
Modern smart phones are fast becoming the must-have item. But what’s in store for the next generation of smart phones?

Tired of carrying around that heavy wallet? Soon you won’t need to! The next generation of smart phones will have NFC technology, which lets you pay for things with your smart phones. All you do is enter your credit card information into your phone. Then, when you are in a shop that allows NFC payments, you just wave your phone over a special instrument at the checkout. The purchase is instantly charged to your credit card.

Ever seen someone wearing something and wished you knew where to get it? Soon it will be easy with PicCommerce, new technology that uses image-recognition software. Here’s how it works. If you see something you like, simply take a photo of it with your smart phone. Then, your phone will send the image to a special server, which will respond with information about where you can buy it and how much it will cost.

Sick of your smart phone battery going flat? With so many applications draining (消耗) the battery, the latest phones need to be charged every day. But next generation smart phones will come with built-in chips that can connect to an antenna (天线) in your home. And as long as your phone is within range of the antenna, you will be able to charge your smartphone wirelessly, even if it is in your pocket.

Worried about getting your smart phones wet in the rain? A company called Hz0 has invented WaterBlock, new technology that makes your phone completely waterproof. And it’s so effective that your phone will even work underwater.

Fed up with carrying a heavy phone around? Soon, you will be able to get a PaperPhone! “Flexible phones are the future,” said scientist Roel Vertegaal. So, what are the benefits of flexible phones? Well, it means that instead of carrying your phone in your pocket, you could wear it wrapped around your wrist, for example.

Of course, there is just the problem: with so much new smart phone technology around, you will soon need to buy a new phone!

1.To pay with your smart phone, you need to ________.

A. go to a bank B. store money in the phone

C. have a credit card D. buy a special instrument

2.We can learn from the 4th paragraph that the next generation of smart phones ________.

A. will have chips instead of batteries

B. may consume less power

C. needn’t be charged frequently

D. will be charged easily

3.Which feature of future smart phones does Paragraph 6 show?

A. They will be easier to carry.

B. They will be cheaper.

C. They will be smaller.

D. They will be easier to operate.

4.What can be the best title for the text?

A. Basic Functions of Smart phones

B. The Future of Smart phones

C. Advantages of Modern Smart phones

D. The Development of Phone Technology



Each day water-related diseases kill 3,900 of the world’s children.

Across the world, 1.1 billion people have no access to clean drinking water. More than 2.6 billion people lack basic sanitation (卫生设备).

The combination proves deadly. Each year, diseases related to inadequate water and sanitation kill between 2 and 5 million people and cause an estimated 80 percent of all sicknesses in the developing world. Safe drinking water is a precondition for health and the fight against child death rate, inequality between men and women, and poverty.

Consider these facts:

* The average distance that women in Africa and Asia walk to collect water is 6 kilometres.

* Only 58 percent of children in sub-Sharan Africa are drinking safe water, and only 37 percent of children in South Asia have access to even a basic toilet.

* Each year in India alone, 73 million working days are lost to water-borne diseases.

Here are three ways you can help:

1) Write Congress

Current U.S. foreign aid for drinking water and sanitation budgets only one dollar per year per American citizen. Few members of Congress have ever received a letter from voters about clean drinking water abroad.

2) Sponsor a project with a faith-based organization

Many U.S. religious groups already sponsor water and sanitation projects, working with partner organizations can make safe water a reality for thousands of people.

3) Support nonprofit water organizations

Numerous U.S. based nonprofits work skillfully abroad in community led projects related to drinking water and sanitation. Like the sample of non-profits noted as follows, some organizations are large, others small-scale, some operate world-wide, others are devoted to certain areas in Africa, Asia, Latin America. Support them generously.

1.The three facts presented in the passage are used to illustrate that ______.

A. poverty can result in water-borne diseases

B. people have no access to clean drinking water

C. women’s rights are denied in some developing countries

D. safe drinking water should be a primary concern

2.The intended readers of the passage are _______.

