
  Home can be a great place for children to study. It’s important to provide a workspace of their own where they can read books or just write a letter to their friends。
         【小题2】           Kitchen and dining room are not so well suited for regular study, since books and pens get in the way of the day-to-day uses of those areas. Set up a place where a child can settle in and leave papers and pens at band without having to clear everything away each night. For a child that likes being alone, set aside a corner of his bedroom, but keep it separate from things like games, music and other hobbies not related to studying。
●Keeping Things in Order
Parents should encourage their child to spread out, but to leave it neat and orderly when he isn’t using his workspace. Ownership is very important for self-respect       【小题3】      .
The workplace should be personal, but not another part of the playroom。
Encourage the whole family to help build a supportive environment that children need for success in school. Give them a good example of how to deal with problems, how to manage time and get things done in the right way.
       【小题5】          Study will be more enjoyable and effective when supported by the whole family。

A. Attitude Is Everything
B. Bring Organization into Your Home
C. Here are several ways to choose a location
D. Building a Good Home Learning Environment
E. Hold a can-do attitude and your child will follow your example。
F. Setting up a space in a common area of your home can be a good idea for children。
G. A child who learns to organize his spare will carry organization into every corner of his life。




After getting married I moved to a flat. I felt pretty comfortable living there 16 something strange happened. I had a doll on the windowsill (窗台) facing the living room. One day, I came back home from work and found it was facing the window 17 . I thought it was my husband who played a  18 on me, but he did not admit. I 19 the doll to face the living room again.

The next day, the 20 thing happened. But this time, my husband was so 21 that I believed he had not done that. There was no  22 of anyone breaking into the house while we were away. And there was no reason to  23 that someone stole into the house just to turn the doll and left. What happened not only  24 us but also frightened us.

The doll kept turning every day  25 Saturdays and Sundays when I was at home. I began to wonder if there was a ghost.

Then  26 a school holiday, and I didn’t go to work. While exercising in the living room, I 27 the doll was turning by itself! It was very frightening but I 28 knew why it was turning. There was a construction site right next to the building where I  29 . The construction was at the stage of pile driving (打桩) and our building shook  30 with each pounding (重击). 31 I lived on the top floor, the shaking was quite strong.  32 , the doll moved little by little with the shaking. This also 33 why the doll never turned on Saturdays and Sundays, 34 there was no construction work at weekends. If I had not been home on a weekday, I would never have 35 the truth.

【小题1】A. after           B. as            C. once           D. until

【小题2】A. already         B. indeed          C. instead             D. though

【小题3】A. trick          B. part            C. danger              D. role

【小题4】A. changed         B. forced          C. pushed          D. turned

【小题5】A. other         B. same           C. whole           D. opposite

【小题6】A. serious         B. curious         C. anxious           D. nervous

【小题7】A. chance         B. need            C. sign             D. way

【小题8】A. admit         B. think           C. expect          D. worry

【小题9】A. confused        B. excited         C. warned           D. interested

【小题10】A. including      B. besides         C. without           D. except

【小题11】A. appeared      B. came           C. existed              D. passed

【小题12】A. decided        B. remembered      C. noticed           D. hoped

【小题13】A. immediately    B. particularly        C. originally         D. secretly

【小题14】A. worked        B. exercised        C. moved              D. lived

【小题15】A. quickly        B. strongly         C. slowly           D. slightly

【小题16】A. When        B. Since           C. Though         D. Unless

【小题17】A. By chance     B. Above all        C. As a result        D. In the end

【小题18】A. explained      B. discussed        C. described        D. suggested

【小题19】A. or            B. if              C. for             D. so

【小题20】A. looked into      B. found out         C. picked up        D. searched for

We have so many first days in our lives. First days are milestones(里程碑) in our lives. They 36 the beginning of a new experience or journey and they are also filled with  37  feelings. They can be a little frightening as we step into the unknown, but they can also inspire us as they give us fresh  38 for the future.

I want to share a 39 that perfectly shows this point. Trisha was told that 40 is the key to knowledge. She watched her older brother 41 he read his schoolbooks and could hardly 42 the day when she would learn to read.

But after Trisha 43 started school, she found that she was not able to understand words like the other boys and girls. However hard she 44 , she saw only confusion. Trisha 45 , the teacher and the other children laughing at her, and she began to believe that she was not  46 .

