
How good are U.S. drivers?

The CBS TV “National Drivers Test” showed that many U.S. drivers have a lot to learn. Here’s why:

CBS picked 1,799 samples(被实验者) to take the test in TV studios in New York, Philadelphia, Chicago, and Los Angeles. More than two out of five of the drivers failed the test. And the average score was the lowest passing mark-51 points out of a possible 80.

Chicago drivers did best with an average of 53 points. Los Angeles drivers came next with 52 points. New York and Philadephia drivers tied(得同样的分数) with 50 points-a failing score. Drivers with 50 points or less were rated(被评价为) “poorly informed” by the judges.

Here are some of the test results:

(1) Are men better informed drivers than women?-Yes. Men averaged 52 points. Women got average of 49.

(2) Are older drivers better informed than younger drivers?-No. Drivers under 26 averaged 52 points. Drivers from 27 to 45 averaged 51. Driver over 45 failed with 48 points on average.

(3) Does education make a difference?-Yes. College graduates averaged 52 points. High school graduates averaged 50. Those without high school diplomas(文凭) got 48. And people who had taken driver education courses scored an average of 53 points-three more than those who hadn’t.

(4) Does driving experience make a difference?-Yes. Drivers with three or more years’ experience averaged 51 points. Drivers with less experience averaged 49.

Here are some surprising facts brought out by the test:

(1)More than one out of three drivers did not know that a blinking(闪烁) red light means a full stop. (2)Three out of ten drivers did not know that an octagonal (eight-sided) sign means stop.

(3)More than two of three drivers did not know what to do when being “tailgated”(危险地,紧接另一辆驶) The answer: slow down, drive to the right, and let the driver behind pass.

The results of the test were turned over to the National Safety Council. They will help future safety planning.

1.The author’s purpose is to ___________.

A.prove that men are better drivers than women

B.give you safe driving tips(提示)

C.tell you the results of a national drivers test.

D.urge you to get an education.

2.From the information in this article, you could say that _________.

A.older drivers are better informed than younger drivers

B.experience makes difference among drivers

C.most drivers failed the test

D.most people don’t know what a blinking red light means

3.Which of the following as a group was rated “poorly informed” by the judges?


B.High school graduate drivers.

C.Drivers from 27 to 45 years of age.

D.Drivers with 3 or more years’ experience.

4.Which of the following statements is NOT true?

A.Men are better informed than women.

B.Education makes no difference in the pass rate of the drivers.

C.Chicago drivers are the best informed drivers in America.

D.The test results will be used as a guide for future safety planning.








1.推理题,第二段The CBS TV “National Drivers Test” showed that many U.S. drivers have a lot to learn. Here’s why可知选C

2.细节题,由第四个考试结果Does driving experience make a difference?-Yes可知选B

3.细节题,由第三个考试结果High school graduates averaged 50可知选B

4.细节题,由第三个考试结果Does education make a difference?-Yes可知选B



完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)
There is a small shop about 200 meters from where I live that sells groceries, meat and other basic necessities. About 10 yearsa ago, there was a beggar who would go into the shop every day and ask the owner for a   21 . The owner,  22  he would love to help, simply didn’t have any jobs availabe, so he kept   23  the man’s office.
This situation continued   24  for a few months, until the owner   25  to give the homeless man a job which   26  sweeping outside the shop. Every single day form 5 a.m, the homeless man was there doing the very   27  he could for the   28 , making it the community’s favourite, even though it did earn him pennies.  29 , the owner saw how good a job the man was doing and gave him a job working   30  a cashier(收银员). He was watched closely to make sure that he didn’t   31  any of the money received from the sales. He was still homeless, after all. The homeless man did a/an   32  job as a cashier for over 2 years, and did such a good job that he was promoted to   33  the finances for the whole shop.
To my   34 , this was the arrangements up until 2 years ago, when the owner   35 . In his will, he only had one   36 , to give the whole shop to the now stable, “homeless” man. Now, I could walk into that shop and see him working as hard as   37 , with his own business that is still   38  and active 10 years after getting his job as a sweeper.
From this story, we can probably get the inspiration: work hard and give everything your best effort, even if it isn’t your   39  situation, it very well may turn out to   40  some day in the future.

