You'll learn how to sail safely and the course also covers sailing theory and first aid.Have fun with other course member,afterwards in the clubroom.There are 10weekly two-hour lessons (Tuesday 6:00p.m.-8:00p.m)
Opening Hours:Tuesdays:6:00p.m.-8:00p.m.
Diving Center:
Our experienced instructors offer one-month courses in deep-sea diving for beginners.There are two evening lessons a week,in which you learn to breathe underwater and use the equipment safely.You only need a swimming costume and towel.Reduced rates for couples.
Opening Hours:Monday and Friday:6:30p.m-8:30p.m.
Medical Center:
The staff of the Medical Center aim to provide convenient and necessary medical care to students and staff of the university.The center is well equipped and the staff here are trained to deal with a broad range of medical problems.Doctors as well as nursing staff are available for consultation.Also,all kinds of medicines are sold here and are cheaper for students than other drugstores.
Opening Hours:24hours from Monday to Sunday
Phone:(412)396-6649  Fax:(412)396-6648
Watersports Club:
We use a two-kilometer length of river for speedboat racing and water-skiing.A beginners'course is made up of ten 20-minute lessons.You will learn to handle boats safely and confidently,but must be able to swim.The club is in a convenient central position and is open daily from 9a.m to 4p.m,with lessons all through the day.
Opening Hours:Monday through Friday:9:00a.m.-4:00p.m.

44.How many courses above are involved in water?B
A.Two.B.Three.C.Four     D.Five
45.If you want to experience a new activity in the countryside in the mornings,you may faxD.
A.(412)396-6706  B.(412)396-6648      C.(412)396-6876   D.(412)396-6752
46.Which is NOT offered by the Medical Center?A
A.Nursery for newly-born babies.
B.Good equipment.
C.Well trained staff members.
D.Various less expensive medicines.
18.China is a land of bicycles.At least it was back in 1992when I traveled the country.Back then everyone seemed to be riding a bicycle.Millions of them,all black.Cars were rare.Yet since my arrival in Beijing last year,I  found the opposite is true.There are millions of cars.However,people still use their bicycles to get around.For many,it's the easiest and cheapest way to travel today.Bicycles also come in different colors--silver,green,red,blue,yellow,whatever you want.
It's fun watching people biking.They rush quickly through crossroads,move skillfully through traffic,and ride even on sidewalks(人行道).Bicycles allow people the freedom to move about that cars just can't provide.
Eager to be part of this aspect of Chinese culture,I decided to buy a bicycle.Great weather accompanied my great buy.I immediately jumped up on my bicycle seat and started home.
My first ride home was orderly (守秩序的).To be safe,I stayed with a"pack"of bikers while cars on the streets came running swiftly out of nowhere at times.I didn't want to get hit.So I took the ride carefully.
Crossing the streets was the biggest problem.It was a lot like crossing a major highway back in the United States.The streets here were wide,so crossing took time,skill and a little bit of luck.
I finally made it home.The feeling on the bicycle was amazing.The air hitting my face and going through my hair was wonderful.I was sitting on top of the world as I passed by places and people.Biking made me feel alive.

21.According to the author,why are bicycles still popular in China today?A
A.Because they are convenient and inexpensive.
B.Because they are traditional and safe.
C.Because they are colorful and available.
D.Because they are fast and environment friendly.
22.The author decided to buy a bicycle because he intendedB.
A.to ride it for fun.
B.to experience local culture.
C.to use it for transport.
D.to improve his riding skills.
23.How did the author feel about his street crossing?A
A.It was difficult.
B.It was boring.
C.It was lively.
D.It was wonderful.
2.When important events are happening around the world,most people turn to traditional media sources,such as CNN and BBC for the news.However,during the war in Iraq in 2003,many people followed the war from the point of view of an unknown Iraqi citizen who called himself"Salam Pax"(Salam Pax means peace).
Salam Pax wrote a diary about everyday life in Baghdad during the war,and posted it on his website.Pax's online diary was a kind of website known as a"blog".Blogs are online diaries,usually kept by individuals,but sometimes by companies and other groups of people.They are the fastest growing types of website on the Internet.
A blog differs from a traditional website in several ways.Most importantly,it is updated much more regularly.Many blogs are updated every day,and some are updated several times a day.Also,most blogs use special software or websites,which can help ordinary people easily set up and start writing their own blogs.
There are many different kinds of blogs.The most popular type is an online diary of links where the blog writer surfs the Internet and then posts links to sites or news articles that they find interesting,with a few comments about each one.Other types are personal diaries,where the writer talks about their life and feelings.Sometimes these blogs can be very personal.
There is another kind of blogging,called"moblogging",short for"mobile blogging".
Mobloggers use mobile phones with cameras to take photos,which are posted instantly to the Internet.The use of mobile phones in this way made the headlines in Singapore when a high school student posted a movie he had taken of a teacher shouting at another student on the Internet.Many people were shocked by what the student did,and wanted phones with cameras to be banned from schools.
Many people think that as blogs become common,news reporting will rely less on big media companies,and more on ordinary people posting news to the Internet.They think that then the news will be less like a lecture,and more like a conversation,where anyone can join in.

69.Which statement about Salam Pax was true?B
A.He worked for CNN.
B.Salam Pax was not his real name.
C.He was famous as a host in BBC.
D.He used a mobile phone for his blog.
70.What is the biggest difference between blogs and traditional websites?C
A.Blogs use special software.
B.Blogs contain personal information.
C.Blogs are updated much more often.
D.Blogs contain links to other websites.
71.According to the passage,in the future it is likely thatD.
A.everyone will have a blog
B.blogging technology will be banned
C.large media companies will be unnecessary
D.people will be able to learn the news from other points of view
72.What is the passage mainly about?B
A.The war in Iraq.
B.New types of media.
C.The history of the Internet.
D.The increase of using computers.
1.As a young kid I dreamt about going to the Olympics.I was quick and had good balance…That all(36)Cwhen I was 13.I Was diagnosed with a brain tumor(肿瘤)!At first I Was told nothing about it because of the(37)Bof my surgery,which probably saved my life because my(38)D   would remain high.(39)AI was lucky that the tumor was benign(良性的),it had grown to be so big that I would have 30% (40)B  of living!
I spent a month in the hospital and when I was(41)Dwhat I had become I did not know  why God had spared me.I had no(42)Cin a wheel chair,looked at things with double vision.couldn't move(43)Band had a slow,dull voice!After a period of self-pitying I was placed in a specialized recovery center for the(44)A.It was a short stay for me but I was(45)Dto fight my disabilities as the kids there had opened my eyes to real(46)C.
Then a man called Vincent Roussel(47)Ahis time to helping me with my subjects.He felt so (48)Bseeing me in that wheel chair that he decided to give me reeducation two hours a day!He helped me a lot and finally I(49)Dto return to school!
Though occasionally some kids(50)Cme,many people helped me and thanks to my hard work and God'S blessings I managed to overcome many(51)Cin my life.I walked 6 months after the operation,became a member of the college swimming team,(52)Aa Bachelor'S degree,a Master'S degree and(53)Ba book.
My greatest(54)Dhas been to meet my angel on the internet while I was in New York and she in Madrid,Spain.After(55)Afor a month I realized we had so much in common.A year later we got married!

41.A.curious aboutB.certain ofC.confident ofD.aware of
50.A.gave a hand toB.looked away fromC.made fun ofD.took a look at

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