By the time Trisha entered the fifth grade, she had lost the 47 in herself. That was the year when she met Mr. Falker. He was 48 . He praised Trisha’s talents, and he wouldn’t tolerate the other children laughing at her. After some time, Mr. Falker 49 that Trisha didn’t know how to read, but he knew she could 50 some help.

He found an expert, and together they 51 with Trisha after school. They 52 her to understand words  53 one day Mr. Falker handed her a book and she could read it all by herself. She didn’t even notice the tears in his eyes.

This is a true story. The little girl is Patricia Polacco, a famous 54 , and Thank you Mr. Falker is the twenty-sixth book that she has written. Mr. Falker gave her a fresh new 55 and made a difference in her life.

【小题1】A. cause             B. mark            C. describe         D. show

【小题2】A. absurd            B. strange          C. mixed           D. strong

【小题3】A. blood             B. evidence         C. hope            D. air

【小题4】A. belief              B. story            C. view            D. concern

【小题5】A. reading            B. speaking         C. listening         D. thinking

【小题6】A. before             B. since            C. as              D. though

【小题7】A. look for            B. wait for          C. ask for              D. wish for

【小题8】A. gradually             B. mostly              C. finally           D. firmly

【小题9】A. breathed             B. tried            C. managed        D. pressed

【小题10】A. took off               B. stayed up        C. kept on          D. fell behind

【小题11】A. smart            B. hard-working     C. healthy          D. easy-going

【小题12】A. memory              B. balance         C. chance             D. confidence

【小题13】A. shy                B. proud           C. different         D. strict

【小题14】A. doubted              B. witnessed        C. represented         D. realized

【小题15】A. with              B. besides          C. including         D. within

【小题16】A. sang             B. worked          C. danced             D. chatted

【小题17】A. helped           B. forced              C. begged          D. allowed

【小题18】A. when             B. once            C. until            D. whether

【小题19】A. teacher              B. writer           C. expert              D. guide

【小题20】A. school            B. start            C. home           D. attention

One day, when I was in high school, I saw a kid named Kyle from my class walking home from school with all his books, I thought to myself, “__36__ would anyone bring home all his books for the weekend? He must really be  37__.”As I was walking, I saw several kids running toward him. They ran at him,  38 all his books out of his arms and he fell down in the dirt, His glasses went  39  and landed in the grass.

My  40 went out to him. So, I ran over to him. 41 I handed him his glasses, he looked at me and said, “Hey, thanks!” I helped him pick up his books, and asked him where he lived. As it  42  , he lived near me. We talked all the way home. Over the next four years, Kyle and I became best friends.

Kyle was the 43 student of our class, one of those guys that really found themselves during high school. Therefore he had the  44 to prepare a 45 speech. On the graduation day, I could see that he was 46  .So, I patted him on the back and said, “Hey, big guy, you’ll be  47 !” He looked at me and smiled.

He cleared his throat, and began. “Graduation is a time to  48 those who helped you make it through those  49 years. Your parents, your teachers… but mostly your friends, I am here to tell all of you that being a friend to someone is the best  50  you can give him.”

I just looked at my friend with  51 as he told the story of the first day we met. He had planned to 52 himself over the weekend and was carrying his books home. “Thankfully, nothing happened. My friend  53 me from doing the unspeakable.”

  Not until that moment did I realize that you should never underestimate(低估) the  54   of your actions. With one small gesture you can  55 a person’s life. For better or for worse.

