
【题目】Technological change is everywhere and affects every aspect of life, mostly for the better. However, social changes are brought about by new technology are often mistaken for a change in attitudes.

An example at hand is the involvement of parents in the lives of their children who are attending college. Surveys (调查) on this topic suggests that parents today continue to be “very” or “somewhat” overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories. The same surveys also indicate that the rate of parental involvement is greater today than it was a generation ago. This is usually interpreted as a sign that today’s parents are trying to manage their children’s lives past the point where this behavior is appropriate.

However, greater parental involvement does not necessarily indicate that parents are failing to let go of their “adult” children.

In the context (背景) of this discussion, it seems valuable to first find out the cause of change in the case of parents’ involvement with their grown children. If parents of earlier generations had wanted to be in touch with their college-age children frequently, would this have been possible?

Probably not. On the other hand, does the possibility of frequent communication today mean that the urge to do so wasn’t present a generation ago? Many studies show that older parents—today’s grandparents—would have called their children more often if the means and cost of doing so had not been a barrier.

Furthermore, studies show that finances are the most frequent subject of communication between parents and their college children. The fact that college students are financially dependent on their parents is nothing new; nor are requests for more money to be sent from home. This phenomenon is neither good nor bad; it is a fact of college life, today and in the past.

Thanks to the advanced technology, we live in an age of bettered communication. This has many implications well beyond the role that parents seem to play in the lives of their children who have left for college. But it is useful to bear in mind that all such changes come from the technology and not some imagined desire by parents to keep their children under their wings.

【1】The surveys inform us of______.

A. the development of technology

B. the changes of adult children’s behavior

C. the parents’ over-protection of their college children

D. the means and expenses of students’ communication

【2】 The writer believes that__________.

A. parents today are more protective than those in the past

B. the disadvantages of new technology outweigh its advantages

C. technology explains greater involvement with their children

D. parents’ changed attitudes lead to college children’s delayed independence

【3】What is the best title for the passage?

A. Technology or Attitude

B. Dependence or Independence

C. Family Influences or Social Changes

D. College Management or Communication Advancement

【4】Which of the following shows the development of ideas in this passage?








【1】B细节理解题。根据第二段第二句parents today continue to be “very” or “somewhat” overly-protective even after their children move into college dormitories.调查显示现在的父母在孩子上大学之后仍然非常或者某种程度上过度地保护子女。

【2】C观点态度题。第三段作者提出调查的结果并不能理解为现在的家长对孩子不放手,接下来的两段作者论述了出现这种结果的真正原因是科技的发展使得交流手段更丰富,成本更低廉。见第四段最后一句“Many studies show that older parents—today’s grandparents—would have called their children more often if the means and cost of doing so had not been a barrier。最后一段更是再次强调了这种观点。故选C。






Do you

◆Love the National Parkvalue it and hope to safeguard its future?

◆Wish to see the beautiful landscape(风景) of the Park protected?

◆Like to enjoy peacefulinformal recreation within the Park?


The Friends organization aims are to help protect and improve the Pembrokeshire Coast National Park for all to enjoyWe are a voluntary organization and registered charity without financial links to the National Park Authority


We encourage everyone to enjoy the National Park through regular talks and visits to interesting places in the Park with expert guides

We keep an eye on planning applicationsPark Authority policies and threats to the National Park such as massive leisure complexesWe work with like-minded organizations such as the Campaign for National Parks to make our voice more effective

We help children to understand the National Park by sponsoring publications such as an adventure booklet and projects in local schools


◆Guided visits to places of interest which may not always be available to the general public

◆All members receive our regular News and Views

◆Talks by experts in their fields on current issues

◆A discount is available on Friends items for sale

◆Satisfaction of participation in work partiesfor those willing and able to be involved

If interestedplease complete the Application Form at www. fpnp.org.uk

1Which of the following is discouraged by the Friends organization?

A. To build massive complexes for public amusement

B. To prevent possible damages to the National Park

C. To help protect and improve the Park for all to enjoy

D. To sponsor publications and projects in local schools

2One of the benefits for members of Friends is to________

A. have Friends’ goods free of charge

B. visit any place not open to the public

C. take part in work parties if they want to

D. give talks in their fields on current issues

3The purpose of this poster is to invite more people to_________

A. raise money for the Friends organization

B. join the Friends organization and be members of it

C. work as managers for Pembrokeshire National Park

D. enjoy the landscape of Pembrokeshire National Park

【题目】The Spotlight(公众注意的中心) in Rio

Phelps puts spotlight on cupping(拔火罐)

Olympic gold medalist Michael Phelps fed American swimmers to 8 gold medals in the 4 × 100-meter relay, but what grabbed media attention and led to stories and photos around the globe were the purple and red circles on his back.

