
17.She is the only one of the students _____ singing and dancing.(  )
A.whom likesB.whom likeC.who likesD.who like

分析 她是唯一一个能歌善舞的学生之一.

解答 答案C.
本题用排除法.like是定语从句的谓语,因此引导词在从句中做主语,应用who,而whom作为关系代词,只能在从句中作宾语所以排除A、B 两项.另外,先行词"the students"被the only one of 修饰时,从句谓语动词要用单数,据此排除D项,因此答案选C.

点评 本题考查定语从句的引导词以及定语从句中的主谓一致.定语从句内容是高考的重点和热点,考生要熟练掌握定语从句的基本内容,在此基础上要结合语境以及其相关知识做出正确的选择.

5.Some people are like homing pigeons:Drop them off anywhere,and they'll find their way around.Other people,though,can't tell when they're holding a map upside down.Are the directionally challenged just bad learners?
Not all of your navigational (导航的)skills are learned.Research shows that your sense of direction is innate.An innate ability is something you are born with.Your brain has special navigational neurons-head-direction cells,place cells,and grid cells (网格细胞)-and they help program your inside compass when you're just a baby.
In 2010,scientists carried out an experiment to study baby rats'neural activity in their brains.Although the rats were newborns,the researchers discovered that their head-direction cells (which help them recognize the direction they're facing) were fully grown and developed.The rats,it seemed,were born with a sense of direction.And they hadn't even opened their eyes yet!
Humans,of course,are not rats.But the hippocampus-the brain area we use for navigation-is similar in most mammals.If the rat's compass develops this way,then it's likely that a human's compass does,too.
If we're born with a sense of direction,then why are some people so good at getting lost?The scientists found that the two other cells-place and grid cells-developed within the first month.Place cells are thought to help us form a map in our mind,while grid cells help us navigate new and unfamiliar places.The two cells work together,and that's where the trouble might be.
People who took part in a 2013 study played a video game that required them to travel quickly between different places.Monitoring their brains,the scientists found that grid cells helped the gamers recognize where they were-even without landmarks.According to researcher Michael Kahana,differences in how grid cells work may help explain why some people have a better sense of direction than others.
32.What did the 2010 research find?A
A.Rats have a natural ability to recognize directions.
B.Rats'hippocampus is different from that of humans.
C.Rats usually find their way without opening their eyes.
D.Baby rats have as many head-direction cells as grown-ups.
33.What do we know about our navigational neurons?D
A.Place cells let us know how to read a map.
B.Grid cells help us reach the place we are going to.
C.They help us use a compass when we lose our way.
D.Place and grid cells grow later than head-direction cells.
34.Why are some people so good at getting lost?B
A.They can't remember landmarks.
B.Their grid cells can't work very well.
C.They are unfamiliar with new places.
D.Their ability to follow directions is poor.
35.What is the text mainly about?A
A.Human navigational skills.
B.The compass in rats'body.
C.Why grid cells are useful.
D.How homing pigeons work.
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21.If you don't know how to use a computer,you can just apply for the position asB.
A.a secretary
B.a waiter or a waitress
C.an accountant
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22.If you want to get the position of accountant in Wilson Bookstore,you have to satisfy the following conditions EXCEPTA.
A.being a woman
B.knowing well how to use a computer
C.having been an accountant
D.having an accountant certificate
23.If you want to try for a job in Fairmont Hotel,youD.
A.have to be a woman and know foreign languages
B.should be a university graduate
C.have to be taller than 1.72meters
D.should be younger than 30years old.

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