A. Americans B. overseas sponsors

C. Congressmen D. U.S. based water organizations

3.The main purpose of the passage is to call on people to ______.

A. get rid of water-related diseases in developing countries

B. donate money to people short of water through religious groups

C. fight against the worldwide water shortage and sanitation problem

D. take joint action in support of some nonprofit water organizations

When you buy cooking oil in the supermarket, you may notice that some brands are labeled as “GM (genetically modified)-free”. So, what is genetic modification? Are GM foods safe?

These questions have been put back into the spotlight recently. On Nov 19, the Food and Drug Administrati0n (FDA) in the US announced that it had approved the AquAdvantage salmon to go on the market, making it the first genetically modified animal to be approved as food anywhere in the world.

GM foods are plants or animals that have been given a gene from another plant or animal to make them stronger in some way. The AquAdvantage salmon contains a gene from another type of salmon that makes it grow faster.

Although the FDA has said “food from the fish is safe to eat”, some believe that scientists can’t completely understand the potential health risks of GM foods, simply because they’re so new. Others worry that the fish could escape into the wild and cause ecological problems.

GM crops have experienced the same controversy, even though GM technology cuts down on the use of pesticides on crops and increases yields.

While GM animals are new, GM crops have already appeared on our plates: A total of 28 countries in the world including the US, Brazil and India planted 181.5 million hectares (1.815 million km2) of GM crops in 2014, according to the International Service for tile Acquisition of Agri-biotech Applications. In China, we grow GM cotton and papaya and import GM soybeans, corn, rape, cotton and beets from abroad.

Due to safety worries, many countries have regulations for producing and selling GM food.

In European Union countries, each GM food must be approved before it can be used. This process can take up to 17 months. The origin of all GM foods must also be traceable, and all food with a GM content of more than 0.9 percent must also be labeled, according to EU website europa.eu.

The US is less strict about GM foods. According to FDA regulations, companies introducing new GM foods to the market should report them at least 120 days before release. The labeling is voluntary, except that a product cannot be labeled as “GM-free” if genetically modified materials are used.

In China, GM foods can only be produced after strict tests by the Ministry of Agriculture say that they are safe. All food that is made from GM crops or contains GM ingredients must be clearly labeled on the wrapper.

1.According to the text, the AquAdvantage salmon .

A. tastes better than normal salmon

B. is a product that mixes several types of fish

C. has a gene from a different type of salmon

D. remains to be approved in several countries

2.One of the reasons for many people to worry about the AquAdvantage salmon is that .

A. the gene that makes them grow faster can work on humans too

B. there are possible health risks that even scientists might not have figured out yet

C. they could possibly become threats to other wild species

D. they are not nutritious enough or might taste strange

3.From-the text, it can be concluded that GM crops .

A. no longer cause any controversy

B. have already been planted in some countries

C. are popular because they don’t need pesticides

D. can increase yields, making them welcome in countries like Japan

4.Which of the following is TRUE about regulations for producing and selling GM food?

A. All food with GM content must be labeled in European countries.

B. In the US, the AquAdvantage salmon will have to be labeled as GM food.

C. In France or Germany, every GM food that is about to go on the market must be reported at least 120 days before release.

D. In China, all food that is made from GM crops or contains GM ingredients must be clearly labeled on the package.

Throughout the world, boys and girls prefer to play with different types of toys. Boys typically like to play with cars and trucks, while girls typically choose to play with dolls. Why is this? A traditional sociological explanation is that boys and girls are socialized and encouraged to play with different types of toys by their parents, peers, and the “society”. Growing scientific evidence suggests, however, that boys’ and girls’ toy preferences may have a biological origin.