【小题1】 A. How      B. When       C. Why        D . Where

【小题2】. A. stupid  B. clever       C. wonderful      D. Anxious

【小题3】. A. throwing   B. knocking  C. taking       D. Snatching

【小题4】 A. lost   B. sending    C. broken         D. Flying

【小题5】 A. heart  B. head          C. hands       D. thought

【小题6】 A. While          B. As         C. Because      D. Once

【小题7】 A. passed by               B. came up C. went on      D. turned out

【小题8】 A. top   B. hardest         C. favorite       D. Luckiest

【小题9】 A. pride  B. honor       C. pleasure        D. Chance

【小题10】A. class   B. school        C. graduation     D. College

【小题11】A. excited B. nervous        C. proud        D. Crazy

【小题12】A. great  B. famous         C. praised      D. Honored

【小题13】A. reward  B. remember     C. thank   D. Congratulate

【小题14】A. happy   B. exciting         C. old         D. Hard

【小题15】A. chance   B. gift           C. help         D. Favor

【小题16】A. wonder   B. anxiety     C. disbelief      D. Pride

【小题17】A. kill      B. enjoy        C. test        D. Hurt

【小题18】A. protected B. freed   C. warned         D. Prevented

【小题19】A. price B. use        C. power       D. Meaning

【小题20】A. destroy  B. change   C. save        D. understand

Michel is a young girl who works for the police   36  a handwriting expert. She has helped   37  many criminals (罪犯) by using her special talents.
When she was fourteen, Michel was already   38  interested in the differences in her friends'   39  that she would spend hours  40 them. After 41 college she went to France for a   42  two-year class in handwriting at the School of Police Science.
Michel says that it is  43  for people to hide their handwriting. She can discover _44  of what she needs to know simply   45  looking at the writing with her own eyes,   46  she also has machines   47   help her make    48  different kinds of paper and ink. This knowledge is often   49  great help to the police.
Michel believes that handwriting is a good   50  of what kind of person the 51  is. "I wouldn't go out with a fellow    52  I didn't like his handwriting." She says. But she   53 she fell in love with her future husband, a young policeman   54  she studied his handwriting. It is later proved to be    55 , however.

A.with B.byC.like    D.as
A.search    B.followC.catch    D.judge
A.so     B.tooC.quite   D.extra
A.books    B.letterC.tongues   D.handwriting
A.writing    B.studyingC.settling  D.uncovering
A.attending  B.finishingC.starting  D.stepping into
A.powerful   B.naturalC.special  D.common
A.main     B.safeC.easy    D.impossible
A.most     B.nothingC.little   D.sight
A.with     B.by     C.of     D.about
A.so     B.forC.thus    D.but
A.they     B.in whichC.that    D.those
A.up     B.outC.for     D.into
A.of     B.toC.with    D.for
A.test    B.sign C.means    D.habit
A.thief     B.criminalC.writer   D.policeman
A.whether    B.unlessC.if     D.after
A.adds     B.tellsC.repeats   D.cries
A.before   B.afterC.so    D.and
A.necessaryB.all rightC.important  D.quite easy

One summer evening I was sitting by the open window, reading a good but rather frightening mystery story. After a time it was too dark for me to read easily, so I put my book down and turned on the light.
I was just about to draw the   36  as well when I heard a loud cry “Help! Help! ” It 37  to come from the trees at the end of the garden. I looked out but it was too 38  to see anything clearly. So I decided to go out and have a look in the garden, just 39  someone was in   40  . I took the torch and picked up a strong walking stick,   41  that this might come to be useful, too.   42   with these, I went out into the garden.   43   I heard the cry. There was no    44  that it came from the trees at the end of the garden.
“Who’s there?” I   45  as I walked, rather 46  , down the path that   47   to the trees. But there was no  48  . With the help of my torch I   49  the whole of that part of the garden and the lower  50   of the trees. There was no sign of anybody or anything. I came to the ___51___ that someone was playing a rather silly joke on me.
___52   feeling rather puzzled, I went back to the house and   53   away the torch and the stick. I had just sat down when I was startled by the cry of “ Help! Help! ”, this time from  54  my shoulder. I dropped my book and climbed up. There, sitting    55  of the mantelpiece ( 壁炉 ), was a parrot!

A.gun    B.picture  C.curtains    D.car
A.seemed  B.looked  C.sounded    D.proved
A.far    B.distant  C.dark     D.black
A.as if  B.even thoughC.on time    D.in case
A.difficultB.power   C.trouble   D.ease
A.thinking B.wishing  C.demanding  D.requesting
A.SuppliedB.Loaded   C.ArmedD.Decorated
A.Again and againB.Now and then
C.From time to timeD.Once again
A.wonderB.doubtC.problem   D.question
A.spoke outB.called out C.got outD.said out
A.seriouslyB.nervously C.curiouslyD.hurriedly
A.led   B.wentC.passed    D.joined
A.person  B.body   C.answer    D.voice
A.studied  B.searchedC.tested    D.examined
A.roots  B.branches  C.leaves    D.bushes
A.beginningB.end  C.conclusion  D.introduction
A.But   B.Yet     C.Already   D.Still
A.put    B.took     C.threw     D.cleared
A.far off  B.down belowC.left to   D.right behind
A.on top  B.at the foot C.inside   D.Outside

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