A.SuddenlyB.Fortunately C.QuietlyD.Eventually
A.got tiredB.became oldC.passed awayD.gave up

I sat at my seat waiting for the school paper to be passed around. I waited anxiously, knowing that once I received it I would know how good a writer I really am.
When the paper arrived at my classroom, I nearly knocked down five of my classmates to get to the first paper. With a school paper in my hands, I returned to my seat. About a month earlier, I had handed in one of, what I believed to be, my best stories. I named it Symbol of Success. The head of the English Department at my school, Professor Cullen had said that she would include some reviews of students’ stories in the latest school paper. Professor Cullen was known for her rough criticism. Impressing her was very hard but I wanted to be the first to do so.
I sat at the edge of my seat as I read through the other story reviews. There wasn’t one story that got more than three stars .I became calm and wasn’t anxious to know my review. It was long after that I heard someone shout out “Five stars?! Seriously !” from behind me. I turned around and saw the shocked expression of Gene’s face, “Peter, your story got five stars!” I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. I turned my attention back to my story and saw the five stars at the end of the review that I had not read yet. I looked through the review written by Professor Cullen. She wrote that I had a gift for story writing.
I was proud that I achieved what I thought was impossible .For so long I believed I wasn’t as good as I thought I was and that my talent was not enough to cover up my lack of wring skills .But this review proved that I was truly a good writer and that there was a future ahead of me in the field of fiction writing. The review and the five stars meant the world of me. Those five stars became the symbol of my success.
【小题1】How did the writer get the school paper?

A.His teacher gave it to him first
B.The publisher sent it to him first
C.His friend helped him get the first one.
D.He rushed ahead to get the first one by himself.
【小题2】What can we learn about Professor Cullen?
A.She was very gentle to everyone
B.She seldom praised her students.
C.She was very cold to her students.
D.She was respected by her students.
【小题3】We can learn from this text that Peter_______.
A.had thought his story was better than those of others
B.was always anxious to know the review about him
C.didn’t know he got five stars until others told him
D.looked through a few stories that had got four stars
【小题4】What did Professor Cullen think of Peter’s story?
A.She thought highly of it
B.She thought it was just so-so
C.She thought it was extremely bad
D.She doubted if it was written by him.
【小题5】Why did the review and the five stars mean the world to Peter?
A.Because they helped him learn writing skills
B.Because they made him happy for some time
C.Because they helped him enter a key university
D.Because they made him see his writing talents.

完型填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分, 满分30分)



 There is a small shop about 200 meters from where I live that sells groceries, meat and other basic necessities. About 10 yearsa ago, there was a beggar who would go into the shop every day and ask the owner for a   21  . The owner,  22   he would love to help, simply didn’t have any jobs availabe, so he kept   23   the man’s office.

  This situation continued   24   for a few months, until the owner   25   to give the homeless man a job which   26   sweeping outside the shop. Every single day form 5 a.m, the homeless man was there doing the very   27   he could for the   28  , making it the community’s favourite, even though it did earn him pennies.  29  , the owner saw how good a job the man was doing and gave him a job working   30   a cashier(收银员). He was watched closely to make sure that he didn’t   31   any of the money received from the sales. He was still homeless, after all. The homeless man did a/an   32   job as a cashier for over 2 years, and did such a good job that he was promoted to   33   the finances for the whole shop.

  To my   34  , this was the arrangements up until 2 years ago, when the owner   35  . In his will, he only had one   36  , to give the whole shop to the now stable, “homeless” man. Now, I could walk into that shop and see him working as hard as   37  , with his own business that is still   38   and active 10 years after getting his job as a sweeper.

  From this story, we can probably get the inspiration: work hard and give everything your best effort, even if it isn’t your   39   situation, it very well may turn out to   40   some day in the future.

