With a growing number of people in San Francisco choosing not to own a car,German carmaking company BMW has decided to branch out into car-sharing services with 70 cars spread around the city,first in 14 locations,with a further 100 being added gradually.

    “This is not an A-to-A service A-to-B” says Richard Steinberg,chief executive of the DriveNow scheme(方案) ,pointing out that members can pick up a car downtown for the half-hour drive to the airport for only $12,compared with about $40-50 for a taxi.

Whether that is possible in real life depends on traffic,of course. A midmoming drive from Union Square down Highway 101 to the airport takes just 22 minutes; however,driving back during the rush hour takes twice as long.

    Most of the cars that are stuck in San Francisco's traffic jams are giving off all sorts of harmfiil gas. But not DriveNow’ s BMW ActiveE cars.

    “All the cars in San Francisco are electric,” Mr Steinberg says.

     In San Francisco,handing back the car to DriveNow is easy — just pick one of its drop-off points,park and walk away. There are no forms to fill in,no time-consuming(耗时的) rules.

Several other carmakers and other players within the motor industry are experimenting with similar schemes,for example Daimler,s Car2go scheme,which is operated in many cities around the world.

    “We picture a future where car-sharing members outnumber car owners in big cities around the world” says Car2go spokesman Andreas Leo.

    Franck Leveque,from company Frost & Sullivan,agrees. 

    “Car sharing is growing at a pace we have not seen before,” he says. “By 2020 we believe there will be 15 million members of car-sharing schemes in Europe alone,Nyith 140,000 vehicles in operation."

28. What does the underlined part “branch out into” probably mean?

   A. Start offering.        B. Stop improving.

   C. Make use of.          D. Take control of.

29. The DriveNow scheme .

   A. works better in rush-hour traffic

   B. makes city driving less dangerous

   C. encourages people to buy a cheap car

   D. allows drivers to pay money to use a car

30. What' s special about BMW ActiveE cars?

   A. They drive much faster than other cars.

   B. They never get stuck in heavy traffic.

   C. They don't harm the environment.

   D. They need less gas to run.

31. What does Franck think of the future of car sharing?

   A. Worrying.           B. Hopeful.

   C. Uncertain.          D. Disappointing.

    Praise is like frosting(糖衣) on a cake. A little makes it taste better and too much will ruin everything. Kids need your encouragement and love it when you recognize their achievements. Just don't ruin their trust by leading them to believe every little thing they do is worthy of big cheers. When they grow up,they will find that they can't be accepted by society and probably think it is you who are making them so needy of praise.

     Recently,I had the opportunity to observe a family,5-year-old Joshua and his parents,in action. They had arrived at my office about 15 minutes early,and having returned from lunch with a few minutes to spare,I was chatting with my secretary in the waiting room. As I was collecting my things to walk back to my office,I was taken aback by a series of Joshua's mother's comments. The kid was playing with some blocks on the floor,and Mom was giving a running commentary on his progress. “Oh,Joshua,that's such a nice stack (堆) of blocks. You are so smart!” followed by “What a great job. I couldn’ t have built that when I was your age." Then Dad added, “That's my boy”,which nearly caused my secretary to gag(使室息) .After all,the kid was 5 years old,and stacking up a few wooden blocks is not a great achievement. No wonder he was having problems following directions in school — no teacher would be able to give him the amount of attention and praise necessary to keep the child interested.

       What is wrong with praising a child? Actually,it may cause a lot of harm if it is not given properly. Most parents believe that giving praise is like giving children healthy food such as calorie-free chocolate “ the more,the better. But praising children in certain ways may set them up to become praise junkies (成瘾者)一 expecting their parents or others to praise them for almost every act or feeling,rather than developing internal measurement for self-respect and feelings of achievement. Try to give praise only when necessary,no more and no less.

1. In what sense is praise similar to frosting?

   A. Praise is a must for everyone.

   B. Praise will make things work better.

   C. Praise is generally a dangerous thing.

    D.Praise must be given in a proper way.

2.The author heard the comments of Joshua's parents.

   A. on the way to the waiting room

   B. before the lunch break

   C. in the early afternoon

   D. in his own office

3. The underlined words “taken aback” can best be replaced by.

   A. shocked           B. confiised

   C. attracted         D. encouraged

4. The family hoped the author could .

   A. teach Joshua about blocks

   B. help solve Joshua's problems

   C. get in touch with Joshua's teachers

   D. give Joshua more attention and praise

5. What advice does the author give parents?

   A. Not to turn children into praise junkies.

   B. To act as a praise junkie in certain ways.

   C. To give children as little praise as possible.

   D. Not to give children calorie-free chocolate.

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