



Dear Mr. Huang,

  I’m Jack, a student in Class 2, Senior 3. I’m writing to tell you my opinions and expectation of the school canteen.  





  Thanks for your consideration.

                                                                        Sincerely yours,





Dear Mr.Huang,

  I’m Jack, a student in Class 2, Senior 3. I’m writing to tell you my opinions and expectation of the school canteen.    

In general, we are satisfied with the clean and tidy dining hall, its delicious food and the good service from the smiling waiters who are always neatly dressed. However, what is not to our satisfaction is that the price of the meal is a little too high and that we can only have a limited variety of dishes to choose from. In addition, students often have to wait in line for about 30 minutes before getting their food. We would greatly appreciate it if the problems mentioned above can be solved as soon as possible. Finally, I would like to suggest to you that the food should be heated in time to ensure the students’ health, especially in winter.

  Thanks for your consideration.

                                                                         Sincerely yours,




【亮点说明】范文注意使用In general, However, In addition, Finally等短语衔接句子和段落,做到了连贯通顺;

范文使用了较多的短语a variety of, choose from, wait in line, as soon as possible, would like to, in time等,基础知识掌握得比较扎实;范文还用到了许多语法知识,像固定句型are satisfied with, 定语从句who are always neatly dressed, 主语从句what is not to our satisfaction, 表语从句that the price of the meal is..., 固定句型would appreciate it if..., 虚拟语气suggest that the food should be等,体现了灵活驾驭语法知识的能力;范文还注意使用especially来加强语气。




阅读下面摘自China Daily的一则信息,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。
The Ministry of Education said on Monday that starting this spring, a system of recycling textbooks will be established in rural primary and secondary schools, which means some textbooks will be given to students by the schools free of charge at the start of a term and be returned at the end of the school term so that they can be used by other students.
The central government will set up a fund for the purchase of these textbooks, and the students will be required to keep the books in good order for their reuse by others.
It is a heartening move with two major benefits.
First, it will lighten the financial burden on government and families.  Textbook costs account for 53 percent of all the fees primary school students must pay and about 65 percent of those facing middle school students.
Second, using secondhand books is environmentally friendly because of the resources such as trees and energy that are saved. According to industry figures, producing one ton of texbook paper requires 20 trees aged between 20 to 40 years, 100 tons of water, 1.2 tons of coal and other materials and churns out 300 tons of polluted water.
你刚刚阅读了上面有关教育部新举措的报道,请就此写一篇短文向China Daily投稿:
(1) 谈谈你对此措施的看法;
(2) 阐述你认为要顺利落实这项措施必须考虑的因素


The headmaster of a middle school in southern England, David Hayes, has suspended(停课)students at his school 478 times over the past year—one in twenty of all the student suspensions in England.
Although some people believe that his actions go too far, he seems to be getting results. The number of students receiving “A” grades in the national senior school exam has increased from 48% in 2004 to 74% this year.
Mr Hayes says that many schools could achieves similar improvements if they improve their school students’ behavior. He also says the British government is wrong for pressuring schools not to suspend troublesome students and points out the harmful effects such students have on the quality of teaching and student learning. Suspensions often get many naughty students to improve their behavior, he says.
The school was below average in 2003. Mr Hayes joined the following year and now suspends two of the school’s 1880 students on average each school day. The total of 478 suspensions over the year means that almost one in four students have been punished this way. This year the school’s academic performance was judged as excellent.
你在某英文报刊看到这则新闻后,准备就学生违纪的处理方式写一篇简评给该报编辑部,题目是“Should Schools Suspend Troublesome Students?”。内容要点包括:
1. 以约30词简要概括新闻内容:
2. 然后以约120词谈谈你的观点,内容包括:
(2 ) 假设你是学校校长,谈谈你将如何处理违纪学生,并陈述理由。
1. 可以使用实例或其他论述方法支持你的论点,也可参照阅读材料的内容,但不得直接引用原文的句子;
2. 作文中不能出现真实姓名和学校名称;


阅读下面摘自China Daily的一则信息,然后按照要求写一篇150词左右的英语短文。

The Ministry of Education said on Monday that starting this spring, a system of recycling textbooks will be established in rural primary and secondary schools, which means some textbooks will be given to students by the schools free of charge at the start of a term and be returned at the end of the school term so that they can be used by other students.

The central government will set up a fund for the purchase of these textbooks, and the students will be required to keep the books in good order for their reuse by others.

It is a heartening move with two major benefits.

First, it will lighten the financial burden on government and families.  Textbook costs account for 53 percent of all the fees primary school students must pay and about 65 percent of those facing middle school students.

Second, using secondhand books is environmentally friendly because of the resources such as trees and energy that are saved. According to industry figures, producing one ton of texbook paper requires 20 trees aged between 20 to 40 years, 100 tons of water, 1.2 tons of coal and other materials and churns out 300 tons of polluted water.


你刚刚阅读了上面有关教育部新举措的报道,请就此写一篇短文向China Daily投稿:



(1) 谈谈你对此措施的看法;

(2) 阐述你认为要顺利落实这项措施必须考虑的因素








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