1. A.coin               B. home             C.job               D.meal

2. A.although           B.unless            C.because               D.if

3.A.expecting           B.considering           C.accepting         D.refusing

4.A.again           B.often             C.weekly            D.daily

5.A.offered         B.agreed            C.planned               D.failed

6. A.meant          B.involved              C.included              D.trained

7.A.best            B.least             C.better            D.less

8. A.family         B.owner             C.interest              D.moment

9. A.Suddenly           B.Fortunately           C.Quietly               D. Eventually

10.A.for                B.with              C.as                D.like

11. A.lose              B.pocket            C.spend             D.save

12.A.honest         B.loyal             C.fantastic             D.kind

13.A.guard          B.raise             C.provide               D.manage

14. A.knowledge     B.mind              C.scare             D.joy

15. A.got tired         B.became old        C.passed away           D.gave up

16.A.thought        B.purpose               C.request               D.suggestion

17. A.ever              B.necessary         C.expected              D.required

18. A.big               B.new               C. shabby               D. popular

19.A.ideal              B.current               C.own               D.financial

20. A.become        B.be                C.happen            D.do



When I first began to work with international students, I asked someone at a lunch, “What brings you here today?” Looking at me like I was a bit crazy, he answered, “ The bus.” That was my first realization that no matter how good a speaker is, there are phrases that will always tend to cause confusion to non-native speakers. These idiomatic phrases(惯用语) add color and interest to any language and are worth learning if you want to talk fluently with native speakers.

“By no stretch”----The speaker is referring to something that’s very hard to achieve or realize, even with great effort, as in “It was not a good meal, by any stretch of the imagination.” Which means that ______________.

“Half dead”----An expression of extreme tiredness, having nothing to do with actual health. Commonly used at the end of a long and tiring day.

“By the book”----This means that an action should follow the rules exactly. It also describes the nature of someone who won’t deviate(背离) from a set of rules no matter what the situation is.

“More power to you”----This isn’t a wish for you to have better electricity from the power company----it’s a statement, usually slightly ironic(讽刺的), that the speaker thinks that you are unlikely to do a task, but you should try if you think you can complete it. It generally means the speaker has no intention of helping you achieve your goal neither will they discourage you from attempting to reach it. For example, “I don’t think you can meet that deadline, but more power to you.”

“As easy as pie”----A reference that something is as simple or easy as eating a delicious dessert, or that it requires little effort to successfully achieve. In chatting, this phrase does not refer to the process of cooking or eating.

1.The example given by the author in the first paragraph is used to show__________.

A.the importance of learning idioms

B.the beauty of the English language

C.the foolishness of the student

D.the cause of the misunderstanding

2.According to the passage, which of the following would be proper to fill in the blank in Paragraph 2?

A.the meal is very delicious

B.it’s very hard to make the meal delicious

C.people make great efforts to make the meal delicious

D.even if people try to believe it, the meal could not be described as good

3.If someone says he is half dead, he means____________.

A.he is in poor health

B.he cannot move

C.he has a sound sleep

D.he is exhausted

4.If a person daren’t do things in a creative way, you may describe him by using “__________”.

A.by no stretch

B.by the book

C.as easy as pie

D.the breaker of rules



.Everybody likes a winner, and there are always people ready to cheer for a good winner. But who has ever heard a song for the man who comes in second? So this is in praise of the almost winner, the nearly champion(冠军), the next to the biggest, the second best. This is the song of Mister Two.

You hear unflattering(不讨好人的)names for Mister Two. “Alsoran”, they call him, and “runner­up”, names that make you think of a fellow who couldn’t quite make it. Don’t let that fool you. Ask the winner of any race how good a man Mister Two is. He will tell you it’s Mister Two who made him run so fast, Mister Two is always threatening to overtake and pass him.

Ask the salesman who won the contest and what kept him looking for extra order. Ask the directors of the big company why they keep changing their product, seeking the new equipment, the added advantage. What drives them? What keeps them going? It’s the salesman with nearly as many orders. It is the company with the product almost as good. It’s Mister Two.

In this country, we’re proud of the quality of our champions. Our big men come very big. Our fast men run very fast. Our wise men are the wisest and our greatest men are the greatest that a country could hope to be blessed with. And why is that? It is Mister Two that makes the race always open and everybody can run. So this is for you, Mister Two. This is your song. This is for all the days you tried for first, and came in second. It’s for the nights when you wonder if you ought to go on trying, since nobody seems to notice.

We notice, Mister Two. We know the score. Winner or not, you’re a natural champion. There couldn’t be a race without you, Mister Two.


1.People usually call Mister Two unflattering names to    him.

A. praise  B. encourage      C. laugh at      D. respect

2.According to the author, Mister Two is mentioned in connection with the following except    .

A. business   B. sports       C. greatness    D. failure

3.It is implied in this story that    .

A. Mister Two is as important as the winner

B. every leader needs someone to help him

C. the second today must be the first tomorrow

D. second place is always praised

4.The person who wins needs to understand that    .

A. winning is everything

B. being Mister Two is wonderful

C. without Mister Two he would do better

D. without strong competition he wouldn’t have worked so hard


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