In 2002, Gerianne M. Alexander of Texas A&M University and Melissa Hines of City University in London surprised the scientific world by showing that monkeys showed the same sex typical toy preferences as humans. In the study, Alexander and Hines gave two masculine toys (a ball and a police car), two feminine toys (a soft doll and a cooking pot), and two neutral(中性的) toys (a picture book and a stuffed dog) to 44 male and 44 female monkeys. They then assessed the monkeys’ preference for each toy by measuring how much time they spent with each. Their data showed that male monkeys showed significantly(显著地) greater interest in the masculine toys, and the female monkeys showed significantly greater interest in the feminine toys. The two sexes did not differ in their preference for the neutral toys.

If children’s toy preferences were largely formed by gender socialization, as traditional sociologists’ claim, in which their parents give “gender appropriate” toys to boys and girls, how can these male and female monkeys have the same preferences as boys and girls?They were never socialized by humans, and they had never seen these toys before in their lives.

1.Traditional sociologists believe boys’ and girls’ toy preferences ________.

A. are passed down from their parents

B. have a biological origin

C. have nothing to do with gender socialization

D. are largely formed in later life

2.The study by Alexander and Hines shows that monkeys________.

A. also play toys as humans do

B. also have a sex typical toy preference

C. have no toy preferences

D. like to play different toys at different time

3.Alexander and Hines carried out the study to ________.

A. find out why boys and girls prefer different toys

B. test the intelligence of monkeys

C. test whether monkeys like to play toys

D. find more evidence for traditional sociology

4.Masculine toys are mainly intended for________.

A. monkeys B. adult C. boys D. girls

Are you sometimes a little tired and sleepy in the early afternoon? Many people feel this way after lunch. They may think that eating lunch is the cause of the sleepiness. Or, in summer, they may think it is the heat. However, the real reason lies inside their bodies. At that time—about eight hours after you wake up—your body temperature goes down. This is what makes you slow down and feel sleepy. Scientists have tested sleep habits in experiments where there was no night or day. The people in these experiments almost always followed a similar sleeping pattern. They slept for one long period and then for one short period about eight hours later.

In many parts of the world, people take naps(小睡) in the middle of the day. This is especially true in warmer climates, where the heat makes work difficult in the early afternoon. Researchers are now saying that naps are good for everyone in any climate. A daily nap gives one a more rested body and mind and therefore is good for health in general. In countries where naps are traditional, people often suffer less from problems such as heart disease. Many working people, unfortunately, have no time to take naps. Though doctors may advise taking naps, employers do not allow it! If you do have the chance, however, here are a few tips about making the most of your nap. Remember that the best time to take a nap is about eight hours after you get up. A short sleep too late in the day may only make you feel more tired and sleepy afterward. This can also happen if you sleep for too long. If you do not have enough time, try a short nap—even ten minutes of sleep can be helpful.

1.Why do you sometimes feel sleepy in the early afternoon?

A. Because you eat too much for lunch.

B. Because it’s hot in summer.

C. Because your body temperature goes down at that time.

D. Because you didn’t have a good sleep last night.

2.What can we learn about “naps” according to the last paragraph?

A. All the people in warmer climates take naps in the middle of the day.

B. Doctors need to take naps while employers don’t.

C. If you take naps every day, you’ll never suffer from heart disease.

D. Taking naps regularly is beneficial to people’s health.

3.What can we infer from the passage?

A. You’ll feel sleepy at regular intervals(间隔).

B. Taking a nap whenever you want will do good to your health.

C. You will feel less sleepy if you sleep for a long time.

D. If you get up at 6:30 am, you’d better take a nap at about 1:30 pm.

4.What would be the best title for the text?

A. Just for a Rest

B. All need a Nap

C. A Special Sleep Pattern

D. Taking Naps in Warmer Climate


I got a guitar for my birthday, and since then I have been struggling.It has awakened ________ side of myself within me.And it couldn’t have happened at a ________ time.

I’m a senior, I’m going to graduate soon and I know what ________ I’m going to.And now I have to deal with this little voice in my head constantly ________ me that I’m going to be a rock star, not a scientist.