Michael Phelps of the USA is seen with red cupping marks on his shoulder as he competes during the 2016 Rio Olympics men’s 200m butterfly in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, Aug 8, 2016.

Chinese swimmer Fu Yuanhui goes viral

China’s women’s swimmer Fu Yuanhui has created a hit online not just by winning the bronze medal in the 100m backstroke competition, but also by her facial expressions during the post semi-final interview with China Central Television (CCTV) on Monday.

When asked whether she held back for the final, Fu replied “No, I used my ‘prehistorical power (洪荒之力)’” What she meant was that she had spared no efforts in the semi-final. Since then, the so-called “prehistorical power” has gone viral and become a new Internet meme.

Britain wins first Olympic diving gold in men’s synchronized 3m springboard(男子双人3米跳板)

Britain’s Jack Laugher and Chris Mears ended China’s gold medal monopoly (垄断) over diving events at the Rio Olympics by winning the men’s synchronized 3m springboard final on Wednesday, the country’s first-ever Olympic gold medal in diving.

Laugher and Mears finished with a six-round total of 454.32 points, just 4.11 points ahead of silver medalists Mike Hixon and Sam Dorman of the USA at the Maria Lenk Aquatics Center. China’s Cao Yuan and Qin Kai took the bronze with 443.70 points.

1What attracted media attention with Phelps’ winning the gold medal?

A. His scars on his back.

B. His great leadership.

C. The cupping marks on his back.

D. His achievements made in the men’s 200m butterfly.

2Which of the following is NOT the reason why Fu Yuanhui became the spotlight?

A. Her devotion and determination to swimming.

B. Her achievement in the 100m backstroke competition.

C. Her facial expression during the post semi-final interview.

D. Her humourous reply to the reporter—the so-called “prehistorical power”.

3What can we learn from the third news?

A. China didn’t win any medals in diving events at the Rio Olympics.

B. Mike Hixon and Sam Dorman of the USA took silver with 447.81 points.

C. Britain had never won the Olympic diving gold medal before the Rio Olympics.

D. Britain became the gold medal monopolist (垄断者) of diving events at the Rio Olympics.

【题目】Pakistani youth activist Malala Yousafzai was awarded the 2014 Nobel Peace Prize on Friday, October 10. She is the youngest Nobel winner in history. Malala shares the prize with Kailash Satyarthi, a 60-year-old man from India who has helped lead a movement to end child slavery around the world.

Malala Yousafzai was born on July 12, 1997 in Mingora, the Swat District of northwest Pakistan to a Sunni Muslim family. When she was just 11 years old, she started blogging about the Taliban takeover of her hometown. Taliban members believe young girls should not go to school. Classrooms throughout the Swat district were closed for several months. Malala spoke publicly about her desire to go back to school. “All I want is an education,” she told one television broadcaster.

When the Pakistani government regained control, Malala was able to return to class. She continued to blog and speak out about girls’ right to education. But on October 9, 2012, the Taliban tried to silence her. A gunman boarded her school bus and shot her on the left side of her forehead. Malala survived, and showed great courage and optimism during her long recovery. Then she became a symbol of the struggle for girls’ rights all over the world.

Malala’s mission for peace is unstoppable. Nine months after she was shot, she gave a now-famous speech at the United Nations. “They thought that the bullets would silence us. But they failed,” she said. “And then, out of that silence came thousands of voice. Weakness, fear and hopelessness died. Strength, power and courage were born.”

【1】How old was Malala when she won the Nobel Peace Prize?

A. 11 years old. B. 14 years old.

C. 17 years old. D. 60 years old.

【2】 After classrooms throughout the Swat district were closed, Malala ________.

A. started blogging about the event

B. expressed her desire for education publicly

C. made a now-famous speech at the UN

D. turned to famous television broadcasters for help

【3】What does the underlined part silence her in the third paragraph probably mean?

A. Kill her.

B. Make peace with her.

C. Offer suggestions to her.

D. Communicate with her in silent ways.

【4】What does the passage mainly tell us?

A. Malala’s peace mission.

B. Malala’s courage and optimism.

C. Malala’s fight with the Taliban.

D. Malala’s winning the Nobel Peace Prize.

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