A few weeks ago I was given the ________ simple task of writing a short story.I sat down to ________ a beautiful work of fiction that would ________ my teacher and classmates.To be honest, this is an area I generally feel very ________ in.I really ________ it and such writing tasks used to take the least amount of time.So I was trying to write my story, and ________ the room lay my beautiful birthday present.

“Once upon a time,” I wrote.Then I stopped, ________ in my chair, and stared for a moment at the ________ .Its dark red paint was ________ and I could see my reflection (倒影) in its perfect surface.And then my reflection started dancing and singing.I wasn’t ________ , but it sure was.I’d follow its ________.So I seized my guitar and plucked (拨动) a string.I sat rocking with my guitar until late ________ the night.I was sure I was preparing for the ________ much more efficiently now that I wasn’t spending time writing stories.

Needless to say, no story was written, and many ________ arose in my mind.Since then, I have constantly asked, “Am I ________ for not wanting to do my work anymore?” More importantly, ________ , I’ve learned I really am going to be a rock star.

1.A.outer B.another C.interesting D.relaxing

2.A.worse B.better C.more certain D.more modern

3.A.concert B.college C.place D.city

4.A.teaching B.advising C.reminding D.fooling

5.A.seemingly B.actually C.obviously D.partly

6.A.plan B.carry C.create D.continue

7.A.ruin B.amuse C.admire D.surprise

8.A.happy B.rich C.fortunate D.strong

9.A.understand B.enjoy C.feel D.mind

10.A.below B.beside C.across D.outside

11.A.digested B.edited C.stayed D. turned

12.A.paper B.instrument C.floor D.desk

13.A.running B.fading C.deepening D.shining

14.A.playing B.dreaming C.moving D.repeating

15.A.lead B.music C.speed D.rule

16.A.of B.at C.into D.for

17.A.university B.future C.life D.exam

18.A.doubts B.fears C.discussions D.problems

19.A.curious B.lazy C.alone D.normal

20.A.though B.therefore C.otherwise D.even

It was such an extremely freezing day that I decided to get a cup of hot drinking first after work. As my colleague, Ricky, and I were making our way to a coffee shop, I noticed an old gentleman rather poorly dressed sitting on a bench nearby. Obviously he was frozen, seemingly one of the homeless or someone like that.

We joined the line and waited to be served. Ricky handed the server a twenty-dollar bill, ordered three cups of hot coffee, and gestured the sever to give one to the old gentleman outside on the bench as a favour. The server looked at Ricky, a little perplexed, without full comprehension of the request. Afterwards, there was a wonderful exchange between the server and the old man in need of some attention. I only wished I had taken a photo of the smiles on the both faces.

As I was thinking about this event later on, I wondered to myself why Ricky didn’t perform this act of kindness himself. I suspect that deep down in his heart he was hoping that this act of kindness might inspire others to do something for this old man as well. Absolutely beautiful!

There are many ways of thinking when we met someone as the old man in need of kindness and attention. Perhaps he needs a little helping hand and thanks God for my colleague who inspired the others to goodness as well. Oh, by the way, the last words Ricky told the server was,

“There go I, but for the Grace of God.”

1.What was the author’s impression of the old gentleman?

A. He was a greedy man.

B. He took on a sign of poor manners.

C. He was in poor health.

D. He needed some kind of human care.

2.The underlined word “perplexed” in the second paragraph probably means “ ”.

A. annoyed B. confused

C. embarrassed D. determined

3.Why didn’t Ricky give the favour to the old gentleman himself?

A. He didn’t know the old gentleman.

B. He was too shy to speak to strangers.

C. He tried to influence others to be kind.

D. He feared the old man would refuse his help.

4.What the author really thinks absolutely beautiful is that .

A. an act of kindness could go widespread

B. a cup of coffee could warm the old man

C. the server was very kind to customers

D. Ricky had created a good impression

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